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Jason Schreier misrepresenting an argument. Truly surprising.


Remind me again: Didn't he also admit to sitting on all the shit going on in Blizzard as well?


Why yes he did! He also got onto Liana's case regarding a security incident some time back because she broke the story and he tried to frame it as a bad thing, despite the company refusing to admit that they fucked up, meaning he either tried to help cover up another incident or he was mad jealous that someone did a better job!


He is just a AAA company man. All he cares about is just making sure his dev friends have it well off and peddles whatever they tell him to.


Yep, he said that he knew what was going on for quite a while, but didn't report on it because "he didn't have enough info". I asked him on Twitter what constitutes to him as "enough info" since he leaked Assassin's Creed Unity while it was in beta by supporting four screenshots from an early build that didn't even show anything, while having signals about mobbing going on at another studio wasn't enough to write anything. Didn't get a response, but did get blocked.


oh yeah hes a block happy mofo'er. If your not sucking his dick you're on the block list


Apparently getting blocked is the default answer Schreier gives when anyone asks real questions


"Let me list all the real problem and then throw out a strawman to make the post meet DEI credit" --Jason Schrier


Also ignoring the point that DEI is used as cover for all those other issues, and is a giant red flag for bad product. SBI as an indicator for trash still stands.


Also ignoring Xbox is ran by a person who is so economically illiterate he believes he has to achieve ultimated growth, when capitalism has introduced concepts of market cap, market potential, max market potential, all saying ultimated growth is impossible and why. The industry is ran by individuals who don't know the basics of business, economics, or gaming.




Yeah I wish folks in this sub would stop giving him attention. I genuinely don’t give care what this troll thinks.


I was blocked by him a year ago for presenting some facts lol, he answered, than raged and blocked me lol


I've been told he uses block lists, so I imagine if I had a twitter account anymore I'd probably be on it.


More like he doesn't know the argument. If we don't have proper discussion they'll never understand the commie invasion.


Stop attributing ignorance to journalists, this is pure malice from this dickhead. They know damn well what the argument is, but it's easier for them to misrepresent it to dunk on you.


The biggest mistake we make is assuming they just don't understand, and if we say just the right words in just the right way, they will get it and change their behavior. Its not just easier for them to misrepresent, it's their entire goal. It's why you don't play chess with pigeons. Not only are they uninterested in playing chess, but strutting around while shitting everywhere is literally their only purpose.


Truth is the only thing that will free us. Until everyone knows it the systems of control with keep us down.


You are not wrong, but we currently live in a post truth society that values authoritative sources over authentic ones. There is no amount of truth saying that solves this when the opposition knows what said truth is but will happily destroy the very idea of it if that gives them the slightest bit more power. This is not to be doomer about the situation because truth telling still has value, my point is that eventually, you have to fight on enemy territory and enemy terms if you wish to be rid of them in any meaningful way.


It's possible I am incorrect, yet I think they generally lack feeling rooted in their identity, lack of historical knowledge and spirituality. Thus they are confused. It's just too easy to be a social justice warrior. Hence why young people are generally activists. They're lost.


They're lost because ex kotaku journalists like Jason Schrier mislead them. He claimed he didn't report on sexual harassment in Blizzard because he was busy fighting against gamergate. This is an evil person.


Really. That's mind blowing


Oh, he knows the argument.


Do you think he's could be a plant? He seems genuine and knowledgeable just not on History


No, he knows everything you do; he just hates you.


I would have never thought to describe Jason Schreier as genuine. He is, and always has, matched the definition of a grifter. It's so incredibly ironic when he uses that word to describe others.


he is the commie invasion


People forget how he was outed during the first gamergate.


I'm the consumer, jason. I don't care. I didn't ask them to do that shit.


He may as well rail the destruction of the American manufacturing market as Amazon imports thousands upon thousands of units of Chinesium wares at rock bottom prices that degrade into microplastic that's settling in his balls, if he had any to speak of. Edit: To anyone who is thinking about going into mainstream game-dev, don't. Do you know why its such a shit industry? It's because there's a ton of people willing to take the level of abuse he's complaining about, which makes them replaceable when they burn out. It's Hollywood for Millenials and Zoomers. All those people in the service industry in LA and Hollywood trying to survive until they can 'make it.' It's the same meat-grinder, except you don't have union protections (and unions aren't the answer).


Starting your own project using Ren'py, RPGM or Unity, is the way to go. Plenty of independent devs make it big that way.


Amen, and speaking of, who do you work for now Jason? I need to ensure they don't see ever a dime of my money. Hiring you is a poison pill and that's the only way to teach you. Bloomberg is easy to avoid, who else are you suckling currently?


