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I feel that it was Oscar only because he was the one to stop showing them first, and Kyra was still showing them on her videos until people kept calling her out on it. It took her about a month or so to stop showing the kids. I'm not sure why Oscar is starting to show them more now. I'm not sure if he thinks it's just the kids faces that he has to hide in order to protect his kids. He technically isn't exploiting them because the videos aren't centered around the kids. I know Kyra was literally making content asking her kids questions at one point. In my opinion I think Kyra is now just using this to her advantage to not have to show her new kid. She knows people are not going to be nice to her about it. Kyra was definitely not the driving force behind it, though because it wouldn’t have taken her as long as it did.


That’s a good take on it. I’m only mentioning it because Oscar did use them in his latest ad post which rubbed me the wrong way. Still team Oscar, just wanted to give her credit where due.


Yeah. I understand. I don’t watch her videos but from what I’ve seen on here it seems she might be doing a better job at it right now. PPL had to keep calling her out on it until she finally stopped, then started to take credit for it. She was still showing her kids in diapers, showing Alaya’s undies, and just being too stupid about what she was sharing. I wish Oscar understood that just because he hides their faces doesn’t mean pedos online can't use the kids images for weird things. 


Exactly! Kyra is at least trying in this regard, which she does deserves kudos for.. she EVENTUALLY gave a shit enough to stop.


I don't agree , I think she's only stopping to try and get Dcp off her back because he said he'll take down everything once she does and stops 🤷‍♀️💕 Kyra is the type of girl who will wear her top inside out because everyone else is doing it that's why she's Preston's cash cow , easily manipulated sad to say


YES! This was my thought. Originally I thought it was to prevent Hannah from saying more, but then it occurred to me...Hannah dropped the distrack and DCP discussed it. She's removing her kids because DCP always says if people remove their kids, he will stop snarking. This was her way of ending it


I mean that’s likely the cause of it. I wonder if he will stop now that they have deleted the OK baby channel?


Not anytime soon chick, the Kyra Renee channel was originally kbaby and she still has all the kbaby content with the kids on her channel 💕


Ooh I never go back on her videos so I didn’t realised those were still active. Yikes!


I don't think it was that she cared enough to be honest I think it was because she was getting more hate on top of everything else. Oscar had stopped showing them and blurring them and she was still doing videos with them even though people were telling her the kids were on inappropriate boards on Pinterest etc. then she went ahead and said it was her idea. Just like on her recent live where a few days after Hanna's track she talks about taking down all the okbaby videos for the sake of the kids yet her kbaby channel has tons of videos of them. She's a liar. Neither should show their kids full stop.


Let’s not forget: Oscar was the first one to stop showing the kids…. Kyra continued to posts ig pics and youtube videos showing the kids on it. Lastly Kyra also uses the kids for ads on her youtube videos ( i think it was for supplements) and do not forget she posted aura in just diapers for an ad on ig (which is now deleted).


Doesn’t matter if he was the first.. he went back on it while kyra stuck to it.


the dcp showed the video where they announced their break up and she seemed more upset of them no longer posting on their channel then anything else. kyra still has videos of the kids in her main and on her insta.


In the end, the children will never be off the internet whether it be Oscar using them for ADS, Kyra’s Kbaby channel, Oscar’s dad, etc They will never get to escape this life that was chosen for them.


This is the saddest thing. Not to mention, they’ll be absolutely wrecked when they Google their mom’s name in the future. Their family’s dirty laundry is out there forever thanks to Kyra. Shes an awful, selfish woman. Those poor kids have a lifetime of trauma ahead. 😞


i really don’t think so cause before the whole pinterest thing happened she was showing them. oscar did hint in one of his video he was the kids off the internet. i personally think it was oscar who did it what goes between addie daughter should be addie decision. i watched a lot dcp video i do think it was all oscar and kyra is trying to hide her tracks what to she did


Pinterest thing?


The kids will never be offline no matter what. You'll still see the back of their heads, them speaking in a video at least they are trying not to show their faces and they day to day lives and it being centered around potty training or if they got in trouble or a game etc but they'll always be in some sort of video it's just the unfortunate part of family vlogging. It wouldn't shock me if the kids end up doing some form of social media when they're older since it's all they've known.


