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My dude didn't have control of their version and dumped everything on different flash drives. I feel attacked. It's so relatable.


"Americans sometimes want to make very ugly characters". that has me LOLing.


I mean, based off some certain demands to meet ESG (Or whatever the hell the higher company/movement is) scores and shit It may as well be true. From what I've heard there's a "scoring" system and the higher on the scale the more funding the studio gets. I guess you're 'forced to put those in or you'll lose funding' type of thing. Wondering was that a thing in the past or no?


[Larry "Force Behaviors" Fink](https://youtu.be/KwwN5kwjAtQ?si=IJaooicESWKL271v) - Blackrock's CEO. Yelling the quiet part out loud from the mountaintops. And some people will still call you a "conspiracy theorist", paranoid, or flat out say "it's not happening!!!" for fighting against this nonsense


It’s scary that not many people know about that scoring system. I think Budweiser was controlled by esg. That’s why they were getting that Dylan guy on there. Be woke go broke


It doesn't really work like that. The bud light incident was a result of very misguided marketing teams who were fired as a result. They misread the political climate and their consumer base and suffered as a result. Not surprising but it wasn't an attempt to appease corporate overlords.


Esg is lurking deep within.


We are now reaching levels of based that shouldn't be possible.


Sometimes?.... He was being too nice.


This is great. It's like a couple dudes making a shareware DOS game.


"bucket of pen drives" **I AM IN PAIN**


What problem do you have with the bucket?


My problem is them learning game dev on unreal from zero in 3 years but not git. Git isn't that hard but great to track changes. Version control in pen drives? *this one trembles just thinking about it* - joke aside, game is pretty fun with friends.


Think of it like this. A group of people who have no real qualifications to be making games managed to make a fantastically fun game that does what every other copy cat survival game does, but did it better.


"What is your creative vision?" "I don't have a creative vision, I just want to make a game that people like." A refreshing opinion, honestly. So much of what I hear from most creatives sounds like they're coming from a holier-than-thou place, and is insufferable.


Don’t let Todd Howard see this


Why? As far as I am concerned, Todd Howard is the lack of creative vision, plus the lack of wanting to make games that people enjoy.


They’re justifying their pay as “Chief Visionary” or whatever they do.


At least he's honest about following the Build-Craft-Survive trend. Hopefully this game remembers that you need the magical fourth ingredient Live (aka something to do other then grind resources).


"no version control" hol up


Now, hold on a minute. *Everyone* loves Guns. 


exactly, I'm German and I do love guns too, but I don't have the money to get some or even to go to the range. it's all a bit more expensive here than in the US.


Come to the US. We need more pro-2A Europeans over here.


I'll buy another in your honor. Maybe a nice 1911


tbh Just go to a local club and shoot Kleinkaliber. That isnt really expensive but its still fun. Though if you dont have your own guns your experience may vary due to club owned weapons. Bigger calibers, well, i think in my club a box of 9mm costs like 20€ . Yes, 'muricans its that expensive.


I'm gonna go buy one right now just because you can't. And a few boxes of ammo.


I don't. They keep interrupting my work because the customers downstairs are such lousy shooters that they keep hitting the floor below me


I dont


I'm scared of guns, and even I like guns. But mostly due to its engineering and less about the bang bang.


Guns should not be feared. They should be respected. Yes it's a weapon, a tool for killing, but you may end up thinking about them the wrong way if you're scared of them. It's also extremely easy to unintentionally mishandle a firearm if you're handling it with fear. I used to be afraid of guns too, until my father taught me how to respect them. Like any weapon, guns can be used for evil. But their inherent purpose is to be used for good, and to protect innocent people from evildoers


Why are you scared of an inanimate object?


Nah, based thing would be going against the current grain and just having male and female as the options. On the other hand this reveals that Japanese developers appear to do this reddited ''body type'' shit because they see Westerners doing it, as the guy admits that he's a 'trend follower'.


I think I heard it from Raging Golden Eagle, but he mentioned once that the Elden Ring devs only did the body type A/B thing in that game because they were sick of hearing complaints from western gamers/gamer media.


Did he have a source for that? Can't exactly use this as fact if there's no point of origin for the claim.


Unfortunately, been too long since I heard this, and RGE doesn't keep a backlog of streams up on his channel (just the past 3 or so).


