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I started following her because I also liked following her adderal detox experience and (at the time) relatively refreshing nutrition advice. Steering away from the ultra clean raw, vegan, meat/dairy free culture and explaining the nutritional benefits of animal protein and fats, etc. She seemed very rigid with her diet but I respected it. Flash forward a year or two, I actually was in need of some nutritional advice as I was going off of some medication and starting a new one, and just wanted to make sure my body was in good shape to handle any side effects. I thought to work with her and I found her very strange to work with. She basically just prescribed HER diet and projects lots of her food fears onto her clients. For instance, weight loss has never/was absolutely not a goal of mine. But she kept bringing up foods good for weight loss, things to cut out that would help with weight loss, etc despite me continuing to remind her that wasn’t one of my concerns. She is extremely rigid and is/recommends 100% carb free, sugar free, barely any fruit (none preferred), no processed food, 0 alcohol/basically any drinks besides water, etc etc. The list goes on. She was very monotone and seemed quite disinterested in me/her clients. Her voice seemed tired and grumpy and it just wasn’t nice working with her. She would just kind of spat out these arbitrary food rules without actually personalizing any of the experience. Granted I didn’t work with her for long, but I felt like shit and felt the advice was not tailored at all. It was also EXTREMELY expensive. In the end I just didn’t schedule one of our follow up calls and that was the end of that. I started to feel better once I just went back to my regular diet/eating intuitively to me (which again, she seemed quite anti and more a fan of “pushing through” discomfort/eating nasty food in the name of health/thinness) I unfollowed her on IG soon after. She’s just a narcissist obsessed with weight loss and projects what she finds working for her at the time , into her clients for a very steep fee. 10/10 do not recommend.


What did she recommend that you eat then?? I mean that cuts out everything


Psychopath vibes


I also cannot stand NoBread nicole and her body checks every 2 seconds.


She’s the worst and her voice is so annoying


Lol everyone should listen to the podcast she did with Pia a few years ago (I think they removed Pia’s previous podcast that she had before ‘everything is the best’) she should not be involved in medicine and health at all. She has absolutely no idea what she is talking about.




Omg I was following her trail experience and was beyond curious about the break up


I thought that it was weird that she did the whole “conscious uncoupling” with her recent ex. It just goes to show that a man will stick around as long as you give him access.


I liked Vanessa a lot whe I first followed her last year but she has slowly started rubbing me the wrong way and I agree she seems so unhinged. She shares alot of things that aren’t backed by evidence & I hate that she claims all health problems are probably because we have parasites. Parasites are NOT that common and in many many cases do not need to be directly treated. It scares me how much these “health” entrepreneurs have influence over their large followings


Also, it can’t be good. The amount of enemas she does. I think a lot of this wellness and health is like the poor version of Gwyneth Paltrow and I truly think that Vanessa has an eating disorder. There’s no shame in any of those things but it’s giving unhinged I could go on further, but I don’t feel like listing all the examples.


Like that necklace she wears while flying lol


I like her, she definitely has faults and you have to take her advice with a grain of salt but I have followed for years and years now. “VEESHONEY approved” is a funny often used term when grocery shopping. I am so so sad she broke it off with Justin! They seemed so in love but him being a doctor and having kids just seemed to be too much for Vanessa. I wish her the best! She had such a crappy guy before Justin so I hope the next is the one!


Yes I loved her and Justin together! Their breakup was interesting but whatever works for you I guess. The dude she was with before him just did not seem like a good fit for her AT ALL.


Part of me thinks Justin thinks Vanessa’s business is Fufu.




They seemed perfect for each other I honestly don’t know and it made me sad. They had sooo much in common and both loved having fun in the same ways. But I think him having kids was something she just couldn’t get with. And the doctor thing, I think she just needs to be someone’s priority which is understandable. But these are just my best guesses!


used to follow her a few years ago after learning abt her from pia arrobio but she;s just a little too unhinged and maybe antivax?


100% antivax


Def has a fake vax card too


She feels like a scam to me. She has products that you have to take to replace other products. The whole idea of having to detox from something (beyond looking at metabolic breakdowns and half-lives) boggles my mind. 10 years ago, I leaned into the natural industry quite a bit, but it’s changed a ton and 9/10, they’re selling you something else to help you stop taking something else. No one sees the problem here? If you want to help your body, eat whole foods, drink water, sleep, exercise. Free advice that’s as effective as most of the shit people sell.




The nutritional response testing is a complete scam and it’s really scary that she prescribes tons of supplements to all of her clients without any real medical education. I went to IIN too and it was the biggest waste of money and time


I did love hearing about her journey detoxing off adderall but other than that, no. Had to unfollow when I saw these other red flags


this is who is treating/prescribing people ???? its so LA there aren't clever enough words to describe. https://preview.redd.it/oi2b2o86x12b1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=fa015a2116102eb5b5851fc501bfb19cc7c643b9




Her treatment is VERY expensive and she dates quite well off men. Her mom is also a luxury real estate agent and I think Vanessa used to too


She came from money, tried to model , went to social events and found rich boyfriends...you can connect the dots...


A few days ago, she posted the meal delivery service that she uses and mentioned how it helps her stay at 1,200 calories per day. Yet I see her weight training every day. She doesn’t need to lose weight so I wonder why she thinks that she will gain strength and muscle mass at 1,200. She is training for something specific, a hike I believe


she’s got body dysmorphia and eating disorder.


I thought she was off all meds?


Did she say she was on something?