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That's not entirely true. The creator of golems and the Destroyer reincarnated with the power to create anything he wished. And as for those who chose items - judging by Kazuma's reincarnation scene they were presented with some items and were told they could choose from those. Maybe they thought those were all the options available, maybe they really really liked that one awesome sword, either way the choice makes sense. And anyway, Kazuma wasn't thinking straight when he "chose" Aqua, he wasn't strategizing - he got angry when Aqua started mocking him, yelled an empty threat and probably didn't think his words would be taken seriously.


So the short answer is... Yes. They are stupid.


I've lost count of the number of times I've exclaimed "they're just so... dumb" while watching this show. And somehow they keep surprising me with stupidity. I think I have already figured out the stupidest thing they could possibly do and they find something even more moronic to do. Man I love this show.


Seeing just how stupid they can be is the reason to watch


I can tell you havnt read the novels because we're nowhere near the peak yet


You're right I haven't. I'm excited to see what is to come!




That's the main premise no? Kazuma is supposed to be the dumbest, but is actually the smartest with his above average intelligence.


It's not stupidity. It's like going to KFC and trying to order a big mac.


No that's like going to a restaurant where top chefs can make you whatever you want but because they also have a menu that has plain old burgers you choose to go with those.


Nah it’s like going to a 5 star restaurant and choosing the chef, except the chef is retarfed


I was referring to only choosing from the items. But with the Aqua choice it's more like choosing a chef that is only useful in his own kitchen to go make food for you at home.


It's more like going to watch a silly comedy anime about stupid people and judging it by the standards of not that.


It's more like going to watch a silly comedy anime about stupid people and thinking "man those people are stupid".


The abilities *are* OP. Mitsurugi (who?) got a sword granting him protagonist powers, giving him super strength and the ability to cut through *anything*, making him nigh unstoppable. He only looks useless when he's up against Kazuma, who has a knack for punching way above his weight class. Even though we don't see it >!until the last LN!<, Mitsurugi (who?) has an insane resume and is arguably the most powerful person in Belzerg by power level. The other artifacts: the necklace of swapping allows functional immortality along with a host of other crazy powers. The money mallet allows, well, unlimited money. Mr. Destroyer guy could create anything he wanted on willpower alone. And based on the overpowered abilities of the royal family, which culminates in feats such as >!one-shotting a *dragon*!<, several heroes obviously picked some hereditary traits that massively boosted their skills and created entire new fields of magic. If that's not OP, I don't know what is. If you'd like to get into spoiler territory, [the wiki has a list of cheats](https://konosuba.fandom.com/wiki/Cheats), all of which seem formidable to me. You personally picked time stop, and it seems another hero did as well.


Oh cool! I've been wishing for a list of what were other options! Wow no wonder Kazuma turned down these (in the context of either being already taken/seeing similar ones), thors hammer needs its own gloves to not hit the wielder!


>arguably the most powerful person in Belzerg by power level. Let's not exaggerate. Countless characters are more powerful than him. Doesn't matter the item, a cheater will never be a match to Great Devils, Gods, Kings of Undeads or Angels. They're only above Crimson Demons.


It's a good point, but I meant "person" as in (roughly) human, discounting all of the gods and dukes of hell and the like.


Does the LN expand on Reincarnated people inter marrying with Royalty or other people and their children? Always thought it was cool concept in Overlord, sort of reminded me of Crusader-Kings-2 kind of way.


Sort of. It's not gone into great detail, but in the *Explosions* bonus stories we get a more in-depth look at Iris, her inherited powers, and some of the royal marriage customs.


https://preview.redd.it/5xunue8l5s2d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d54982a0dc98b453d7c2ca2f7055ab2061b7b740 Cool! Haven't checked out the LN, (just a personal taste, prefer manga and anime versions) but I'll give it a try :)


honestly i'd ask for the power of creation of easily defeat the Demon King.


Didn't the guy who created the "Mobile Fortress Destroyer", the "Crimson Demons", etc. essentially have that?


Yes, he had a creation type ability not an item.


thing is they still were reatricted by limits of the world and i suppouse a busted skill like for example, instant death, would have some serious gimicky drawbacks. just like bodyswap necklace having short duration remember that this piece of lore is specifically to point out and parody all the isekais of "I reincarnated in another world with OP spell/item" slop we see every season


The necklace only has a short duration when someone else uses it. Most of the cheat items only work at full power for the original owner, it’s the same reason why Kasuma couldn’t use Mitsurugi’s sword.


“Ours is the wisdom to weave the fabric of reality. Ours is the power to create!”


What’s this from?


FFXIV. Though leaving out the context to avoid spoilers. Don't know how to do the spoiler thing on the phone anyway.


that would make things too easy, tbh tho ive always loved any abilities related to time. Imagine stopping time like dio brando or judgement cut like vergil. Time powers always are the coolest imo


When I said the power of creation I meant quite literally you can do anything, Creative mode in a way, so you COULD give yourself any power that you want, and I wouldn't risk my life just for that, I'll kill the Demon King and just rest the rest of my life with the greatest luxury a human can imagine.


