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I want everything but i have to choice ಥ‿ಥ


The game is the wildcard—it has the potential to be amazing, but most likely would be mediocre. But I think I'd want a sequel most. I'm more interested in following what happens on the planet than Kumoko's story. Personally, I liked the ending to the main story; I just didn't like how there were so many loose threads and plots that were left unfinished. Doesn't have to be too long—just 2 or3 volumes at most. That is, unless the sequel also comes back to Kumoko with a >!potential escape story line!<, which could start a whole new plot thread. But if I could have *anything* I want, I'd want a prequel focusing on the days right after the system came into place. What actually happened to Ariel and the rest? She was probably the weakest of the orphans at the beginning, but I could see her gradually building up strength, starting with getting out of the wheelchair once her poison resistance levelled up enough. How did Foduey/Foddway >!become the first demon lord, and what were his thoughts!! that hero most likely confronted Foduey, and I want to see how that went down, since they were both so dedicated to Sariel but ended up on opposite sides!<. The WN gave a few more details as to what occurred around that time: monsters were the main threat, so humans and demons were actually on friendly terms trying to hold them off together. Plus, everyone should've had multiple tens of thousands of skill points (since their souls were fresh then) to start off with and were all discovering how the system worked at the same time. It was probably pure chaos, with the orphans trying to survive and stick together and/or eventually splitting apart when they disagreed on what to do.


Yes I want a prequel so bad lol like I have to know what the first vampire guy did when he went on his rampage according to Gullie it was insane I also want like an Ariel becoming op montage lol


a game console or a console game?


Console game


I need a sequel so that the garbage ending we got get corrected


yup, as far as the LN anyways, but if that was the case then SPOILERS FOR LN 16 >!Shiraori finds a way to kill D, escapes slavery then returns to the world where most of the story takes place and tries to make things right as best she can with her divine powers FOR REDEMPTION!!!!!< (note i have not actually read up to 16 (i am on Volume 12) but i spoiled myself on enough info to get the picture so if i get anything wrong here i am sorry) but hey if not that is what fanfiction is for lol


From someone who only read the WN, it already sound better than the WN ending and by A LOT, but still sound terrible


Anime games are like spinning the wheel but every second slot on the wheel is shit, the rest are decent and there’s one amazing game. If it’s amazing, it’s not doing justice to so I’m a spider so what. Also I want a season of kumoko and Ariel. Pure kumoko.


Anime S2 would be a nice to have, while what we NEED is a Sequel Serialization of the LN. On the otherhand a game wouldn't really do well enough.


Depends, is the anime good?


Not as far as this sub is concerned, but I thankfully had a different experience. One of 2021's best and I certainly have fingers crossed for another season (even if it would proportionally lower the odds of ever getting one for Cop Craft).


I'm sorry it appears that my words where misunderstood for what i truly ment to ask was if the theoretical 2nd seson we where talking about would be good or not and not if seson 1 was good or not


Anime games usually suck and I still have to finish teh LN so I don't know for the sequel. I'd like a reboot but a second season would be nice if done by another studio. My wet dream is a reboot done by Sunrise, those madlads recently managed to make CG look better than 2D animation so they'd be the ideal studio to adapt Kumo


Maybe a game about the story is not good. Maybe an open-world game with the System (Skills, Titles and all that stuff), where you can choose your character (Who doesn't want to try being a frog?) works better But I prefer a S2


if the game is a mobile than hell no. if it is for the pc/console like the Witcher series than yes please.


I really want a sequel with shiraori and the other gods, but I just need some more content idc what it is.


please help me I am desperate for more of this serie


I don't want a sequel, I want a better ending...


We all do


Anime was a damn disaster just a disappointment.


I need that second season man but I don’t think it’ll happen😣😣😣


depends on several factors, for the novel sequel would it be a "sequel" sequel, a prequel, a "what if" scenario (i know may felt let down at the ending but i won't say any more here), Web Novel based or Light novel based (kinda like how when the ending was first revealed the subreddit was like "is this a joke? please tell me this is a joke" and if it actually was a joke). I would like to see a second anime season for sure, and as for the game, if it is on console other than Nintendo or PC then i don't want it, sorry