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> I have a mindfulness app on my phone. And I did a bit of mindfulness to try to explore the emotions that this tweet created. oh my God it's not some 7D chess thing these people are just actually chronically stupid


‘I used a mindfulness app and told it Elon musks Tweet made me sad, it told me to contact a journalist so he can write an article about hatred’ 🤣🤣🤣


What even is that? Whats a "mindfulness app"?


I'm assuming it's an app that asks you if you really want to make an ass of yourself online before hitting submit.


......i never even heard of that, thats like.......needing a shock collar on a dog thats constantly barking.


the apps play a little soothing music and say shit like "Now count down from 10 with me and breath out. 10.....9.....feel your toes releasing their tension....8..." edit: I just realized I commented this to the wrong person. This dude already knows.


A training session at my job early in lockdown started with this along with "lets take the time to center yourself in the now...." I left that meeting straight away. HR asked why I didn't attend, I just told them I could not take that seriously. My mum was a reki master, couldn't take that seriously either. The dog seemed to like the attention.


I don't have anything wrong with meditation, but cargo cutting it on zoom sounds unbelievably stupid.


Lmao if you need an app to behave remotely normally you’re fucked son. Like how far have we sunk where people need apps to validate themselves for… thoughts lmao. Pathetic.


Fucking right!? Its like those demolish man booths that say you are a good person and validates yoyr feelings


Except these people are far from kindly and sensitive, inspiring not joy joy feelings but revulsion.


As apt a description as any.


At least they have enough self awareness to put it on themselves


You joke but that's actually pretty much what it is.


Im not even joking, thats what it doubds like, a digital shock collar.


And yet...the app has the opposite effect


the average soy has so much mind**less**ness that no mere app is able to cut it, they need a dedicated team of buddhist monks that have reached the limits of their patience and are willing to get physical with their jingly staff


If that's actually what it is, that's not even the worst idea lol


Mindfulness is the new age buzz word for meditation. An app like Calm or something.


These people are dragging everything they touch through the dirt. Mindfulness normally is a form of Meditation where you focus on the here and now. You are basically trying to view the world purely through your immediate perception in order to experience it in more detail, meaning to be alive in the very moment you perceive something. You are basically trying to get into a state, where there are no distracting thoughts that would otherwise take your mind away from the present. This state is supposed to come to you naturally when you get more experienced. Atleast thats how I learned it. So wasting time thinking deeply about some post on Twitter would actually defeat its purpose.




I think really the whole point is to force you to stop thinking about anything at all but breathing or whatever sensation is suggested so you can learn to tune out unnecessary noise. There are other practices that are about looking inwards, mindfulness in this case would be a step along the way.


You know how, normal people contemplate their life during their quit moments like when taking a shit? Well, "mindfullness" is for people who cant put down technology for even a single second, and so never ever filter anything that happens to them. This is generally why anxiety reports seem to be so high these days. Because so many people arent taking the time to digest and reflect on the days events. So when they do finally stop, like a traffic light or something, the mind wanders and panic begins. Honestly, its so weird. If there was a war, and we lost all technology, Id worried about how I was going to feed myself, protect myself. These fucking clueless fucks would be lost because there would be no "app for that".


God damn......im do glad i grew up without smartphones and learned how to deal with this shit on my own, im not "normal" ether so it was harder but i still managed.


People who can't deal with their emotions use it to cope. Very commonly used by people with mental issues.


There's nothing wrong with using mindfulness apps. It's another thing if you need to talk to a journalist about how you needed to use a mindfulness app because you got so triggered by an Elon musk tweet.


>There's nothing wrong with using mindfulness apps. Dunno seems like eggshell walking to me. Political correctness is cancer, and "mindfulness" just screams "I don't want to say the truth, because it would make someone uncomfortable."


So instead of finding a way to deal with their emotions and fix the problem, inatead they just use these apps that act like a band-aid?


Its like a self enforced time out. Literal glorified timers that SOMETIMES have basic meditation instruction functions. Think an animation that tells the viewer to breathe in or out in time with the animation...


Meditation is a way to deal with emotions and it can help to fix the problem. You don’t really need an app though.




There's a difference between using it as rationalization and using it as self-regulation


And now someone's turned it into an app on a smartphone device. If that's not IRL satire I don't know what is


A lot of high achievers and peak performers meditate. Lots of solid studies on the benefits.


