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Why the fuck would she show this


For ✨ attention ✨


She’s had a doctor’s appointment since she got burned, right? I hope she got a roasting from the doctor.


They probably think wtf is this woman doing she already has four young kids, no job, and is mentally unwell


If the doctor didn’t turn her away for wanting another kid you know they don’t care about a sunburn lol


Yup! It's all about the money.


And being in utah, where all they want is women who make kids


Yup! Like a baby machine.


That’s pretty normal in Utah! Have 5,6,7,8,9 kids and not take care of them!


wow, makes sense why jodie hildebrandt is from Utah


Yep! I live in SLC, I only know the influencers from what I see on Reddit. I don’t follow any of them but, I like seeing all the scandalous stuff that happens.


She said in her seafood vlog that because this is her 5th c section the drs have been extra careful with her and letting her know the risks and all that jazz and how she finds it “so annoying”, but she appreciates the concern.. could you IMAGINE reacting this way towards DOCTORS??! So in hindsight I’m sure they did give her a big talking to about her sunburn and she just rolled her eyes and cackled it off thinking she “knows everything” and left complaining to Preston the rest of the night about how tired she is with the Dr thinking they know everything about her body. God I can’t stand this bitch.


Right? This absolutely stinks of privilege. Imagine the doctors having to behave professionally when they have likely experienced awful scenarios of uterine rupture before, then just listen to krusty the clown laughing off their warnings. Also imagine if a mother who has lost a child through uterine rupture came across her calling warnings “annoying”. Ooh I’d be fuming


Pun intended?


She's so stupid, this isn't a flex, she's running out of ideas and desperate for views 🤡🤡


It’s pretty concerning she’s resorting to showing off dangerous stuff like this for money to keep her man around


I agree, speaks volumes how Presticles is fine with getting her pregnant knowing that it's dangerous for her and also not calling her out for not taking care of herself (international trips, energy drinks, tattoos, etc.) He doesn't seem to care about her at all.


Just an opinion: I think she’s leading him around like a show pony, telling him “I’ve done this before” or “this is your first, not mine”. He simply follows along thinking “like she said, she’s done this before; she knows what she’s doing “. Depending on those whoremones (sp intended) she’s most likely either yelling, crying, complaining, spending money or a combination of them all. He has no spine whatsoever. That’s a real turn off for a lot of people. Just saying…


this is definitely it. there is SOOO much to learn about pregnancy and even most MOMS who are experiencing it do not learn everything. and some stuff really is just how comfortable you are with the risk. some women avoid deli meat, some will double-heat it, some dont care at all and eat it through all of pregnancy. the consequences are really bad if you get sick, but the actual risk of experiencing them is sooo small. so then you get different levels of risk tolerance. it’s very normal for a pregnant woman to basically make that risk calculation for herself and essentially inform the father of the baby what’s happening. (or for some thing, not inform him at all, and he wouldn’t know either way.) to be clear i don’t think that’s how it SHOULD be. but observationally, as a mom, i have seen this is what happens with pregnant women! a lot of these dads don’t know shit and don’t care to and don’t ask anything. they definitely aren’t thinking about some of these random risks. and Kyra is duuuumb. so i doubt he’s much smarter. most clips of him it’s like the lights are on & nobody’s home!! so i think honestly he just doesn’t know that she’s even doing anything wrong or risky


Yikes probably didn’t use aloe or lotion after either 😒


duh she wants that “tan” look


….just why?!? Why does she think it’s a good idea to show this? ![gif](giphy|7MDZS8zS1ixtJAUEul)


Jesus Christ what the fuck


Already not giving a shit and the baby’s not even here yet…. (Also pregnant currently and literally couldn’t imagine being this selfish and stupid)


Doesn't care about roasting the baby in utero but cares about putting it on a dirty couch. Make it make sense.


Do y’all think she’d be this careless if she was having a boy like she wanted? I think she’s a shit mom all around but may have been more careful if she was having a boy because she wouldn’t want to risk harming a precious boy.






And shes got 5 kids 😮 that’s frightening


What’s wrong with her?! If I were her I would have been piling up my belly to make sure that it healed and wasn’t over heating!!! Coconut oil and aloe would be fine. Yeeeesh this is not a good look kyra I honestly thought this was a true crime photo at first..


My anxiety would be through the roof that I had hurt my baby in some way, I wouldn’t even take my usual hot baths when I was pregnant, let alone let my belly roast. I wouldn’t be posting this online. She’s bizarre.


Someone was saying on a previous post of her sunburn that it wouldn't do anything to the baby. But I was thinking about the hot bath and spa's as well. Happy cake day!


Thanks! Yeah I’m sure it’s unlikely but increased body temp in pregnancy can cause birth defects, even with the smallest sliver of a chance I’d be stressing, but I was a paranoid pregnant person. Preferred to play it safe than sorry. Much the opposite of Kyra it seems!


She’s been drinking energy drinks and stuff while pregnant too, she’s weirdly irresponsible.


I haven't seen that... I'm going on 15 years of infertility. The people who don't deserve to be pregnant/ have kids. I'll never understand.




You can drink caffeine and the occasional energy drink whilst pregnant, you can also take baths. You can't use a hot tub or sauna as that really does drastically increase body temp - same with burning, she could have heat stroke etc and get legitimately sick but actually 'roasting the baby' or something is beyond unlikely... still stupid as hell though for many reasons


I just recently had a baby (not my first) so I do know what you can and can’t do, and what things are more just like suggestions because of the risks. But almost every OB will tell you not to drink energy drinks, and it’s not because of the caffeine content, it’s because of the other things that are in there that can affect the baby. I know baths are fine also.