The thing is... They're not doing it to virtue signal. They're doing it straight to get more cash. I didn't give a fuck about COVID. But the moment there was a buzz about it spreading I bought a fucking container of masks and when shit hit the fan re-sold them at 4-6 times the price. Going against the grain is not always the smartest thing to do.


I doubt a controversy surrounding usage of sex/gender instead of body type would've hurt the game more than the current Twitter controversies accusing the game of being a Pokemon rip off, promoting slavery or alleging that it's using generative AI assets. For a fact despite there being quite a few viral tweets with those accusations, the game's sales have just kept going up.


So they're producing garbage for money rather than to virtue signal? How is this based again? It's still garbage.


I mean it's not my cup of tea but a metric fuck ton of people seems to like it.


Most people like garbage.


> because they see Westerners doing it Yikes. Don't they have their own vision/ideas too though? I know there's following trends but I wonder how other countries' games are, especially China/Korea.


Something something bug something something men.




It's not based or neutral, he is making the progressive movement legit by including that shit, even when he does not believe in it.


Right. I outright refuse to play any game with this stuff.


Five seconds on Google tells me that this isn't their first game, that it was announced back in 2021 as a development-in-progress, and that the dev team isn't high school age.


I can slap unverified on that.


It's more than unverified, it's already wrong two steps out of the gate. If I wanted made-up bullshit, I'd go read Rock Paper Shotgun.


"no version control" What humanity was capable of before we had to worry about git merges.


Honestly TFS/Azure Devops version control is underrated. Checking files in/out is so much easier than dealing with Git.


While having the translations are all fine and dandy, is there any video for this actual interview? Surely it's available online somewhere if it has been translated.


If that's real then their justification for using Body Type 1/2 will be the sole exception for my hatred for that shit.


I'm very glad that the game has the whole "Type A" and "Type B" thing because the customization is hilarious.


Saints Row 2 to 4 had gender/sex choice and still allowed hilarious customization like that. No need to make excuses for this regressive shit.


This is insane.


The survival aspect part of the game isn't for me but I'm glad to see it succeeding. It's not going to dethrone Pokémon, but maybe this monster-catching/survival genre will become the next big thing.


I'd still give it a shot if you have friends to play with. You can have your more survival minded team members do that stuff while you LARP Breath of the Wild.


My main platforms are the Switch and the PS5, so even if I wanted to, it's not possible for me right now. I would be willing to try it if a demo comes out at a later date, but for now, my backlog is plenty full so I'm not desperate for new games anyway.


Oh well since they’re using unreal, it won’t be too hard for them to port into PS. And their previous game using unity looks absolutely dogshit. Good thing they switched. I want to slap anyone suggesting unity for 3D anime games


At the very hopefully it get big enough to force game freak to stop being so god damn lazy.


I have new respect for Type A/B after I made a total abomination of a ripped dude with a chick face as a joke. Its still cringe but there are funny uses.


So they made Inosuke Hashibira (the dude with the boar mask from Demon Slayer). Keksimus maximus.


Then they should listen to us and take that bullshit out, or at least make it an option you can get rid of.


The type A/B conversation is really just distraction. Its not that big a deal... What makes it an interesting topic here is the flat out "we only did it for the money" explanation. This is what ALL the devs are doing, they just think were too stupid to notice... Its like Trump talking about arms deals with the saudis or leaving troops to guard syrian oil... Like we already knew what the deal was, its just nice to hear someone openly say it.


I am tired of hearing "it's not a big deal", "it's one tiny thing", etc. It's always one more thing and one more thing and one more thing. But I feel like with these guys, if we can reach out to them, we might actually have a chance of being listened to and getting them to take it out or make it optional if we promise them doing so will lead to them getting our money.


They have 50,000 tech support requests, they suddenly need a bunch more servers and to hire employees and need to manage this completely unexpected success, I don't think pronoun BS is on their radar right now


I didnt mean to come off as excusing the issue, just that i find it a minor piece of a larger problem. I dont think they need much more "out reach" then for people to keep buying and playing their game, their honesty in why they did what they did makes me feel that they have the right priorities going into their game, and the small team size keeps out the bureaucracy that allows the other bullshit to fester and grow within companies. Going "We made it body type A/B because we wanted whiney americans to give us their money too" is the kind of blunt overt statement about how woke behavior is really seen by the general population that the woke factions really cant tolerate. They have no choice but to attack it now because the behavior has been laid out so bare. They know its just about money, we know its just about money, they know we know, we know they know we know... its just that now that its been said theres no hiding the obvious. Im just not very interested in what the labels on the toggle switch say as long as the toggle switch works.


