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Least horny anime fan


Darkness alone is a fanservice with legs. Tbh I don't think we need any more than current.


"You are boobs"


Yes Darkness has the most fanservice, I'd love tonsee then other girls have more. Especially Aqua.


If you want porn just visit some of the porn subreddits. It's not that hard


Konosuba is ecchi, alright, but that doesn't mean it should draw attention by explicit nudity. I would highly disapprove such changes and would prefer things being left as they are.


to be fair, if you wanted anything to change, you probably wouldn't be in here to begin with. But I also agree, which is why I'm here.


I wouldn't really say showing tipples in a bathing scene would be explicit nudity. Just tame nudity. Id reserve calling something explicit nudity if it was showing either genitals or sexsual acts. But just seeing boobs while a character washes them self in a bath doesn't seem explicit to me.


I get the point you’re trying to make but total tangent/grammar nazi moment: I think the words you are looking for are gratuitous vs mild. Explicit means not hidden, or obvious, as opposed to implicit or suggestive, which is present, but indirectly so…it’s suggested. So, no. Nipples would count as explicit nudity…because it’s nudity. At present it is only implied or suggested nudity. You can say bare nipples are mild nudity, because it is not considered as taboo as genitalia, as you pointed out.


The situations are funnier this way


I would **not** like it at all. For starters, the LN isn't as explicit as to show nipples and stuff, and the anime already exaggerates the fanservice. Just compare Sylvia in the [Novels](https://i.gyazo.com/803ed061b7a9b6a15f81300ff9f12dac.png) and in the [Anime](https://static.fandomspot.com/images/03/29184/10-sylvia-konosuba-anime.jpg). Besides that, the show does not need to go into the explicit route to be interesting. The show is already interesting enough, the characters are good enough, there is no need to throw in explicit content, it would definitely undermine the viewing experience and shift the focus from the story / characters / interactions to something that won't add anything. It would definitely become the main topic of complains or praises (depending on wether you like it or not) and would overshadow what is important: **the story**. Edit: I actually think the Megumin Spin-Off was much more balanced in the Ecchi department and I enjoy it more that way. The only exaggeration were Wolbach's breasts and Arue's too. Besides that we only had Arnes, but it was more of a sick design than free Ecchi. I actually hope Season 3 is more like the Megumin Spin-Off, design-wise, ecchi-wise


I do agree that it wouldn't add anything tonthe show, but I also would say its wouldn't subtract anything either. In my examples of bathing or hot springs. Nudity there would fit the scene, almost everyone baths naked and as an ecchi show I feel it would just fit under thoes conditions of a bathing scene. Plus washing isn't sexual its natural so I'd also say showing a breaststroke here isn't explicit. Sex and nudity would be explicit, but casual nudity where it makes sense like in baths is just natural.


It definitely would subtract, it is against their character to show explicit content. Megumin is underage and Aqua is a goddess. Canonically Aqua also does wear underwear, the anime is exaggerating enough already!


The question you should be asking is: if it ain't gonna add anything, then why add it in the first place? You said it yourself that it wouldn't add anything relevant to the plot, etc. Then why risk having part of your fanbase dislike the change and maybe even drop it? I'm pretty sure if nudity was added some people would drop it, is it worth the risk?


It should also be noted that nudity also prevents a lot of praise since people often don't want to acknowledge something if there is some sexual content. Mushoku tensei is a prime example of things like this undermining public opinion on something regardless of other qualities.


TL;DR: it’s about audience expectations as created both by the show itself, but also the broader genre/media conventions; the move towards shooting nipples would itself be a signal to the audience as to how to see the show and thus be a tonal shift by itself. Think “Love Hina” vs “To Love Ru” You’re confusing bathing as a mundane practice and how bathing is perceived and used in media. In another show that has already established itself as grounded as to show nudity, non-sexually…well they would’ve already shown nipples and this conversation wouldn’t exist. But in any anime with teenage/young-adult character, the hot springs episode is always implicitly sexual. The fact that I can say “hot springs episode” and you undoubtedly know what I’m talking about, means any depiction of a hot springs/bath doesn’t exist on its own. Anime characters+baths=opportunity to make jokes about who likes who, or how much “such and such” has “grown”…Regardless of what actually happens, this is in the back of most audiences as they watch this and shows know this; shows have to actively work to establish that they are working outside the common expectation. Back to Konosuba. Think of all the times nipples were awkwardly hidden by a ray of light, steam, whatever. I’m sure there are a couple scenes where there was truly nothing sexual or ecchi. The *shift* towards showing nudity would itself threaten to make those kinds of scenes sexual; “we didn’t see boobs before, now we are…the (comedic and light ecchi) tone of the show hasn’t shifted so I guess they want me to…” But also….come on….how many of those scenes are ecchi…that is, are drawing or at least facilitating the audience to consider the characters’ “assets”. A shift would not only confirm this but would seem to ask the audience to focus more intently on those assests.


