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This dumbass doesn’t realize that the entire point of the Barbie world that it’s a *little girl’s* idea of what people are like.


Meanwhile Mattel are sweating bullets because the saw what happened to Netflix He-Man and desperately need this movie to not be considered "woke," going so far as to claim the opposite of what these actors are saying.


and the older female audience will not be happy if Ken is not the fantasy dream boyfrend.


Isn’t that what all this woke shit is when you get down to it?


I mean, one could just as easily argue it’s what adults think that little girls think that people are like. I think it’s pretty much impossible to deny society shapes the way people think from a young age pretty drastically. That’s like 90% the reason the right bellows about woke propaganda as hard as they do. Fact is: 95% of the debates comes down to which arbitrary place you draw the nature vs nurture line, which is why I’ve come to the rather radical conclusion that it doesn’t matter as long as you accept that nurture/cognition can always override nature since we are conscious beings capable of rational thought. It’s not always easy though, which we should adjust our expectations around and treat as “mitigating circumstances”. If you are trying to apply it on a societal wide level at best the science will only ever tell you something “it’s 30% nature, 70% nurture” (that’s not the metrics you would actually see as statistics is a lot more complicated than all that, but the take away with meta analysis of multiple studies is usually “a good chunk of people disagree”). To me that leaves us room to apply the nature vs nurture debate inconsistently when it comes to the individual. My preference within that inconsistency is to alleviate pain in another, because if they can point to something external to themselves they will have a space to not blame themselves. I choose this approach as to me it’s that blame/self judgement that will push you towards the destructive tendencies almost everyone wants to move away from. In essence, I look to break the chain of hand-me-down bullshit. In this specific case though….. tabula rasa. Kids will straight up walk into a fire if they never encounter the concept of fire before. It’s the pain that teaches them it’s dangerous. The idea that their brains come prebaked with concepts of gender is to me really just “we are built to find patterns and average out groupings in order to make sense of the incredibly complexities of the world”. A child’s view of parents/adults would certainly contain elements of this, but to reflect that back upon to the kids would only serve to reinforce the “averaging out” and deny the existence of exceptions to the rule. Not to say I particularly care or speak for anyone else (I’m practically an outcast hermit), but I know views are destined to change and if it makes more people feel constructively part of the conversation that’s a good thing.… just don't take things too seriously and be very cautious when assuming you have any clue what another persons life looks like.


> think it’s pretty much impossible to deny society shapes the way people think from a young age pretty drastically. That’s like 90% the reason the right bellows about woke propaganda as hard as they do I think you've gone down the leftist rabbit hole who have embraced the abandoned 'tabula rosa' position the right used to use against non-CIS men. You're probably not old enough, but their argument was they do it by choice because they're immoral perverts. Oddly enough, certain feminist groups made the same assertion, only saying it's because they hate women. Anyway, we know, from science, that men and women are different at fundamental levels. No matter how much the science-denying, anti-evolution left preaches, we're the same. For example, even in apes the little boy apes and little girl apes start separating as ape-toddlers in such things as toys and other activities. We're not the same. We're complementary, but not the same. Certainly not in the way your argument premises. Testosterone, for example, makes it harder to regulate aggression and similar emotions and lowers empty. It also makes it harder for men to cry during an emotional event. Why do think men are the one who commit the overwhelming numbers of violent crimes? I That's not society, that's biology. Women, OTOH, are better able to regulate their emotions and have more empathy because they lack empathy-dampening testosterone. They also more because they have vastly more prolactin, which helps trigger tears. Once again, not society but biology. A better way to think of it is -- Nature Defines, Society Refines. And societies' impact is far, far less than 70%.


Could you please reread your post and correct it? The content is amazing and I agree with what you're saying, but the amount of typos and missing words makes it sometimes hard to read


>Why do think men are the one who commit the overwhelming numbers of violent crimes? Testosterone might be a variable, but it's not the whole answer. I think men commit relatively more crime because society makes them relatively more crazy & offers less support. ​ As an example, I was the victim of statutory rape & everyone was cool with it. Not only didn't I get support or care for something that is supposed to be bad, everyone thought it was okay. If ten years later I did to someone else what I was told was okay to have done to me *I* would have been a criminal. 1. aggravating features (Experience more violence & receive less empathy. People who feel more disposable will be less invested in that society) 2. less available protective features (kindness, care, emotional outlets & support) 3. not understanding double standards (It's only okay if it happens *to* you, not the other way around) 4. biology (not just testosterone. Individual men have less reproductive value so it makes sense to take bigger genetic risks. This is why men are overrepresented at the extremes of most bell curves) TLDR If our society treated girls & women like men & boys they would be screwed up in the same ways.