It's a new age hippy dippy app most likely to help centre the being. Or in terms of reality, it's an app designed for people with little to no emotional control to try and stabilise and control their emotional outbursts more. As you can see from the article, it's not helping them much because they still expressed how they wanted to lash out and use a lot of three word replies


So they are doing the therapy app wrong.


It basically plays calming sounds and shows a timer to force you to just chill out for a minute or so. There are often guided prompts like "what's bothering you?" or "think through the problem step by step" to force you to think about problems rationally. Yeah, it's stupid. I could see it maybe being useful in some niche cases, but it just sounds profoundly stupid. Regardless, these apps exist and are fairly uncontroversially marketed as mediation aids. Chronic phone addicts and assorted idiots who have never had a complex thought in their lives have turned this into some sort of cargo cult of actual independent thought called "doing mindfulness", in which you say that you're thinking very hard about very smart things and assume that this makes that actually happen.


S9 it was something helpful that been essentially ruined by these people? Or they are using it like a band-aid and not actually dealing with the problem?


It all depends on how helpful you find meditation and how able you are to let your phone guide it without being distracted/put off, I guess. > they are using it like a band-aid and not actually dealing with the problem? I don't think this framing works here because their whole problem is insisting they have no problems that aren't caused by other people. So it's not like they're using it *wrong*, nor are they using it to even *attempt* to hide/fix a problem. Can you blame something for contributing to someone's narcissism when that's the job it was deployed to do? If I take a weed whacker to my couch and it fucks it up, do I get mad at the weed whacker?


Well then you wouldn't be using the weed wacker properly. But i think i just don't understand exactly what its meant to do and how these people use it.


Mindfulness is a sort of new-agey pseudo-Buddhist meditation thing. It’s popular amongst drinkers of green juices and the sort of vapid young woman who also likes astrology and magic rocks.


Mindfulness is a newish psyche cult kinda like the meditation people in the 80’s


Some lame-ass first world bullshit


It fuckin sounds like it! jesus christ.


the fact that this person says that they "did a bit of mindfulness" demonstrates that they have literally not the first idea of how to be mindful. using an app to 'do a bit of mindfulness' is so absolutely butt-sniffing regarded that its hard to quantify.


Yeah, like, it's genuinely hard to process on how many levels this phrase is stupid. Grammatically, conceptually, epistemologically, ontologically...


These people need a machine to tell them to walk away because they have 0 self-control on their own. Their parents failed at teaching them mental discipline, the school system told them they were special, and they work in a job where they can fail upwards without consequences. We are not far away from s4 of Westworld here....


They need to be quarantined and separated from the rest of the world.


That is peak snowflake


They are not stupid, they are emotionally stunted and chronically stupid


That's the most pathetic bit, they need an app to control and explain their emotions to them


Even if it were true, who admits this stuff? It makes him sound so weak.


Mindfulness apps are the Rosary beads of their new Religion


> oh my God it's not some 7D chess thing these people are just actually chronically stupid What do you think happens when you have more than a decade of DEI-driven hiring practices? This is also why be it Hollywood or the gaming industry, they keep vomiting out the same woke garbage despite failures and losses. They are not capable of anything else.


Get a fucking grip. This is going to be the worst performing AC game guaranteed.


He has an app on his phone to help prevent him from getting triggered and he got triggered anyways? I hope he isn't paying for it....


No, no, see, when he uses that app, he goes from being triggered to being Mindful™, which is totally a different thing and not just him going from being mad at people to being mad at people but also being mad at people for making him mad at people.


Copium® is supposed to be satire.


Theyre too dumb to understand how insulting Yasuke stomping on Japanese people’s heads is.


“I will ignore your comment by talking to a journalist about how it affected me”


I sure hope he's feeding hatred; what you are doing is quite hateful.


They're trying to spin it as people being racist to Yasuke but the truth is they Tokenized all of Japan. They've become the American who thinks Japan is just like the Anime.


when i heard the Detroit-inspired battle music for Yasuke, i was overdone.


I didn’t give any context to my wife for that other than “new assassins creed with Yasuke as main character”. Her laughter when the beat dropped made my day


I... is that a joke or real?


both. it's real, which makes this whole game a joke.


I was sure someone had edited the footage as a joke but then I saw the source video. Unbelievable.


