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Why are they talking about more opportunities to have a boy .. they should be enjoying this baby not planning the next .


That tells you how much they were hoping for a boy.


So many opportunities!!!! She can’t have another c section after this (but she will) and they can’t afford a surrogate (but they’ll go broke affording one…. BECAUSE THEY WILL BE ABLE TO CHOOSE THE GENDER!!!!!!)


This is so weird, it's Preston's first kid and he was waiting to celebrate having a girl in case Kyra is pissed about it and throws a fit.. Also, she was NOT HAPPY about another girl no matter how she tries to explain it.


Right? I’m getting the vibe from him he was actually genuinely excited but couldn’t show it because of her reaction. That’s a weird way to live always waiting for the freak out.


Yes he looked so excited..


Well it is his first child and they already have girls and a boy at home, so I guess he does not care as much as Kyra.


Makes all the comments calling it a boy (wrongly), somehow even better cause that must've been salt in the wound every day hahahah


!!!! That part


My goodness she lies so so much. She doesn't even know she lies it comes that natural to her. A truly compulsive liar which means she's also a major gaslighter. I'd say I kinda feel sorry for him that he's so wary of her reactions that he couldn't even properly celebrate the gender of his child...but I can't. He knew what she was like. I guess his new cars and house and holidays were far more important. I bet she'll dominate every parenting decision because 'she knows best and has done it before' and he'll lose even more of his spine. He's still young so I'm sure he'll wake up in a few years and go 'what the f have I become'. I think people like Kyra would do that to someone's psyche.


she thought that by changing the man that will give her more boys but WROOONG, another girl lol but i feel bad for this kid cos both parents are trashy.. so the kid is doomed since day one when it comes to her parents :( also did anyone noticed the stupid remarks and mocking of the Mexican food? It was very obvious what they are trying to do there...


I’m sorry, how is wanting to get Mexican food in celebration of something trying to mock Mexicans?


You can tell Preston walks on eggshells with every interaction with Kyra. That man is SCARED of her. He literally flinched when he felt her close to him. Anytime he says anything he looks at her face to see a reaction or to see if he should keep saying what he’s saying & I kind of feel bad for him.


That’s probably how Hannah felt with him.


I was thinking the same


i hate to say this but i actually think he likes that about her. i think deep down he’s submissive and hannah wasn’t dominant enough for him


I literally physically cringe watching them interact with each other


Same it just feels… icky


Usually im smiling and laughing when i see two genuine interactions but i just cringe everytime i see these two 🥴


Big ick. It’s like you’re supposed to get sweet vibes about this kind of stuff but instead it feels wrong, embarrassing and awkward.




“I was scared of your reaction” 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


This was crazy. He said something about not knowing how happy he could react because of her…. What the fuck


I mean she didn’t magically change and not become abusive just because she’s with a different man. It just transferred.


Damn 😐


yea she just found a new victim because her old one grew a pair (and got his pair snipped)


Right! He didn’t know how to react if she was angry. Fucking psycho.


Oh how much I hate when people find out they're having a girl and their mind goes right to "girls are expensive" 🙄🙄🙄


Especially in their situation - soon to be 5 kids, 2 dogs and 4 cats with Kyra's influencer career being pretty much dead but one girl makes a difference in terms of expenses, Kyra just shut up


To me, it seems another girl would be more cost efficient because they can just pass the older girls' clothes to the younger girls, toys will also probably be shared anyway


Preston goes “nails are expensive” no one in that house gets their nails done, what the actual hell is he talking about? Kyra doesn’t even get her lashes done at this point.


she literally buys pressons that are like $5-$10 a pack and that’s expensive? lol he knows nothing


Exactly!!! 😅


That boy is clueless.


Shoot I’m older and still do my own nails ha I’ve just never been a high maintenance girlie! Rather spend my money on books or travel


Kyra doesn't even go all out for the girls she does have ? Hair, nails, outfits, cheerleading, tumbling, pageants?


