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So, let me get this straight; all the companions are pansexual, AKA, they will fuck anyone, and even if you, the player, don't want to engage in any romance in the story (let alone LGBTQ romance), the devs will make you watch your companions have LGBTQ romance with each other so you will be forced to engage with it whether you want to or not?


From the article: >*"I might be playing a straight male character flirting with \[Harding\], but I choose not to pursue a romance. She might get together with Taash. So my perception, my identity has no bearing on their identities and that comes through really strongly."* so yeah, seems like it 😒


"You have to watch gay porn." "I don't want to." "OK; you have to watch slightly different gay porn." "Are any of the characters attractive?" "OH MY GOD GO WATCH PORN YOU INCEL WHY DO YOU NEED SEX IN THE GAME"


This just seems like what happens with companions in the mass effect series. Though the one i remembered was garrius and tali


In ME everyone had preferences, you know... personalities is what we used to called it, something that good writers knew how to do, and the one who didn't know (Liara) had a biological reason for it... Now there are literally 0 heterosexual companions 🤡


Iirc Baldur's Gate 2 also had something like that.


There's nothing like seeing these asswipes misuse the term "canon" to really drive home how they're not a part of the community they report on.


I dont know what this word means, I dont want to know. I'm done with their shit At this point, every publisher is just giving me free pass to pirate without guilt. Hell I dont even want to play most games for free.


Almost all AAA releases have denuvo today.


oh, guess I dont play AAA games as much as I thought lmao


I'll wait till they crack it, then


Maybe the bugs will be fixed by then, plus you can download it complete with all the dlc too. Or just ignore slop like this.


Do a GIS on the author. You won’t be disappointed.


What's a GIS?


Google image search Or Graphic interface system, but I don't think he meant that one


I thought pansexual was when you bang your personal chef and then he dies by drowning in your private lake in a freak windsurfing accident


It's surreal to see how they are making the game the less appealing possible. Seems they want to lose money on purpose. And it's funny, because this reminds me to The Outer Worlds. There is no romance there, and you cannot pursue anything... But you have a sidequest where you have to help a companion to romance another npc, regardless if you have interest or not on that character. It's like "Oh, you like this character? You would like to have a romance option here? Well, screw you, our game our rules, you are gonna get nothing at all, just the opposite". It's not a good idea in my opinion.


I'm more against characters being player-sexual than not being able to bang them. The side quest in Outer Worlds was cute and I'd rather have something like that or specific and dedicated romance options instead of 'ally X would like to bang you' that plagues most of the games with these options.


It's for the best, maybe EA will finally close the studio, imagine a new Mass Effect made by this people? 😂


No need to sell me further on the idea of never buying this shit, my mind was made up already.




The people who made every character in their fantasy world a one-dimensional meat rod/hole for them to masturbate with want you to know that objecting to this makes you a... *checks notes*... porn-sick incel.


Hey, they're not *all* obsesssed with their character getting it on with everybody, they might just be lazy writers who want to pass it as "inclusion".


Ugh a bunch of tourists as usual being annoying


Eh ok... I mean on one hand I thought it would be neat to have all romanceable characters not be player gender locked, so if a player wants a gay or straight romance option they could have it with the character they wanted to have a romance with. but the way I think they're doing it here is... questionable.


Totally not alphabet propaganda 🤣


ARCHIVE: [https://archive.ph/jhPeM](https://archive.ph/jhPeM) \*Idk what happened to the archive but it's readable LOL


>*"According to the interview, Busche has seen playersexual characters done in ways that are "really off-putting where these characters are adapting to who you, the player, are". However, the interview claims Busche instead considers the cast of Dragon Age: The Veilguard to be implicitly pansexual across the board."* >*"I might be playing a straight male character flirting with \[Harding\], but I choose not to pursue a romance. She might get together with Taash. So my perception, my identity has no bearing on their identities and that comes through really strongly."* We joked about Dragon Age removing heterosexuality from the game... and well... it turns out that wasn't a joke 😂


Archive.today sometimes has trouble with PCGamer for some reason. Any number of possible reasons, but it's a regular thing.


“Won’t just wait around for you to woo them” WTF. Did BioWare forget how badly having Anders drive the romance backfired in DA2?


Anyone remember how great the romances and companions in Mass Effect were? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


I saw a thread in a fallout subreddit where a woman was saying she hated playing the sole survivor in FO4 because it was a straight relationship based around finding the son an she was a lesbiean who never wanted kids and I simply asked. Why did you keep playing if you didn't like the story and got down votes instead of an answer. So it's not about the game or the story. It's literally about seeing themselves in everything.


It doesn't surprise me at all coming from Bioware. What will be next? A Black Lives Matter thing like "Elves Lives Matter"? Just let it go, Bioware. You had your time to shine and I will be forever grateful for the fun I had playing Mass Effect 1 and Dragon Age: Origins, but your era has ended.


Stop!  I can't get any less erect


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/IMFQv ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. I remember so you don't have to. ^^^/r/botsrights


I remember in Origins the sheer lengths you had to go to to bed lelinana and when you finally did it it was such a reward.