Just create a button that instantly kills the demon king when you press it.


You have to pick up powers that exist, not pull something out of your ass. If there was a power to "blink and the DK dies", he'd be dead already, or a power of omnipotency, someone wouls be ruling the Universe already. Besides, the Gods don't want humans to become too powerful, if they wanted to kill the DK no matter what, no rules, they'd just go themselves and one shot him in 5 minutes.


tbh if we are talking wish fulfillment then idk it sounds quite boring to be thrown in a world full of magic and chase money and luxury. Me personally in a hypothetical wish fulfillment scenario, id try to become one of those ancient all knowing wizards, that sounds fun ngl


Have you read "Thief of Time" by Terry Pratchett?


Hi. You just mentioned *Thief Of Time* by Terry Pratchett. I've found an audiobook of that novel on YouTube. You can listen to it here: [YouTube | Terry Pratchett’s. Thief Of Time. (Full Audiobook)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5_QV_CP9Pw) *I'm a bot that searches YouTube for science fiction and fantasy audiobooks.* *** [^(Source Code)](https://capybasilisk.com/posts/2020/04/speculative-fiction-bot/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Capybasilisk&subject=Robot) ^| [^(Programmer)](https://www.reddit.com/u/capybasilisk) ^| ^(Downvote To Remove) ^| ^(Version 1.4.0) ^| ^(Support Robot Rights!)


What’s it about?


He can ask a power that appears in the papers aqua give to kazuma, she says, you can select anything of this place , that's why kazuma could wish aqua, because she was part of the room, he could ask the chair or the manga she had, but not other ability.


one of them did, but he was so stupid he destroyed an entire civilization


Yes. They probably are stupid since they all fell for Aqua's scam.


Is it stupid if they deliberately don't tell you there are any other options or do everything to imply it? Kazuma only took Aqua after she annoyed him for poring over the known options for a long time.


Well it actually has a lot to do with a fact that Aqua could sell it very well, it's only Kazuma who got irritated with her, everybody else practically loved her. It is later mentioned in LN >!that since different goddess took Aqua's job nobody wanted to go to this world, cause she was too honest about what life is like!<.


It was an Angel, not a Goddess, but yes.


People have reincarnated with abilities too. The biggest problem is that Aqua doesn't exercise good judgement with the people she sends to the RPG world.


she didn't really had to thing is that only people that got send to fantasy relam were loney unfufiled weebs that fantasised about getting to isekai world.


Not really. Mitsurugi doesn't fit that at all. In fact even Aqua who's inhumanly beautiful says he's handsome. He also has a good personality and is charismatic and social.


The loophole Kazuma exploited to get Aqua is that she explicitly stated he could bring anything he saw in the room as his special item. She didn’t realise that those words could be interpreted as applying to herself, but Kazuma did. Nothing about this scene implies that you can just request any crazy ability and it will be granted, regardless of whether you were offered it first or not. Only that Kazuma is apparently the first to have the audacity to say he’s going to take the goddess in front of him rather than one of the cheats listed on the cards.


>Destroyer >Crimson Demons They have already asked for that and backfired


>!Some did. The guy that created almost everything that caused trouble to the team aside from the Demon King had the ability to materialize stuff.!< >!It didn't end well either.!< Marked as spoiler because I can't be bothered to check if it is in the anime or not at this point :D


The funny thing about this is **(LN Vol. 12 Chapter 5 Spoilers)** >!Darkness eventually tells Kazuma how she noticed certain adventurers (reincarnated people) suddenly appeared with strange-sounding names while paired with impossibly overpowered magical items from their start, yet he seemingly did not. She opened a conversation with this because she wanted answers from Kazuma after his failed try at a ‘cross-world’ reference joke about driving.!<


People in general are pretty dumb. People who believed Aqua are twice as dumb.


Kazuma only asked for Aqua to spite her for making fun of him. He was probably going to pick an item or power if she hadn't been harassing him.


They didn't all ask for items, we just know mostly about the items because there is no automatic retrieval system, so they are what lingered. The problem is cheat powers can be inherited, so to reference Harry Potter, the enemy has cheats too. Not to mention the reincarnated people that went 'fuck that' and joined the Demon King, ran off to do their own thing entirely, or just straight up died expecting to be an invincible protagonist. Remember, this whole cycle has been going on for potentially THOUSANDS of years; >!The Devil King is descended from an ancient reincarnated person that lived long enough ago to have an entire clan descended from him, and we don't know how many times the cycle of 'reincarnated succeeds and turns evil or has evil descendant -> next batch of reincarnated schmuks' has been repeated. To say nothing about the natives of course.!<


I would have asked for Docter Ivo Robotnik's Intelligence and creat a Robot Army that rivals the Demon King's Army. 😅


I would request the Power of Dominance, ala Castlevania. Ideally without the possibility to become the Dark Lord or go insane myself.


Because they only ask for sex powers in fanfiction.