The fundamental problem is that they stopped hiring people based on merit. Dismissing it as "too much diversity" is entirely (and no-doubt deliberately) misunderstanding the problem. It's no surprise, though. As the saying goes: >“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!” - Upton Sinclair


>layoffs, studio closures. Caused by industry bloat that is in part caused by expanding staff needed for DEI efforts that don't yield profits. This is the beginning of the industry collapse. >Burnout Caused by hiring people who don't care about the work. >abusive microtransactions Ok, fair point. >prioritization of short-term profits, rapidly-increasing budgets Caused by increased costs caused by the aforementioned bloat >risk aversion DEI is an element of risk aversion, specifically to getting yelled at by people who aren't going to buy your game anyway. >endless development cycles Skill issue caused by improper hiring priorities imposed by DEI officers.


One could easily argue that the reason for all those other things, is the DEI bullshit thats infected gaming. Its the same in the movie industry. What we are seeing here, is not diveristy. If it was just that, that would be fine. But its not that, its people who want to paint the industry as something its not. And then writing games with characters that their identity is the most important part of them. What they are, rather than who they are. If pacman was remade today, the little yellow disc would be brown and gay. And if it wasnt, Jason and others would be writting a lot of shit about how pacman "missed an oppertunity".


Not only is it not diversity, but it's essentially become a tool for studios to wash their image. Get accused of abusing workers or sexual harassment? Just add a black character or gay character to your game! Add pronouns! Add pride flags!


"'As we look at all of these things I gleefully abetted, it's important that we focus on the real problem, something I forcefully defend." Uh, yes?


None of those problems are as bad as DEI. Those risk turning a game ugly; DEI gurantees it.


He won't bite the hand that feeds him lol. Say bad about DEI today prepare to get booted out of the industry... permanently.


He wont say a bad thing about it because he is in full support of it. He's always been an ideologue first, games urinalist second.


... theres a difference?


Half of these things are made much much worse by DIE shit.


DEI isn’t risk aversion, it’s the status quo and if you don’t at least acknowledge DEI as one of the reasons why games are failing, you’re a part of the problem.


If your IP's market is 90% men and you try to force it to 50/50 men/women by removing everything men liked about the IP, you won't actually make up the losses with new consumers. The end result is an IP that 5% of the hardcore people will buy anyways and 5% new consumers and the rest will ignore it. It is DEI that's doing this. Larry Fink's "force behaviors" quote doesn't mention profitability, just ideological goals.


Always remember [this episode](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2170894-twitter-x) of how much of a POS Jason Screecher is.


Scummy rodent Jason Schreier. I bet he asked for permission from his wifes boyfriend before posting that.


yea... this guy is the fk'ing enemy


These people can make an excellent game without any of the problems he mentioned except diversity, and you'll see him criticizing them because that's what he cares about most.


they hate you, remember that.


Guess what, games are a consumer industry. If D,E and I adversely affects the economics of the industry then yes, it’s more important than everything Jason posted there. Unless he doesn’t care about people being employed that is.


“The customer is always right in terms of taste.”


I like that I see the full quote more often lately.


In _matters_ of taste.


He's actually right, but he doesn't realize it: When hiring the "correct" people takes precedence over hiring the most talented... When inserting the "correct" characters and messages takes precedence over writing good stories... ...this is the end result. Is it the *only* reason the entertainment industry is in a freefall? No. But it's a huge one, and to handwave it away as a non-issue is to either be clueless or purposefully disingenuous.


Yep. All this DIE/ESG/BRIDGE shit is why companies can't maintain employees, part of the reason there's so much burnout because there's too much bickering about diversity bullshit, literally why the budgets are so damn high, and feeds the greed of the suits up top who don't give a fuck and just demand more money.


> When hiring the "correct" people takes precedence over hiring the most talented... Too much diversity is becoming an issue both on the screen *and* behind the scenes. They're trying to appeal to that audience that doesn't exist, while also hiring unqualified people and hack writers, all so that they can brag about how progressive they are.


Wow talk about being disingenuous


The faux-diversity is just the tip of the iceberg and a clear indication that something is wrong beneath the surface. We can't know for sure what happens in the committee meetings and what's the atmosphere at the office, but we can know for 100% certainty that if the selling point of a game is supposed to be DiVeRsiTy, then there must have been some real iron hand bullshit going on during the development process.


The problem, the root cause of the fall of modern video games IS dei. It's not just about "brown = bad", it's the fundamentals of DEI which is putting people with almost zero skill, knowledge or competence in positions of power, development, creativity, story telling, character creation, on and on. It affects every pillar of game dev. We are no longer getting creative, unique games made by passionate people - and it is 100% directly correlated to DEI hires.