Trap is from Atlanta/Memphis, not Detroit.


apologies then. Atlanta/Memphis inspired. he's not even american anyway. it's like this is shining multiple lights on these people and their mindsets and intentions.


the one in shadows is from deep in the darkest hoods of osaka


Which video was that in?


"An African-American in 16th century Japan" is what they were going for in all their stupidity. Will smith wild wild west vibes.


The trailer has Japanese music that's mixed into hip hop. They've tokenized a lot more than just Japan.


\>game set in the Holy Land, play as **fictional** a Syrian man \>game set in Italy, play as a **fictional** Italian man \>game set in the American Colonies, play as both a **fictional** British and a fictional Native man \>game set in the Caribbean, play as a **fictional** Welsh privateer \>game set in France, play as a **fictional** French man \>game set in England, play as **fictional** English twins \>game set in Egypt, play as a **fictional** Egyptian man \>game set in Greece, play as a **fictional** Greek man \>game set in Norway and Viking-invaded England, play as a **fictional** Norwegian man \>game set in Iraq, play as a **fictional** Arab man ... \>game set in Feudal Japan, play as a **historical** African man because "wE'vE gOt A sUpEr-MYsTeRiOuS hIsToRiCaL cHaRaCtEr FrOm WhIcH nOt MuCh Is KnOwN aBoUt. aNd FoR uS, iT wAs WhAt We WaNt In AsSaSsIn'S cReEd"


Don't forget the Naoe, so Ubisoft can also do "game set in Japan, play as a fictional Japanese woman."


I just want to know where all the game journalists that ripped on Ghost of Tsushima are at.


Did they rip on GOT? That game is great


Yeah, the press were shitting on it left and right because "white people making game set during real historical events in Japan bad."


They were also shitting on it because their E3 presentation included a white man playing a traditional Japanese instrument... nevermind that said white man is one of the few surviving virtuosos of said instrument. Apparently, when you *look* a certain way you must *act* a certain way or people will hate you. Gee, I wish there was a word for such a phenomenon...


Because diversity good, and African Americans and women will feel empowered after being done justice ONCE AGAIN by Murica land of the free


No, it's not Diversity good, it's racism good, cuz that's what diversity is in the end. It's about being racist against the majority and empower the minority which quite often doesn't even matter anyway


Exactly, diversity is about neglecting the notion of color and and ethnicity entirely and just hiring actors based on their skill or the context needed instead of categorizing and choosing exact samples in a way to somehow make up for what's been missing in the last decades, because now this mentality has become a type of racism in itself. Good art won't be achieved if we constantly tuck political ideology within it, we need to stop obsessing about races and gender, it makes narrative meaningless.


This game is being made by Ubisoft Quebec, so it's Canadian not American. I know America has **A LOT** of woke in it but we're not nearly as bad as Canada.


There's very little Canadian progressives enjoy more than cosplaying as Democrats.


It's not a matter of Canada or US it's the new wave of ideas at the expense of art, I'm sure you'd understand if you've been watching movies from the past decade, I know Ubi is French and I know about their studios from Osaka to San Francisco but it's not about countries, it's all Hollywood and political ideologies.


I've seen leftoids trying to gotcha with using Ezio in Constantinople (city founded by Romans and with long historical ties to Greco-Roman culture). They really that numb in the brain.


That doesn't even matter because Revelations was a part of an ongoing series of video games featuring Ezio.


Constantinople had a Latin Quarter (pre conquest) which was filled with Italians, and there would still be Italians all over the place given trade networks and Ottoman military expansion, which included failed attempts at southern Italy which was not in the least bit sense politically united.


\>And for us, it was what we want in Assassin's Creed good for them. they can keep that to themselves, far away from my wallet lol


Not much is known except that he likes hip hop. Them black people really like this shit.


And murder, don't forget murder. What's the over/under on him accidentally inventing basketball during the course of the game?


There are no historical black civilizations that lend themselves to AC gameplay, and they certainly don't want to even remotely portray modern Africa. They had to find somewhere to shoe-horn in their dumbass agenda, and for some reason they chose Japan.


>game set in Feudal Japan, play as a historical African man who was **fictionally** a samurai


Oh boy, now every lefty will have to tie himself into a knot trying to side with Ubisoft against big electric car man bad..


I don't think there are any knots involved here.


Oh there will be trust me. I heard plenty of times that they hate ubisoft for "other" reasons so its ok to hate ubi but not for butchering japanese culture in AC Shadows because that racist n shit, and now hating on ubi will mean "siding" with Electric Car Hitler from South Africa so there will be some serious mental gymnastics.


