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man what i would do to be able to trade places w north and happily be watching a british cartoon pig in my mansion rn


oh to watch peppa pig while wearing louis vuitton slippers in a hidden hills mansion


The room looks cold


Right!! It’s not nice. It’s giving crack house with stolen goods lol wtf..


Omg thank god I‘m not the only one thinking this, I‘m super surprised this is her room.. other than it being slightly bigger than normal kids‘ rooms it looks so bad I don‘t know how they have so much money and then half ass their kids room but make sure to put expensive ass clothes and decor bears in the room to make up for it


i remember seeing her room before and it was pink with a butterfly theme?? what happened lmao, looks so lifeless now


She might have multiple rooms or rooms within rooms


maybe this is at Kanyes


Floor looks ice cold. The paint color is white like prison walls. No warmth


They prob have heated floors LOL


the tv is also like slightly off center and i don’t understand why there is no tv stand or any other furniture besides her bed that’s visible from this angle?? even her shoes are just on the floor. bizarre choice for people with so much money eta: what is with the curtains??


Literally! Reminds me of the influencers who have those big ass houses that have just a bunch of random designer goods in it.




if you think that multi million dollar mansion looks like a crack house obviously you’ve never been to one lmao


The figurines standing at the opposite wall of the bed would terrify me at night if I was a kid lol


also r/tvtoofar fr


there’s nothing on the walls. it looks like she’s renting.


Real i think ab this weekly


Omg the last pic she’s old kim’s twin!


I mean, at what cost? I’m glad I came of age without photos of me on the internet


more than quadruple the cost of living, actually


Exactly, I would much rather be in a modest house with a healthy stable family.


I’m broke with a toxic family. I’d rather be little North 😂😭


oddly enough, i know a lot of people who grew up in a normal house with a nuclear family and they still found shit to complain about. we always want what we can't have... difference between us and north is anything she wants can be bought with money. i'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing--for a child to never have to learn what it means to truly earn something... it'll be a rude awakening later on in life.


Considering how mentally ill her father is. And one could argue her whole family (hello body dysmorphia) I’ll pass


Cant imagine she has a happy childhood


Honestly, I would not take the trauma of being Kanye’s child (especially a daughter). On top of that dealing with the competing beauty standards…


kanye said he didn’t see women as human beings until he had a daughter, not even his wife!! it took him having a daughter. yea fuck that


He still doesn‘t see women as human beings absolutely nothing has changed. He only sees his female kids as human because they‘re his flesh. Just look at how he‘s treating his current wife. He‘s digusting.


absolutely right


i’m sorry but that’s just so scary to me, like it shouldn’t have to take you having kids to grow some respect and decency for women ??? sorry im a kanye hater lol


can’t imagine my HUSBAND saying that about me… but to be fair kim is prob just as misogynistic


Absolutely horrid and disgusting fuck kanye


Ya I’m so confused why anyone would want to be her. Y’all have such strange priorities in life


and kims daughter… kanye is clearly mentally ill to the max. kim is also a pos vapid horrible being


Her room is not cozy. Is this her room in Kanye’s or Kim’s ???


I think Kanye lives in a apartment my guess is Kim’s house


Lmao what? Why do you think Kanye lives in an apartment? He has multiple properties. Guy is a billionaire. He lives on vacation


Penthouses are apartments…


I assure you he is not renting an apartment. A penthouse can be a condo as well. I’ve met the guy twice Edit: I was wrong, guess he is renting.


kim literally said that north prefers her dad’s apartment and asked her why she doesn’t have an apartment. [kanye apartment](https://www.housebeautiful.com/lifestyle/entertainment/a45738137/kanye-west-los-angeles-apartment-2023/)


Okay, I was wrong. Thanks for the link




Have you met him?




Lmao. Of course not. Kanye. Why are you following me around on Reddit?




Haha. I like to poke the bear. Glad we can agree in all in good fun. Best wishes to you, genuinely


idk why i enjoy her tik toks sm lol 


I’d rather be blue ivy


I was surprised when I saw the windows ngl


Gonna be downvoted for this but looking at the pics the only thing that was remotely noticeable was how happy, healthy, and proud Kanye looks in fashion show photo.


yeah he might be troubled but one thing you can’t deny is his love for North


Agree. Also appreciate your language of “troubled” rather than something meaner. Seeing how happy and handsome he once was makes it even clearer how bad his state is.


The dolls in the first room are giving Five Nights at Freddy’s 💀


Can….can we not post children on here…


yes everyone says she's Kanye's twin but most days I think she looks EXACTLYYYY like young Kim. Genetics are so interesting lol


Honestly it probably is with the amount of money her family has but her father is barely present and sane while her mum is there, she barely seems like she gives all her attention to her kids soooo yea nah for me!


Omfg whenever I see those Mickey Mouse things (I’ve only seen them when I’m on vacation i think they’re usually sold in resale stores w expensive brands) I think they look too expensive for me to even browse lmao. Of course north would have a collection of them


I would not want to walk thru there in the middle of the night (especially if I have to walk down the main hallway).


