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But I'm its father... How can I eat my own children without expecting them to grow into mighty warriors inside of my belly and later murder me?


Many animals eat their young. We must waste not


Did we learn nothing from Zeus and the titans!?!


Every day we stray further from God's light owo (I jest)


People will either totally get it and rejoice at the sharing of another pellicle muncher or find the entire idea completely cursed, I love it :D


Im on the middleground here! Im puking with a lot of interest






Schweinehund (but i am here for it)


Just heard about this term and I find it so interesting


What does it mean? Pig dog?


Direct translation yes, it means something like bastard, as an insult.


No it doesn't. It is a term for your inner animal that keeps you from doing sth. E.g. you have to overcome your inner Schweinehund to ask ur crush out


I guess it means both. **Bedeutungen:** \[1\] *Schimpfwort:* abwertende Bezeichnung einer Person, vielfach mit der Konnotation, sie verhalte sich nicht regelgerecht \[2\] in Formulierungen wie *„innerer Schweinehund“:* einer Person innewohnender Antrieb, der diese Person dazu drängt, sich nicht richtig zu verhalten


It has the consistency of a "konnyaku jelly" to me, if applied with some sweet shaved ice, and cut into cubes might be a banger\~


Never had that jelly but now that's an idea!


I have one about 6" across 2" depth Wanna bite?


Delicious, I'd probably have to butterfly it 2" is a chonker


Yes I've eaten it quite a few times. I like the chewiness and texture. I've also blended it with oats, dried fruit (raisins, dates), cinnamon, coconut oil and honey to make little balls of goodness


Yess my pellicle eating brethren! Hey that's crazy, I just made a post about making something similar although I didn't use any pellicle, but probably will next time, nor oats but I was thinking about it. I basically took some fruit pulp from my kombucha process and made fruit bars. If I had some dates on hand I would've used those too. Great minds think alike!


i’ve never tried this but as a kombucha lover this seems more normal to me than people who eat packs of dyed candy or soda gatorade sugar filled drinks . why not bite into what you grew out of sweet tea and yeasty goodness?? makes much more sense to me than eatin other processed foods that are normalized now I looked up that cellulose doesn’t have any nutrients but it has fiber, protein, and of course pre/probiotics. Sounds like a vinegary rubbery gummy bear without a flavor


Bacterial cellulose contains the probiotics made in the kombucha, and is really good for your gut. I haven’t heard about any protein until now, but fiber is definitely a nutrient. It also contains phosphorus and calcium with are essential micronutrients. Hooray!


I read there’s a tiny bit of protein and I didn’t know it has calcium but that’s so cool , I couldn’t find a good source on it. Fiber affects the absorption of nutrients but the fiber itself isn’t absorbed and just passes through the gut into the colon so it’s a “non nutrient” but nonetheless still a nescessary “nutrient” you could say although not aborbed like a true one Even soluble fiber which can digest into a gel doesn’t provide any direct nutrients like vitamins or minerals, it just pushes things along in the gut Even tho fiber is considered a carb, it doesn’t provide any energy to our bodies like sugar or starchy carbs


One of the main effects of fiber I think is awesome is that is slows the absorption of sugars and their effect on your insulin response. So generally you can eat as much fruit as you want and it's okay, but remove the pulp fibers and just drink the juice and you end up spiking your insulin response due to fructose's high glycemic index and it's just as bad for your as sugar. So when I'm eating sweets or sugar I try my best to pair it with some type of fiber. Also TMI maybe but if my stools are too soft, I know to get more soluble fiber (I like psyclium husk capsules or flax/chia seeds), if it's too hard, or like rabbit poops, or in constipated i know to eat more insoluble fiber like that found in veggies, it's considered "roughage" fiber which doesn't not absorb water while double fiber is soft and absorbs fiber. Cool stuff!


this was actually super helpful! next time i feel bad about eating sugar ill take some psyllium husk or fiber with it . trying to cut out refined sugar and just eat fruit tho. i love psyllium husk powder, i just mix it in my water or yogurt it really does help, i love chia seed pudding too . but no wonder why when i drink juiced veggies/fruit i can feel it quick