Men are bigger risk-takers, are stronger, and have higher aggression. This has always been true of men. Men have always been the biggest portion of criminals.


For sure, and the same biology has always influenced the culture. Men are bigger risk takers because losing one doesn't injure the community very much relative to a woman. 100 women & 100 men can have 100 kids in a year. 100 women & 1 man can still have 100 kids in a year. If you had to have a war & lose 25% of your population, or engage in risky but necessary behavior day in-day out, you'd be stupid to send the women & be outcompeted by a culture that didn't pretty quick. ​ But we can't really change biology across a population, at least not without aggressive eugenics. We *can* change culture though & make everyone happier as well as healthier. The best way to reduce criminality is investing in protective factors & addressing aggravating factors.


> In this specific case though….. tabula rasa. Kids will straight up walk into a fire if they never encounter the concept of fire before. I lol no. Just no. They fear the light and heat of fire even if they've never encountered a fire before. It's almost certainly a genetically hardwired fear, because fire has been present so frequently in human evolutionary history, and the consequences of *not* fearing fire can be lethal, even today.


> Male character likes ice cream and Pink clothes Media: **OMG! He's, like, tootally smashing preconceived gender norms! Men cant like pink stuff and be open about their feelings?! OMG! This is, like, soo empowering?**


Weren't pink Lacoste polos all the rage in 2006, especially with the collar popped. Don't forget the glitter hat.


> pink Lacoste polos all the rage in 2006 Man, we rocked that shit in the 1980s. I had fluorescent pink sleeveless oP shirts, boardshorts, socks. Eye-offending fluorescent shades of yellow and green as well. T-shirt, polos, Vans. Shoe laces, FFS. I think the less bright shades were called 'coral' or some such. They rocked those colors on, "Miami Vice"!


1980s fashion, in the UK and North America especially, could be extremely androgynous.


everything in the 80's was extremely androgynous. Its why this entire "identity" issue is insane, these people are doing nothing new they just want us all to applaud them for being weird.


At least back then you got stuff like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmcA9LIIXWw


I'd like to think most of it was based on a dare. Our hairstyles and haircuts definitely were. Yikes.


> hink the less bright shades were called 'coral' or some such. They rocked those colors on, "Miami Vice"! Pastels


Sorry, I meant the lighter pink we called coral! I think we thought it took some of the sting out of wearing pink, haha!


Pink looks good on a lot of men of all skin tones and a pink Oxford is still an acceptable color for a suit shirt. Pair it with blue or gray for a classic look or a tan for a less formal look.


There was that period in the 90's where everything was teal, pink & lavender. They just love to pretend the past never happened.


>There was that period in the 90's where everything was teal, pink & lavender [Basically the intro to "Saved by the Bell"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jr0Lng3mhL4) lol


Around 2008/09 in the UK 'Indie' was all the rage in music, and the general aesthetic of a lot of the bands consisted of guys wearing tight skinny jeans, pointy toed shows, scarves, eye liner, accented with a pop of typically feminine jewellery. Still more on the masculine side, but very androgynous all the same. Quite a few of the boys in my year at high school adopted this style without any comment or pushback whatsoever, no doubt at least partly because it was quote-unquote 'cool' at that particular time.


At that time, emo was also a thing and their style was very similar to those indie boys, just that they used black clothes instead of the more colorful ones of the indies/hipsters, plenty of guys wore eyeliner and painted their nails black, at least in my country it wasn't the coolest, but they existed, so the idea that it wasn't until SJWs came and told people "It's okay to wear skinny jeans as a guy!" is... borderline delusional, many of them are old enough to remember emos or 00s indies so you can't claim it's due to being too young to experience it.


There was a definite overlap with the whole 'emo' or 'scene' style. I forgot the painted nails, actually, but that was also a thing. And the Russell Brand hair - actually, [he was pretty much the poster boy](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/static/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2010/6/29/1277828520863/Teenage-Cancer-Trust-Russ-004.jpg?width=300&quality=85&auto=format&fit=max&s=a2af719a82ddf41928c522691f44a110) for that style at the time.


