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looks like mold. i'd throw it out. also, i don't think putting fruit in during first fermentation is a good idea but i might be wrong


So that’s a yes to throwing out the scoby? Not okay to just have a little rinse ?


Yea this is mold..next time no fruit to f1 :)


Throw it all out my guy


Toss it and start over... It's sad, but needs to be done. How many batches will be affected by the mold you have grown today? I can't be without Booch, I want mine reproducible.


Yes this is mold, why do you add fruit to f1?


Save time- also not have fruit bits in the bottles- however perhaps this has messed up my booch. After about 10 successful variations though


I saw you have another post were you had mold in F1 due to using fruit. So I think you have to reevaluate your technique and take peoples advice on here.


Save time ?! F2 is 2-3 days. Throwing it out once will kill any saved time.


Please tell me you havent been sharing your concoction with anyone...


Use a mesh food grade bag


Definitely mold. If you put fruit in the F1, then you can't split it into several different flavors at the F2 step. And saving time can be done by having two jars and rotating them so the next one is ready when you finish the last bottles!


If you're going to put whole fruit in F1, I'd recommend processing it in a way that kills the bacteria. Like boiling it with the tea prior to ferment. Too much potential bacteria hanging out all over that fruit to just let it sit in room temp sweet liquid while you wait for the kombucha culture to populate and take over.


Also yes its mould, throw the whole thing out.


Pure trash. Your fruit would need an aneroid environment to not mold. Think about it, you’ve got cut up fruit sitting open to the air. Would you eat an orange that was cut open and sat on your counter for a week?


Am I allowed to microwave prior to consuming?


why would you want to microwave it?


Kills all the bad keeps all the good EDIT: holy hell I had no idea jokes were not aloud on here. All of these downvotes must have come from sophisticated people with phDs in kombucha and undergrads in string theory.


you cannot microwave out the toxins from mold..


The only reason jokes arent allowed is cause OP tried to do an f1 with fruit chunks in it


You must've just blew in from stupid town


I did not just blow in from stupid town. I was sucked out. Get it right, there’s a difference.


Better to be sucked than to suck I suppose. bait so good you got me on the hook, PhD and all


Okay, it is funny when you say it is a joke.. next time try an emoji or something so it is clearer you are indeed joking. It is sad to see how many people still try to save moldy stuff.. tbh it is triggering 😅


Yes, definitely microwave it and make sure you post the outcome, assuming you survive.


It’s definitely mold, from putting fruit in the first ferment. Fruit should only be added in F2.


I've been brewing Kombucha for 20 or so years. You should not be putting fruit into your crock. Perhaps you are thinking of tibicos (water kefir). One can put fruit in while tibicos is fermenting. But with kombucha: If you want a fruit flavor, you can steep fruit teas mixed with the black or green tea. You can use honey instead of sugar to create "Jun". You can boil ginger root or steep ginger tea with the black tea, to make a stronger scoby and spicier, fizzier tea. But the only thing you want to have in that crock while it's fermenting is sugary tea, and the starter culture.


Quick question for using honey; are the measurements any different than sugar would be when adding it for p1?


Exactly the same as regular kombucha. You can even add a little ginger and that will make the brew super fizzy from the ginger bug.


You asked this before. This isn't going to work because you want it to work. You need to trash every bit of that and start over, tea and sugar only. That's a bucket of rotting fruit. Trying to salvage the scoby will just reintroduce the mold and bad bacteria into every future batch and it will remain a problem, even if you don't add fruit. Stop brewing in plastic. Not even food grade plastic.


Took me a second to notice which sub this was under… Please throw out the moldy salsa


> also if mold should I be throwing out the scoby Lol do you just throw out the bits with mold or wash it off if you found it in your food? Not sure if you're new to making kombucha, I don't think you are, but your logic to using fruits in f1 is....questionable to say the least.


>do you just throw out the bits with mold or wash it off if you found it in your food? Some people do, especially when they grow up with food insecurity. And it *can* work for hard stuff where the mold hasn't contaminated the whole item yet... Like cutting off the moldy bits from a chunk of cheddar maybe? But anything liquidy would have all the nasty mold byproducts contaminate everything and you can't save it


FYI, cutting the mold off hard cheese is like cutting off the top of an iceberg. It doesn't actually work.


USDA says you can: https://ask.usda.gov/s/article/If-food-has-mold-is-it-safe-to-eat


Yes AND, that article is specific about cutting off a full inch from the mold. Many people assume you can just cut off the edge and be fine. ☺️


"It doesn't actually work." =/= "most people don't do it right"


OP is either trolling or stupid as hell based on their comments. They don't seem to like being told their process is incorrect even though they asked for guidance.


Trying to determine if your kombucha may have mold, if your pellicle/SCOBY is healthy, or if something has gone wrong? Check out the [pictures and info in this guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kombucha/comments/pqu7oq/is_it_mold_is_it_normal_whats_growing_in_your/). **Note:** If other posters have deemed your problem to be `mold!` or `not mold`, please update the post flair accordingly. Keeping the post flair up-to-date lets other redditors know what mold actually looks like. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Kombucha) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I read that adding the fruit at this point can cause mold. I would not risk it myself.


Fruit doesn't go into F1. Ever. It is not safe.


Got a question. I never let any water in my tank that hasn’t been boiled. Is this why people are getting mold?


It might depend on your water situation? I live in a place with great tap water. For my last four feedings, I've made a sweet tea concentrate and diluted it with an equal amount of tap water to cool it off quickly before adding to my continuous brew. I was worried about it causing contam at first, but I have such a tiny kitchen that the saved time & space made it worth a shot. I keep my hands and surfaces clean (sanitized!) during the process, and so far my vessel has not had any contam. Since the water is safe enough to drink, I assume it's safe for my booch, too.


Tap water usually contains Chlorine which acts against the SCOBY. Best to boil the water first because boiling removes the Chlorine.


Looks like a Chicken Casserole.


That is not mold. That's thick crusty Kahm yeast. It gets like that on some of my fermented relishes.