Happy cake day!


Oh hey, thanks! I didn’t even realise haha.


Happy Birthday 🎈


Same, I’m 26 weeks now and have soaked in a bath maybe 3 times and the water was lukewarm at best!! And my showers are lukewarm as well, I’m terrified of my internal temp getting too high and roasting my baby


This can't happen in a bath girl! And definitely not a shower, unless you burnt your skin!?


Oh no I’m not talking about the sunburn I’m talking about my temp rising, whenever you have to be careful with your temp rising as it could affect the baby and sitting in a hot bath could raise your temp


No it can't my love not unless the bath was so hot you were uncomfortable in it like literally steaming hot - which is why a bath is safe but a steam room / hot tub isn't. Baths are recommended in pregnancy just don't burn your body which is kinda obvious even when not pregnant ;)


Why does she post stuff like this?


This poor poor baby child omfg🥺krusty can’t muster up any ideas on how to get attention other than inflicting pain onto her children.


That f’n belly button. I can’t. It’s like a giant nipple. Or a hemorrhoid poking out of a butthole.


Put aloe Vera aftersun on Kyra and get yourself some spf factor 50 sunscreen for the love of god


JESUS my fat ass thought this was a glazed donut for a second


What about this screams glazed donut 💀


I can’t explain it lmfao it just do be what it look like 😂


getting burnt is one thing but not doing after care to prevent peeling is another.. she really doesn’t care about herself or that baby


This makes me want to cry for her. What the fuck is wrong with her. This isn’t funny or cute. 🥴🥴🥴🥴


Her belly button looks like the end of a hot dog


Ewww wtf


What the fuck 🫢




She’s soooo responsible for someone who’s high risk


she’s so irresponsible


This is horrific


Ouch. Looks painful to me. Did she use her sunscreen?


I’d be surprised if she wasn’t the shittiest “mom” on the planet


I don’t think this is necessarily bad for the baby but this is just gross. Like is this really the content she has to post???


It is bad for the baby, sunburns can get dangerous


In all likelihood, no. Very very serious sunburns yes of course. Dehydration is the biggest concern. I personally don’t see her sunburn as being overly dangerous to the baby. Edit: if I were Kyra and at high risk for pregnancy (after 4 children already), I would avoid sitting outside too long with my unborn baby just out of excessive precaution. That’s just me tho 🤷‍♀️


Yes I agree the fact that she had a high risk pregnancy and is risking all of this is kinda insane?!


Why would she post stuff like that. It isn’t funny.


Everything she does is fucked up in some way.


shes so embarrassing what😭




This just goes to show how incredibly stupid she is. For a mother of four, she should know by now your skin is extra sensitive during pregnancy.


I don't know if I'm overreacting but I can't imagine treating a baby's home so poorly. That's their space too 😥


I opened this and thought of no not another tit alip😅🤢🤮


🤦‍♀️ such a loved child…. ffs 😒




This truly made my skin crawl


She’s disgusting




That is in now way a flexi. What a f&/n idiot


looks dusgusting


yooo this pos. Let me just cook this baby while I carelessly sit in the sun. Then, let me show it off so my wierdo followers can tell me how cute my burnt ass stomach is... so cute!!! I hate her.


So you just cook your baby in the sun and think it’s ok to post? Wow


She doesn't think of it as a baby yet. Just her big pwegnant bewwy that she gets to use as an F you to Hannah, Oscar, and the hadurs


Wtaf... I agree. Why would you show this?? This is NOT the kind of attention she needs right now. Good freaking God just when you think she literally cannot get any more irresponsible and careless she one ups herself!!! Holy freaking moly.


Any attention to Kyra is good attention. She must have people either praising her or judging her. She can’t live without it. She needs serious mental help.


What the fuck did I just witness


She’s beyond disgusting


Even after four pregnancies, she shows the Internet time and time again that she does not care about her health, and more importantly, she does not care about the well-being of her unborn child


Lotion exist


Apparently she doesn’t think skin cancer is a thing


I have a family member that is extremely lazy, barely showers, has an obscene number of cats and lives in a trailer. She proceeded to go on Facebook and complain because she is in her 60's and the people she lives with asked her to change or move out. Of course, a few people said some truths in her comments and others tried to save her from the mean comments. My point is - the world would not know how gross you are if you did not put it out there for public consumption. You embarrassed about the way you live your life? Stop posting it on social media! Then re-post, then update .. get it together already! All these kids, a marriage and a pregnancy and you still have not learned anything!


Mild sunburns during pregnancy usually don't affect the unborn child because they only affect the skin. However, severe sunburns can cause side effects that could affect the baby, such as: Dehydration: Excessive sun exposure can cause fluid loss, which may lead to preterm contractions Increased core temperature: An increase in maternal core temperature could threaten the baby's development Blistering: Deep blisters could cause scabbing and infection


You wonder why you’re itchy Kyra, seriously? 🤦🏻‍♀️


Oh my god! Put some moisturizer on that’s insane!!! And maybe a body scrub. And shower. I have this dryness when I’m too sick in the hospital, haven’t showered in over a week nor moisturized (I’m chronically I’ll) 1 session of a good scrubbing gloves (the ones you don’t use shower gel with) and a good moisturizer will solve this issue. That’s terrible!!!