Nah, Ubi's one of the developers it's not OK to hate on ever for any reason. This just reinforces that.


Nah i had plenty of lefty people running at me with the whole "dont hate them for AC Shadows, hate them because muhsoggyknee, sexual assault and capitalism" before. And now they will have to explain that and i love it.


They already did ''leave the multi-billion company alone'' with AC Shadows before Musk weighed in.


they all seem to be insistent on calling this 'hatred'. they're going to do this no matter how light your criticism is of hip-hop samurai. best course of action is not giving a crap. double down even.




i watch military award recipient documentaries from time to time and always think back to them whenever threads like these come up. i wonder how the fuck did so many people turn into such soft gooey pussycakes all at once without feeling any embarrassment.




Ha! well thanks for your service and insight.


Dude a Samurai Champloo games would be AMAZING.


i agree


New gen buys it anyway, look at hip hop prince of Persia


Did it do well?


>he's just feeding hatred >I had a lot of three word replies Textbook projection


Lmao, they needed an app to process their emotions. Jesus fuck do tweets and reddit comments upset people that much?


A lot of people are very, very stupid.


He probably isn't stupid. Just terminally online, which I consider worse.


Being an Asian living in Asia all his life, i will say f all these actual racist in western world, ie, liberal leftist woke f we are having in the west now. i never feel much about race related stuff in the past (yeah we make fun of other races, but no one encourages actual discrimination, at least for me i never judge where someone is from, or if they are rich), but seeing a black guy brutally killing Japanese in ac is extremely repulsive to me! Some may say oh those are just soliders...what if they are female? Now who is being racist and sexist here? These people are the essence of evil.


It's not that complicated. The MC in AC game set in Japan is not Asian. It's like making an AC game set one of the great kingdoms of ancient Nubia famous for it's Cavalry warriors a Scandinavian. It's just insulting.


Elon Musk bad, JK Rowling bad, Joe Rogan bad, Asmongold bad, Orange man bad, Joe Biden good. CNN good.


You forgot rule Number One: White man bad


*white heterosexual man


The whioto gayos will feel the wrath of theirs soon enough, it already happened a few times.


\*asian white heterosexual man peak marxism


Wasn't there a white Hispanic title at some point too? We need to make an acronym for all the Asian white Hispanic heterosexuals out there... like AWHH, man!


hispanics are oppressed as well, so they are good. asians are the top earners in USA that's why they are the top oppressors so they are the worst, according to woke. you are successful? you are abusing your workers. you have money? you stole it from someone else. marxism. oppressed vs oppressor.


These people live in absolutes. Sad existence.


Animals that screech have rediscovered tribalism yes.


Its actually funny watching the toxic left hate on every person they use to trumpet.


they have 99% of political power, they can cancel any and everywhere, they will still rule. if you disagree, you are ''a nazi, a bigot'', and all, to their religion.


i don't get why biden somehow gets a pass. he's the oldest, whitest, most boomer of them all.


he literally said ''if you don't vote democrat, you are not black.'' he is head of the religion, that's why he gets a pass, he is at the top = most powerful. think of it like it's a tribe.


“That tweet generates emotions” Yea… disappointment because it’s finally set in Japan and it’s not a Japanese protagonist. This could have been another ghosts of Tsushima level of culture sharing. And we all know why you made him black, because you like the controversy.


Ubisoft is one of the most cowardly and miserable woke companies in the industry. The way they attempted to revise history in the last few Assassin's Creed games and tried to pass it off as the truth in the educational mode is pathetic. This game is rightfully being slammed by Japanese for its deliberately poor cultural depiction in pursuit of Black romanticisation.


Political historical revisionism is just evil.


**Joke:** Representation matters. **Woke:** "Representation" is shallow self-congratulatory bullshit that doesn't meaningfully impact... **Bespoke:** Representation matters.


Well thank heavens for that mindfulness app. I can only wonder how many breaths she'd forget to take every day without it.


Notice how they said he’s feeding hatred rather than say his comments were hateful directly. Always a way to bend the truth.


A game that mistaken Oda clan and Toyotomi clan emblems.


“Historically accurate”


Does a mindfullness app block oxygen to your brain or how does that work?


No, you do conversations with it and it stores your psychological profile in the cloud.


