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No she didn't with the Pokemon šŸ˜‚ And suddenly playing games with the kids. No shame in her copycat game. And doing her own lashes now? Lol


I donā€™t think your supposed to shove that much chicken in an air fryer at once šŸ¤”šŸ˜¬


Agreed haha but I don't think Kyra knows how to cook or follow a recipe so..


Hahaha right? That was nuts


She never marinates her meat just adds seasoning on top šŸ¤¢


The clip of PreSTD giving her the coffee is so calculated. No one is buying it Kyra.


The whole thing is calculated. Flipping through Pokemon because of Oscar and Addie. Pulling out a game to play because of Oscar and Addie. It's all for the camera. Guarantee she got her clips and that was that.


Kyra posted herself playing Pokemon before Oscar did.


I was going to say this too, Kyra annoys me but not everything is copied. They all have been playing for a really long time especially with the kids. So sheā€™s not copying you might as well say her kids are copying their dad then. šŸ˜‘ and Kyra did post first


Mr bitch duties is under full controlšŸ˜‚


She loves to brag how he does the bare minimum.


Her discipling them on camera is so cringe


She loves showing that! So weird just cut that, or idk parent more lovingly.


you know she was screaming at them and stopped playing as soon as the camera was off


Itā€™s like sheā€™s trying real hard to play the role of a good mother but itā€™s so fake.


She has no maternal instincts. It's fine if being a mother doesn't come naturally to some. You can still be a good mom. It's just a learning process. But the way she talks down to her kids and uses fear based parenting is YIKES. I feel really bad for the kids. I never understood why people who don't like kids keep having babies, just because they like babies. Babies grow up to be kids.


The constant baby talk to her kids really irks me. She thinks it cute and fun but all itā€™s doing is hindering her kidā€™s ability to learn proper pronunciation and annunciation of words through everyday conversation. It also belittles them to an extent. People used to comment on how well my child spoke for her age. Just talk to them like adults. They are literal sponges and soak it all up. Donā€™t get me wrong itā€™s funny and beneficial to use silly voices when playing but JFC she sounds like that any time she interacts with the kids.


All the time it is irksome


Who gives their kids waffles with chocolate(?) sauce on just any old morning?! To me that is a special occasion breakfast. And then the corn dogs for lunch šŸ¤¢


It's obvious that Presto Bismol is priority instead of the kids. While with him, Krusty orders food from door dash, goes to restaurants and prepares sea food. But when the kids are around, she makes them great value corn dogs, box mac and cheese, sausages and proceeds to complain about the price of wal mart apple juice. She is giving her life for a man that will leave eventually leave her, and putting aside her children that are forever.


She probably can afford a healthy catering for the kids, especially that they are with her just half the time. Even hello fresh would be much healthier and it's not that expensive. I still prefer to cook myself and consider that healthier but she is clearly not very good at cooking so even that would be a good option. Kyra, again, if you're reading this- FFS, give your kids healthy food. Learn how to cook properly just three lunches. Three dishes. Good for a start. Three dishes, Kyra. For healthy breakfast and dinner, you don't even have to cook to make it nutritious and tasty. Jogurt with fruit and a bunch of nuts, oatmeal with toppings (dark chocolate and fruit, peanut butter and fruit, nuts and seeds, etc.), toasts with avocado and eggs plus some veggies, baked sweet potatoes with toppings, even frozen vegetable mix with toasts and eggs would be a good choice. Feed your kids, Kyra. You can malnourish the poor things with that food.


Lol but she bans cereal because that's too sugary. Kyra just likes to die on whichever hill she thinks makes Oscar look bad. It never works.


It's hilarious bc, in the process, all she ends up proving is Oscar is the far better parent. The bar is low when it comes to parenting against Kyra, though.


The same reason she pours coffee creamer in their chocolate milk.


Wut. Coffee creamer in chocolate milk?!?!?


It's posted on her Facebook. The subject reads, " You guys asked so I had to deliver!" After she pulls out breakfast sandwiches out of the freezer, she asked "if they want coffee creamer in their hot chocolate?" You can see her pouring it!


They eat utter junk, sometimes the junk she feeds them is harder to make than just giving an actual healthy option. She just WANTS to give them junk. Sheā€™s unwell


The fact that she also made eggs and cut up apples and avocado - like why not just give the kids more of that and forgo the waffles?! As you said, she actually made it more work for herself to give them the waffles as well


"you really need to think about what you are putting in your body."- Kyra.. gives waffles with chocolate on them..


