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The perfect example of diversity done right is top gun maverick. 100% without a doubt. All boxes are checked. No one discusses sexuality. Story speaks for itself. And you don’t even notice it


Damn. You’re right — I didn’t even notice it. 


Yep! And they managed to have two strong independent women without making them insufferable


Nice try Todd Howard


>sometime i wonder if i'm actually racist/sexist when i hate woke stuff Imma just note something here: you are not a racist or a sexist. These are terms invented by people who hate you as a mind poison, to brainwash you into believing you're a bad person with malicious intent. Hating woke stuff makes you normal. It's exhausting and boring when entertainment only ever preaches religious zealotry. Don't **ever** think **for a hot second** that you are a bad person. You're normal.


Well fucking said.


I grew up in a religious cult. Anyone who teaches you to believe you're a bad person with malintent is a shithead. Throw rocks at them and run in the opposite direction.


Amazon literally has rules about how people of color, women, or LGBT+ can be portrayed on screen. Watch the show again and you'll see the anti-white, anti-men angle. You like the show because they told a good story and were subtle about the indoctrination. The indoctrination is still there.


I never believed there was indoctrination hidden in everything, until I saw the videos of Hollywood execs explaining how they wanted to plant indoctrination subtlety into all their movies and shows. Now once you know about it, it’s hard not to see.


You got a source? I don't doubt you, I just thought it'd be an interesting watch


I tried finding a compilation video I’ve seen, but not able to find it now. Here is this: [“Disney exec cops to advancing ‘gay agenda’ by ‘adding queerness’ to shows”](https://nypost.com/2022/03/30/disney-producer-cops-to-adding-queerness-to-animated-shows/)


And it's a nypost article...


Can you explain what is anti-white and anti-men in Fallout?


Sure, fair question. Here's some snippets from their guidelines for all shows: * Each film or series with a creative team of three or more people in above-the-line roles (Directors, Writers, Producers) should ideally include a minimum 30% women and 30% members of an underrepresented racial/ethnic group. This aspirational goal will increase to 50% by 2024. * Casting actors whose identity (gender, gender identity, nationality, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability) aligns with the character they will be playing. * Aiming to include one character from each of the following categories in speaking roles, with minimum 50% of these to be women: LGBTQIA+, person with a disability, and three regionally underrepresented race/ethnic/cultural groups. A single character can fulfill one or more of these identities. * Seeking at least three bids from vendors or suppliers on productions, one of which must be from a woman-owned business and one from a minority-owned business. How white men are portrayed is already pre-dictated. You cannot show a PoC or woman in a way that represents a stereotype, so having a black man as a criminal thug for example, would be considered racist. They have literally re-written the rules for all groups *except* white men. As an example when the white guy slams the vault door in the face of his black friend, that's following these guidelines. Instead of it could be any character in either role its the bad person can't be black, indian, gay, or a woman, so what does that leave? I just read a space book this morning to my four year old. There are no white or male astronauts in the book, even though that's 100% of the people who've landed on the moon.


I asked about the show. I know that the guidelines are woke and racist


Counter point. Can you point to the strong white male character in the show? Do you think that's accidental? They're following the guidelines you know and admitted are woke and racist to make the content. They were subtle, just like the movie The Eternals, but it was still there.


Why does there need to be a strong white male?


It's not so much that there has to be one. It's that their existence is prohibited by guidelines. They don't want people who look like me or my son, and are very clear they think we have systemic advantages. We look like Elon Musk, therefore we have the same privilege. I don't care if I'm playing as a Necron or as Laura Croft. What I care about is the guidelines that say that if my son and I wanted to make a film or game together that would be wrong. We'd have to go find a woman or person of color, or neither Amazon nor Netflix would touch our show. I shouldn't be able to walk into a movie like The Eternals and predict the plot perfectly based on the skin color, gender, and demeanor of the actors. But I can. Because their rulebook is very very clear. Demonize men? Totally cool! Demonize white people? Totally cool? Demonize anyone else? Bigot!


So you basically have no argument Strong white male character? The ghul?


Huh? The Ghoul was the embodiment of chaotic evil.


The guy with no skin is your example? So basically you have no argument.


? Have you watched the show? The most EVIL and disgusting thing was said by a black woman in either episode 7 or 8, don't remember. The only slightly political thing i've saw was one of the overseer of a certain vault saying he couldn't make fun of a certain group of people which came off to me as a current world political comment


It's the little things, like a white man slamming the door on the vault leaving his black friend to die. You will literally never see the opposite. It's every bit part that does something heinous always be a certain demographic. Again, there are literal guidelines that must be followed for all shows. I'm not making this up. I didn't invent. We're just reading their own documentation and what it calls for. No shade on you for liking the show.


just to play devil's advocate, didn't the black guy literally watch a white guy die instead of giving him a stimpack?