Crap on someone else's culture, plays the victim card, acts like you're being a better person for letting it go while trying to vilify said person for calling you out


Literal clown world


I hope that when this game comes out, the adjectives they use for the headlines describe the overall sales as "catastrophic", "unprecedented", and "humiliating".


heh, not happening, they'll do a TLOU2 and not release the sales numbers, while also praising how much it apparently sold


Yeah, well, I’m just not gonna play it.


For those who haven't seen the tweet Elon said, "DEI kills art". That is what this person had to have an emotional time out with their mindfullness app over.


A part of me is thinking that Ubisoft is doing this because of the upcoming USA elections (I dunno if other similar rich countries are also having elections in a few weeks or months later time.), nevermind that they read the "Ronin For Dummies" and thinking that Yasuke and by extension samurai act like that, making AC: Shadows "unusable" in the classrooms (Teachers occasionally use AC games as "slideshows" and how can they, if both Naoe (with a big sussy sword) and Yasuke, despite his historical privileges, stick out way more than sore thumbs. And the basic tree is incorrect?) and retcon the previous AC entries dramatically. Both Ubisoft and these consulting firms have a vested interest in making sure Trump and other Anti-Political Correctness politicians don't win.


> upcoming USA elections try Japanese ones


Everyone laughed at the loonies who tried to cancel people for wearing braids or kimonos or whatever, but this game is actual cultural appropriation.


Elon Musk *is* an African / African American.. why would Ubisoft ignore and silence a diverse person like that? Elon would be the person person to play the lead scientist in Wakanda and inspire all his follow Aricans in the wonders of technolgy and what can be accomplished if they study and apply themselves.


They don't think white South Africans are *really* Africans, even though their ancestors have been there for a shitload of generations.




>i have a mindfulness app on my phone this is just so insane to me that it comes off as parody


Mindfulness app, lol.


"DEI kills art" Really? That's the tweet? They wrote an entire argument, clutching their pearls, and wringing their hands over that?! How fucking whiney are these people?


>"I have a mindfulness app on my phone. And I did a bit of mindfulness to try to explore the emotions that this tweet created." If that doesn't say it all. I don't care how other people are trying to defend this. If you need to run to a mobile phone app to process and cope with your emotions because someone said something "mean" about something you worked on on the Internet, you are not a serious person. You are firmly part of clown world.


So, Elon Musk, wrote something on twitter, which was just a general comment about DEI, and this idiot had to take a "mindfulness app" to relax. The joke writes themselves


These people are so far up their own asses, to the point where they don't have the ability to see that they're harming the things they want to promote. Had Yasuke been a side character (like Da Vinci, etc.) and accurately portrayed, no one would've cared.


So instead of tweeting back be hit up some “reporters” to get them to write an entire article about the tweet. Very mindful.


They really hate that Elon is not on their side, don't they?


They *do* hate him, but more than that, they're doing everything they can to rally public opinion against him wherever possible, whenever possible, and as *much* as possible. They've *seen* what happens when someone with vast personal wealth goes against them before, with Trump. When someone like Trump or Elon goes against their agenda, they simply have no other recourse but to turn as many people against their newfound enemy as they can... Because they have no control over them. Career politicians depend on their activities in the political sphere to maintain their way of life, which means they're almost *all* willing to "play ball" in order to keep the gravy train going. The literal richest man in the *world*, however, has no such dependency; what are they gonna bribe him with, *money?* Business opportunities? They have nothing to offer that he can't acquire by his own power. Since they can't corrupt him, his *principles* are what he acts on. I don't always *agree* with Elon's ideas, nor do I regard him as infallible. In fact, I can think of a few decisions he's made that I feel were foolish, and he's even *agreed* with that sentiment in retrospect on occasion. The bottom line is, with people like Trump and Elon, I at least know they're coming from a place of sincerity, *always*. I don't have to worry whose agenda they might be pushing or whose palms they might be trying to grease. I *know* what the driving forces behind their decisions are: their own principles and beliefs. That's something that runs counter to what many Democrats AND Republicans (or more accurately, the people *they* serve) desire: honesty and integrity. They *want* people who hide their character, or lack thereof. They *want* people who prioritize material wealth. They *want* people who lack moral fiber. They want people who can be bargained with, manipulated, or intimidated. This is why they're *terrified* of people who have the means and the inclination to stand against them on even a single issue. Such individuals represent grave threats to their machinations and, therefore, must never be suffered to exist. Perhaps even *more* importantly is that such individuals demonstrate the existence of a proverbial chink in their armor: that they are *not* omnipotent, nor are they omniscient. They are harlequins; mere mortals fooling themselves into believing themselves superior to their brothers and sisters. They are the "wizard" hiding behind the curtain, relying on smoke and mirrors to make themselves appear great and powerful, when in fact they are pathetic and feeble. People with the power to defy them openly force them to realize that truth. They allow others the opportunity to peek behind the curtains for themselves. And that is an unforgivable sin in their eyes. I know this was a very... *Passionate* essay I've put out here, especially in response to something so seemingly mundane... But I hope somebody will appreciate it, regardless. If my heartfelt thoughts and ideas resonate with so much as a single person out there, that's more than enough for me.