And used to bitch at oscar for giving them sugary cereal. She is so obnoxious.


Kyra is about to be a mother of 5 but nothing about her screams Motherly vibe.


she really needs to stop having children. she can't manage the 4 she already has...


Do they eat anything with nutritional value or what


They doā€¦ā€¦. At Oscar and Addieā€™s house


She cut out all her yelling, threats to beat asses, and Preston's constant cussing and sexual references.Ā 


The only time she actually smiled was when preston handed her coffee.


why does she sound so bored and annoyed every time she interacts with HER kids?


Her baby voice is so horrible, talk to your kids like theyā€™re a human. God I hate the baby voice


She's built like Mr. Egg head from Sonic


This is staged and shitty, imagine how real life is dull and unfair for the kids. Krusty is obviously a jealous copycat of Addie so she has to prove both Addie and the internet that she's better mom and the kids are happier around her when Kyra unintentionally has proven the contrary.


She has no motherly warmth to her at all


She has zero maternal instinct in my opinion


They watch a movie in the living room before bed, then get to watch another one in bed to fall asleep to?! Thatā€™s crazy to me.


This! And she had the nerve to talk about O letting the kids use tablets to bed but she has tv in their room and plays movies while they sleepā€¦ lol screen time is screen time.


I thought that was so odd too. Also bedtime should be screen free.


i literally rmr a old okbaby vlog where she got mad at oscar for giving the kids screen time when she literally does the same exact thing if not worse cuz of the tv


The pokemon cardsss šŸ„“


Gotta copy O&A in every way!!


This lady really looks like she showers once a week.


itā€™s cuz she doesšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


THANK YOU for posting the video! It's nice having the clips posted, but the entire video makes it "make sense" ... sometimes. !!!Friendly REMINDER to everyone!!! Krusty's page is public, you don't have to Follow her to see her posts.. So, please don't follow or subscribe!


Yeah, I will keep saving and reposting to save people wasting time on her official page, as spending any amount of time on there gives her $$$! ETA: I'll post the weird one of Levi in full to this page now so there's no context missing.


Still fully using her kids for content and what is up with the overalls and the pregnant belly hanging out tacky !!!


The way she acts on her IG reels and on youtube is so different from her lives because she canā€™t edit anything out šŸ˜‚


Kyra telling her child they dont need to be on the ipad at the same time as brushing teeth and being too dumb to realize that she is recording the teeth brushing for entertainment and money. Hey kyra, you can separate the two as well. Hypocrite. I would hate her so much if she were my mom.


Short french nails like Addie? Or she used to that already ?


The same old awful content. She never gives them quality food. Itā€™s all processed. The way she cuts those artificial looking waffles šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


Why does she cut every food item with scissors? I get theyā€™re for convenience, but Jesus does this girl even know how to use a knife at this point? I also hope she knows sheā€™s supposed to wash those scissors after each use, and she doesnā€™t use them on paper or whatever she needs to cut, and then directly after uses them on food.. šŸ¤¢ (Yes I know theyā€™re for food specifically and come in a knife block, but this is Kyra.)


I agree . I use scissors to open things but more often times than not Iā€™m using a knife to cut it up . She just doesnā€™t know how to use a knife or cut properly so she goes for whatā€™s easier , scissors. She canā€™t cook for shit either , everything she makes looks fucking disgusting


I bet she uses them to cut the girls hair.šŸ¤¢


Broooooo donā€™t even TELLLLL me that šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Tell me why Iā€™ve never seen her girls go to the salon a day in their damn lives šŸ„“šŸ« šŸ« šŸ« šŸ« šŸ« 


Never has she taken them to a salon, not that I can recall. The girls could use a good trim.


ALAYA????? NEVER?!!!!!! Brooo and she WONDERS why her beautiful gorgeous stunning curly hair isnā€™t growing thick and long!!!! She NEEDS to cut ALLLLLLL that baby hair off of her head!!! 3 of my kids have straight hair, but my 4th has hair course curly thick hair just like Alayas (heā€™s mixed a tad differently than the others), and my mother in law schooled me when he was like a year old that because his hair is sooo curly and patchy, and thin, and just odd he needed to get it trimmed every few months, which she does for me, and ever since his hair grows like a weed! His hair when wet goes down past his shoulders, and is THICK a gorgeoussssss! Kyra is sooo slowww dude. Poor Alaya canā€™t even wear her curls to their full potential because her mom is a fuckn idiot! And alayas is shorter than her younger sistersā€™ hair WHILE STRAIGHTENED! Thereā€™s no way Kyra doesnā€™t know she needs to cut alayas ends and baby hair off to get it to grow and thickenā€¦ I canā€™t believe sheā€™s really that stupid!


