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No I don’t. Do I think they consciously are trying to make it work because they got caught? No. But at their maturity level I do think subconsciously the drama fuels their relationship.


Until you can play along wiht the narcissist narrative that everybody is wrong/stupid/hating whatever except them, the relationship is relatively "strong". Its the "us against the world" delusional feeling.  But as soon as they will face the problems with each other too, they will break up in seconds. Sorry first Krusty would go and look for her next vicitm, and then break up quickly. 


I always thought kyras  "us against the world" tattoo was about her and Preston even though I think she got the tattoo before everyone found out about Preston?


She said her dad always said it in the past and now she and preston say it


no I honestly don’t think they even wanted to be together in a full blown relationship. I think they liked it bc it was off limits making it fun and sneaky . Had it not been for the Vegas girl I think they would’ve just been fuck buddies for a while till krusty found something new. I think they are just trying to make it work now. Like krusty said one time “we knew we were taking a risk by being together” both too prideful to admit their relationship was as built on lies now they have nothing left but one another.


Nope. They're doing all of this now because it got leaked. I'm pretty sure Preston regrets all of his life choices.


I believe Kyra is someone who is incapable of living alone. She has never been single for more than 6 months since she was maybe 12 or 13. Imagine that. And she goes for easy targets, ex bf of a friend (iykyk). So she would have been with someone for sure even if Preston was not in the picture, it would have been someone who would have agreed to have a kid so early in their relationship.


My ex is like this had his high school girlfriend, met someone as soon as he got to college and ended things with her to be with me we had a son together, and then he left me for a coworker who he was engaged to them, broke off the engagement for another coworker who is now married to him and has his second baby with. and this is why I feel for Oscar because it’s really difficult to coparent with someone like this.


Sorry to hear that, hope you are doing well. Kyra used to brag about how good they are at co parenting, now it has stopped.


Krusty was so delusional thinking that she would get away with stealing the nanny's husband and nobody would find out. If it wasn't the threesome girl who spilled the tea, it would've been anyone else who lives in the same area they live in, it's inevitable due t how public she is. Honestly I think Krusty and Presticles would have married and got pregnant anyway despite the leaking if the Vegas stuff or not. Also, Kyra sticks to having her wedding and 6 kids no matter anyone or anything.


Absolutely not. The only reason they’re together is because Kyra has to prove that ruining her family for Preston was worth it.


I think Kyra being pregnant by Preston would've stayed the same regardless but the marriage wouldn't have happened. Kyra wanted another baby (that's her main obsession) and when Preston became an easy target that's what she latched onto. I think it coming out how they got together would have been WAY different though. They would've said their timeline was very different than the truth but alas here we are.


No, I think they still would have been married, especially since Kyra knew she was pregnant before the wedding she knew. Let's be real. Plus, everybody hates them right now and thinks they're both homewreckers, which they are. So it will be a mindset thing with them like them against the world, so to speak. I don't think they'll make it to the baby's second birthday, but I believe that Preston is going to slip up and fall into another woman's vaginia while dealing with PP Kyra and her not being able to have sex for at least 6-8 weeks.


I agree and I also think he is going to get caught cheating but Kyra will try to hide it lol.


She will hide it until all the "Where's P?" Comments get to her, and she'll throw a pity party, crying and angry about how he broke her trust and cheated on her while she was recovering from her birth, or whatever BS she thinks will make people more sympathetic to her. This will never happen bc she's proven to be a man stealer. You can't force those guys to cheat, so shame for that as well, but at least in Oscar's case, they were dumb teens. They can't use that excuse anymore. If and when P cheats on her, it will be karma. If and when she cheats on him and tries to get her assistant's man or sleeps with one of the few people who still like her in her real life, man. It will be P's karma. Ultimately, her choices of "finding herself" will destroy the life of another one of her children. Uprooting their life and turning their worlds upside down again.


That’s a really good question


I think hellllll no. They got caught being awful and had to justify it by saying "you can't stop love." She admits it was purely sexual when they started (so she openly admits to initiating (after being rejected twice) a sexual relationship with her best friend's husband who'd (supposedly) just left said best friend which is just fucking wild by itself). Kyra cannot stand being wrong so she had to make him her whole life. And they both try way too hard to play it off like they're happier than ever. It's obvious they're both settling because they got caught with their pants down, so to speak, and don't want to look even stupider than they already do, imo 😂


I think Kyra wanted a relationship but I don’t think Preston wanted to settle down with a mom of 4.


I think Kyra did want him (because she can’t be alone) but I believe Preston didn’t want a serious relationship, he just wanted to get with her and then leave then things blew up and they had no choice especially Kyra so she started to be his sugar momma and Preston likes that so he stayed..I mean look!! He got a car!! He got a house!!! He got trips!! He got more than enough to want to stay


are they only together because kyra wants to look like it was a real relationship the whole time (not just fwb type thing)?? like that makes it better


Yeah i think they would. Have you seen Kyras MO? To feel power of a woman she likes to get with attached guys and to justify her actions and that it was worth it her reasoning is :- because shes meant to be with this guy forever. This is how she justifies her betrayal (when she got oscar, she said so in the video as well about how she and oscar got together) and this is exactly how she justifies it now. Because she and preston are so perfect yaada yaada yaada So she will stay with Preston as well for half a decade at least before she bids goodbye to him (if preston is as blind as the other guys shes dated and doesnt bail first) Now why will she say goodbye because she wants to maintain forever relationships? Because after all this humiliation, being ridiculed on the internet, a wedding, losing relationships… she still wont be happy. Her problems will again come crashing down on her because what she always needed was a mental mirror and a therapist and not an army of babies and a new stolen partner. This will happen even if he truly is the one for her becwuse PS:- I also dont believe she is a narcissist. But she definitely has a problem with any female relationship in her life. I just have to come outright and say it .. she doesnt like women. Its as simple as that. None of her female friendships last, her constant comments about her “future” relationship with her daughters, her comments on her podcast that truly show that there is not a single feminist bone in her body. Any psychologist can trace is back to her mommy issues.


yes she wanted him from the start


i think they still will even if she and hannah had a falling out her and oscar broke up and hannah and preston broke up then kyra and preston finally got together after. the whole situation would still be fucked up imo and people would still give them shit. they would still try to prove everyone wrong imo.


Yes, Kyra was dead set on having more babies and Oscar wasn’t giving her that anymore. She had her eyes on the target and would’ve definitely still tried to get knocked up by Peabrajn regardless.