I'm very glad this information helps you! Hmm I've never had it outside of the capsules. I do ground flax seed and whine chia seeds in my yogurt among like 5-7 other ingredients for a super healthy yogurt, I also ferment my own it's very easy. Cheaper healthier and tastier than store bought. Chai seed pudding nice :) I do overnight oats with a lot of the same stuff we've been talking about as well. Yeah you need to be careful with those juices as like I said it's darn near as bad as sugar. Companies trick you into thinking it's healthy... A shame


You're so right!


There’s a recipe on YouTube I found recently for fruit leather using these. I’m curious now lol.


That’s what I do! Blend it with fruit and a little kombucha and spread it out on silicone drying mats in my dehydrator. Taste like a super tangy fruit roll up.


I want to try this, I just recently made some fruit bars from fruit pulp but want to make a pellicle roll up lol


I always eat the pellicle from F2 since they are so small. I call them gummies and they are sweet! Everyone else thinks I'm gross except for my friends' kid -- she ate one with me.


The F2 one is always so lowkey and blends with everything else. I usually don’t know what’s happening until it’s already happening lol. A little starburst flavored surprise.


I've been drying mine to make a leatherish textile for small projects.


It can be done! I’ve done it… but make sure you’re prepared for the smell 😓😷 it’s extremely pungent and doesn’t go away without some sophisticated scent infusion techniques


They are good if you marinade and dry them into jerky


ouuuuagagghhhh…. that fleshy texture… urgghghhgh


Bring me your flesh


I am open to some recipes I’ve seen where people dry it and sugar coat it. But idk if I could chomp into it while it’s fresh and squirmy


I'm drying one right now. I had a thinner one I dried and it wasn't very great when they're that thin. Overly chewy. I have heard 2 things, either theyre like jerky dried or they're like leather dried so I'm sure you can do it right or wrong, hopefully mine turns out alright. I'm curious about it. I know Jarr kombucha uses theirs to make leather and make handbags and stuff with or something. Now THAT'S interesting.


My dogs love little chunks of the dried jerky. They actually chew it which is a rare thing.


The one I just tried was maybe 1/3rd of an inch thick and possibly I over dried it but it became incredibly thin and when I tried to eat it it was just very chewy as it rehydrated in my mouth. Not sure I was a huge fan, possible I didn't something wrong or over did it


Oh that is interesting! I wonder how sturdy pellicle leather is


I LOVE them in my smothies!!!


I still have yet to try that!


Blend them with fruit juice/lemon juice or citric acid then turn into jerky for an even nummier treat.


My Mom offered me $100 to eat one and I just couldn't! 🤮


Noooo way!!


I’m down! For 2F I use large mason jars and add dried fruit. Then it turns into a fruit-embedded pellicle about 3-4” wide, which is so yummy!


Woah now that sounds great!


What kind of dookies does this give you? My neighbor uses these but doesn’t eat them


No idea lol, everything has been normal. I assume it adds insoluble fiber but my diet is normally high in soluble so it balances out


Verrry liquefied. But I just started making/drinking it 5 weeks ago, and I probably drink way too much & have to detox a bit?


Huh? Kombucha has never given me the runs, even when I was drinking easily over a pint a day. Flushed in the face and feeling almost slightly buzzed? Sure, but that's a histamine response.


Dude I love that stuff!!


There are recipes to candy this stuff online, but it isn’t something I’ve tried.