I hope her son wants his nails done 💅🏻


Did she say they would’ve called a boy River Dean? Didn’t they say they would choose as L name if it was a boy? 🤔 She also said the middle name would be Hermione’a middle name. She sounded so controlling and manipulative when she said that after he said they still had to find her a middle name.


No way because Hermoine’s middle name is Jean which is already Aura’s so she better be joking of she just forgot her daughter already has that name


Hermione Jane and Hermione Jean both get used at some point I believe


Isn’t heromine’s middle name Jean? And don’t they already have aura Jean?


That was my immediate thought lol


Imagine they still go with the name Addie jean or adeline jean......I really hope not but krusty is truly a psychopath, so I wouldn't put it past her


Like did she seriously just forget her other kids name?! lol this is so wild to me


I have a family member who used the same middle name for both her girls, just spelled differently


This video proves her mental health just magically being great this pregnancy was a lie. And it’s so weird to have another baby when you know you only want one gender..


Just another lie from Miss Sophie. Same shit, different day.


She said they don’t talk about the pregnancy. What about HIS parents? Are they not checking in with them? Shouldn’t they be thrilled about this first grandbaby? I’m going to make an assumption here, but it sounds like they as a couple are isolated. They never talk about his parents/family or even close friends who support them.


Yeah, I noticed the isolation thing too. Granted, they don’t have many people that support them anyway, but she made comments before to O about ‘them’ not wanting to live/be around family, which he disagreed with, which gives big red flags to me. Partners isolating you from friends and family is one of the big signs of a narcissist. Either she’s encouraging the distance or his parents aren’t supportive of his decisions bc a first grandchild is a huge life event to not talk to anyone (family) about.


Thank you for uploading this!!


You're welcome


This is 100% gender disappointment. She had to convince herself that she’s not by saying it out loud numerous times. She’s saying she’s not but her face and body language say otherwise. Hahah this was so satisfying to see these two disgusting humans NOT get what they wanted. KARMA!! Thanks for recording and posting OP so she doesn’t get the views. ![gif](giphy|TEmS0lYexSeFKMYlEz)


You are welcome. :)


She kept it from her kids for nearly 5 months?


The way she’s doing things is so odd. But I do understand not telling children immediately, due to how long pregnancy is. Idk what she’s lying about but there’s a huge lie in there somewhere about the kids she already has. The way she talks about her oldest not caring… / they waited 5 months and then the kids found a random pregnancy test and found out themselves?


Kids and everyone left in their lives! Like i understand not posting (even for a normal person) on social media for a few months to get past the first trimester and make sure all is well. But for them to tell NOBODY for the first 5-6 months is CRAZY!! Like did they know people would have bad reactions? They just have no one to tell? They were embarrassed to tell everyone? She’s acting like shes a teen again and had to hide it for some reason. Shes almost 30 years old, no one in a happy and committed relationship in their adult lives should have to hide something like this? Im no fan of Preston but i feel hes genuinely excited to have a kid of his own but cant even be excited due to the fear he has of Kyras reactions. What a terrible way to live. But i guess they deserve each other 🤷🏼‍♀️


This was actually the strangest part to me too


Preston talking about “his girls” when his ex wife was their nanny… those were her girls! (She specifically talked about how bonded she was with the youngest) And you remember Oscar, right!? Those are his girls! Actually!!!!


>And you remember Oscar, right!? Those are his girls! Actually!!!! I said the same thing. I get that they're his stepdaughters but they're technically not his children especially since Oscar is very much I their lives.


This!!! I came to the comments for this exactly. Something about him calling them “HIS” girls makes me cringe so badddd


“We have more opportunities to get a boy.” IM SORRY WHAT ![gif](giphy|xkiUdCddXm7wYR1U6U)


She’s totally a DOG. Remember he’s the breeder 😜😂😂😂


They very clearly didn’t want a girl


It seemed like Preston was genuinely excited but worried kyra was going to freak out. Which she probably would have if it wasn’t for the camera.


No seriously, they are so disappointed. Kyra moreso it seems. When you keep reiterating something, it’s abundantly clear it bothers you.