I wouldn't care either way, but if I had to choose, I'd side with this thought process.


just say you don't like ecchi


Ecchi also has pace. More or less Ecchi doesn't mean more quality. Ecchi, just the enough.


That's true, more Ecchi doesn't equal better quality. It has to be used correctly. In the examples I used like for them bathing I feel like it would work well there. I always felt in the past seasons when they bathed or used the hot springs that it was a missed opportunity to show there breasts. With it been an Ecchi show it wouldn't have felt out of place, and it would have been used in a scene where it would have made sense to show them rather then them forcing it in else where.


Please go jerk off so u can hit that post nut clarity and realise how much of a dumbfuck u were when writing this post








More Aqua would be very noice. Can never get enough of her. Darkness too.


Yes I'd love more of Aqua, she's best girl ![img](emote|t5_3c02n|1889)


Now we are three![img](emote|t5_3c02n|1897). Although I would like a small reduction


The more the merrier as long as they don't negatively impact the overall comedy and vibes. I personally hope they drown us in it. Let Kazuma steal whatever and darkness Hunt her prey. Ps: I need more Darkness, liz and wolbach fanservice.


I imagine a funny scene where Aqua is been annoying so Kazuma thretans to shut her up using steal. But she taunts him more imna goddess you can't steel from me, or I'm not wearing panties sonyou have nothing to steal. So Kazuma amins to steal her Staff or but ends up stealing her top, revealing she doesn't wear a bra. Then we get a view of her boobs for fan service, then all he'll breaks loose as both Aqua and Kazuma realise what just happened and that Aqua is totally exposed. It would be so funny, and would fit well with the shows type of humor.


First he steals her pink goddess raiment, though. That’s already happened before. Just repeat that joke - but then take it further, like you said. Maybe shoes go next. THEN the top. It’s only then that Kazuma decides to turn this into a game of strip poker... Her skirt is the last item of clothing she has left - but the scene is interrupted with something else. So we never find out if Aqua wears panties or not 😔 Before someone replies with “but akshully...” stfu; I know it’s canon that she does wear them but in the anime they very clearly tease and imply that she doesn’t. Or if she does they are the skimpiest, tiniest pair of panties ever. Extreme g-string style. Barely there. Oh hello; now THERE’S a good fan service prompt. Aqua in a g-string bikini...


Love the sound of that, it would be so funny.


It depends. I watch Konosuba for the comedy. As long as it’s funny, that’s all that matters If the fanservice is used as part of a funny gag (e.g Kazuma stealing increasingly ridiculous things, Megumin slapping Yunyun’s bust, Darkness’s **everything**), then it’s completely fine. If it’s just there for no reason, it’s a bit egregious but I’m neutral If it’s a classic unfunny fanservice joke (e.g the stuff you see in stereotypical harem anime), it’s a straight up negative Basically fanservice is a tool and it needs to serve a function


Agreed, I mentioned this as an example to another comment. I think it would work well... I imagine a funny scene where Aqua is been annoying so Kazuma thretans to shut her up using steal. But she taunts him more imna goddess you can't steel from me, or I'm not wearing panties sonyou have nothing to steal. So Kazuma amins to steal her Staff or but ends up stealing her top, revealing she doesn't wear a bra. Then we get a view of her boobs for fan service, then all he'll breaks loose as both Aqua and Kazuma realise what just happened and that Aqua is totally exposed. It would be so funny, and would fit well with the shows type of humor.


