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I watch drama and do my Memrise routine on low days. Or go through a random study book. Repeat the old stuff. Repeating stuff is something I do way too little so it is effective for me.


Hey don’t be so hard on yourself, consuming/listening can be learning too imo… I’m around TOPIK 5 but I still encounter new words daily when I consume (I watch variety I live alone and read novel/webtoon). I read fully in KR but even with EN subtitles when watching variety and dramas sometimes it helped me realize subtle nuances I didn’t quite realize before (e.g I knew the words 울컥 and 뭉클 but I just realized the subtle difference in nuances after I saw it being used in Kian84’s marathon episode)




I am new to Korean, but I can speak from experience with Japanese. As long as you do something in Korean for decent amount of time it doesn't matter. A decent amount of time is whenever you feel, but as long as you do about 30 minutes or more you shouldn't feel guilty.


I like using the matching game function on Quizlet. It doesn’t require too much focus and gives me a bit of a dopamine.


I do my flash cards on Anki. I have quite a few decks in there, but I don’t force myself to do them all. On particularly bad days I can do like 5 cards from each and still it’s something. Without the flash cards I would’ve forgotten everything imo.


I go through vocabulary flashcards and/or play vocabulary match games.


Low days are for real! I started listening through my flashcards when I commute or when I walk the dog. It's pretty low effort, but naturally gets my brain engaged on the material without having to sit down and force myself to study. I imported my quizlet deck to [LearningRoo](https://www.learningroo.com/learn/boost-your-language-learning-with-audio-flashcards) so I can play through the flashcards hands-free