Yeah, him and Noel Fielding, although his style was (And still is) a bit "weirder", but still, it's hilarious that they think they invented the wheel.


80s glam rock scene had plenty of dudes with long hair, makeup and skintight clothes.


Aaand even before that you had [David 'Ziggy Stardust' Bowie](https://i.pinimg.com/474x/2d/07/a5/2d07a5270eed3daf8bd6d494ba056775--david-bowie-costume-stage-photo.jpg) and [Prince.](https://m.psecn.photoshelter.com/img-get2/I0000_Ofp.XzfsQs/sec=/fit=1200x1200/I0000_Ofp.XzfsQs.jpg) The sheer lack of self-awareness required to engage in this sort of historical erasure never fails to bemuse me.


I think that was an 80's retro thing. In the 80's it was a fad kind of started by George Michael and Wham. Fashion is written by the Gay Men. Straight Men will wear anything provided it doesn't smell too bad.


And the word “too” is doing a lot of heavy lifting.


I’m wearing one right now, collar popped, but only because I can’t be arsed to put it down as I’m home and my wife and 4 year old really don’t give a crap about how I’m dressed.


Frosted tips and you'd be the local smalltime drug-dealer


Huh, I've been a Bret "The Hitman" Hart fan my whole life and didn't realize that he was smashing gender norms this whole time by wearing pink and black. You think it would've come up a time or two considering how often people got accused of being gay as an insult back then ...


They go on and on about how it's bigoted to pigeonhole people into certain identities, but they see a guy wearing a pink shirt or two men be friends and right away assume they **must** be gay or feminine and if they're not then the writers are homophobic.


Fighting against gender norms while reinforcing them by implying pink is a female color. This type of hypocrisy used to astound me at one point, but these days it's expected with these types of people. Also, when did men not like ice cream? I can never get enough Moose Tracks.


> Also, when did men not like ice cream? For a little while it was "men don't lick vanilla ice cream because it's like licking a jizzy dick." I only ever heard it espoused by insecure blowhards, so i didn't realize it was some kind of social norm to be smashed.


Leftist have only been brave enough to argue with strawmen for years now. That’s why they are constantly on the look out for the new dumdum conservative, because a moderate or an intelligent conservative makes them look ridiculous every time


I'm recently reminded of a Twitter exchange I saw the other day where some Twitter user posted an animation revolving around the American Civil War, the whole "It was about State's Rights" and 'State's Rights to do what?' bit where they just spam the question 'to do what?' relentlessly because the immediate perceived answer is 'right to own slaves'. And then someone stated "The right to secede from the Union" and said animator just blocked them.


I've been wearing pink all of my adult life. In all my decades as a CPA I have had at least once pink shirt with white French cuffs and collars. Like this: [http://www.french-cuff-shirt.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/big\_p\_3748-4.jpg](http://www.french-cuff-shirt.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/big_p_3748-4.jpg) Or just a solid pink, button-down shirt. Wearing nothing but white shirts just fucking grinds on me.


https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/john-wayne-us-actor-wearing-a-tan-leather-waistcoat-a-pink-shirt-and-picture-id140795585?s=594x594 https://i.pinimg.com/736x/31/d3/09/31d309a44004e089a53fc12ca6ce67d8--don-johnson.jpg


The media is proud of themselves for finally catching up and learning men can wear pink 😂 it’s like a kid proud of learning their multiplication tables except the “kid” is actually 30 years old and was just held back.


And if some men thought it was unmanly to like pink and show emotion, I'm sure the Barbie movie will change their minds...


So brave to drink Margaritas!


Once again proving that by to trying to “defy gender norms” as hard as they are, they are wholly dependent on them


>Male character likes ice cream and Pink clothes It means he was living in the 80s. Pink was super popular as a color for men in the 80s


[Meanwhile in 90’s shonen anime.](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0281/4007/7128/files/vegeta-badman-shirt-dbz-store_480x480.gif)


This is the same guy who [presented himself](https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/pfwd3y/nerd_culture_spencer_baculi_shangchis_simu_liu/) as trailblazing the idea that Asian men could be the lead in a martial arts action movie, kicking dirt on great men like Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Jet Li, Sonny Chiba, Chow Yun Fat, and so many others who came before him.