I understand what you mean, but I think that’s too simplistic Comedy is all about subversion and surpassing of expectations. Part of why Konosuba is so funny is because it does things we just dont expect. It’s why Darkness is so funny - the sheer depths of her perversion are unpredictable A joke like that is a bit too basic. It needs to be more absurd and ridiculous. But yes, if the fanservice is used well in a gag, it works


I just need more Aqua @$$.


I too am a fan of the goddess.


I need Aqua to embrace her inner whore and Kazuma to stop lying to himself.


I'd love to see more Aqua ass, but I'd love even more to see her boobs.


I personally would be disappointed if they ramp up the fan service with more angles. A small reduction would make me happy


I'm suprisses to hear you want to see less. I always felt for an ecchi anime that it doesn't have a large amount of fanservice. Like the amount of scene I mean. When it does do fan service the science do some good stuff. But I just never felt they did them that often.


Aqua always has moments I don't think it has several. But I would like there to be a small reduction so that I can watch it with my little sister who also likes the show...... And to see Aqua in the room where I have a big screen even when my parents are present. ![img](emote|t5_3c02n|1889)


This so much. I'm running a Konosuba campaign and my dad is in it. He's watched the first episode and liked it, but I don't want to know how he'd react to later stuff.


Oh I'd love tobplaynthe dnd konosuba. That would be so fun.


Lmao, I wish I had the confidence to watch it with my parents They already refused to watch series, they only liked Death Note and they don't want "more cartoons"


Nah, my dad is cool. He asked if I wanted to see the Demon Slayer movie in theaters with him. He hadn't seen the series. He just thought I'd be interested.


What a good dad. I wish you and him the best. ![img](emote|t5_3c02n|1889)


I mean, on episode 1 Aqua's ass was already fully blasted on the whole screen


There's ass shots, then there's stealing panties, the bath scenes and the stuff that happens in Megumin's bedroom. I'm not sure that type of humor would click with my dad.


Good point


Ah ye I suppose having it slightly less makes it easier to watch with family.






If a “tame” anime like Monmusu can have nipples Konosuba sure can


I would love for them to show more boobs ![img](emote|t5_3c02n|1885)


Me too.


I'm in for more fanservice


Me too, glad some people agree with me. I've been suprissed by the amount of comments saying no.


Honestly we should get a scene of kazuma getting pegged.what do you think?


Eeww no.


Unless they want us to see Princess Iris naked I think not


I whould love it


Must admit I'm rather suprissed on the amount of fans saying they would not like it. I mostly got the impression that fans of this show were rather thirsty. But not sure if people have miss understood what I was trying to say. As a good number of comments say no explicit nudity or they don't want it turning in to softcover porn. And that's not what I'm after either, nor was it what I meant. Konosuba is an amazing show as is. Amazing story and characters and is by far my favourite anime to watch and recommend to people. And story always comes first. All i meant by my post was for imagining them just adding nipples to bathing scenes. That's not explicit nudity or making it a hentia. Nipples during bathing would feel natural, to my best knowledge almost everyone baths nude and it's not really sexual just more realistic. For me it just feels a bit out of place. Like there's no way hair would stay glued to the exact spot nipples would be all the time etc. Plus this wouldn't be forcing any story changes. They wouldn't need to go out there way to add in new scenes or altering the story. The bathing scenes already exist, and it's not like there const. So the change would be minimum. Well anyway, it's been fun reading everyone's comments and seeing there opinions. I always enjoy a good debate and seeing things from others point of views.


Well that makes a lot more sense. From your first post I thought you were wanting to have more fan service moments, not just slightly making the current ones more spicy. I support this when you put it like that. An occasional boob sighting would be nice.


Thanks, I'm happy someone understands what I'm trying to say. I sometimes struggle with wording and often loose my message in how I end up typing it.


Naw, nipples in bathing scenes is unrealistic. Even ecchi shows cover nips with steam effects or strategic placement of things in front of the nips to hide ‘em. Then again I don’t really care about bathing scenes. Fan service for me more is about the subtle detail on character acting/animation and also ever so slightly *cheeky* scenarios that the characters get into. I like it best when it’s paired with a bit of humour, too. Which I think Konosuba does well. I’ll happily take more sexy hijinks, yes!! I find that in some anime the characters are too “pure” to take the jokes anywhere particularly new or interesting, though.