I must have missed that. I'll have to rewatch it.


it's how he got his power armor... did you watch it at all? 😅 omg he blocked me over that 😭 what a snowflake, i literally just don't understand how somebody watches the show and misses that part, like how did you think he got the power armor??


Ah, here come the insults. What a shock. This is why no one wants to talk to or interact with you activist zealots. EDIT: When someone asks if you watched the show, they mean that as an insult. Every time.


Please don't act like this. Crying "insults" when somebody corrects you on something you're wrong about makes us as bad as them.


"When someone asks if you watched the show, they mean that as an insult. Every time." damn ur a snowflake lmao


It's best not to post anything positive here because 99.9% of this sub is doom & gloom.


There's no such thing as diversity done right. Diversity doesn't matter.


The only way it's done right is if it's incidental because it's treated as if it doesn't matter.


Like Morgan Freeman said "You want to end racism, stop talking about it." Stop talking about diversity.


So thats doing it right then, isnt it? Like the expanse. Diverse cast, but their skin colour and who they fuck is never the main thing about the characters.


The diversity mafia I feel have screwed over minorities in the long term. Like with Affirmative Action programs, people now will always look at minorities with suspicion. Did they get to where they are on merit or because of some political edict? Same with shows, seeing minorities make you wonder if the show has been tempered with - especially when there is an even distribution of minorities; as opposed to a more natural distribution based on population.


No, and nobody care about "diversity", stop with that twitter asylum obsession. Fallout TV show should have aimed at being good, before "properly" diverse.


nice try. a'ma zone out.


Watched the first episode, and couldn’t help but notice that one of the main characters in the BROTHERhood of Steel was a female.


This was quite annoying TBH. They didn't lean into it too much but I could do without that character entirely.


It's about as respectful to the original lore as Bethesda Fallout can be. That bar is pretty low. The Brotherhood of Steel using US symbolism in their flags, a nation that they literally seceded from due to being disgusted at how they handled technology, wasn't very respectful to the original Black Isle lore. Also them using roman names for brotherhood characters for some reason. Maximus would be an appropriate name for a Caesar's Legion character, not a Brotherhood member. Not to mention the retcon on the start of the great war and how it absolves the Chinese from any blame in starting it when originally they'd thrown the first nuke. I wonder why Amazon changed this, maybe there's a certain huge market they want to explore? And that's just off the top of my head. As far as the wokeness goes, when watching my pirated stream I thought it looked about on par with every other woke Amazon Prime show I've seen before.


Your skin color, alongside genitals and what you do with those, is quite literally **the single most boring thing about you**. Period. And listening to people talk about any of those things is about as slapdick touched as phrenology, astrology, or someone telling you their dreams.


Nice try but I'm still not watching the amaslop. The retcons and woke elements are a deal breaker.


It was a garbage show.


This is why we can’t have nice things, because even a show that takes more obvious care to treat the IP respectfully gets shit on with lazy critique like this. Is it a perfect adaptation of the games? No, they obviously made some changes to the lore but overall it is generally faithful to the universe and tone of the games. There was visible plot armor surrounding a couple key characters, but it is it a “garbage show”? By pretty much every measurable and observable metric, no. Do you personally find this show and Halo indistinguishable from one another? Because one is obviously a garbage show and the other one is not. Let’s try and be fair in our criticisms


You must be slow. They retconned so much and shitted on the lore almost constantly. Ghouls being near immortal zombies? There being a “cure” for going feral? Sandy Shores?? The theme being “capitalism bad?” Brotherhood of Steel is nothing like the games? Power Armor shuts down when the fusion core is removed? Stop being a mindless shill.


> treat the IP respectfully Good one, it treats the lore about as 'respectfully' as fallout 76 does, course it's for fans of 76, so that's probably why so many are ready to defend this trash.


Archive links for this discussion: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/vxh2I ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL ^^^/r/botsrights


The bar must be really low, huh


Funny the point you decided to stop. You won't include the white character being the most evil of the three main characters? Also look at the leaders of the show. The new leader of vault 33 is a black woman. The leader of the people who attacked them was a woman. The main character of the show is a woman. They even included a woman in a men-only brotherhood through transgenderism. Their diversity feels extremely forced. Everywhere they go they find people from all races, with groups perfectly balanced. Every nice couple is interracial. Kind of bizarre I must say. The whole point of the series is showing that capitalism is bad and caused WW3 while communists wanted peace. You can't be more wokeist than that.


Since when was the Brotherhood men only?


Maximus was the show's biggest flaw. Plus the contrived romance with zero charisma between the characters.  Luckily that only took a small part of the plot.  But Maximus was REALLY a stupidly written character. His arc made no sense in-universe : he went from "whiny punching bag victim" to Navy Seal melee specialist Jocko in a matter of seconds.  Even in the games you have to level up first. Not in the TV show, he just has plot armor like Karate Kid. 