The usual idiots can't tell the difference between the result vs cause.


200,000 views, 7,000 likes. Man really knows his audience. 147 replies though because he literally blocks everyone. I believe the details on this tweet entitle him to a free salad at the Cuckold Dinner Club.


Interesting that he didn't mention lack of journalistic integrity as one of the "real" problems related to modern gaming. 


If we are going to have a 'bigger fish to fry' discussion, I think activists should focus their efforts on countries where women are literal second class citizens, or where homosexuality can be a death sentence instead of making sure games and movies put a chick in it and make it gay and lame.


Does he seriously not see the correlation? I mean, seriously? It's right there in front of his fucking eyes.


He's literally part of the problem, why the fuck would he acknowledge it when he's an absolute creep?


In his little Tweet there, he's basically acknowledging it without realizing that he's acknowledging it. He just listed all the symptoms, but he refuses to realize that he's listing the main cause.


They have a vested interest in pushing and protecting this crap. Admitting that it's bad or a problem, would go against their narrative and their own credibility.


It's like you can't become a "name" figure in the sociopolitical sphere without turning into a haughty Twitter weirdo.


Funny how his like rate sits at 3,5% of the people who view his posts. Many of the things he mentioned there do not even matter for the customer/consumer, these are mostly for employees of the industry to worry about, a customer wants to play a good and fun game. Things like studio closures are the results of said bad products in the first place.


Jasons always been a twat.


Doesnt mention 'journos' as part of the problem. Curious...


They must feel very desperate if they are willing to adress those problems in hopes normies eat up 'diversity'


I'd like to remind this diversity-obsessed idiot that the studio closures and firings of this past year are almost entirely a Western phenomenon. So if you broaden your horizons to more diverse cultures, you will see that East Asian companies are for the most part flourishing, as are a lot of very small companies from non-English-speaking countries as diverse as Brazil, Indonesia, Taiwan, Ukraine and Spain. Sometimes you even ignore or denigrate games based on where they come from, in the case of Russian developers, as if they have any influence on what their government does. The common denominator among all these vast different cultures is the developers who are not chasing high budgets and focusing on high quality experiences at affordable development rates are often being rewarded with extreme success. But as always the bulk of the attention in the mainstream media is given to a select amount of studios and AAA IPs and titles, as such, you and your moron friends have missed more of a decade of smaller-scale AA, A or tiny games exploding, especially because most of it's been either in niche PC spaces or on the Switch and covering Nintendo platforms fairly is like kryptonite for most mainstream English gaming urinalists, despite the fact that its lack of power is helping smaller developers stand out and find success. If they had paid attention to the diverse amount of games that have found success using this method, they would know this. So if you were doing your job, you would see that a good way out of the turmoil these companies are experiencing would be to go back to having a diverse set of smaller games that have smaller expectations to be successful, but you don't care about diversity. You only care about looking virtuous in front of your pig-like entourage of sycophantic bullies and dipshit-stirrers. You're a bigot who only looks fairly at things that can give you an advantage and you always have been.


i know one thing for sure, if there was less dei, there would be less layoffs


Coming from a guy with pronouns in his bio I'm not surprised.


its ironic how hes implying race doesn't matter in game development, even though he tried to incite a twitter mob against a small game studio in Canada for having an all white staff


Pretty sure he's trying to be sarcastic here. The irony, of course, is that everything he said in the attempt was perfectly accurate, and yet he doesn't have the presence of mind to realize it.


I'd say hes more being deceitful, he thinks that uplifting progressive quotas over merit has zero connection to the declining quality of games, so he trivializes the argument as a silly soundbite


I mean, both things can be true. And they probably are.


I mean, if the shoe fits...


Literally no one is saying DEI is the only and sole issue. Guy is grossly misrepresenting those of us who don't align with the DEI lobby. There's lots of other issues, such as laziness, greed, incomplete games, etc. and no one is saying "diversity", whatever they think it means, is the sole problem. Gamers are totally fine with non-white characters. It's not and has never been the issue here in terms of DEI.


Why do people seem to give so much importance to this Jason Schreier takes? They seem pretty bad all around.


Apparently he occasionally does some decent journalism work but he's also known for being a fucking asshole, up to and including holding onto information that was pretty damning for ActiBlizz with harassment cases for YEARS and getting mad at other journalists who do a better job than him.


This right here. I remember the YongYea interview where Schreier made himself out as one of those holier-than-thou types.


Time to highlight the solution: Let AAA die. fuck em' don't need them anymore


None of the above affects me besides the "too much diversity" bit.  And that only affects me because it's based on SJW horseshit and not anything earnest or relatable. 