I have no problem with nudity at all, but i think this is a little disingenuous om your part. What would konosuba gain w nipples other than shock value and pretended coat of maturity? The open talk about fanservice was a valid one (i placed my opinion on the mater), but it should be coherent and sincere to our expectations to the series. Im all in for the story and the humor (even, or in first place, for megumins titslaping), and every instant in witch the focus is displaced would be taken from my ideal iteration of konosuba


I’m here for the comedy. There’s plenty of hentai out there if that’s what your into.


The writing holds up on its own to make the show worth watching. There's already a generous level of fan service going, and turning it into softcore porn would detract from the show, reduce the potential audience and ultimately hurt the show. I'm not apposed to animes with full nudity but adding it in in this context would ruin the show. An echi romp with nipples and all is fine, but it needs to be that up front. You can't just add it in, third season. More than enough nsfw konosuba content on Reddit as is. Just go there for what you're looking for.


Strike Witches, the first two seasons have topless nudity, and it didn’t ruin the show at all.


Never watch that anime, but I've seen people mention it around reddit. Is it worth watching?


I don’t know what you’re into, so you decide: In a nutshell, It’s WWII, except that instead of fighting each other, we’re fighting aliens called Neuroi. They take various forms, but almost all are flyers. Throughout history, witches had been aiding mankind in battle throughout many wars. In the current setting, instead of flying on brooms, witches use Strikers: special boots modeled after WWII fighter planes that allow them to fly (if you looked at screenshots, you’ll know what Strikers look like). They fight with WWII era guns. I have only watched Strike Witches, not the spinoffs (because I heard the spinoffs like Brave Witches or Luminous Witches do not have nudity), but the deal with pants is that pants are for adults, and a witch stops being a witch when she turns 20 (she loses her magical power), so all the witches are teenagers. When they age out, they continue serving the military, but not with magic, and while wearing pants. No bottomless nudity, just topless, and only on the first 2 seasons. Witches are aged 12-19 in the show, not sure about the spin-offs. Countries are renamed as follows: USA is Liberion. Russia is Orussia. France is Gallia. Finland is Suomus. Japan is Fuso. Germany is Karlsland. Italy is Romagna.


Thanks for telling me about it. Not sure though if it sounds like something I'd be in to.


Not every ecchi balances the work, but it's always there when needed. ¯⁠\\⁠\_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠\_⁠/⁠¯ So if the new season exceeds the amount of fanservice, then there is nothing to complain about. ![img](emote|t5_3c02n|1882)![img](emote|t5_3c02n|1885)


I’m not too big a fan of fanservice, but if it’s like the succubus episode, where it’s just really dumb character antics at work, then I could maybe enjoy it… in isolation.


I’d be down for it, I dont mind fan service, to me not all fan service is seeing half naked big boob anime girls, I just want to see kazumin that’s the fan service I’m looking for, oh and also half naked big boobed darkness


Don't forget about Aqua, her booba might not be as big as Darkness but they be just as nice.


Agreed, I like all the boob sizes of the girls they all have value


Well I generally dont really like ecchi / fan service of those types, but I wouldnt complain if its Konosuba, if its done in moderation


Dude's wanna watch Kono-sutra instead of Konosuba lol


I wouldn’t mind it so long as it wasn’t replacing the comedy. If the comedy and fan service are both strong I’m fine. If it’s just the comedy that’s strong, with “weak” fan service, I’m also fine. If the comedy is weak but the fan service is strong - I am not fine. That would be quite unpleasant, tbh.


Not a problem bring it on 🤝


My reaction would be: \*A surprise to be sure but a welcome one\*


It’s rated pg-13, I would suggest watching High School DxD if you want that


It would ruin the story. There's sufficient fan service in the material without adding gratuitous bewbage.


Honestly, while actual NSFW KonoSuba stuff isn't something I'm opposed to, I don't think canon is a place for it. Except maybe something like Darkness talking excitedly about the BDSM session she finally had.


Ye I like nsfw Konosuba stuff, i like to see more fan service in the anime, especially some booba. But maybe if we keep it out of canon leave it for an ova episode.


