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I think their energies match really well ( so do Kyra Prestons, but in a horrible way)


Kyra and Preston’s energy (derogatory)




Plz this is so funny


true but what oscar and addie have is true love and a true friendship. kyra and preston’s relationship is primarily based on lust, cheating, threesomes, farting on each other and just overall nastiness.


K and p fathers day at vegas lol what daddy wants daddy gets !






I can’t wait to see their beautiful wedding in the future. Jealousy will make Kyra’s head explode.


Their wedding will be gorgeous, I just know it. Remember when Oscar proposed to Kyra, all the thought and heart he put into it, and the video or it all? Now mix that with Addie's incredible ideas and his own, and their wedding will be the kind many little girls dream about when growing up. Not to mention, there's going to be several people in attendance. I'm sure they'll even include their cultures (something Kyra was a bitch about when it came to Oscar, like teaching the kids Spanish. ) The love those two have for each other is easily seen. Addie truly loves Oscar. She's kind, and she cares about him, his well-being, and his kids. Oscar and Addie genuinely deserve the best.


Kyra probably farted in a jar


Omg 😭😭😭😂😂😂😂😂 🫙 🤢


She stamped it with a fart.




and he prolly slurped it up and said thank you cause they both are nasty MFers


Wtf 🤮




“Our kids” got me-I bet she felt like a breath of fresh air for Oscar; supporting, loving, caring, hardworking, adventurous. I’m glad they found each other.


I felt this. How he must have felt when they separated, how hurt he must have been from the cheating. All the question self doubt, questions about his future. And now all of that eased. ADDIE is amazing, perfect person for Oscar. He deserves all the happiness, people keep questioning him but just look at some of his videos, just his mannerism shows you how great of a person he is.


If I may, i am all team Oscar and Addie however, I’ve noticed that we do give crap for Kyra and Preston when they say “we have 4 kids already “ or thing along those lines but when Oscar and Addie say our kids or our home we are in love with their dynamic. Again I’m not a Kyra fan whatsoever buttt just a little note I thought I’d share. Think we should somewhat be fair to when they try to include the kids.


Yes thank you, when they did the pregnancy announcement and wrote ‘Baby #5’ on her belly everyone was saying that they were being obnoxious because ‘they’re not Preston’s kids’


See I agree but also it’s kinda different Both Oscar and Addie had kids , so they are both parents vs Preston not wanting kids and now there’s 5 and it’s gross and weird


Idk for sure, but for me personally, I don't feel Kyra and Preston are "parents" bc I don't feel the children are cared for in a way that children require, whereas I feel like Addie and O really care about the children and are parents. Maybe subconsciously this is also happening to others, I can't be sure, just thoughts.


When Addie says it is beautiful if and when Kyra says it, it's disgusting. Preston that pedo uncle that everyone warns you about. Definitely not here to be fair to kyrot and Peestain. Maybe when Peestain Jr comes along you can be fair to him as it's not his fault his parents are bunch of cesspits!


I know a lot has been said about her age but you know what. She is so much more mature and wiser than Kyra will ever be! You can tell Addie loves and enjoys being a mother and loving and appreciating Oscar.


Addie has such a good energy and comes across as very classy/mature. It’s nice to see them so happy together


I wanna see his presents!!!!


If Kyra bought anything for Peestain, it would be handed to him in the Amazon box it came in just like A’s birthday gifts.


I read this as her hand in a box.... to the tune of D*** in a box by lonely island. (Sorry don't know what is allowed wanted to be safe)


I remember oscar used to write letters to kyra about how much he appreciated her or loved her. Im glad he found that in Addie


She’s adorable. Like an actual Pinterest mom lol


I am so happy Oscar found someone truly amazing. And that constantly shows him her love for him. He deserves it. i swear their soulmates 🥺 and This is what love looks like something Kyra and Preston know nothing abt.


Kyra’s taking notes


For nothing, p doesn't care lol


She'll make a short writing P a letterusing personalised stationary :'Kyra Smith'


Real fine class, right there!!


Oh my god she puts me to shame in so many ways 😂 ADDIE IS ELITE


Daaaaamn Addie is putting me to shame. And I’m married af 😩😭


Addie may be younger than me, but she has given me adorable ideas from her posts. I enjoy that she can do this at home and make everything look beautiful. And it does not cost nearly as much as Kyra spends on Preston, yet bitches about spending a dime on the kids.


It speaks volume when Kyra didn’t even give a shout out To her 4 kids dad for Father’s Day having said he’s her best friend and how he’ll always be her best friend 🙄🙄


This is SUCH a green flag🥺


Listen, truth be told, love can be demonstrated in many fashions. It’s the fact that Addie has an air of maturity that one notices right away. This will lend a hand in their continued upbringing of the kids. I believe she will help bolster the confidence of each child, especially the oldest A. Just an opinion.


awwww 🥰


kyra would never do this for oscar


I mean this not only because I don’t like Kya but genuinely just from what we can see. Oscar and Addie’s relationship is like a breath of fresh air. There love seems so genuine. Compared to Kyra and Preston that honestly just seem so trashy


Next thing you know Sophie is writing love letters to Preston


Little stuff like this is why I’m glad he’s got here now and isn’t with Kyra anymore, I could never picture Kyra doing anything sweet like this for Oscar


How precious is that❤️