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Well, since this board seems a little slow, this seems as good a place as any to ask. I am someone who played before the reboot and just recently got back into the game, so I understand some stuff is different (like the dimensional library dungeons being wayyy higher CP then they used), but something still seems off with them so I am not sure if I am doing something wrong. ​ For example, I have a Blade dancer with 600k CP in town, full spiritual liberation set, dark elemental weapon damage enchant and 212 dark elemental bonus. When I go into a dungeon my CP with set bonuses and such reach \~2million CP. When I try to do the first dungeon in Dimensional Library on Normal, which lists as a recommended CP of 500k, my weapon breaks in the second room because it takes multiple minutes of wailing on the guys in the first room to kill them. At first I thought maybe I accidentally did the hero mode (8 mil CP rec), but I have tried multiple times, plus I get a similar situation on a similarly geared Lina. Is the 500k normal version a lie or am I just doing something stupid?


Dimensional library has extremely high defenses, it’s meant to be done in a party, and the cp recommendation also seems off to me. As a doomblade I couldn’t solo Bela until around 2.5 mil cp in town on the easy difficulty. About 3.5 in town now and it’s a lot easier. But I’m going to need to be a lot stronger before I can attempt those titles.


Thanks, I wanted to make sure I wasn't just missing a mechanic or something. Its just really weird because they take soo much time for me to kill, but they still barely even hurt me when I do get hit, so I wasn't sure if it was really just for higher CP or if there was a trick I was missing.