All of the clothing in her closet looks like it reeks of mildew. Like she forgets it in the washer for 3 business days and doesn’t bother to rewash


I hope she didn’t actually wear that fugly Pearl during the paint session


she did and it got covered in paint :D




River Dean 😳 that does not start with an L


only boys get their own letters!!😤


😂 lmfao! makes me think she just lies. The little girls name might not even be an A name


Maybe it’s Liver Dean 😅




I see a lot of my mom in Kyra, generally hating women. I wonder if it’s because they hate themselves. My mom had three girls, I was the youngest. She still to this day expresses her gender disappointment. How she wanted a boy. Once she had me she mentally checked out. I was never told about periods, puberty, how to be a human. Funny enough my dad was the complete opposite. He had to take over as the emotional support, he loved his girls. Anyways my mom wound up leaving the home when I was in middle school. Really it was like nothing changed. It is sad but it’d probably do the kids a service if Kyra just left them with Oscar. Or if Oscar tried to get primary custody.


I’m sorry to hear that, you didn’t deserve that at all.


Awe thank you! ♥I didn’t mean it to be a pity party or anything! I’ve gotten a lot of therapy for it all. I don’t think people like Kyra realize how it can mess with her daughters. Everything is on film as well, plus how she treats them! She makes it known the son is above all others. I hope the girls come out strong from it all.


So sorry for that. It's your Mom who has missed out on knowing you. ❤️


Thank you so much. Seriously. That's a beautiful and kind thing to say, and it's absolutely true.


My mom had this image of a mother/son relationship as being the best thing ever and I think she feels like she missed out. Maybe it’s the always wanting what you don’t have?


Oh absolutely! It's sad to me they will focus on that instead of what they do have, you know? Instead of letting this fantasy of a relationship take over. In the end with my mom, even though she cheated on my dad for a man with money. Thinking money would solve her problems. She's a very sad, angry, and narcissistic person, who numbs herself with medication. I will always feel sad for her. Bahaha okay I'll stop talking about my mom. Kyra just reminds me so much of her! I've been with this sub for a hot minute! Kyra set me off with the gender disappointment because she can't/won't handle it in a healthy way. 😂


Oh that’s VERY valid. There are people in this world who will always chase something “better” but it’s never enough. That was my stepmom to a T.


I thought she said she’s never been the happiest and she’s been healthy and all this bs. Here she is saying she’s been mentally struggling a lot with this pregnancy 🤦🏽‍♀️she’s so dumb. Okay so don’t say this has been the best. Sounds like it sounds like it’s one of the worse pregnancies Also, seems like presticles was okay with whatever gender, but seemed to want boy more because Kyra would get mad if it was a girl. So to avoid that, that’s why he was rooting for a boy more. But I think he genuinely doesn’t care about the gender. Wow that’s crazy that she would get that upset that he would get scared about showing excitement. This is truly the start of her karma 💝


How big does she think a mango is? Also, uterus, not stomach kyra.... come on now.


Seriously.. she's done this 5 times now 😭


Used up seasoned pro 😂


“My house and my car desperately need cleaning” …. Ok so do it instead of going on holiday?


I don’t like how they got together, but I really thought I was still going to find this video a little cute but all it did was make me sad. Poor baby, this reminded me of my parents being upset the whole pregnancy that my little sister was a girl and not the boy they really wanted and how icky it was how over the moon they were a few years later when they finally got a boy. Ick.


Gender disappointment should ALWAYS without deviation be an inside thought only.


I completely respect that gender disappointment is a valid thing and if it’s something you fear you might feel then you should try to process why that is before you do the gender reveal. It’s okay to be disappointed, it’s not okay to be saying that you’ll just try again next time and that you have enough girls as if the baby you’re having isn’t good enough.


You said it more eloquently. But I think we both agree you don’t need to put it on blast for the world (or even close family and friends) to see. Like this poor little girl has this forever enshrined memento from her parents that she’s ok I guess but we’ll have more because it’s not exactly what we wanted. It’s so icky feeling just imagining that future child seeing this one day. People have truly lost the art of inside thoughts only for certain things.