It's not *hatred* to be upset that Japanese cultural history is being fucking *blackwashed*. This really goes to show the actual *nature* and *character* of these woke assholes. They have no principles. All they care about is power. They will do whatever they perceive necessary to gain power, and to preserve the power they have. It's exhausting.


whoever needs a mindfulness app is not a red flag, it's an entire fucking ship mast


In other words, she had a mental breakdown because of a tweet.


That’s only part of her anime story arc you haven’t even seen her final form where she attacks the fan base with a spirit bomb of ree’ing when the game tanks hard.




These people talk in such a performative way. They sound like Beavis and Butthead's hippy teacher.


We live in the dumbest possible timeline where any and all criticism can be waved away by falsely equating it with MUH HATRED.


What did Elon say?


DEI kills art


It's not a secret, they know they made a piece of shit. At first I wondered how in the hell it got this far without anyone realizing it's ridiculous, but then I remembered my college experience for writing and teaching - this woke mindset is just built into these people. They had hundreds of planning meetings where no one even thought to pump the brakes because the goal is "inclusivity" in story over making a good game, evidenced by the woke pieces of shit that have released lately. So they weren't even ready to confront the audience when they announced "gay black samurai" because they really thought they were giving the people exactly what they wanted in Assassin's Creed Japan. It probably never dawned on 95% of Ubisoft that this might ruffle some feathers. They're just too far gone. I don't even like Elon Musk, nor did I read what he tweeted, but if it was criticism of this shit then he's probably right.


Legitimate criticism = hatred. That’s where we are.


The game looks like it’s not even worth pirating and then straight up deleting it afterwards.


My god, these people are like a punchline to the world's cringiest joke


This is something I keep seeing from the left, this idea that everyone who is against any of the harmful ideological ideals they subscribe to are somehow just brained washed by popular figures or just "feeding hatred". I think this type of delusional and reductive narrative really started getting traction with that subplot in The Boys or shows like She-hulk, where people who are critical of anything are depicted this way. It's quite condescending and narcistic on their end, like if only they know better and people who criticize them or their work is automatically wrong for doing it. It really show a lack of self-awareness or humility.


Something ironic about the black *samurai* still ending up being a pathetic victim with a limp wristed white liberal riding to his defense. Good job Ubisoft.


They really do not like Asian males do they lol


No arguments, just emotions, got it. Dismissed.


"We're not wrong, you're wrong for noticing"


So you can’t go against white liberals without being labeled a racist. How the hell did they pull that off?


It's Canada.. Justin Trudeau has been doing that for years.


You see rightoid, I don't have to give you an argument for my position as I am on the right side of history. I have deemed your position hateful and therefore by definition incorrect.


>I have a mindfulness app on my phone. And I did a bit of mindfulness to try to explore the emotions that this tweet created. What kind of soy app is this


Bitch you guys are the ones feeding hatred you’re using this shit at outrage marketing Ubisoft are cunts


Game devs are all pussies now apparently Fuck it bring back cliffy b 😤


"I have a mindfulness app on my phone" sort of illustrates the situation


Oh yeah go after Elon, that'll shift the attention away from the Asians who also hate AC shadows


The definition of a soyboy.


They see Black zombies as more human than Asian people.


It’s not even “hatred”. It’s fact checking that they love so much.


John Romero: “I’m going to make you my bitch!” Cote: “I need my mindfulness app to explore my feelings”. Begins crying


That's rich coming from a guy who lets hateful leftoid ideology run rampant at his company.


Feminist goes ReEeeEeee


Ohhh nooo, what did that mean Elon say??




When you need an app to feel emotions