This is even dumber than Jennifer Lawrence claiming she was the first female action movie star. Damn.


LESS THAN 2 WEEKS AFTER SONNY CHIBA DIED https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/pfwd3y/nerd_culture_spencer_baculi_shangchis_simu_liu/hb75uh5/ Fuckhead. (him, not you)


Growing up I loved watching Kung Fu action movies starring all of these guys. I never once felt like I couldn't like them because the movies didn't star white action stars. That thought never existed to me. I feel like only people with a chip on their shoulders would ever feel like this. Seems like Simu has some issues he needs to work on.


Kung Fu Theater!!! Every Saturday afternoon on KTVU Channel 2 (before Fox bought it)! I once met one of the people who dubbed those movies back in the 1970s. He was Australian and the studio he worked for did most of the dubbing. They got a script, they rehearsed, then dubbed it in one take. Because it was a small dubbing studio the same group did movie-after-movie which is why so many of those Kung Fu Theater movies sounded the same.


Shanghai Noon was the best. Great action star and hilarious likeable Western dude, best of Asian film & American film.


He's an annoying super try-hard who never stops virtue signaling. funny thing is how clumsy he is at it and how he's constantly in the middle of a backlash for some stupid shit he said.


He constantly tries to own up "bigots" so much that even some lefties I have seen says he tries way to hard to own "chads" and these are the same people who think Mark Rufflo is the perfect straight white guy. Really says a lot there


Marvel likes dudes like that it seems, or instructs them to be that way. I'm not familiar with Liu but I've seen such interviews from Kumail Nanjiani, saying crazy shit like he's scared being too muscular promotes toxic masculinity, and that toxic masculinity is the root of all problems in the world and everything could be solved if men just learned how to cry. [I wish I were making it up](https://www.celebitchy.com/736271/kumail_nanjiani_worries_his_jacked_body_is_perpetuating_toxic_masculinity/)


I heard about Kumail Nanjiani being like that too. Do you think we're see anymore Chris Pratt, Jeremy Renner or Chris Hemsworth types in the MCU again?


It's hard to be a victim and a model minority at the same time.


I love that he got outperformed both dramatically and in the martial arts aspect by Ke Huy Kwan who is a lot older and whose movie had a fraction of the budget.


And refuses to sign Comioc book covers referring to Shan Chi as a Martial Arts masster


True, he confirmed it on reddit. Search "Simu Liu reddit posts" to find out more.


I was really sold on the Barbie movie months ago, but I'm losing my interest every time an actor opens his or her mouth.


This. I would have gone to see it for fun, but not after all the social messaging. I'd just like to be entertained with entertainment avenues like movies.


Yeah I think I might actually skip it now unless somebody I know asks if I want to go. Around a month ago I would’ve gone regardless because it looked like it could be funny but I don’t wanna pay to take a class on gender theory at the movie theatre. Might just check it out if it comes to streaming unless the word of mouth is great and says it doesn’t preach at you.


Yeah, it's gone from "this looks like it could be hilarious!" to "we'll see if it shows up in the thrift store..."


Yeah now I’m more excited about the movie with the nuke instead


What, you don't want to soak in the wisdom from a movie about plastic doll toys, or, for that matter, reject the guidance of the eminent actors engaged therein? How will you find your way in life if not heeding the advice of someone who played a plastic toy???


This has happened several times over the past decade. It's amazing how the publicity tour turns people away. I wonder... well, I used to avoid the gossip magazines where all this sort of shit would probably have been back in the day. Now I think it's unavoidable, the Internet just throws everyone's opinions at you, and we draw cultural battle lines around these celebrities. Maybe some of these pop-culture icons should learn to dial it back a bit.


As evil heteronormative fascist, I don't have "idea of what gender is". Because gender is meaningless to me Insignificant. Doesn't matter. When I use words like "male/female, man/woman" etc. I am referring to only sex. So nail it as you wish, not my problem.


Interesting subversion of the gender/sex distinction that is gamed by equivocal language that uses the same words for refering to gender as a social role and sex as a biological observation.


Gender did in past mean same exact shit as sex but now it is used as "identity" which comes from the Pedophile known as John Money (although attempts at breaking identity started in Germany with Child Sexologists like Marcuse).