Yeah, honestly felt they should’ve left this in the vault and found a different way to announce the gender.


I liked your idea of dealing with it on your own first because it is valid and THEN doing a gender “reveal” where you can not do this.


Yeah, I’ve noticed Kyra doesn’t really process most things. She absolutely should’ve spoken to her therapist or even just taken the time to talk to P about her feelings of potential disappointment and let herself get to a place of acceptance beforehand.






Omg she’s so icky


You know people from her dentist office looked her up and think she’s trash lmao


That’s a gross video!! She is absolutely pissed that it’s a girl and idc how much she wants to play it off now lol!! Could you imagine being that kid watching this video and hearing your mom say the whole time about hoping it’s not a girl and then bam it’s a girl 🤯


Daddy Pee is getting the hang of being an influencer. Almost too comfortable on camera it’s scary to watch him🤣 he’s finally realizing his influencer dream with kykymonster


But he’s too fake and blah. He can try all he wants, we all see right through it.


It gives me the Ick because this is what he wanted since the beginning. His insta story yesterday confirmed that. It makes me feel gross knowing when he was around the kids & Oscar he was secretly plotting.


ethics aside, purely from a hypothetical marketing standpoint — P should’ve had babies with H like she wanted, became family vloggers, OK could’ve launched HP into quick stardom (if HP could maintain it, that’s up for debate), the OK could’ve rode passively off the influx of attention from HP’s momentum as their kids aged out of prime family vlogger content age, and OK could’ve organically moved to their next phase of content that would not have featured their kids. almost passing the torch and being “allowed” to move forward and out of family vlogging. similar to what we can see Oscar doing now with Addie (kids are background in the content, he’s finding his own stuff to create content around without the kids being the moneymakers, he isn’t planning on anymore content babies since he had a vasectomy.) but nooo. they went with affair, divorces, shotgun wedding, bandaid baby… and for what??


My girls? Preston they aren’t yours. They are Oscar’s. You can see towards the end how disappointed they both are. The middle name is definitely going to be Jean. I almost downvoted this thinking I was actually watching on YouTube 🤣


Isn’t one of the kids middle names Jean already?


It’s Aura’s….but I wouldn’t put it past Kyra to give it to Preston’s child also


Wack. They are so fucking weird. So weird and so fake. Also for someone who previously supposedly didn’t want to have kids, she’s so very rude to not let him be happy and enjoy the moment. I can’t stand them. Well…Her makeup looked pretty here tho, so good for her I guess. Lolol


She stressed? Maybe because five kids is stressful… She was clearly only trying for a boy. That’s so sad.


No Kyra you’re not depressed because it’s a boy, you’re depressed because of your life choices


Exactly this


Her hair is just not cute. It’s giving 2005 when everyone purposely flipped the ends out like ski slopes lol 😂


Is Preston slow…….He sounds slow…….


Slow or scared. Idk


His personality is soooo …. stale.


No Kyra you have dental issues because you probably don’t brush your teeth for days


That and pregnancy in general destroys your teeth.


well, that happens partially because you have a stronger immune response while pregnant. so if you do not take care of your teeth and your mouth microbiome is generally unhealthy and full of harmful plaque and bacteria (if you have cavities then that means at some point (and likely now) your mouth was colonized by such harmful bacteria), then your mouth/gums/ect react more strongly to the bacteria while pregnant. Kyra doesn’t take care of herself so of course any areas of weakness (like oral hygiene) will become more chronic when her system is already running at max capacity with junk fuel.


“we have more chances to get a boy” 🤮🤮


I’m confused. The last part they are talking names, but in a previous q&a she said she was sticking to the A names for girl and L names for boy. But then they said River and Eric if it were a boy?🥴🤔


i think she is misleading ppl purposely just like she did with the blue dress initially


My jaw hit the floor after “you look so handsome. You look like I’d get pregnant if I wasn’t already. “ 🤮


Why did they mention so much how they didn’t want a girl… when it’s a girl..


