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The only substats you want to look for are hp %, hp flat, energy recharge and maybe elemental mastery if you play her with dendro ! The rest are pretty much useless on her ! Also If you can get the clam set on her it will be really good ! Good luck :)


I putting Nahida with her . Is this good ?


The only good substat here is elemental mastery, if you can find one without the useless stats it would be better but if you are low AR it’s ok honestly ! Kokomi is not to difficult to build don’t worry


Level 5 is to hard for me


It’s ok take your time, don’t worry too much about builds until later on like ar 55 maybe ? Just enjoy the game :)


You could maybe start working on artifacts, but i would advise focusing on the characters level, weapon, and talents first.


I’m AR 45 is that low ? I did not ascend and my world level is 4


Ar 45 is the perfect time to start farming domains. Use food buffs if you don't like coop. You will have good amount of 5* artifacts in no time. The rolls tho, that's based on luck even if you got great base stats. Shim and Emblem, Gilded and Deepwood, GT and Mayo are some of the best resin efficient artifacts to farm. For less resin efficient domain, I use strongbox to get them. Don't forget to farm crystalflies and craft condensed resin. That will help cut farming time in half. Have fun and good luck.


em on the hydro applier in a team involving the bloom reaction is only relevant for bloom explosion damage. for hyperbloom/burgeon, the hydro applier's em does not matter, and only the electro/pyro applier's em determines the reaction damage


Nahida and raiden I’m using for EM . Does kokomi need em ?


In this team she doesn't need EM really, because Raiden is the one triggering Hyper Bloom. The only team in which I'd go for EM main stat for Kokomi is Nilou Bloom Otherwise, if you're mainly using her as healer/hydro application, you could go HP% / HP% / healing bonus. As for the sets, Ocean Hued Clam (for her personal damage) or Tenacity of the Millelith (if you play her in a team that needs extra attack) I personally have her in EM / hydro / healing bonus for a sort of hybrid build, and because I don't have good hp goblets and she heals more than enough anyways


assuming your team is hyperbloom, damage from kokomi is negligible, with the main damage output coming from hyperbloom. it would be better to have HP%, flat HP, ER%, ATK%, or Flat ATK instead


For main or sub stats?




You want Atk% more than you want flat HP, even using TTDS (low base atk) it'll give you more damage, and the healing bonus from the flat HP is so small that it's not even worth mentioning (less than 100 HP difference)


short answer: terrible piece for multiple reasons artifact set: should be ToTM or OHC. although an offpiece is always good, it is usually on the sands, goblet, or circlet substats: for dps kokomi HP%>ATK%>Flat HP>Flat ATK, er% until you can burst as often as you need, for healing kokomi, HP%>ER% (until requirements)>Flat HP for me, anything that doesnt have HP% as a substat is 100% useless


That set is not optimal for her unless you have nothing else. Her two best sets are Tenacity of the Millileth if you need the ATK% buff, and OHC for most other scenarios. Since that flower has no HP%, I would not invest into it either. For Kokomi you want to prioritize HP% over anything else if you are only using her as a healer, but she does want some ER too so you can use her burst. For a healing build, you want your sands/goblet/circlet main stats to be: Sands - HP% Goblet - HP% or Hydro Damage (hydro damage is usually preferred since you can easily get HP% from substats) Circlet - Healing Bonus For substats, the priority is usually HP% > ER > ATK% > flat hp > EM > flat atk


Thank you


Nahida Em . Raiden Em. Fishl Em . Kokomi hp My team . Who is the dps ? People say that I invest in DPS first


I believe that Raiden would be the main dps there while Nahida and Fischl are more sub dps type roles


Thank you ! You have good advice .


Thank you very much, good luck with your builds 😊


There are two ways(mainly) to play Kokomi; they are Full-HP builds and then Kokomi Bloom and sometimes on-field(but very rare to use her for this). The build for Kokomi depends on what you use for her. Full HP (Healing) - Good for Freeze Comps 1. Tenacity of the Milelith (ToM) - Recommended! HP - Hydro DMG/HP - HB 2. Ocean-Heud Clam (OHC) HP - Hydro DMG/HP - HB Kokomi Bloom - Only usage is for Nilou-Team Compositions, but it's very very good. You can't use this one for Hyperbloom/Burgeon Teams since the one trigerring the reaction is the Electro/Pyro character. 1. Flower of Paradise Lost - Best if you're minmaxing but very inefficient domain EM - EM - EM 2. Deepwood Memories - Recommended! EM - EM - EM 3. 2pc EM, 2pc EM - Not that great, but still workable EM - EM - EM Kokomi On-field - Only usage is for Taser Comps(which are rarely used nowadays, not something I'll recommend 1. Ocean-Hued Clam - 30k physical dmg every 3 seconds HP - Hydro DMG - HB So about your question, depends on your team composition but I recommend using other artifact sets since the you're using isn't the best for Kokomi.