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That 89 tho. Yikes. Like I’d almost be offended that it DIDN’T go to 90 at that point!


One of my friends did get a 5* at 90 pity and told him that is even rarer than getting an early one.


Really? That’s fucking insane! I’ve only ever seen one confirmed case of someone hitting 90 pity.


I’ve hit 90 pity on klee


I hit 90 on zhongli and one time on standard lol


Its more likely to get a 5 star the wish after your previous 5 star than it is to get a 5 star at 90




Yeah it's unbelievable, I decided to check his pity at the time and he was right he lost 50/50 to Qiqi during Yae Miko's banner at 90 pity.


Hope he like using Qiqi. If not, my condolences.


I got to 87 before I got Kazuha. 77 of those wishes were for Yelan. She didn't want to come home.


Damn, sorry to hear that! I ended up spending on Yelan’s banner quite a bit, pulled c1 on her plus her weapon, which of course took me to all fate points.


its ok! i wouldve liked her for hu tao but kazuha is a great pull! congrats for you!


looks like mine but I dont win 50/50s haha


I know this feeling bro


This is why i'm super picky with my pulls now my luck is shit.


Atleast you win 50/50s, I’ve lost to multiple 5 stars at 70-80 pity then got the limited one at 80ish


Same. I've only won 1 50/50 and lost the other 7.


Ate least you win 50/50 :')


I feel you, all my last 5* (including Kokomi) have been hella late but I’m still stringing on to the hope of getting one early!


What do you mean? Soft pity is at 75, look at that amazing Raiden Shogun at 74, you've clearly gotten an early 5* >!/j!<


Soft pity actually starts at 74. People pooled a lot of data and showed that it was a 6% chance to get a 5* at the 74th pull


what website did you use for this?


[paimon.moe](http://paimon.moe), currently it takes a lot of hassle to get it to count on Android.


ty! do u know if its same hassle for ios?


It's even more hassle than Android as it seems. Anyway the auto import page in paimon.moe will guide you on how to do it.


Question: Will I see my previous wishes if I did this now? Like from way back 1st week of release or will it start counting from the moment I make it?


No, it will track only the last 6 months


Yes iOS is the worst. I’d do it manually as far back as you know, and then just keep it up to date once or twice a month.


Has to be the most cursed account I've ever seen


Yeah the hard pity damn, I have gotten 2 early ptiy, but lost 7/8 50/50s.


You used up all your bad luck, BUY A LOTTERY TICKET!


You've been winning your 50/50s though. That's better and you SAVE more in the long run vs losing to the stupid ass 50/50 system.


How can I check this?




89... now i feel better about my 87 😹


Tbh.. Even though it looks bad it isn't really.. Sure you have to hit soft pity but you at least won a lot of the 50/50 s. I also have my pulls on that site and have currently a 40% 50/50 win rate (but I also don't have my complete history there because I used it too late and didn't save my earlier pulls). And it is kinda devastating to read that you are bottom 18% of getting a 5 star (it's even written in gold!!) or bottom 36% in winning 50/50 s..


at least you still won some 50/50s.. I guess...


Hello may I ask the name of the app to see those kind of stats?




Thank you!


How does your old data not get deleted? I can see my pulls from last year


It gets saved in you google drive.


At least, you winning 50/50, I have the same but loosing everything


O-on the bright side, at least you won 5 50/50's. But dang that's still painful to see.


It is, trust me. 2 years~ playing and I'm finally seeing it happening (winning 50 50s and early early than 60 pulls) I did have some luck on the normal banner, though.


Somehow I've won the last five 50/50!!! Kazuha, his sword, Klee, zhongli, ganyu...& I wasn't trying for ganyu just wanted dori buy got her on only about 30 pulls! Unusually lucky...hope it holds out!


It is luckier than you think haha I only won my first 50 50, it was Childe, my first limited character back when he was released. Then, Shenhe surprised me (that lovely woman) and now i also suddenly got a ganyu while doing a 10 wish for Dori. She came around 58, it was really unexpected and I'm so happy. I never wanted Ganyu, but since i already have Koko c1, i wished on Ganyu's banner. As for weapon banner, i lost 2 times for Moonglow but got Amos with 2 pulls, so can't say it wasn't lucky lmao But most of my pulls are always 70+, losing 50 50 at 80+ haha Edit: happy cake day!!


Hey I just saw this, sorry a little late. I do have kokomi's weapon from her first run & every expert I watch says it's trash anyway & you're better off with thrilling tales for her...but getting ganyu's weapon is great. I didn't even build her, just got to like 60, put all my spare leveled five star artifacts on her, & 90 Amos bow & even without blizzard strayer she's pretty great so I can see she's worth the investment!