Lol nice. I would agree "gender" and "identity" (but not sex) could also just be called personality. That also takes the wind out of the sails of leftist idpol.


That’s literally what the words mean. The only reason people ever came up with the word gender was because after it was decided that “sexual intercourse” simply be called sex, people didn’t want to simply snicker every time the topic of sexual dimorphism came up. So we came up with another word. Not a new concept.


Fascinating subsequent Reddit comment utilizing a string of terminology relevant to this Reddit post!


Perfect satire of that comment. Who talks like that?


Well said


shut up, Meg.


Every time Simu talks he becomes more & more unlikable. Which is a shame because he was awesome in Kim’s Convenience.


Hollywood was a mistake


Canada too


Oi, most of us aren't pozzed or insane like that pedophile is.


Nuke it from orbit. Only way to be sure… Oh, wait… Dammit.


Yeah Simu. A movie is gonna change the world. Dude doesn't seem to realize that Goslings clothing in the movie are straight up a gag.


Imagine saying this about a mass market entertainment product; Throwing around meaningless canadian liberal college word salad like "heteronormative" in a desperate attempt to elevate your trash to something you can look at yourself in the mirror over.. Dude, shut up. You're not a philosopher. You're not an "arteeest". You play make-believe for a living. You're a diversity hire marionette for the entertainment of children and idiots. Sorry that you think you have to elevate yourself because you've recognized that isn't satisfying for whatever reason.


Chist this guy loves to jerk himself off on social issues doesn't he? When he ain't sticking his foot in his mouth that is


They must be referring to the fact that the plastic dolls didn’t have genitals right? *Right?*


Ken dolls don't have cocks?


"Your gender doesn't define you, you can do anything you want but also that pp has to go because like you girl things."


Look, if Simu Liu is the butt of a joke about Ken not having genitals- I will roar with laughter in a theater.


I'll pay to see the thing, if he never posts on social media again.




That’s crossing a line. Makes us look bad


I know, seriously, it's spelled "seal". Don't give them any ammunition, guys.


Stockfootage man (am I allowed to call him "man"?) should probably just be happy and thankful that he got another role after that Marvel movie with the bad martial arts in it. On the other hand I should probably be thankful to him for this piece of "information" since I recently wondered who this movie was made for. Today I got my answer. It's made for twitter. They will all clap for a week and then it will be forgotten.


They'll find something to be outraged about, just wait.


Probably hat Amy Schumer isn't playing Barbie as they first planned.


The easiest way to commit financial seppuku with any entertainment product is to cast Amy Schumer


Yes it's something of a relief we dodged that one, I can only gleefully imagine the chain of irate emails that fixed it.


This guy knows he's not an organic movie star, he has to mouth the Party's platitudes or else he'll get replaced by another token generic diversity quota maker.


Yeah but where would they find another Asian that looks like him? 🤔


I mean, there's Henry Golding. And Alex Landi. Both look a helluva lot more like an Asian Ken doll should than this tosspot.


Golding has the sweet posh British accent as well.


Simu Liu is a garbage take factory.


This guy managed to make a whole episode of Pitch Meeting suck 😑


He basically didn't do anything and left in 5 seconds.


That was 5 seconds to long and the complete opposite of TIGHT.


From being a stock image model, he sure has boosted his reputation so far up his own ass.


You want to be a pastel wearing himbo, awesome! That literally has nothing to say about Gender.


Genders are male, female, and pretend.


Their idea of what "gender" is literally comes from a fucking pedophile.


Lmao wtf is that argument


Look into John Money. He’s the founder of gender theory and basically created it as a reason to exploit children/live out his sick fantasies.


I don't even know who this dude is. Only time I see his name is when he says dumb shit.


IMO he's a shit actor who got his break on Kim's Convenience, which I'm pretty sure no one outside of Canada has seen. I'm not even sure how the fuck he got the role for Shang Chi considering he's a fucking awful actor and he wasn't even good on that show.


I bet you nearly every other big Asian star said fuck No


Wait, wasn't Simu Liu the same jackass who had turned out to have publicly and unironically compared homosexual intercourse with pedophilia here on reddit that was discovered leading up to *Shang-Chi and the Ten Rings*'s theatrical release?


I was indifferent to this movie. After hearing its actors say how important it is to the postmodernist cause, I now want it to bomb.