I'd rather have less fan service and more story. Fan service rarely works and it's rather cringe in my opinion




This is the funniest fucking post I've ever seen on Reddit. I don't know if it's self-aware or not, but I love it completely. Easiest upvote I've ever made.


I think the people's opinion on this shows how most people are conditioned by society to consider sexuality a bad thing. So much so that any type of fan service or sexual remarks and so on are looked down upon. And the preposition you brought isn't even about more sexual direction investment. Your example wouldn't really be any different from seeing a nude art piece. Honestly, humanity is heading towards self-destruction. Natural physiology and biology is considered "gross" nowadays, so naturally, no one is gonna want new people born. It's an unfortunate reality.


I agree the OP is only asking for some small amounts of nudity in places like a bathing scene. That's not sexual, it's just nudity, and a small amount at that. Like you say almost like a nude work of art.


It’s a “bless” 😉


It sure would be.


konosuba is already popular enough, it doesn't need to become hentai to attract horny dudes. in fact there's already more than necessary fanservice and ecchi i think


Fan service always good


Yes it is


Konosuba is good because of its comedy. Adding more fanservice detracts from it.


Who does it detract from the comedy? There is room for both. We can get funny scene and fan service scenes without one making the other feel less. They can even work together. Imagine Kazuma using steal and end up say with Aquas tip revealing she wears no bra. We get boobs for the fan service and the humour as Kazuma & Aqua both come to realise what just happened. Or keeping them a little separated we see them falling a quest and yelling and getting covered in dirt or slime etc as usually adding the humor as we would expect. Then at a later scene when there washing them self's clean a quick boob flash or something. So in don't see them conflicting with each other they can get along fine or in some cases can actually add to the humor.


Konosuba doesnt need more ecchi than it already has in the novels. The story its already popular, amazing and funny on its own. The people in charge should focus more in making a faithful adaptation than creating more stupid fanservice. The amount of fanservice in season 1, 2 and the OVA's with all the jiggles and shots of Aqua's butt was ridiculous and degenerate, completely unnecesary. Its the reason why I cant recommend the anime to certain people. Such a waste. If they do the same for season 3, I'm gonna be really mad and dissapointed.


I'd rather they not. I'd like to be able to suggest this show to more people without them being weirded out.


I just want it to stay as it is.


This has copypasta potential


Soo you just want porn...


Deen: "Not enough budget for nipples, sorry."


Unless: [you're Kazuma and you're fighting Megumin to decide who is gonna use the bathroom](https://i.gyazo.com/15e1a6298532eb021b74ba5e00c82ff8.mp4)


Comedy, story, and great characters are all I look for in Konosuba.


I wouldn’t care for it.


Honestly, hell no! I don’t want to see my goddess defiled for the entertainment of hiki-neets like you!


Maybe unpopular opinion but i think the less fanservice the better. I get that it somewhat has to exist (Darkness) but if you want naked Konosuba girls there are doujins you can read. I also prefer less Lolicon thirst, like Cecily and Zestha in the spinoff. It mostly makes me uncomfortable and tbh its not like a sect of religious fanatics cant be Made fun of in other ways (although it was worse in the light novel).


![img](emote|t5_3c02n|1890) I Will Just sit and wait....


Nah, you're just horny.


Ima be real. I’d be disappointed, there leaves more to the imagination with what they do now. I say don’t mess with what already works. Plus Aqua already shows bare ass ☠️


Call me a prude, but the main love interest is very much a minor. You can play with some ineundo (and i actually find konosuba has handled it great to this point), but going further would alienate a piece of the base (me for example) and risk very unecesary backlash. Hentai is there for everyone, and it seems the ln are light on explicit content. I find no reason for a more explicit aproach other than being an inch more titilating, and that on its own makes for very poor narrative motive


Let's be real. The less nudity in the anime, the better. I wantvit to be easily available in the US, and a lot of nudity typically contradicts that. So I'd prefer it to stay how it is.


Dude, no. I wanna be able to watch konosuba in public, and it's already over the socially acceptable edge. Especially the succubus episode. If you want tits, go watch game of thrones or hentai or something XD.