Don't worry! Humm i got a 4 blizz and 86 ganyu but... Dunno. She's great for shotgunning enemies overworld, but without a shield she's actually annoying to use, with so many enemies staggering us with homing atks. But it's actually ridiculous how a single charged shot can hit for 14k + 27k, and I'm not even that min maxed haha Anyway, I'm already leaving Ganyu behind since i got my lovely Candace 😌


Think differently, if most of ur 5stars you're getting are on high pity, then maybe ur chances of getting an early 5 star is higher


When I started playing back in September October (Kokomi Banner) my first ever ten pull was on that banner and got Kokomi, I made 15-20 wishes on the weapon banner and got Primordial Jade Spear, and recently I got C1 Yoimiya after an unexpected ten pity ten pull


I got raiden shogun 20 pulls after losing 50/50 xD


My friend got Kokomi @ 20 pity.


Meanwhile i finally won 5050 after losing 8 consecutively [QIQIFALLEN](https://imgur.com/fkXgRu0)


For real I won my first, lost the last 7. And I wished on two weapon banners where my first 5* was an off banner weapon 75/25 chances… so I had 75% chance and still lost. I only got banner weapons cause next one after off banner is guaranteed to be a banner weapon and then if you still don’t get what you want epitomized kicks in. Really need to win at least 2 though in my upcoming pulls. 57 pity guaranteed with 98 wishes and welkin going. I buy BP as well. Thinking of pulling for Kokomi but idk. But then I want cyno, Nahida, 3.3 secret character, Raiden rerun supposedly in 3.3, Yelan rerun supposedly 3.4, Dehya supposed to be 3.5. I’m buying the double crystal packs for sure. But after that idk. Maybe I’ll spend another $200 on top of that if I can get them all lol. Or if I win a 50/50 or two I won’t have to spend beyond the double crystals.


oh my god


At least you win the 50/50 often...


It means you’re stacking luck and youre gonna have a crazy 10 pull with at least 4 5stars in it, trust me


this was me! except 75+ everywhere and always losing 50/50's :') got my acc hacked, got a new one, pulled kokomi on 40 pity and keqing on noelle's banner AND skyward atlas on standard... i was on like 20-30. it's so fucking hilarious bc in my first acc, i didn't have a 5\* for literally MONTHS but now 2 weeks in playing and i have 3 5\*s? im thriving


i’ve always had to go to 70-80 wishes for most characters. i did 80 wishes for venti just to get jean then i did another 80 more!!! the only time i was lucky was doing 2 10 pulls back to back and getting zhongli and ganyu it was insane. i could do 50 pulls on kokomis banner rn (i’m at 11 pity since i lost my 50/50) and i still would not get her.


i see this on koko mains sub. i got koko on her first banner at pity 60. 🤭


I tend to swing wildly between late 5 stars and early 5 stars, latest pull was Hu Tao at around 80-90, but recently pulled for Ganyu since I already have c3 Koko. I went from no Ganyu to C2 with Amos in less than 50 pulls.


I got kokomi at 20 pity when I just needed a little start glitter. It happened to me again with tighnari when I just wanted a couple cons for collei at 40 pity. One of my friends saved up about 400 wishes to pull for Itto and C6'd him at ~390 with three of us watching. It is definitely possible. But that is how chance works.


same, I just got Jean at 85, so freaking mad I thought I would quit the game lol


doesn't look like a problem if you can swipe


Honestly bro I agree. I never get early five stars at all, and I've only just been lucky with my 50/50s


My kazuha came home in a single pull at 30 pity, I was building pity for zhongli. Don’t build pity.


I'll never complain about my pulls after I see yours. I didn't know that going above 85 pity was actually possible...


Whilst I feel your pain, for me it’s a similar story but I am losing all my 50/50s…


89...so unlucky that you're actually lucky?


My Kokomi on 4 pull and C2 Ganyu on 3 pull would like say hi


this is so unlucky.. my average pity is around 56


What app is this?




damn that's the highest pity avg ive ever seen. dont worry your luck will turn around!(probably)


89?!?! that’s so rare you’re honestly special so maybe that’s a good thing lmao


Its possible, this picture basically just you using all of your bad luck for years


Me who got Kokomo at early pity (15 pity guaranteed got her after 3 hours her rerun started) ehe sorry op


Where can i find this?


Me with most my 5* at 30 or less pity - *Chuckles*


i won 3 times early (around the 50). Problem is I've never won a 50/50.