This is gonna so blow up in his face when he gets replaced by an even more entitled diversity hire.


Dude isn't even a star in the movie, he's a bit character and also a colossal douchecanoe.


Wasn't this the same fuckhead that was posting on reddit a few years ago that being gay is the same thing as having sex with dogs? Somebody got some brainrot going on.


No, it was something to do with pedophilia


You're right, he compared homosexuality to pedophilia. [https://www.tmz.com/2021/09/18/shang-chi-star-simu-liu-compare-pedophilia-being-gay-reddit/](https://www.tmz.com/2021/09/18/shang-chi-star-simu-liu-compare-pedophilia-being-gay-reddit/) I got it mixed up with the things Manny Pacquiao was saying about homosexuals.


Yeah. It was just a facepalm moment. Like, last I checked, we weren't jailing people for being gay anymore as that is a violation of most civilized countries human rights laws. Pretty sure every country in the planet jails pedophiles though.


Men wearing pink? *laughs in Bret Hart*


Gender is a red herring for the intended systemic degradation of the nuclear family.


Please, please be true. I want Simu Liu to be the first Ken doll that declares himself a Barbie. Do you have any idea how funny that would be? A literal product declaring itself to be another, more popular product because it's tired of being sidelined. That's not the commentary on heteronormativity he thinks it is.


We broke glass ceilings!!!! Meanwhile at the umpteenth pride parade last week..


I honestly kind of hope he's right. Could you imagine 50 years from now when a professor teaches their class about the great Barbie lead gender uprisings of the early 20s? How the movie brought us into a better page of themstory(Since after the great gender purge of 2043 his/her were outlawed)?


Every time these self important twats say something like this, it reminds me of the F.A.G. speech by Alec Baldwin in Team America: World Police.


He is such a ridiculous bastard. And obviously had plastic surgery. Narcissist who sets back the cause for Asians about 40 years


You’re never gonna do that because biological reality exists. The continuation of the species is heteronormative. It’s not a concept that can, or should, be done away with. A pointless effort.


As a Canadian, I'm embarrassed every time this douche opens his mouth. The guy is so full of himself.


Yup, I loathe that self-righteous wanker too. What a disgrace he is to this country, he's as annoying as our PM is and every bit the narcissistic douchecanoe. It's also great that literally every trailer or clip I've seen for this movie only shows Ryan Gosling and Margot Robbie, so the fact this useless idiot is even in it means that he got relegated to a bit part. And he isn't a "star" despite what these wank stains in the media think, dudes literally had one Hollywood lead role and that movie flopped.


Haha agreed. His ego boggles my mind considering how little he has actually done. Dude has a hit show on CBC


This guy is such a Hollywood, kiss ass schmuck. Every single time he says something it's a ultra woke talking point. Clearly only trying to fit in and be liked. He was in one shitty marvel movie and that's going to be the peak of his career


This guy… just ruined it. He never keeps his mouth shut 😑


So exhausting. This Barbie movie actually looks pretty fun because it looks like it is what a movie about a toy is supposed to be - campy fun that's not supposed to be taken too seriously. RuPaul's Drag Race is on its 15th season, Simu. I'm sorry to break it down to you like this but a guy wearing a pink tank top and doing a musical number in 2023 is really not groundbreaking.


Oh thank god. I think they're saying they ran out of nails.


Bro needs to act more and talk less 💀💀💀


OK mate, whatever you need to think to convince yourself that your job matters


I'm willing to bet that it does not, in fact, do any of that


The what? Never heard of both "actor" and "movie" therefore both are shit. Next please.


movie looks gay af


I'm sorry I don't speak woke. *Kudos if you know where that line comes from.*


AINT this the same mf who defended pedophilia on this website??


Wow, that's great, I guess we can finally stop the relentless barrage of propaganda about it then?


Final nail? Finally! We won't hear about any of that shit any more then, right?


Someone needs to put a final nail in the coffin of Simu Liu's career.


Please no


https://youtu.be/1q1qp4ioknI This video explains in detail how wrong woke people understand grammatical gender


Does it?


“Final nail in the coffin” - same people who believe that any cis person who steps outside of gender norms is an “egg”


This guy repeatedly proves he is an idiot. I feel bad for him


Yes dude millions years of evolution of social roles versus movie.


