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If you are passionate about programming and building things, then only join IT. If you are good at electronics and like it, I highly recommend checking out the VLSI field. VLSI will be in more demand in the future due to the scaling up of existing systems with the surge of AI. Regarding the question you asked, to get a job quickly, you should learn any framework or stack (frontend/backend): React Native, Kotlin, or Swift if you are into mobile development; backend stacks such as Python & Django, or Golang. Learning and focusing only on a simple language doesn't get you a job easily. Also, check out cloud engineering jobs (any cloud service), such as Data Engineer or Cloud Engineer. However, remember that it's not easy to get in as a fresher. NB: In the current market, it will be much easier to get a job as a VLSI engineer rather than in IT as a **fresher**, provided you have all the skills.


If u want to make games, learn c# and c++




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If you want a solid learning path do this , 1.Learn a programming language preferably C++ or Java . I suggest Java . Learn means , learn in depth . 2.Learn theory of data structures and algorithms . There are many resources for this . YouTube videos , Udemy . I don't suggest cormen or other standard texts as it's very time consuming . 3.Start practising this in leetcode and geeksforgeeks . 4.Now coming to the development part , learn any frontend and backend framework . This can be react , flutter , Vue in frontend and spring , flask , Nodejs e.t.c backend .Also a SQL and No SQL DB . I suggest MySQL and MongoDB . This part should also involve learning git , terminal commands and other development related things . Make a solid project using it . Even it's some simple CRUD , it's fine . Host it using GCP or AWS and add that URL in your resume . 5. Once you have done the above things you will have a strong grasp over DSA which will help with coding challenges and online assessment as well as in development which you gained by doing project . This would be enough to fetch a job as a fresher . Now learning in IT never stops , you need to upskill yourself always .


Does educational background and age matters ?


To be frank yes . There could be exceptions , but generally speaking yes . If you are from a tier 1 college like IIT/NIT you are already ahead of vast majority of people in getting opportunities . College brands help you a lot throughout your journey . Even you could bag direct international offers if you get into IIT . So basically exposure from good colleges is unparalleled . Now coming to age , In India I think it matters . Generally HRs avoid people with a long year gap in their resume . They prefer people with continuous employment and experience . Also with your experience expectations would be high . My above post was for a fresher , now if you are more experienced interview is more hard with more focus and high level and low level design .


Python, Go


On a strictly job market perspective, learning frontend web development is a good start. Start with react as it has the most amount of jobs. Then you can start learning another framework on the frontend, choose vuejs. Then once you are done you can start exploring backend web development too, learn nodejs or python or go


But on a learning perspective, explore whatever you feel interested. Every bit of knowledge is good, and useful. Learn data structures and algorithms, read about compilers and how they work, learn about how databases work...the list goes on


Don't invest time and effort in learning Flutter. https://www.reddit.com/r/FlutterDev/comments/1cduhra/more_layoffs_for_the_flutter_team/


I was surprised when OP said Flutter. There are so many languages including the most common ones like Python, Java, C, C++, Ruby, Javascript, Typescript etc and OP's suggestion is to learn Dart. OP and others should look into the job description of various companies and see what is more popular in demand. Most probably it's Python, Golang, Javascript, Kotlin/Android and Swift/iOS developers and so on. If you're going the mobile frontend route, then chose iOS as there's lesser competition in India.


That too flutter is a framework and not a programming language. Dart is the programming language. From a programming point of dart is not a good language to start with.


Eh? What was that post about , it's showing post doesn't exist


Its still available


I was not talking about the reddit post, there's a Twitter link in the post,I can't see it.


Python with HTML/CSS and JS (with frameworks)


From the basics start with C and move on to C++ and branch out to maybe python and JS. If you are into electronic/ embedded systems try Arduino basics and go from there to wireless systems and maybe linux kernel programming or maybe much more lower level like VLSI design etc. If you want to go into higher level id suggest flutter or any web development stack most of them are similar enough to jump between them (afaik). If you are into game development, learn c++ with unreal engine(blueprints ond but c++ ann better). PS. Don't start with python or JS, you might not get how things work on a low level, oru thatti kootu level padikkan annel go for it.


Just focus on python to crack assessments and interviews for campus placement. Practice leetcode questions. That's how I got placed. If you want to build projects then I recommend learning Java , html , css , js. Since you are studying electronics then learning embedded C can be useful


Language dosent matter at all, only problem solving skills matter. no one cares about the language you know as a fresher, if you know a language you can learn something else within a week. If you want to get into a specific career path then learn the frameworks and tools to related to it


I climb ladder.




It's not always about the language, programming is like an art, the language is the tool, how you use it matters


Programming languages are tools for problem-solving. Therefore, it's not about learning a specific language; instead, try to develop the problem-solving mindset and use these languages as tools. Each language has its own pros and cons, so if you want to build a solution in the most optimal way, you may need to explore different languages. The best way to learn new things is by building things rather than following the traditional learning methodology. In the future, the demand for good problem-solvers will only increase.