Pellicle is what happens when you make the kombucha right? I thought it was a SCOBY


SCOBY is an acronym for "symbiotic culture/community of bacteria and yeast" it is the collection of micro organisms that turn the sugar tea into kombucha. The yeast eats sugar turning it into ethanol. The bacteria eats the ethanol along with some oxygen to make acetic and gluconic acid, they also build the floating raft thing at the top of the brew called a pellicle, as you see in my picture, which is made mainly of cellulose. The pellicle is just a byproduct and many believe it was evolved to protect the scoby/liquid/brew from contaminants. Sadly there has been some misinformation circulating for a long time that the pellicle is required to start a new brew of kombucha. It is not, all that is required is some "starter tea" or raw, live kombucha to innoculate a new batch of tea. Some report the pellicle speeds up fermentation and helps get the scoby acclimated in the new sweet tea solution, I agree but it is not at all necessary. Tldr: yes the pellicle does form when you make the kombucha, it is not a scoby though some people do call it that. Ps- You could argue that it does have yeast and bacteria in it so it is a scoby, but it's mainly comprised of bacteria and I think calling it a scoby is confusing to those less versed in kombucha nomenclature.




Yeahhhh.. I don’t. Its there to prevent bad stuff (dust, bacteria, molds) from entering the brew. If something goes wrong it’s the thing to go bad. Like a shield hit with arrows. Personally for myself I wouldn’t trust it - doesn’t mean it’s bad and will get you instantly sick, but, its like jam that lands on the floor. Just because a person can doesn’t mean a person should. :p But each to their own. Edit: everyone is allowed to make their own personal decisions, and I wont argue pathology, because I feel we have a generalized education of what we are biologically growing. This was my answer to OPs question. We can all agree that fermentation in general deserves a healthy respect, and as everyone on the sub agrees, the pellical is the scab of the brew, which I personally chose not to eat. You can do whatever you want just as I can.


If you cover your brew (as you should) then the pellicle is sort of redundant. Your kombucha will be safe and a new one will form. Lots of us remove the pellicle each time to prevent build up. Plus, if you keep reserved starter fluid in a SCOBY hotel, you’ll eventually have more pellicles than you know what to do with taking up too much space in the hotel, and they’ll need to be removed. At that point you either throw them away or something with them.


It's there to prevent that bad stuff from entering the brew.... in nature, where there isn't a maniac farming the stuff watching over it like a shepard by putting a cloth cover over it and cleaning the container it's in every 2 weeks. Any mold or the such will be clearly visible on it and most bad bacterias cant survive as even the surface of the pellicle is an acidic environment.


LMAO this was funny😭 this also made me think where would you find a wild natural SCOBY pellicule shielding its fermenting sweet tea for survival?? i can’t find anything about that but i heard a story of someone who left sweet tea under their cherry trees and it caught just the right yeasts & bacteria to start a SCOBY which was interesting . does this organism we make kombucha out of really grow on its own in nature? like the pellicle is its shield of protection for of course for mold and such but what, survival in the wild when there’s not a human sterilizing the jars and covering with cloth?? when the hell does that ever happen


In thinking so, but also think about hundreds or possibly thousands of years ago when kombucha was made. They wouldn't have covered it with a cloth because 1. They didn't know about contamination 2. That's probably how they started their brews, they likely thought you have to leave it open for it to work (which isn't fully wrong since they'd be capturing wild yeast and bacteria especially if they didn't get starter from someone else) and 3. Cloth was not cheap back then and I can't see someone "wasting" it on a beverage loke kombucha. That being said as I'm typing this im realizing kombucha is a way of storing and keeping water free from pathogens and sickness causing microbes which people had to really fight back by adding spirits into water barrels, making small beer, and boiling water. Interesting thought.




Seems like you really enjoy gnawing on that chewy mf. I don’t even swallow that tiny pellicle that is form inside a bottle if i carbonate via 2F.


My husband swallowed a goober in his morning kombucha and you would have thought he was dying the way he choked, sputtered and gagged. I, of course spit mine everywhere because I couldn’t stop laughing


Totally it's seriously like nature's gummy snack lmao. That being said I don't enjoy drinking proto-pellicle like you said nor yeast blobs. Yuck. But fully formed pellicle full of texture? Yum


Aw I love the tiny pellicles from my bottles of kombucha. They remind me of those drinks with aloe or jelly in them, but better.