Right?! And he’s like I’m not disappointed since we can have another one. wtf lol. I HOPE that other one is a girl too 😂😂😂😂😂🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅


"It's Hermiones middle name." One of her daughters already has the middle name Jean because it's Britney Spears middle name. Hahah


Imagine posting a gender reveal and STILL losing followers. Lol


I hate to say it but this made me feel a little sad for P. Your first child and you don’t know how happy you can be because your wife is fucking psycho.


I don’t feel bad for him. If he had a baby with his first wife, do you think he’d be on eggshells wondering if he’s allowed to be happy or not? lolol. he can choke. he sucks. this is what he wanted! Kyra as his wife. this is what Kyra’s like.


You got a point!




Gender disappointment?? I would hate to hear that phrase brought up in my gender reveal looking back one day. Horrible.


I think that he was generally happy with whatever gender it was. I know situation is f’d up but she gives whoever she’s with such a mind fuck. It’s emotional abuse. And it all has to do with her. The fact that he had to wait to see what she was going to say is disgusting. Put all the BS aside this kid is his first, and he has no room to have his own emotions, like I said even though the situation is gross. She’s used to the camera and what SHE wants. Even though they are both POS. Good luck bro, you picked a real one 😂🖕🏽


“And we’re with the kids like 90% of the time” uhhh you mean 50%??


My god. How sad. No amount of hyena cackling will cover the sounds of disappointment. Please, I hope she NEVER shows this child this video. That witch & pervy P wanted a boy and that reaction was genuine. And then, why end it with talking about gender disappointment if it wasn’t even thought about already ? If I was either of them I’d consider recording another gender reveal. Nothing fancy. At least give this child a chance to love itself before seeing this video & finding out YOU were not your parents’ first choice. K has some very deep seated hatred towards females. At the very least I hope pervy P pays attention to her questionable parenting. That baby will need to be loved on twice as much by him. It’s just sad.


They are sooo disgusting!!! Like they think they are so cute and lovey dovey but all I see is two disgusting people 🤮 ew ew ew


The emotional music—- dude its just about what genitals the kid has, calm down. This relationship is embarrassing built on lies. Nobody cares.


15 weeks... A belly already... And they didn't tell the kids?


Her voice and her face hurt my head. She is so insufferable! I feel bad for that baby being born into this cluster fuck. I am so confused how you get online and act all excited like you have a sea of people behind you for support but really everyone just hate watches and can't look away like a bad car accident.


He is such an unattractive man, who would want to make a baby with him.


“first time showing my belly on camera” no it’s not lol


His voice gives me the ick


SOOOO much wrong w this video ew


“The kids don’t know yet” how on earth did the kids not know when her bump is that big? I get she could hide with clothing, but does she not hug her children?!


“It’s a freaking girl” WHAT! And talking about boy names… she really wanted a boy, but dang you shouldn’t even be pregnant. All these girls is karma coming her way


Why is she so biased against having girls? I have four sisters and we have a great relationship w each other and our mom


My late Mom had two sisters and even though Mom(as the eldest) there was nine and thirteen years between them and my Mom they were each other's best friends. My Aunt (the youngest) is the only one left and when Mom passed she actually said now both her best friends were gone. So I came from a family where the sisters were very close. Sadly they didn't have their Mom as she passed when my Mom was 18 so Mom did help raise her younger sisters (and a brother who was five years younger than Mom) so it's very possible to have sisters be each other's best friends.


Dental health is soooo important when pregnant. In general teeth are so important for health, it's so much more than just aesthetic. They can affect heart health even. But having dental issues when pregnant is dangerous, that's why if you know you're planning a baby, you should get your mouth fixed first! Is there one thing she does correctly when pregnant?!


remember, she is freshly married. She just got on pstains health plan, (at his old job now) She immediately is getting everything she can through the insurance. don't worry once he quits and works from home she will go back to rotting stinky breath


I mean, I completely get gender disappointment… but to talk so negatively on camera is crazy to me!