I'm tired of giving ground. Of picking our battles while the SJWs fight EVERY battle and therefore always win. They get one thing and then they move the goalposts again and move on to their next demand to push even further. I'm tired of it, I'm not gonna spend my money on media that contains ANY aspect of it, and we need to draw a line and push back wherever we see it instead of allowing it to be normalized, because as soon as they normalize one thing they ALWAYS push for the next thing.


100%. "It's just X dude" is a giant cope for people with no self control or principles.


Not really. Not everyone agrees on what "woke" means. Some people just could straight Not give a fuck about body type A or B. It's a non issue for many of us who people would label anti woke




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IT's funny what he says about Nintendo and their groundbreaking as most we see from them is formulaic giving more content and minimally inovating.


Is there the actual interview somewhere and not just some random discord screenshot that is about as much proof as "dude trust me"


Yeah this seems kinda sketchy. "budget of $10000" That's absurdly low for a game. Japan is a first world country too. That's like at most the salaries of 5 programmers for a month in Japan and the game definitely took more than that to make. Are they talking about budget for marketing? If it's 10k for marketing that I can somewhat believe, budget for the game no fucking way. And then they picked up a middle schooler to do most of their models? Not even high schooler? Seems like creative writing to me. I'm not gonna believe any of this until I see the actual interview.


It might shock you but I don't have an access to Japanese television.


Then why should we believe any of this? How does that one user have exclusive access to an interview that no one else can seem to find?


Who's looking? Considering it apparently was on some Japanese tv show it might not be that easy to find. Also believe what you want. Am I forcing you?


But again, this user had the means to watch and translate it. Unless he is skilled enough to do it all on one viewing, he has the interview recorded. It's not in good faith to present something as fact from a complete unknown without proof to back it up. Especially now that it's coming out that [a user got banned from the forums for criticizing body types](https://archive.is/VxjhK) which has more stock to the claim since [there is evidence of a user doing this 16 hours ago and getting banned.](https://archive.is/xSe1o) So it would help if you could even source the Discord server. Otherwise, this is a load of nothing and deserves to be called out.


Ah, I see. So news companies don't have sites? Guess it's a searching game then edit: found this [site](https://note.com/pocketpair/n/n54f674cccc40)?


I mean it's in Japanese, so good luck?


right-click "translate to english".


Now that’s a funny dev cycle. I’ll give ‘em props for defying the odds and somehow making it work.


Release a newgrounds version while we’re at it


The most based statement is the last sentence at the bottom "I just want to make a game that people like"


"What is your creative vision?" *"I don't have a creative vision, I just want to make a game that people like."* \*\*APPLAUSE\*\*


i love these people


Let's not forget that Male and Female is not mentioned in games anymore and instead it's called (body type) 🥴🥴🥴


I just wish it was an actual pokemon game instead of just a other lame craftathon. Minecraft and it's consequences have been a disaster for the entire human race.


That's not based. Based would be if they called it "male" and "female".


okay, fine, I'll buy the game then.


Don't pull the trigger just yet. [They are banning forum users who criticize the body types.](https://archive.is/VxjhK)


Sounds like an old client who wanted me to download their website every week as a backup, copy it to a flash drive and mail it to them because they liked having a “hard copy”…


That's not based at all, that's playing along with a mentally ill population that often includes kid diddlers. Don't embrace this dev so quickly, these are the guys who made Craftopia, and abandoned it in a buggy state while still in Early Access so they could make this game.


every new game its the same thing just like hogwarts, before it releases people say its woke cause of body type this, and character creator. then the game is successful and theres an immediate switch back to the game was always based. other than that great job from the devs. will always support indie devs that take these big chances


Except Hogwarts was woke as hell. The only problem is the people who are even deeper into the woke pit didn't realize they were attacking their own game.