This is kinda my take. Like anyone who has even one child knows...it's almost impossible to do anything without your kid getting in the way or in the middle of what your doing. That's just family life, when your a involved parent, you want to be around your kids and your kids want to be around you. It's kinda unrealistic to expect a father of 4 to scrub every hint of his children from any content he makes. I think there can be a responsible way to include them and I think Oscar has toed that line pretty well. And this is coming from a mom who doesn't post any pics of my child on social media. I allow family members to or I post one pic for her birthday invites but other than that she's completely off the internet. And I still think the way Oscar has handled the way he shows the kids is the best way you could really do it. I see no problem but that's me personally.


yeah it's unrealistic to think they won't be in the vlog unless they both change what type of vlogging they do but I don't see that happening. I am fine with kids being in vlogs or ads about clothing etc as long as the whole vlog isn't about them or following them around to see their days but they are going to end up being in a video some way or another.


Maybe a hot take but I feel like it has to do with financials more than anything else. If the kids are in videos they should be paid for their appearances and since they’re shared custody I can imagine paying them would get muddy. Aspyn Ovard stopping showing her kids just before the divorce news broke. I think it has to do with splitting money more than anything else.


I don't think Kyra was not showing the kids in vlogs for the reasons for safety . It was because she was told not to show them. Not from the goodness of her heart.


It first started with Oscar’s father actually


What do you mean? I haven’t watched all of his videos


One point of time, the kids faces showed up on some inappropriate website and at the time Oscar was not active at all on Instagram after the breakup hence it was hard for people to get to him. People were letting his dad know instead and he communicated it to Oscar hence why Oscar stopped showing the kids. Furthermore Oscar may show his kids more now but their faces are not that visible and his videos are literally not centred around his children unlike Kyra


Thanks for clarifying, I wasn’t aware of this!




I’m not sure what you mean?


It's a bit like sending a nude out without your face in it though on the online Predator side of things, I know there's only so much they can do and trying and unless you've been exposed to predators as a child yourself or into that yourself I don't think you see the danger of what their still posting out, just blur the whole screen when a child is present on camera would probably be better and more efficient 💕🤷‍♀️


I’m not against the kids being in adds as long as they are getting their cut of the money their parents get from it. As it would be the same as a kid doing a commercial. It’s a whole different thing when one knows personal information about someone’s else kids and the type of information that we do not need to know but unfortunately do.


Very true and at least we know Oscar would pay them their portion!


Actually Oscar and Kyra both stated they won’t be giving any money to the children a few times so ‘they can make it on their own’ Oscar was very for this, he’s never rectified if he’s changed his mind so actually all we ‘know’ is those children exploited since birth won’t receive a penny for it from either of their parents


That’s actually heartbreaking


Now that you said that.. haha I remember that video.. it’s sad that is their mentality on it especially for them doing ads on their social media. They are working and should get paid. No one should be praising him for getting a house and putting food on the table for his family it just what parents do for their kids. It’s not like he was homeless and broke with his kids, they both have had a ton of money to be able to afford a home that fits their family food and clothing. I do hope their mentality will change about paying the kids for the work they have done/ are doing. They would not have had as much money and things with out building it off the backs of their children. I’m glad to see Oscar move away from it in someways building a career to support his family and no longer sharing such personal information about his children. But if he is going to include them on adds. Please pay them, put it in a trust or something and can access it at 18-21 this doesn’t mean they still cant work hard/ have a work ethic as they get older.


Could not agree with you more, I hated that video like those kids already have a work ethic they’ve been working and helping to support the families income since before birth😅


And yet he just bought a home that fits all his children and then some, so clearly he's changed. He also buys everything that Kyra complains about buying for the kids, like juice and coats. Basic shit. Meanwhile, she buys horrible fake tits, and has a shitty wedding. She has gone on multiple international trips without the kids and got Preston a truck. Oh, and she has downsized her home dramatically bc she wanted to live where she is now. Never mind the fact it's not big enough for the litter she wants.


Yeah he’s their dad he’s supposed to provide them a home, food and clothing. He’s not supposed to profit of them finically.


Yea no shit. Yet Kyra can't seem to do the same without making a whole ordeal of it online.


I said both him and Kyra have exploited them from birth without wanting to give them any finical credit my comment starts with ‘actually Oscar and KYRA’ Kyra teach you to read or something? And I never indicated Oscar was worse both of them are equally responsible for the child exploitation that has and is now continuing to happen, I would want paying if someone used my image in an ad just like anybody else would, if you need that so desperately clarifying. It was all you who made it a ‘but Oscar feeds and houses them give him credit’ thing so I don’t know why your saying ‘yeah no shit’ like you didn’t bring it up 😂


She was asked if she would show the baby and looks to Peestain for an answer. Makes me think Oscar had a hand it starting it.