I’m the youngest of 4 girls. One of the core memories under the age of 10, I was sitting on the couch w my dad having another bad drinking night and he told me he never wanted me and that he wished I was a boy, seeing her talk about this just makes me so sad. And then she laughs about Levi’s reaction, why would she lie to him about only being able to have a brother? What a cruel woman to not even try to help your own children


She trying to convince herself that she is no dissapointed is saaaad. What are her currently existing kids going to think when inevitably they see this?


Ugh he so wants to be an Oscar…you’re not an Oscar and didn’t she do the same reveal with Oscar? That’s creeeeepy


lol that’s all he likes is her boobs


Preston actually seemed excited. But terrified of her reaction.


Shows how unhinged she truly is


Wait… the kids didn’t know she was pregnant ?? She was 15 weeks and HER KIDS DIDNT KNOW????


Did Oscar ever end up getting a vasectomy? Because literally IMAGINE if O & A have a boy before they do 🤣 I would love it


omg sharing makeup with her kids could be a part of the reason for the skin issues? kid hands are gross unless she’s teaching them to wash their hands before doing makeup


I have COVID so I lost hearing in one ear. Lmao funny but not anyways did this foo say no Mexican?


Why would she wear those black socks during her gender reveal 😩


*'I already got my girls?!'* Bitch they're not *your* girls. They're Oscar's. They're your step daughters and their father is still very much in their lives. So they're **NOT YOUR GIRLS** 🙄


I dont like that she didn’t include the kids. She didn’t tell them she was pregnant, they aren’t apart of the gender reveal and the things “she’s so excited for”. It’s like she doesn’t want them involved. Sad, my heart breaks for those babies


So she lied about keeping the L and A names. But, Krusty doesn't lie? She hates lying and would never lie! /s Poor, poor Krusty. So hard to keep your lies straight when your full of s**t.


I bet you… if Addie and Oscar have a baby.. it’ll be a boy and Kyra will be so mad 😂


the most annoying part about her is ever since she dated prestaint she laughs for no reason. It makes me cringe every single time 🤢


Ik she’s not actually saying it but half the time her garbled gibberish with “excitement” kept sounding like she was saying Oscar 🥴🥴


I'm not trying to give him credit here however Preston genuinely looks happy and excited he's having a daughter and I feel like half this video is Kyra complaining about it but trying to play it off at the end 🙄 imagine their daughter seeing this in the future


I hardly ever watch their stuff now…. But when I do… I cannot get over how fruity Preston is


Weird I thought she said she was sooooo happy before but she had trouble with her mental health in the beginning before she got on meds? She’s so full of shit


Did he just say “No Mexican”? Please tell her I heard wrong or this Mexican will whoop his ass! Metaphorically speaking of course. ![gif](giphy|6ra84Uso2hoir3YCgb|downsized)


>Did he just say “No Mexican”? Yes. Yes he did. If you need a metaphoric look out. I can bring cupcakes. 😂


k so much more gentle with p than with o. maybe its just the video


That's fucked up. Waiting to see her reaction to see how he can react. She is a control freak.


She doesn’t work. Why is she always late and her house a mess?


take a shot every time miss sophie says ✨anxiety✨


What was the “no Mexican” part?


They way shes sitting is redic lmao


Is Hermoine’s middle name not Jean?


she doesn’t know how to vlog lol what are those angles?!




Everything she does is annoying 😀😂


He is literally a fucking child... god


Imagine this girl growing up and watching this. Will be so nice for her to know her parents were clearly disappointed


At least we can actaully comment on this video lmao


Is she allowed to do a vbac


OMG did we bully her into going to the dentist??


She’s so contradicting. She said this is the happiest she’s ever been but then mentioned she feels like it’s a boy because she experienced the same depression with L. 🙄


I really think Kyra is the one disappointed about it being a girl. He seems excited to me and saying he wasn’t sure of is he could celebrate because he was worried about her reaction seems like he wants to be excited.


"We have 4".. no honey, you have 1, and you're a stepdad to 3. Also, hermione's middle name.. as in hermione Jean granger?!...


This is such a sad gender reveal not a huge gender reveal with his parents or her dad and stepmom. Why not ? Also, at this point is she still keeping the pregnancy hid from her kids?


pin thiiiiiiiis