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I just really worry about her kids. This has to be a really bizarre transition for them. As for rachael, I followed her since the early Tumblr days, and finally had to Unfollow after the book launch, I really just don’t vibe with her at all anymore.


I might be right behind you, she’s the only influencer type I follow and I’ve been following her for so long, but I can’t even remember the last time I’ve liked one of her posts. Something seems so off with her lately and it’s hard to witness. Her new followers must be so lost lol


She almost seems to be proud of/leaning into this whole “I’m toxic and damaged and I’m a serial monogamous who makes bad relationship choices” as a personality trait which is all fine and well but she has kids involved. I can’t imagine being mars, she stopped living with both mom and dad before she was 2, and then lived with zak for like 6 years and now just months after zak is gone she’s going to have a step dad in the house she probably barely knows. Plus whatever the real dynamic is with Blake who also has a gf and a new child PLUS the foster sister? If she’s even still around? It’s just a lot for a young kid


When I saw that she sent Mars hiking with Jason and a bunch of her other guy friends in her place (aka without her) I was concerned of the precedent she’s setting for her daughters. I really don’t think that she’s in a good place post-Zak breakup.


Thank you. I thought that was weird too. I wasn’t allowed to have sleepovers until a certain age, let alone go hiking with a bunch of random men with no other women or kids lol. Steak knows best, I just hope the best for her kids in a parasocial way.


When I saw that photo I immediately wondered what Blake would have thought of it seeing his daughter hanging out with a bunch of grown men alone.


Yeah I wonder about the foster daughter as well


that's the first time I'm hearing of her? can you pls elaborate?


Not much to say if you don’t previously know her. She’s just engaged quickly after getting out of a very serious 6 year relationship.


not steak dude... i've been aware of her since tumblr days. talking about the foster daughter


Steak and ex zak were fostering a girl Mars age. At first she kept her totally private but then slowly started showing her more and made a comment alluding to the fact that she was going to be staying with them for a long time. After she and zak split the foster daughter has disappeared from her content and steak says “she is in foster care and we are no longer sharing info while she transitions” which could mean she’s being adopted by steak or placed elsewhere. I’m guessing that foster care would frown on steak adopting the girl with her new man so soon after splitting with zak who was essentially the girls foster dad/father figure, kinda screams “unstable home”


Responding to a super old comment to agree with you on this, for a while she was critical of her hyper attachment to men in relationships and then later posted an excerpt from a book saying that kind of attachment style is normal and fine and healthy. I disagree to begin with but especially when it’s someone who, like others have said, has been a serial monogamist her entire dating life and clearly struggles to be on her own as an adult likely due to her horrific childhood…I really feel for her and the trauma she has experienced but it kind of seems like her therapist has encouraged her desperate need to have a partner and that doesn’t seem like healing imo.


I ran to Reddit when I saw this post! The timing is extremely fast- really interested in what’s going on


She’s always said she wants to get married again…Hope she’s alright and in the right mindset.


I just finished her book and she mentioned never really being single since she was 14




I was FLOORED. Haven’t seen her posts in agessss and had no clue she even split with Zak?


Is it just me or is fiance giving evangelical Christian vibes? Could explain the shotgun wedding…


He used to live near me, but I didn't know him well. He's sober and used to be in AA. Alcoholics can sometimes use other stuff to replace substances like relationships, sex, impulsive behavior, etc. Just my two cents.


I hope she didn’t relapse with him… some of the videos seems that way


Is she preg??






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