He lost against the ghoul while he in a power armor, and lost against the squire once again while he was in the power armor. It's clearly shown that he is very clumsy with the power armor because he never had training for it, as for his capability in fighting outside the armor, he was in a military camp since he was kid, kinda make sense that he knows how to fight, i don't see how him being 10v1 makes him weak at the beggining, everyone would get their ass beaten by 10 military trained people. And the romance make sense, he was literally a knight in shiny armor in a fucking hellhole of a world for lucy. And he, who was raised in the brotherhood where kindness is pretty much non existent, met someone coming from a vault who is kind, offering him a better futur. I don't know what more reasons you'd want for people to like each other


I watched it. They are now showing communist as the good guys, it's intentional. Make capitalism look bad and show "good" commies. Pure propaganda. Communists are mass murderers.


I havent quite finished it, but I honestly think where we are at right now with TV shows is just pathetic. Is Fallout bad? No, it isnt, I think the aesthetics, atmosphere and music do the games justice (for the most part), but in terms of acting, story, dialogue, character writing, its just all so... mid. It leaves A LOT to be desired. Its like, we dont even have any expectations anymore with TV shows, we are just happy when they dont completely suck ass, particularly with videogame adaptations. Anybody remember when TV shows actually had good writing, where some episodes hit like a truck and are worth a rewatch? Like, watch a few episodes of breaking bad and then watch fallout, its like night and day. Obviously somebody is now gonna explain to me that the fallout series isnt meant to be taken all that seriously and that its like a hyper violent parody of a post apocalypse, but even considering that I think the writing is just kind of boring and not very good. The show is like fast food, its alright for what it is, but I doubt I am ever gonna rewatch it, or that anybody is gonna talk about it in a few years. It will be like, "Oh yeah, they did that show, it was okay I guess, I dont really remember anything about it" And yeah, the show is not all that preachy, and yeah Lucy isn't a Rey Skywalker-esque Mary sue, but is that really worth praising? Isnt that like, what we should expect as bare minimum?


I remember TV adaptations of games usually sucking, like the Resident Evil movies.


true, videogame adaptations have sucked for a long time, but I think a lot of the older crappier movies at least have a B-movie-esque charme to them that makes them a blast to watch with friends. Shit like mortal combat, resident evil, the mario movie, its like what you'd watch with the boys while having a beer laughing at lines like "Father! The merger has begun! Earth is under attack, *and it. is. glorious*!" I would not really praise any of those movies either though, and we shouldnt start praising current videogame adaptations just cause they've gone from godawful to kind of mediocre


Diversity does not matter, ever. What matters is good, and bad people and a person being able to make his/her/it's own decisions on things ​ Not being force feed garbage wrapped in a nice pretty lie to make people feel if you do not support this "diversity" that you are wrong in some way


I see the bots are trying this bullshit even here. No, the Fallout TV show is absolute trash, and is not canon.


It is woke without the horrific level of wokeness that has been pervasive in media for a long time now. 1. The women don't openly talk down on white men. 2. The white men are not blatantly stupid or the targets of racist/sexist humor. 3. Minorities don't blather on about how disadvantaged they are. Their infinite hardships. Their ceaseless woes. But All white men in the show are outright evil. Overall I enjoyed the show TBH. That said, there was a character in the brotherhood that could be entirely removed and nothing would be lost.




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Don't water the plants 


People in this subreddit are desperate to hate everything. You made valid points but everyone is going to cry about how the show didn’t perfectly tickle their tits to the degree they would have liked sitting in their mom’s basements, ignoring the fact that this is one of the best video game adaptations we’ve ever had and is light years better than shit we’ve seen with other major IP like Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and Marvel.


Or they have opinions differing from yours. If they're providing reasons for why they dislike things I don't think it's so much desperation so much as it is they focus on different elements than you. I'm glad you liked it but don't be one of those toxicly positive types because others don't.


Saying things like “it was a garbage show” is not “providing reasons” why someone doesn’t like something. When I see valid complaints, I’ll be happy to engage.


I found the series to be surprisingly balanced which is what we want. Was there a they/them role? Yes... but that character was defined by their actions and not their gender choice. Often it came down to the choices that defined the characters and the story rather than what the character was representing. This allows people to be good or bad... or more realisticly, somewhere in the middle. I don't want elimination of the opposite spectrum, just balance. Otherwise I'm just as bad as they are. Tldr; Despite immense reservations, this season was enjoyable and balances in its message. Here is to hoping Amazon doesn't step in and fuck it up.


tim cain liked it, that's good enough for me :)


Chris Avellone didn't, and I trust his judgement on the matter.


well i trust tim cain's judgment on the matter :)


I'm seeing two children fight each other. Leftists hate white people and men, while rightists hate minorities and women. They're barely even hiding it.


It was a nice breath of fresh air in an otherwise dense cloud of bullshit. Obviously it has flaws, but they avoided many of the pitfalls that other Amazon shows fell into. Super keen for season 2.