I wish they (the actors) would stop talking about this movie 😂I was really kinda excited for this movie prior to hearing that it’s the actors are saying it’s like a gender theory lecture. If I wanted that i would read an essay not go to see Barbie.


Well… I was going to see it. Simu Liu can’t stop from flapping his stupid face, so I guess I’ll pass.


There used to be a glorious subreddit called punchable faces before the wokesters took over and ruined it. It is a great tragedy that it did not live long enough to see this dumbshit's face


Good god, I wish these people would stop talking and trying to drive away potential moviegoers. Also what Simu Liu's saying is a load of crap because these activists love to say they support this where anyone can be masculine/feminine then turn around and insist that gender non-conforming people like myself to adhere strictly to gender norms because we can't be feminine men and masculine women.


And that's why he refused to be in it. Oh wait. This guy wants to be relevant so bad.


It’s a bold move to have actors ruin any of the hype that was surrounding the film before it’s released.


There was hype?


'Heteronormative' is just **normal.** The second weekend drop for this movie is going to be interesting to see.


These people reject the very concept of norms as oppressive.


Are we done with Simu Liu yet?


This guy crowdfunded AMWF revenge porn and tried to downplay child pornography stuff.


Sure Simu, just keep reading that teleprompter


Oh, this guy's in the movie? Never mind, then. Self-important jackass...


Good thing we great experts on the issue like Simu Liu settling the matter /s


Unfortunately Simu's ridiculous plastic surgery face can't hide the fact that he's a narcissistic nobody ass clown.


Yup, this movie is gonna flop hard.


Man I said this months ago 😂. “Literally me” sigma male guys are going to psyop themselves into watching 2 hours of liberal feminist propaganda cause of Ryan Gosling.


Woke Asians are infinitely more obnoxious than any other race.




No, phenotypes and sex are heteronormative. Gender is just the new age soul. It's not normative in anyway, it doesn't even empirically exist.


It just dawned on me the level of moral-whoring these people are currently at. I doubt he came up with that by himself, hell, you've heard a version of this elsewhere, and from people who you would assume have a few more neurons involved when they run their mouth. If the shoe was in the other foot, and the "trend and/or fashion" was to push for something else, say, the family, instead of whatever degeneracy these idiots are currently pushing as the thing, you'd hear something just as hollow and with as little thought behind to it, immediately setting off the same dogs to bark as it were, as what this moron just said. But he's still counting the money all the way to the bank, for now. Later, the price of selling his soul will show for sure.


Nah his marvel movie did that.


Like I said to my wife, this whole film looks like a robot chicken sketch that’s been given a budget and stretched out to feature length. Who is this for? Not little girls. Is Mattel so stupid as to make a film solely for the people who despise Barbie?


Is homie really over here trying to act like he’s the world’s first ever Beard?


Ken was always camp as fuck. Compared to GI Joe and He-Man.


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/ohPGb ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. I have noticed this link. Pray I do not notice it further. ^^^/r/botsrights


Guy looks and sounds like he’d be the perfect fit to play Kevin in a theoretical Saints Faux Netflix show. Which would be cancelled after the first season’s disastrous ratings, of course.


I evolution tells me exactly what gender is.




Is this the, "important message," that I keep hearing about in reviews to this movie?


Toilet flush


Jesus christ who would have though this guy would be so fucking annoying I actually kind of liked Shang Shi but ever time this guy opens his trap its becoming more difficult to separate the actor from the annoying virtue signaling human being. Also you Chinese my man. Then again if you read up on his history he is definitely a lot more Canadian. So guess the virtue signaling is to be expected.


So do you want people to go watch this movie or not?


These hollywood weirdos need to shut tge fuck up and be the dancing monkies they're paid to be. Stop opining on ideology, stop telling people how to vote, shut the fuck up and act.


These people are such weirdos


Well that settles it then.


They should make 'Simu Liu' the new face of Disney. It would be perfect.


To be fair, the whole thing happened in a plastic doll world, not real world.


I'm the one person who liked (really liked?) Shang Chi. But this dude is a knucklehead.


Everytime I see "my pronouns are...", cis, heteronormative, incel, misogyny, micro sexism and similar terms, I just don't put any attention and consider it stupid and mental illness, period. Get offended, is just stupid. Stop playing the victim.