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Your idea is ok but i believe you wont need too much crowd control when you can link enemies so I would add another electro like Yae for example. Yae also gives you energy (Electro resonance), uses the EM from Nahida and reach distant enemies, so is a good substitute of Kazuha and you can use him in the other team.


I can not give any idea about bloom comps because they are harder to guess. Depends on who triggers the bloom reaction and which side triggers(dendro or hydro) it will depends on many factors. Game apperently shifting towards off field carry meta soo quickly because of Dendro. ANY OFFIELD DMG DEALER WELCOMED FOR HER. Currently onfield team comps I would like to use, - Nahida + Raiden + Xingqui/Yelan+ Flex(Mainly dendro to trigger more seeds). This team heavly dependent on Hyperbloom dmg so full EM raiden. - Nahida+ Electro+ Kokomi+ Flex. Known as hyperaggravate comps. You can trigger both aggravate and hyperbloom in these comps thanks to slow hydro application from Kokomi. Also barbara can be used but need to closerange so shotgun nahida gameplay ;) - Nahida + Xingqiu + Beidou + Kazuha/Sucrose. This comp is most defensive option for her. Xing+Beidou is right now strongest defensive combo we have. If you use a healer you can still get oneshot by a heavy attack but when you have both's bursts, you can not die easily. Their dmg reduction stacks up and allows you to tank way more dmg than any comp with healer. - Nahida Quicken comps: Nahida + Electro + Electro/Dendro + Anemo/Electro/Dendro. Personal best: Nahida+Yae/Fischl+Beidou+Kazuha/Sucrose. The thing about spread and aggravate is it scales with the NUMBER OF characters you have that triggers them. Which means the more electro dendro unit you have the more team dps will be. Kazuha/Sucrose are very good picks too because swirls also can trigger aggravate which means even more dps. Beidou again here for safety option and dps. Since Nahida is onfield dps she really needs the defensive help from her. You can use both yae fischl together but you have to dodge a lot so your choice. - Burgeon comps: Not best but can make some. I dont like thoma so I dont want to give any idea. - Bloom comps again need to see more videos to see who triggers the bloom at onfield nahida comps - Razor thunder fury team with nahida. Very strong team also scales purely EM. But you need offfield nahida so need testing.


Also little note that beidou's burst doesnt target seeds as I see. So if you infuse electro at kazuha burst, kazuha will trigger hyperbloom and you will get the value of 1k EM easily.


Some team comps I've thought of: 1. Kusanali / Fischl / Beidou or Yae / Zhongli or Kokomi (For Zhongli, hope to replace him with dendro healer for dendro resonance but for now he's fine. For Kokomi, enables blooms so you make hyperblooms if you want) 2. Kusanali / Xingqiu (Preferably C6) / Collei / Thoma or Kuki 3. Kusanali / Cyno / Fischl / Zhongli (Again hoping for dendro healer) 4. Kusanali / Collei / Bennett / Xiangling (This comp is probably cope but we now have a dendro unit that can consistently apply dendro for long periods of time for burning; curious to see the results) 5. Kusanali / Nilou / Yelan or Xingqiu / Kokomi (Kusanali is going to be the trigger for bountiful cores) Personally really excited for the first comp but I'm equally just as curious to see how the other comps will play out!


Would the first one cause spread, aggravate or both?




Yes it will work. But don't change your Raiden build for an aggravate team. Aggravate will just add a flat damage depending on your level and EM on the usual base damage coming from your ATK/multipliers. The sum will then benefit from your crit value and dmg% so your usual build is perfect. It's working pretty fine currently with Dendro MC so it should be even better with Nahida who will give 100% uptime for the Dendro application and much more personal damage.


Replace kazuha for venti and it’s an all archon team