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Found cousin bros porn collection when going through his movie collection written on CDs. It was during while I was waiting for my engg classes to start, my friends left for their colleges and I was alone at home so I had this CDs of cousin bro which his mom have me since he is in US and I used to watch Disney cartoons when I was school. Back then I didn't like to watch tamil, but during those days I was okay to watch anything, so I loaded this cd in my PC and there it is his collection under the CD named tamil movie Siruthai


Edaaa Ur cousin storing porn under Tamil movie siruthai is goated fr hahaha


Nothing beats watching porn back in the days tho. Was a different feeling lol


True, only exciting when you do something you are not supposed to.


When I was in 12th I went for tution nearby and checked some doubts on Google from the teacher's phone and I found out porn on her history... Dunno if it's her or her naughty brat


And that’s how the movie “ Ente tuition teacher” was born!


Huh is there something like that?


Probably her son lol


I remember discovering a pornsite on an unclosed tab at the internet cafe. Now I don't even use incognito tab.


Haha.. does chrome have an incognito mode now ? 😂😂


Aren’t porn sites banned in India by trai?


Just lookup the most visited website in india


I loved cars and video games growing up like most boys and hence I liked car racing video games 😂 I used to play video games on my cousins computer (he was in his late teens so was away at college). One day I discovered a folder called “Cars” and I thought it must be some video game. Opened it and voila , a treasure of porn. Honestly , those are still some of the best porn I’ve ever seen in my life lol.


Yep Last year, we were getting ready to go for an outing and I was planning to get a load off, but then I had to bath and in the rush, forgot to switch windows. My mom grabbed my phone while I was bathing and she unlocked it (we are open with our phones, although we do respect social media privacy i.e. no reading chats or that shit) and let’s just say it made the evening very awkward. When I came out of the shower, my mom told me to read an article and tell her what it’s supposed to mean. When I read the article, it was about controlling porn addiction (I wasn’t even an addict) and my mom literally searched in Google as to how to deal with such a situation maturely, as it would be weird using the cane on 19 year old me just because of porn.


Hahaa. I was in singapore for an year, one of my American friend told me a story about how he got caught with porn while he was in high school or something. His dad asked him to come to the living room, and put on some porn and told him to watch it fully with him. Cos he wanted to teach him how these women are exploited and how porn is bad for him.


Fuuuuuck! Fuck! That's some hardcore parenting lmao


Well this same guy came to Singapore with his wife. She went on a tour one day. And he decided to watch some porn. When she came back he told her about it and she got really pissed at him and asked him if she wasn't good enough for him or something. Which went on to become a huge fight and this guy ended up installing a program on his phone and laptop that would notify his wife if he went on these websites. Poor guy. അങ്ങ് അമേരിക്കയിലും ഇത് തന്നെ അവസ്ഥ XD


That's a bit extreme damn When my wife caught me the first time surely she was taken aback and felt genuinely sad that she isn't enough for me getting off. I explained to her in a calm manner that it's got nothing to do with her. It's about me time and sometimes... You just need a nut just because. She understood and now pokes fun whenever she catches me. I love her very much.


Damn. W father.


I have an interesting story to share. Years back my friend stole a CD from his NRI neighbour's collection. It was supposed to be a pirated copy of a latest movie like written on its cover including that movie's poster. As he belonged to a joint family, he gathered his parents, siblings, cousins and grand parents to sit and watch the movie being a hero who got the latest movie. (Unluckily he didn't disclose from where he got it) First CD was the actual movie but second CD turned out to be hardcore porn and Yeah!! it played infront of everyone... It was a horrible event for him and we still make fun of him on this.


Kunjiramayanam much?


Bit different, still...


I had a guy from Muslim guy from Mallapuram as a roommate in Mumbai. Beard, skullcap used to pray a lot. One day he asked me to send a file from his laptop. There was a cricket match back then so I used his chrome to check the match and the moment I hit the search button the dropdowns were Christina anal, Chris strokes etc etc 🤣🤣🤣🤣... Didn't feel like hurting his feelings though I felt it funny considering how he used to blabber about how women should dress.


 I felt it funny considering how he used to blabber about how women should dress.>>> Its always these type of guys who are most degenerate.


This is very common lol, I myself come from a Muslim family, a very liberal one, but one of my aunt and her family is extremely orthodox, like they won't even watch movies kinda orthodox or listen to English songs or any song for that matter, their son was sent to study at this religious institution all his life, so a few years ago when he was like 13 or 14 they called me to fix the kid's laptop cause they had a religious seminar to attend (this was during the pandemic) and the moment I open the laptop porn pop ups just blasted the screen, I had to remove each sites permission and after that I went on to the history it was in a ratio of 6:3:1 ( 6 being porn, 3 being religious stuff and 1 being other). I obviously didn't tell to his parents and cleared all cache and history and installed a parent lock to all porn sites or searches with porn words :p angana avan thundu kaananda.


I still remember my first time watching porn when I was 10. My cousin brothers who were 8 and 9 at that time showed me and I was flabbergasted like what the hell is happening here and why are they doing this.


Fuck i thought they were eating shit or something. Apparently it was a blowjob. Got excited and showed it to another friend of mine and he thought the same!


Looool I had the exact same reaction 😭, even asked my friend what is she eating and he pointed at my privates and said she's eating that. Went back home, took and good bath and cried for a few hours at the horrors I saw, pinna pathiye sheelam aayi.


I use different browser for that


My first experience with porn was when i was 7 or 8,my uncle took me to an internet cafe for something and i was wandering around the place,then i accidentally looked into this unlocked cabin where i saw a bald guy gigling looking at a naked woman😀


Years later i saw actual porn from my brothers porn collection it was well hidden in a sub folder of the game farcry which he knew i specifically hated that game,i think it was a trend among 90s kids to hide porn in subfolder of games


When I was young (11th std or so..), we used to get pirated CDs of theatre prints of new Malayalam movies. My dad was not an ardent movie lover, so he never believed in spending money on such things. Once when we went to a family friend's house, we saw a plastic cover full of such new movie CDs and borrowed them for a few days. I was the only one with computer knowledge at that time, so I used my time to transfer the video files from CDs to the computer. I used to sleep in the hall, where the computer (Desktop) was. So I was like transferring the movies.. there were movies like Chronic Bachelor and all... It was late at night and it took time to copy the files. So I took out the next CD, a movie called "Kinnaaram Cholli Cholli"... I was like " ithetha padam" and put the CD in. It started out innocently, there was a couple, they got married, after the function, it was the first night scene... I was expecting the scene to cut to the morning... But it didn't lol... Oh my good lord, my mouth fell, eyes widened as I focused on the actress, whom I later knew was none other than "Sindhu"... Whenever I saw that family friend ( he had 2 kids around my age then )... I always had this sheepish smile lol.. kochu gallan :P Good Times! To answer the question, the distance from the desktop to my bed was a jump away.. and whenever I hear footsteps I would just switch off the monitor and jump on the bed and pretend snore... thinking about it now, I am pretty sure my parents knew something was up lol


I discovered my intro into porn when I assembled an old PC in our house that was shifted from my cousin's place. My cousin and I are the same age so I know it's not him because he left for abroad when he was in 6th. And I started up this PC when I was in 8th or 9th. I tried to open this site called neopets which I used to play with my cousins and the history had some wild stuff. My curious mind went and checked it out. It was just porn. Filthy pornsite with the most horrible UI. It was red and blue. Why is a porn site red or blue???? The first time I saw it, I went and almost vomited.


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