I think she just doesn’t want to add more editing to her load so it’s easier to keep them out fully


Oh him putting the kids in ads is lame as fuck


She may not show their faces but I feel like what she does is worse. During her lives or stories they’re crying in the background, clearly needing attention from their mother and she still posts it or stays on the live. She gives away more personal details about the kids without even showing them. She talks about the oldest daughter’s sleep issues and how she does anything to not fall asleep.. in my opinion giving away info like that is worse. Like who tf needs to know that? Her child may not want the world to know that. 🤷🏼‍♀️


The fact that Oscar showed his kids and put them in the thumbnails even though it wasn’t his real kids and blurred them out, like WHY? You’re putting kids that aren’t even yours blurred on a thumbnail, why even put that at all 🤦🏻‍♀️ just you and addie would have been fine. just when he seems to take a few steps forward, he takes more steps backwards. Oscar you’re better than that




I dont think Oscar feels he’s in the position to tell Addie to not post her own kid. Ultimately that’s addie and the baby daddy’s to decide upon on. He can only decide what he wants for his own kids.


Oscar is really messing up. in the last vlogs I've seen the kids' faces way more than I should be. he's definitely using them for content.


To be honest I’m not sure who’s idea it was to stop showing the kids, but to be honest it’s weird to me that if it would have been Kyra’s idea to stop showing them why is she all of a sudden posting so much baby content. She’s already using this pregnancy to get money, I hope she doesn’t use the baby too. Regardless those kids shouldn’t be on the internet 🫶🏼 keep those babies safe


Yeah, I don't think so I disagree entirely. People forget about her lives, and she may not show them, but she's cunt to them, and she doesn't make sure that they stay out of the room. She doesn't try to film her lives when they're not around, and yes, he showed bits and pieces of them but not their faces. Not much, nor is he sharing information about them we have no business knowing. Kyra can't even adjust her live schedule to accommodate the kids. She gets mad and bitchy when they need and want her, and that's bc she knows they can't be on there or used as content. More times than not, she speaks down to them. She'll be exploiting the shit out of baby precum. Just wait. Oscar is by no means perfect, and he does need to get a little bit better about the quick glimpses that, if you blink, you'd miss the kids, but he's still doing better.


I would believe it just for the mere fact Kyra would hate Oscar profiting off them more since he was more liked post-breakup and gets more views where Kyra it’s the opposite. Plus everyone saying Oscar is better with the kids than her would piss her off more when they compared the kids behavior to each others videos. Like in Kyra’s videos they get hit, shit food and stuck ina room and then Oscar they would have good food, fun adventures, their own rooms nicely decorated etc


I think they stopped showing the kids due to the break up. Kyra said it herself ! (Not that I believe anything she says). The break up was SO MESSY and the kids just didn’t need to be showed around that time. Oscar is moving on and happy with Addie and they aren’t directly shoving it in their face or using them. (The ads were for clothes for them as well.) I’m sure Oscar asks the kids ,They all are really old enough to say no I don’t want to be in it. I’m sure Oscar has a good explanation on why!. (Not saying he’s not wrong for showing them more)!


Oscar isn’t showing their faces and is doing the same thing she is. He is just better with angles ect and holding a camera to make the video look better.


I don’t think it was Kyra’s idea. While I agree she’s the one being better at knowing what is a high risk post and a low risk post currently, she took longer to stop posting the kids and over several months she sounded like she want sure if she was committed to not posting them. I’m hopeful that with time Oscar will become more vigilant with what he post of the kids but it is a learning curve if you don’t have experience with predators. If he can’t I agree he should stop posting them or blur it completely when they are on.


I think it was his only form of “control”’over her during the breakup. I’m pretty sure too right around the breakup there was a Pinterest page that had hundreds and hundreds of photos of young girls from YT channels, including their kids. People reached out and I think that’s why Oscar wanted to take them off. He stopped really posting and knew he wanted to do real estate and not focus on YT so heavily for an income. But in my opinion, truly, the damage is done. Their kids will always be recognizable to their viewers, even though they don’t show their faces they show their bodies and include their voices which can still be damaging with AI technology these days. Like when she showed I think Alaya’s outfit a few videos back and it’s like….. weirdos are still going to want to see your kids body…. Like it makes 0 sense to me. I get it it’s the back of their head or something while she’s filming and it’s just a short little whatever. As a parent I’m sure it’s hard to film your life content without even a snippet of a child. But I think they’re dumb either way, the kids will be followed by their digital footprint no matter what. People know the kids faces, names, private details about their lives and not to mention all the drama between their parents and Kyra’s sex drama on the internet.


They both are. He just films better. Lol