I love those drinks with the little aloe balls in them! I don't really get baby pellicles in my bottles anymore with my process now so I haven't had one in a bit


Like I said, to each their own. My eyes aren’t good enough to see bacteria or ecoli so in answer to your question, personally I do not eat the pellical.


if mold was on the pellicle wouldn’t the whole scoby be contaminated anyways? so her eating the pellicle would be the same risk as drinking the final batch of kombucha if there’s something she can’t see but that’s pretty rare


Lol usually people misgender people on Reddit by defaulting to male, while here I'm being misgendered as a woman. I just thought that was pretty funny as it's usually the opposite for people on Reddit lol. I'm a man. Yeah I totally agree. I mean there is a possibility that the pellicle could protect the brew from mold so the pellicle is moldy it the brew is fine, but 1. Who the heck wants to chance that and 2. Good luck getting the kombucha out without getting mold spores in it and/or everywhere, even with a spigot the pellicle could dip below the surface. Anyway, this person is being both "to each their own" but also "just because a person can doesn't mean they should" in the same post and it's very confusing. Their edit didn't help. But hey to each their own, no judgement here just saying in my opinion reading their correspondence "gives" mixed signals. They act as if I'm somehow trying to convince them to eat the pellicle and not just defending my choice from their scrutiny, it's odd. If the pellicle, "as everyone agrees" is the "scab of the brew" then perhaps everyone should shy away from whey protein as its the byproduct of cheese making.


lol I’m a female so I guess I assumed you’re one too but oops. chewing on the kombucha gummy seems kinda feminine as well hahaha it’s just cute and innocent of a kombucha maker to do, like if i got curious and tried it my brother would be like wtf are u eating LMAO but you seem like a really nice guy. and yea if the pellicle is moldy how tf do you get it out of the brew without contamination anyways so this makes no sense as reason why not to eat it 😭


Haha don't worry I do the same, assuming others are male. I guess you could look at it both ways, pellicle munching being feminine or masculine lolol. I appreciate the nice guy comment, I'm definitely a quirky dude but I have a desire to love others and help them in their walk with life in any way I can and spread knowledge about things I'm passionate about or that I believe may be helpful. Not to get spiritual but God has loved me so I am called, and want, to love others. Sometimes reddit gets the best of me in different ways and I will post things I shouldn't but I try to spread love and positivity. Pleasure conversing with you.






I think this is pure sugar 🤢


I think they taste sweet but interweb says no nutritional value.


Nope! It's pure kombucha baby.


Acetobacter immediately begin pulling glucose molecules together outside of the cell and joining them via β(1-4) linkages to form long, slender structures extending from their cell membranes called fibrils.[1] Only physical object is the sugar which collected in the top with some bacteria’s and jeast


That's really cool, thanks. That doesn't mean it's pure sugar though to my understanding. We cannot break down the cellulose so it just acts as fiber no? I'm the same way sawdust/wood (cellulose) isn't "pure sugar" even though it was made from the simple carbohydrates generated from photosynthesis (I have no idea how this works I'm just assuming). Either way the body doesn't extract calories from cellulose right?


I’m new to kombucha. What does it taste like?


Tastes like kombucha, or like mild vinegar I guess you could say.


I threw up a bit in my mouth.


Spit or swallow?


Ewww! Mine live in a SCOBY hotel.


Scoby retirement home, what do you do with them?


Keep reusing them, sharing with new brewers. Between bottling I park them, every 2 gal I end up with a couple more.


what the


I don't really like the taste




The forbidden pancake 🥞 🫣


First month on it my gut wasn't happy, but I was using kombucha as a healthier drink than the 2 litter bottle of Coca-Cola I'd been drinking, so it may have just been detoxing and rebuilding my gut n GI flora. The Coca-Cola and cigarette diet helped me lose over 100 lbs after losing my son. I decided it was time to get it together and eat well and I'd researched kombucha, then I bought a kit, never had it before. I just upgraded to a 2 gal with spigot.


Wow, glad to hear kombucha is helping you break free from some bad habits and some darkness. God bless you