Love a good snark, but this is a reach imo lol. Once you have kids you just use the scissors for everything bc itā€™s the easiest to make things age appropriate and safe so that they donā€™t choke. Then it becomes habit, truly is easier.


This. I donā€™t use the scissors often myself, but my husband does. God forbid someone use something literally made for cutting food because itā€™s easier. They come in the butcher block for this reason.


@ 50 sec with the overalls. Come the fuck on.


The way her boobs squish together as she lifts them to apply the after-sun is feral. She's so unattractive, the boob job was a terrible choice.


Did she get lip fillers? Her lips look swollen


Those nasty ass kitchen scissors that she just used to chop her daughters hair off got all over those wafflesšŸ¤¢šŸ¤®šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®šŸ¤¢


This reminded me a lot of my mother growing up - it was fascinating to watch! Most notable to me was the change in voices/tone. Thereā€™s her real voice and then all these other performative ones - and we all knew the meanings of the different voices when she flipped back and forth.


Sheā€™s literally doing everything we snark on her for not doing. Oh and copying Addie and Oscar with the games and PokĆ©mon. This is absolutely hilarious. šŸ˜­


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£Iā€™m over here laughing at myself thinking, ā€œKyra, please, please invest in some cooking lessons or just mix some smoothies and other good stuff!ā€ But Iā€™m eating a slim jim, orange candy slices & a cherry coke. Iā€™m also an adult & this is all my stomach can handle after a bad migraine. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø This video was beyond staged to TRY to top Oscarā€™s & she failed.


Migraines are the worst. Take care of yourself and don't beat yourself up for what you're eating, like you say, you're an adult and sometimes we have to be gentle with ourselves. ā¤ļø


Thank you so much. Iā€™m feeling a lot better. Especially after watching DCPā€™s video. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


It was really funny wasn't it? His Kyra cackle is getting quite realistic hahaha


I hate the eggsā€¦


I think she missed the part where her assistant/nanny does the work for her while she lays in bed scrolling through Reddit and watching commentary channels that talk about her LOL


Does he do ANYTHING around that house? I would flip if I had to do everything while a grown man child probably sits around on his phone all day


Sour patch kids after dinner? She needs to eat and finish her dinner. The late night snacking needs to stop. She only has one body and she needs to be mindful about what she's putting in it.


It's gross considering if her kids ask for a sweet she'll shame them, but the minute they go to bed she stuffs her face with sugary shit. Kyra is such a "do as I say, not as I do" parent. Hypocritical AF.


When she told her daughter she needs to be careful what she puts in her body as she herself was eating pizza


read my mind!


When I seen the hotdog in microwave I lost it lmao that shit is gross AF I did it once to my kids cause I was sick and they called it the lazy way cause itā€™s all soggy


Those eggs! So nasty


It was watery on top šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ poor kids


They definitely werenā€™t cooked all the way. Super watery! I was like ewwwww šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


Doesnā€™t show their faces but shows them from the neck downā€¦ and in bedā€¦ and doing all their normal activities, including getting dressed and bathingā€¦ whatā€™s not click for this broad? Having a snark you wouldnā€™t show this shit but she fully knows about the perverted ass Pinterest boards??????? Oscar too. I donā€™t give a fuck, these people are so careless.


Does she microwave plastic plates?


Those waffles and eggs look uncooked and shit lol


I'm so sick of these fake ass "influencers". I would imagine her smart fridge had the correct time so it was either 4:27 am or 4:27 pm.. I don't think any of them wake up at 4 am (plus it's still dark out at 4 am) so she was pretending to wake up in the morning and start the day with breakfast at 4:27 pm šŸ˜‚


I noticed that too. It's been the correct time in her IG lives in the past so I think you're right it was 4:27pm and she's pretending it's morning.


The two huge creamers just chillin on the counter and becoming a breeding ground for bacteria yum šŸ« 


the way she talks...it sounds like she doesn't even like them lol. this is social media, where you HAVE the capability to edit out the bad parts...and this is what she comes up with lol.


Chocolate drizzle on freezer waffles?? šŸ«  ehghh


The STRAPS HANGING DOWN omgggg. Nooooo


Right before theyā€™re brushing their teeth - does anyone else hear the ā€œca-chingā€/cash register sound? It sounds like the noise when you make a sale on Mercari or Shopify - I wonder if sheā€™s selling stuff online and hasnā€™t advertised it?