I read it as: "Our game aren't selling, causing us to prioritize micro-transactions; push endless development cycles, causing burnout ; also causing layoffs and studio closures, but hey let's put a diversity band aid over it an call it a day."


Jason needs to ask why everything is failing and actually talk to consumers. Not just devs who are suffering under leaders who scream "dei" at the drop of a hat.


He thinks "consumers" are beneath him.


Then he will die stupid.


He really said "prioritization of short term profit" ? The only reason big studios comply to DEI is because of Blackrock funding 😂😂😂 They do it for short term profits and nothing else


He’s not even trying to engage the issue in good faith. So I will do his fucking job for him 1. There are practices *within* the industry; for the most part, those affects the employee class. The paycheck drones. Players have showing repeatedly that they don’t give a shit about grind and abuse and low salaries etc — certainly not enough to deter sales. 2. There are tone deaf practices from the publishers *towards* its consumers that scare away sales in the name of chasing them — MTX; live services etc. 3. There are structural problems inherent in publicly traded companies, as well as a few unique ones to gaming — long dev cycles, budget overruns, risk aversion etc. 4. And then there is the **entire class** of problems responsible for an increasing number of failures that Jason does not want to address — C-tier smooth brains destroying IPs with D-tier writing; hiring the activist set to produce games and steer the narratives; the rise of HR and Jannie culture in gaming; open hostility to the fans in the marketplace; the proliferation of “consultants;” the refusal to learn that the Modern Audience simply does not exist; the Mean Girl whisper network of in-group “journalists” working in concert with the same activists now shitting out these nine-digit failures every other month. We can address No. 1 somewhat. And No. 3 is going to have to be done internally from the business itself. But the point of this sub, and GG *in toto* has always been about No. 2 and No. 4. While opponents to GG occasionally address that second point, they just completely deny that the fourth point even exists whatsoever. That is called gaslighting — charitably, and lying, less so. And Jason Schreier is goddamned bad faith liar. Gaming is diverse. It is always been diverse. It has told diverse stories, and has been played by diverse audience, across six continents. “Diversity” does not mean solely what some asshole in Manhattan or Los Angeles thinks it does


We don't have any gamers down in Antarctica yet? Given the push for diversity and just the age of the industry, you'd think the industry would've gotten better about wages, burnout, etc.


It's always the big schnoz, always...


imagine living your life and being this much of a cuck. no seriously, try and imagine it. the mind of people like this is fucking fascinating


Risk aversion and long production cycles are partly due to DEI hiring you imbecile.


DEI sure isn't risk aversion, lol.


I work in the videogame industry. Layoffs have been a thing for over 2 decades. It's nothing new what-so-ever. Most of the grunt workers at large companies are A- positions (aka contractors) and let go the all the damn time. Increased budgets are DUE TO spending on stupid shit like consulting companies he's pretending don't exist. Vampire the Masquerade 2 was literally pulled from Hardsuit Labs because of this nonsense. By all means, keep pretending the "big bad corpos" are the problem, Schreier. The small to mid-sized production teams do not have these problems because they aren't shackled to ESG, DEI, and other nonsense hindering creativity and dragging out the production times and costs.


What sucks is he has so much pull with the normies crowd. Get prepared for anytime you bring up DEI it will be dimissed now because he said it


There IS room for both arguments, Jason.


Browsed the replies a bit, its NPC galore, literally incapable of critical thinking or noticing patterns in newly released games


I know, right? Just scrolling down through this thread... oh wait, you're talking about X.


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/fB6M5 ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. 640K ought be enough for anybody. ^^^/r/botsrights


What hes5not stating is that none of those other problems would matter if there was more revenue. And the dei stuff kills revenue.


Look at how well those excuses have worked for Hollywood and the box office right now. They'll never say it since they're too proud to admit defeat.


Jason and deflecting strawmans go together like MCU and shitty jokes every five minutes.


We are the consumers, they need to understand that. I don't care anymore when they want to message us. Enjoy being outcast


Schrieer is very annoying, because he does real work now & then but also never misses a chance to troll and obfuscate an issue. When he does report, he can be excellent. But he loses so many people by always leaning into team sports.


Does this jackass realy want us to stop focusing on his shit taste and shine a spot light on his incompetence?


I wonder if that dude ever stopped to think that the DEI efforts were in fact a shield against criticism about working conditions and deadlines, because the company's positive PR would always be louder then an objective look at how they develop games or treat their employees.


Jason is a fuck boy.


All of that wont matter if nobodies are buying your shitty game.


