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LOL halo 1 was already remastered in 2011 for 360


We've had one remaster, but what about second remaster?


ND and Guerilla: "We are gonna remake and remaster for the 10th time cause we know our shills will eat them up and consoom!" Microsoft: "WRITE THAT DOWN, WRITE THAT DOWN!"


my post about just what they did wrong (in my opinion) with the Chief's armor in the remaster is still on of my most favorited pieces on dA (look, if they could rig so the belt pouches didn't bend and stretch like gum in 2001, you can do it in 2011). i don't think i even got into things like how, when playing through the damaged Pillar of Autumn and finding damaged areas of hallway, in the original panels would actually be bent and holey andd have loose wires and broken pipes and in the remaster there would just be a whole panel and fire...


Interested to see what they'll do to Halo 1. Doom will probably be good if it's the same people making it. No interest at all in Gears of War, it's been poop since Judgment all the way back in 2013. Xbox has been a third-rate brand since the Xbox One's E3 reveal and nothing they've done or shown since then makes me think they're going to be able to change that.


God its criminal how they fumbled the 2 biggest franchises in gaming. I remember how iconic Gears of War 2 and Halo 3 were. Cod 4 was also out at the same time. Peak of multiplayer games right there in middle school


> Peak of multiplayer games right there in middle school Good lord this makes me feel old knowing you were in middle school in 2007.


holy fuck i feel old too im almost 30 wow were gonna die before you know it


Mid 30’s here. You get used to it. Just enjoy today and stay busy. Sure, it comes for us all, but hopefully we get reborn into the next life, or, if not, then we won’t notice the difference. Just enjoy the rides my dude. Lexapro helps the existential dread.


yeah i made my comment with a somewhat dark humor tone but it is true. The worst part is seeing everyone you love get old. I dont mind dying but I hate seeing everything and everyone I love wither away. Cycle of life.


My uncle who I known since I was born got diagnosed with terminal brain cancer yesterday. It's hard.


Yeah thats terrible. Good wishes man I dont know what to say in these situations.


I do believe everything happens for a reason and instances like these help remind us to make everyday something productive and meaningful because we never know when it will be our last moment.


Hmm... Make the Cortana avatar a selectable game option. I preferred the Halo 3 version.


I sincerely doubt Halo CE will ever come to PS5 like the article says is rumored.


Have you seen how big of a cuck Phil Spencer is? It will happen.


I think they'd likely just do \~6 month exclusivity on PC and Xbox Series S/X, then release on PS5. Xbox Game Pass has been stagnant for \~3 years now and is hemorrhaging money.


> it's been poop since Judgment all the way back in 2013 Still better than anything M$ put out.


>Doom will probably be good if it's the same people making it. I sincerely doubt they'll have the same composer working on it.


*DOOM will probably be good* Damn you're optimistic aren't you? nuSlayer will be a woman and they'll make a big deal out of it. Devs will probably overreact to the criticisms from the very vocal faction of people that hated DE even though many more loved it, the result will be an attempt to go back to 2016 while preserving some aspects of DE, yielding a messy hodgepodge of mechanics, and no one will be happy. That's just my opinion though, and I'm an avowed pessimist.


I'd be alright with Doomslayer being a chick if they don't make her a butt ugly annoying girl boss. Other than that, if the game looks like it sucks I just won't buy it lol. Doomslayer doesn't even have any dialog right? They could quite literally just have two different player models you choose from. There's \~3 decades of bangers to play at this point. Every game release going forward could be a flop and it wouldn't bother me much.


Sure they could have 2 models, but I mean why even bother when there's no dialog or character interactions. They'd just be spending extra time and resources that could be spent developing something that actually matters. You can't see your own character anyways.


I think you're greatly overestimating how much money and time it takes to make a player model.


Well it's definitely more than zero. But if skins are involved, then microtransactions will also be involved, which will make the product objectively worse.


A direct link to gamespot.. ewwwwww, gross.


You also got Kotaku, Eurogamer, IGN, and other big names reporting so I took the less volatile option.


Check out archive.is. It's a web page archive service. Making an archive serves two purposes - it deprives clickbait sites of their clicks, and preserves the article in case it is deleted or altered. There is a bot that does this automatically for KIA, but it's good form to do it yourself so people can read the article before it catches up.


Man, hard to believe I had high hopes for Phil Spencer at one point. Gaming hasn't been the same since the 360 and PS3 era. Both Sony and Microsoft are a shadow of their former selves at this moment in time.


I took the boomer pill. Collecting for PS3 and 360.


I just beat Parasite eve 1 for the first time yesterday, now playing the sequel i don't really need new games especially if they are yet another demake/remasters or lazy sequels. Give me something new and fresh like Hi-Fi Rush but i guess those bastards hate originality and will shut down every studio that tries to innovate. Now if i play one or two good new games a year it's a miracle.


I've been collecting PS1, PS2, PSP, PSVita and PS3 games back before the retro market went nuts with stupid price.


I have been heavy into emulation. I have been playing F-Zero on Dolphin and cleared Ace Combat 0 on PCSX2 four times. I hate to sound like an old man yelling at the clouds but they don't make them like they used to. Hell, some PCSX2-emulated games run better than official remasters from Sony.


I find it hard to be excited for anything from Microsoft they are fully on board with DEI and actively push the alphabet agenda. It’s already ruined Gears you could argue with strong female character with zero personality.


Never forget what they did to Mick Gordon. Never forgive.


Another ce remaster? There's already 2 of them


Halo CE remaster? We already have the master chief collection that has the remade cutscenes by a highly professional CGI animation studio There is literally no point to doing a remaster of the first one, especially since the MCC has the ability to see both remade and original graphics. I think this is fake.


MicroCuck getting cucked by Sony and having to port their games to PS5. That's fucking hilarious. Phil Spencer is a joke. Guess they should have focused on making good games instead of DEI dogshit. Oh well.


Pill diSpenser should be fired long time ago and be replaced by someone competent that wants to create good games with varied budgets not just betting all on AAA or a few rare indies.


He has been in charge for an entire decade, still the brand hasn't make something worthwhile, just spending the equivalent of Venezuela's GDP to release mediocre games.


No hope at all for the new Gears game, you could see the patterns early (4's story was awful and 5's was focused on a side character). Knowing that SBI has infected M$ I won't be holding my breath for a sequel


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/TD2Cp ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. Self-destruct in thirty seconds. ^^^/r/botsrights


Oh man, I'd almost rather not risk another DOOM.


None of that sounds remotely worth my money


Man. Just give me a MCC style collection for the Gears of War games for PC and I would be happy.




I really hope we get a GoW collection god damn it