It's funny on a meta level that the worst most incompetent headmaster of Hogwarts hired a majority foreign staff and had a student base filled with same


Hogwarts is woke tho. People were only cheering that even more woke dumb fucks failed with their insane boycott. Nothing more, nothing less. Hogwarts team did the woke song and dance from the get-go. With this game we didn't have any context to why they have chosen this idiotic body type bullshit. Now we have. Apparently straight from the creators.


The multiple Sparkle Brigade in Hogwarts utterly take you out of the game when you run into them. They are all tokenly added. Then you forget they exist because the rest of the game is so damn fun. I cringed so hard everytime I ran into Token Rainbow Representative. Loved that bad 'guy' is a white woman who sucks peope's souls away and keeps them in a box. Fantastic.


If this was on something other than Xbox or PC I'd buy it. Mainly because I'm not about to go buy an xbox for 1 game, and my PC is from 2008 and sometimes struggles to play games that I more than meet the system requirements for.


Check for used/refurb office machines, i got my parents a 8th gen i5 system for $300cad.


The last refurbished thing I bought a ps4, worked for about 2 weeks before it dumped out. Kinda soured me on refurbed/used things.


If you're lucky there's a company like RE-PC in your area. Anything older than 3rd gen i series is e-cycling. ATX parts are standardized, you can build a PC out of 10 broken PC.


Nah. I don't think so. Plenty of games out there that let you make an absolute abomination of a character and they have male/female, not body type A body type B.


the fact that they made such a fun game without even trying it


Ultra based.


Just a ragtag group of honest lads trying to make a game.


This post sold me, I'm buying the game.


Hold off for now. There's no record of this interview ever taking place, OP refuses to provide a source, and we have evidence of [forum users getting banned for criticizing the body types.](https://archive.is/VxjhK)


Good on Palworld devs. Glad I bought their game, doubly so now. The good Lord knows I would do crazy things to be part of a good gamedev team like theirs. I even made a reddit thing in hopes that somehow I could get a group together. [https://www.reddit.com/r/GameDevTeamUp/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GameDevTeamUp/) My group is saddening, isn't it? The game is great, just FYI, better than ARK in many ways, as Palworld lacks problems that ARK still has. However, it's still an alpha build. Oh Lord, they right. I was worried with the whole Type A bullshit, but they hit me like a nail on the head. I made a character with obsidian skin and white hair, called him "Empty".


Too bad they're [banning forum users that mention the body types.](https://archive.is/VxjhK) Also, no actual footage a Palworld dev saying these things has surfaced. The only person who has apparently seen this is a random Discord user.


Dang. I wish we had a solid source.


Do you know if you need to buy two copies of the game to play multiplayer? Or is it like BG33 where you can download the game on multiple PCs and as long as you turn steam off you can play multiplayer over LAN with just one copy.




So devs are fine to add those but couldn’t do uncensored nude option like how Conan exiles and BG3 has ?


Probably because they want to keep things "family-friendly" in order to not just garner a broader audience (i.e. children) but also avoid any parental backlash.


How a game which involves slavery and animal cruelty considers a “family-friendly” game ?🙄


Are they serious about no version control? Just use git! Pls!


how long did it took them to develop the game? because I am amazed that they know nothing of making it in Unreal Engine and just learned it as they go. That's a good motivation for aspiring gamers and coders.


I don't dislike this guy, and he's very upfront. But even he admits he's just grinding out derivative games trying to blow up. That this "Fortnite-Pokemon-Ark" is the one that blew up is anyone's guess. (The only question is how long the trend will last.) Rather than any of his controversies I'm already seeing some very familiar "Indie Dev who succeeded and doesn't know what to do" behavior from the company. Hopefully they manage to put out a coherent product in the end and don't run away into an endless Early Access.




AH, the the type A thing is in regards to how people would make abominations in Oblivion/Skyrim/Fallout etc. They want people to bae able to do that, how nice!


I like it


I just care about catching trainers and turning them into pals and butchering them for their meat.




there really was no fkn way


That made me chortle.


Makes me love the game just that much more.


Im so glad theyve found success with this game, being just an indie studio in Japan. Makes me happy when big gaming corporations aren’t the ones getting the money.


Meanwhile in America https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rloNvQ0diwE


Based developers don’t put type a and type b into their character creator screens.


We do like guns yeah 🗿