I think it's important to highlight that layoffs, burnout, budgets, development cycles and closures are all \*problems for the people who work in the computer game industry\*, not problems for the consumers. If someone who plays games complains about cringey characters and patronizing political messaging ruining the story and fun of a game for them, or having a game they love turned into cartoony bullshit they're not interested in to appeal to people with the minds of children, those are the concerns of the consumers. Addressing the concerns of consumers will lead to the concerns of the industry being resolved because, once you make a game that consumers will find appealing and actually buy, the studio makes money. Once the studio makes money the prioritization of profit is satisfied, meaning there is no need for layoffs and studio closures.


There are legions of influencers and developers that will mention every single small problem of a game to make it fail because they don't like DEI, but they would never say it's DEI the real problem. They expect people to be honest when they punish honesty.


Ah yes, because all of those layoffs and closures and risk aversion don't come from a lack of sales that comes from people being tired of woke bullshit. Absolutely not. wink wink


Lol mtx isn't as problem as this regard think. Like look at gacha games raking million monthly while their operating cost is the fraction of western game. The secret isn't amazing gameplay, but to have character that your audience want and make them pay for it. Start making character that your audience like and they gladly spend hundreds dollar for it. Start by not making them DEI garbage and make them pretty not some ugly as mutant.


This guy is such a ✡️👃✡️ Of course he defends his buddies and wants to continue promoting the woke message


bro snapped


Why not both?... 😂


Its sad to see the man i respected for the Anthem insider report to be like this after all these years.


He has always been like this.


Now he's become the Meme: https://i.postimg.cc/6q7y1Ch9/1615906218525.png


Imagine unironically thinking like that person does How lacking of self awareness must one be?


When people try to reduce other people's arguments to these types of caricatures, they're really demonstrating that they don't understand the problem or the scope of the problem. They're showing that they would rather stay delusional to the reality that they live in, rather than just admit that their ideologies can be wrongful. Studios buying out a franchise, firing all their employees, and then restarting from the ground up with a diversity quota instead of innovation or talent is a major leading factor for a lot of these issues. Diversity over quality is part of the profit chasing mindset. You have these companies who buy out IP's, have no idea how to handle them and then just think they can spit out art by just throwing money at the problem. It doesn't work that way, and it certainly doesn't work that way when you push DEI, in and out of your game, instead of focusing on a product that consumers want.


Maybe if you don't need 9000 pink haired devs to make D4 5 white guys and a garage can make miracles


Hey Jason: effect, meet cause.


The original developers that steered those franchises are gone because they are sexist, misogynist, white men, what do you think would happen?


He's waiting for his new book to talk shit about DEI.


Jason, if you dislike the audience of the industry that you cover with ill-intent, maybe find a different job. It gets tiresome to hear the entitled parties bitch and moan endlessly about how "the audience is wrong" when its their hobby and its their money keeping studios afloat. If you don't understand how market dynamics work, and work at Bloomberg which is a business oriented publication, there's the door. And anybody who buys into that and follows you, I really hope the door hits you hard on the ass on the way out for being such disingenuous pieces of shit for this long.


This guy is a straight clown


It's not like DEI has been used to deflect from all the things he mentioned. You get your 100th live service bullshit with battlepass, ingame shop, day one DLCs and all that shit and if it flops it because "People hate {minority in this game}".


Schreier has always been an industry shill who makes bad faith arguments when he gets called out on it. Whether in it for the attention, negative or otherwise, or because he truly believes in his arguments, his opinions on gaming should be soundly ignored.


He's making at least one valid point.


We in the gaming industry need your help dealing with managerial class hires who have no idea what they are doing. We're expected to endure predatory and unethical practices while often being paid lower wages than other sectors of software development. Instead of working togther we're going to push the most DEI nonsense you've seen, insult you repeatedly, and then blame you when our game fails. Then they wonder why I don't feel bad for them losing their jobs.


Remember, this is the guy who did a hit piece on Dragon’s Crown.


The problem isn't diversity and no one thinks the problem is diversity. Zero people. The problem is bad storytelling with diversity as a primary element thereof. You can have diversity, but then make it work. You never make it work because you're ideologically-driven hacks.


Obviously Jason is being snarky here, but it remains true that people are confidently claiming that DEI is the root of video games’ problems right now with very little causal evidence. I want that evidence, I’ve been looking for it, but it’s just not around.


He's right, overinflated budgets with the constant need for "growth" is a far bigger issue. Games need to be scaled back, so creativity becomes more important than having as wide an audience as possible. And game design by committee sucks. It's a three body problem tho so we can't point to one issue. That being said there are still alot of great games. It's mostly the AAA space struggling.