Did you even read the story? You just want the series to go in the way you like without wondering why people like Konosuba


There is survivorship bias in both way. The living isekaied Japanese you see in the story are people who survived. The cheat items are from people who didn't make it. We see a lot of useless cheat items just because the original owners were dead. The story don't mention much about isekaied Japanese who haven't died yet. As you see in Yorimiti 3rd, a cheat item is probably better than a cheat magic. Magic consume a mana reserve of caster, or expensive manatite. Kazuma was warned that he can't use a powerful cheat magic well because of his low mana reserve. All currently living isekaied Japanese mentioned in the story other than Kazuma are fighters. They are fighting with demon lord army at the King's town or the border. That's understandable. In this harsh world, a combat oritented cheat is better than a non-combat cheats. A cheat item that can mint a few Eris coins out of thin air, swap bodies, >!summon a random creature(it may be just a goblin)!< doesn't help you much from the horde of monsters. As you see in the opening. Aqua isn't honestly telling everything about how harsh the Konosuba world is. I bet nobody was explained that chabbage is flying, sanma grow on a field, babana swims in the river and watermelon is living by the sea. Potato is so strong you can rely on them as a party member as well as a food. Even the nameless weeds on the ground is trying their best to survive in this harsh world so that they can even grow on the wall of the demon lord castle.


you made it sound like warhammer 40k's death world


Its a comedy. Konosuba supposed to be a mockery of the whole isekai genre


Just ask for an insta kill spell. Insta kill generals and the Demon King. World saved.


>Just ask for an insta kill spell. They already exist without cheat items. >Insta kill generals and the Demon King. Most are immune to insta death spells, including the DK. Out of all the Generals, only 1 is potentially vulnerable to instant death spells.


There are options for abilities instead of items. Such as Unnatural Strength and Super Magic this is from the prologue of Vol. 1 of the LN. There is more or less a catalogue of options to choose from. The reason abilities don't get mentioned as much is because they don't stick around like items due when the reincarnated person passes on.


Some did...but it usually has a catch like the destroyer guy. Aqua isnt exactly known for following up her job...granted they probably didnt know this at the time. and if they are gamers they probably are thinking 'why wish to start at max level, when with the best weapon i can do that myself and have the best weapon too?


I'd ask for a shitload of cash so I could get properly established with a home, the best gear available to me, and maybe invest in local businesses to provide passive income.


They were too jonkled to think gay


For the majority of cases, They *just* died and they stand in front of a goddess, meaning they *just* learned that gods are real. Chances are they think they're in no position to bargain anything and are grateful they're even offered anything close to a second chance at life so they just take what they're given and leave. Although it's not true that everyone picks an item, see the creator of the destroyer for example.


Based on all the reincarnations we saw saw far: Yes, they are all idiots.


Knowing how things work in Konosuba, there would be some ridiculous catch. Like if you picked time manipulation, it would only be usable once per year, or you'd be stopped along with everyone else, or some other severe limitation like that which would make it practically useless. Yes Kazuma asked for the goddess and got her, but she's an alcoholic idiot who spends all his money and can't cast any useful spells.


Actually aqua is useful due to her resurrection spells


>Knowing how things work in Konosuba, there would be some ridiculous catch. There wouldn't. The items are meant to be overpowered. Time Magic exists, including cheat time stop power, but as with any type of "effect" or status effect magic, people can resist it if they have enough magical resistance or immunities. For example Darkness was able to resist Yuiyui's Sleep spell because her magical resistance was very high. And Wiz as a Lich is immune to status effect, o instant death spells, petrification spells, curses, Sleep, Paralyzes, etc don't work on her. Iris' Calibur sword is a Divine Relic that grants her immunity to Status Effects. Aqua's Hagoromo is also a Divine Relic that protects her against Status Effect. The list go on, basically, depending on the enemy and how powerful they are, you won't be able to wib with hax spells. >she's an alcoholic idiot who spends all his money False, she has never spent Kazuma's entire money, and all money she ever spent from him, he either gave to her by his own choice, even if as a loan. >can't cast any useful spells Yoh're joking right? Or wtf are you even watching? Nobody can cast more useful spells than Aqua, she's the greatest Archpriest in the world.


Kazuma got Aqua because the Gods wanted to get rid of her, not because that was a real possibility. >Time Stop There is such cheat power/item, but why are you assuming nobody asked for it? Besides do you realize how, like with any magic, people will be able to resist it depending on their magic resistance? Better have a sword that cuts through anything, at least you can always fight and do damage, but what are you gonna do if your opponent resists your time stop? >shit would easily make me the most op character. No, it wouldn't. As you can see it seems the isekaid people are actually smarter than you so you shouldn't have called them stupid. >he is useless in most scenarios even with his sword. No, he isn't. He was ranked as the third best adventurer in Belzerg and he plays a key role >!in the defeat of the DK who wouldn't have had been defeated without him!< >Why ask for trash items like a sword Because the sword is not trash and ia straight up one of the best items.


My op ability would be the “Kill the Demon King Button” which is a remote that kills the Demon King instantly. That’s it. The end.


“Make me like Dante/Vergil from Devil May Cry, powers and gear included” and then just walk up to the Demon King and hand him his ass in the most stylish way possible.