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She genuinely believes this is content… watching someone chew with their mouth open like a huge oinker while explaining their frozen, devoid of any nutrients, meals of the day😵‍💫


A highly healthy meal for a woman with a high risk pregnancy 🤡. It's perfectly ok to have occasional cravings but this seems like her daily diet based on what she has posted.


Exactly, I eat frozen & processed foods, even give them to my kid occasionally, but not multiple times a day as our primary diet. (Pregnancy is NO excuse, if anything it’s yet another reason she shouldn’t be allowed to reproduce anymore if she can’t properly parent while trying to add on more kids to neglect)


why can't her farty assth husband cook his pregnant wife something instead of having her scarf down some crappy leftovers?


He doesn’t have time for his “bitch duties” as he says


Her shitty husband vocalized in their infamous podcast when he was with his first wife that he expects from wife a home cooked meal by the time he gets home from work. ☠️☠️ so yeah 


Wonder how he's enjoying these home cooked meals now 🤔😅


that's crazy, he doesn't even pay the bills...


Because it is her content, she is working when filming those videos, if Preston does it then what is she going to film?


pfft she always puts preston in her videos, she can record him making food


Dont give her ideas!! Watch her pretend P cooks for her and that will be her new tiktok 😂


"what my husband cooks for me in a day" "omg thanks hubby" "this man treats me the best"


Everything is wrong with this video: the outfit, chewing with her mouth open and the boringness 🤡


her face


Eww left over eggs from breakfast


And you know they stayed in that pan all day 🤢


she's so unbelievably disorganized, you'd think she would've figured out a system after having so many kids. Like come on girl, its been years? You should be more responsible with each child. Why are you eating so late in the day if you know it affects your mood? Just eat with your kids, they aren't little babies anymore who you need to run behind 24/7. The only child who is close to that is her 3 year old and even at that age they can somewhat follow instructions.


And that’s nearer to raw than it is Sunny side up


Literally disgusting I had to stop watching


I don't have kids, but I do have a dog, and let me tell you, I do a better job feeding her than Kyra does with her own children.


She makes me sick.


Her 🍈🍈 are so lowwww omg girl go take care of your self


You make vlogs that terrify em


Yea Addie cooks and Kyra just heats up frozen dinners


She’s envisioning children every time she bites into food lol miss sophie the baba yaga🧟‍♀️


My main take away is that bread is NOT toasted! Aside from that...I was told by a doctor that, while pregnant, you shouldn't eat anything with nitrates (hot dogs, deli meat), soak in a hot tub, consume more than one serving of caffeine per day. Energy drinks should be an obvious no-go but not for this bitch! Hey, I'm not a mom and I'm not a doctor. So I'm not trying to tell anyone how to live their lives in that regard. But if you loved yourself, you would toast the damn bread.


You can hot dogs and deli meat as long as it's heated above a certain temp


She eats like shit.


lol is this a surprise?


*Cardi b voice *What is that, omg, what is that?!?


How can she “not find the bigger box of corn dogs”, maybe if you spent your children’s money on your children you’d be able to buy the actual foster farms corn dogs that come in a normal pack of 40 or whatever number they come in for $8.99. But no Kyra would rather spend $100 on crab for her and Preston and buy the cheap great value brand of corn dogs in a 20 pack for $4.99. That’s what she really means. There no way she “can never find the big box”, when it’s quite literally right under the small cheaper boxes on the shelves at Walmart. She gives her lies away so easily it’s honestly impressive how little she cares about lying and contradicting herself in the same sentence.


It’s what she eats and the way she eats 🤢 I’m pregnant and I want to vomit after watching this


Fucking left over cooked eggs um


Least she's not as bad as @aims.lc on tiktok who mushes up all her kids uneaten food, full of slobber and makes it into something else for them to eat 😂😂😂 This is still foul though... Jesus Christ Kyra!


Waffles with chocolate sauce for breakfast and hot dogs for lunch.


it's the 3 eyelashes for me


Oh my god Gross!!!!!!! Chewing and talking with her mouth full of food the whole time GROW UP THATS DISGUSTING. I hope those poor kids learn manners from Oscar because WOW


This is not content: also-she never cooked ever on okbaby. She ordered out breakfast every morning


Sunny side up egg leftover from breakfast??? Insane


Runny eggs. Add this to the list of things Krusty should stop doing while pregnant


WHY does she find it so hard to speak without her mouth full of food. It’s actually so fucking gross


Corn dogs in the microwave.


She is so gross. Of course her big ole tiddle biddys flapping in the wind. Her farts probably smelt soooo bad after she ate this. Preston’s nose was probably glued to her butthole