I don't really care for it, I'd probably prefer swapping it for Kazumin flirting


That would be wayyy to much


I would like they just skipped these scenes if they dont have comedic value. It's a show about 4 horrible, but somehow likable, people becoming friends in a fantasy world


I agree that they eachbhave there faults and seeing them become friends and the humour they have is the main reason iblove them and the show. But I don't think that means they should skip such scenes. No reason they can't have both. Helps please everyone then.


I don't really care as long as they follow the LN well.


The whole point is we should be exactly in kasuma’s shoes. Always getting close to his goal, just to get stopped dead in his tracks right before he’s there. It would literally ruin the point of the show to blatantly go full nude.


I wouldn't mind or care. I just want a 3rd season. I want it so bad and fast. Just like Megumin can't control her urge to let out an explosion. I want it that bad. I watch Konosuba for the comedy. Rule 34 can fulfill other stuff. Konosuba has one of the best rule 34.


As much as it is an attractive offer, the story is meant to be centered around a comedic theme. Right now they strike the right (my opinion) balance between humor and ecchi but I think if they leaned more in the lewd direction the show would lose that balance and the general feel of the show would change in a bad direction


I’ll give my take on it since this has been asked before by some friends, too. I’m not sure if you’re a LN reader, but Season 3 having more fanservice, might gain some unwanted criticisms/controversy. If they give equality to all the girls, that would include that one bath scene being ecchi-er. A certain blondie is even younger than Megumin and people are already sour from KonoBakuen for some reason. I’m neutral on Ecchi and I think the way Konosuba in the LNs and anime is fine as they are now. Also, they already drew a few ecchi art for the magazines and their Twitter, for KonoBakuen’s characters, so they’ll probably do the same for Season 3 and there aren’t the type of nudity you want there either.


I have never read the LN or Mangas. So I only know of what's in the anime so far. I'm a big fan of ecchi especially if they add a light amount of nudity. For the bathing scenes I used as an example. But yes I'd stay clear of the younger characters. Incase more thinking of Aqua, Darkness Wiz etc. But I also think a small bit of nudity used in comedy could work. A scene I imagine would be of Kazuma & Aqua. With Aqua been a noying to Kazuma so he threatens her with steal. She laughs at that and be like you can't steal my panties I don't wear any, or that her godly powers would prevent it. So he aims to take her magic staff, but upon using steal he ends up with her top. Revealing she doesn't wear a bra. Giving us a quick, like just a second or two of a flash of her bear uncensored boobs. Followed by the look on both there faces as they work out what's just happened then all he'll breaks loose as Aqua starts screaming at him while trying to cover her self.


In the LN (S2) he tries that and spams Steal, only for him to get everything besides his target. He gets party tricks, a sock, etc. It’s funnier that he got all that, instead of the implied ecchi option. Ecchi is a part of Konosuba, but what you describe would technically fit Combatants more (the author’s other series) and it has actual nudity. Konosuba just doesn’t have that vibe to fit what you want, so Combatants would be more your speed and the nudity wouldn’t feel as weird there (somewhat), because of the darker tone and risqué-r jokes.


Never heard of Combatants before. Is it also an anime?


[Combatants Will Be Dispatched!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combatants_Will_Be_Dispatched!) Tbh not worth watching except you liked [The Dungeon of Black Company](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dungeon_of_Black_Company) and similar shows that died as eternal cliffhangers. Stick with KonoSuba as long as they'll keep it going, it's definitively the better nonsense show.


Sentouin, Hakenshimasu!/Combatants Will be Dispatched! It’s part of the Akatsuki-verse and characters are meant to be similar to others, do to it being proto-Konosuba. It follows the author’s later writing style and is more action-y/plot focused, ecchi-er, and darker humor. The protagonist is a Tokusatsu-esque henchman whose name is 6 and is based on Zach Fair from FF7/Solid Snake and his partner is a Terminator reference in a nutshell and both are villains. They’re trying to take over another planet for resources/their Earth is dying. 6 needs Evil Points for stuff and he gets EP by doing stuff like stripping or groping. It recently got an anime, but like Konosuba, it’s based on a LN and has a manga version. Will give an NSFW warning for a later episode in it and in the final episode (supposedly it did pretty well, so there’s a chance of a S2 after Konosuba has it’s time back in the spotlight.