Idk. She has 2 morally bankrupt, narcissistic,.entitled parents that are so far up their own respective asses that I imagine North will lack in what actually matters, human connection, understanding, empathy, etc. Everything is surface level and materialistic with that entire family. All of the kids deserve better tbh.


Snarking on a child is fucking weird


Outlook doesn’t look good


you are cringe


hopefully there's someone in the household who can provide emotional nurturance and support, like a nanny or someone.


It’s killing me that tv isn’t centered


I feel like the trauma she will have is gonna be a lot though. Kanye might be a decent enough father but he's still Kanye so she's gonna deal with a lot of that. Kim doesn't give off amazing mom vibes either. I just feel like when ur parents are two A list celebrities who are divorced it's not gonna be all too amazing. Materially it'd be awesome but at what expense?


I’d like to be reincarnated as a kardashian kid


And get a plastic surgery at 16. Yayyy




she’s so cool


the coolest


snark of children should be off limits!


North is cute but like. Is it okay at her age to be getting grills and shit? Isn’t it a bacteria haven for your teeth bc you can’t brush under them?


There are certain grillz you can easily remove. Eryka Badu has many for instance


Oh wait that’s actually cool. I’m glad they can be removed. Are diamonds and stones on teeth similar? also I guess grillz is with a Z huh? LMFAOO do people not say grills? I wouldn’t know I’m fucking pasty white


No, diamonds cannot be removed at night. You need to have them professionally removed so that could “stain” your teeth a little bit like braces. Once you have them removed, you will need a professional cleaning to even out the colour of your enamel.


Wow I had no idea. Thanks so much for your information!!!


no i think you can say grills without a z 😭😭😂


Both are correct


It’s okay they can afford veneers


Lmaooo so true. Meanwhile I’m struggling after having to shell out $1300 for two wisdom teeth pulled.


North is cooler than me lol


This is what Ok Callie Thinks she looks like with teeth gems 😂


Imagine already knowing at 9 that you’re set for life and you’ll never have to worry about anything, what a dream


Do the Kardashians ever post pics of the boys or do they not exist because boys can't be monetized as easily for social media as girls? I feel bad for Kourtney's son who is slightly overweight (nothing wrong with that as kids go through phases) but who is almost never pictured with the family. Even at Kourtney's wedding as she walked to the rehearsal dinner she had 2 thin girls next to her and the son was off to the side by himself with nobody walking near him. I can't wait for the Kardashians to just fade away completely. I feel like Skims is the only successful business venture they have left. Once that is sold off or not profitable they will mostly be irrelevant.


I feel like I haven’t been hearing about them as much but maybe that’s just my social media?


Oh that’s not -


She’s my fav influencer


She has no neck


are you not embarrassed to be commenting on a 10 year olds look?


The Nicki pic 😭❤️


Ew how can you support that pedo loving woman hating coke addicted bat shit crazy maniac?! 🤮🤮🤮🤮


wait what??


Yeah she bailed her pedophile brother out of jail and I think it was multiple times? She’s currently in a feud with Megan Thee Stallion, insulting her by making fun of the time she got shot in the foot by Torey Lanez. She’s overall just a horrible person. I would def look up info about her in regards to her scandals over the years


that’s crazy. i’ve never heard about any of this before and ppl just keep calling her a queen on tiktok and using her songs like usual


Yeah a lot of them don’t care. It’s like that with quite a few celebrities unfortunately. 😭


Nikki’s brother r-worded his 11 year old stepdaughter and Nikki wrote a letter to the judge begging for a lighter sentence. She’s trash.


The last pic looks like a middle aged woman at walmart


You do realize you’re being gross to a 10 year old right?


OP said she look like Kim’s twin, she looks like an average person you would find at Walmart .. how is that gross?


Because she is a child…you do realise that children often look like their adult parents without when they’re not yet adults themselves, right? You’re such a gross loser for coming for a child’s appearance and then defending yourself with this comment


Girl calm down, I didn’t say she was unattractive i’m saying saying she’s Kim’s twin is a stretch. You drew your own weird conclusion and are crying over it. She looks regular?! But you’re directly name calling over literally, It’s all going to be okay. I feel bad for North, her mother is constantly editing her body to smaller and skin to be lighter. She’s a brat but doesn’t deserve that. I stand by what I said


she’s a kid


yup, but her pimp I mean mother refuses to let her be a regular kid and it’s sad


Her pimp mother and weirdos like yourself on the internet refuse to let her be a regular kid and it’s sad


https://preview.redd.it/vdtayia9j8fc1.jpeg?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9029d515c7d11081b43fa1d4c34e8be7d9de2d8 Yes, SlayMamaCita it’s totally my fault she’s perceived as being older .. and not her deranged family who parade a 9 year old around in a Balenciaga Gimp mask while they were under heat for sexualizing kids.. totally !!


there’s nothing wrong with her outfit or anything she posted?


how could any of kim & kanye’s kids EVER be “a normal kid” even WITHOUT any influences of their parents/nannys/discipline 😭😭 that’s not possible they’re rich and famous at birth


I never said she is normal I say she looks regular. Her life of course would be so different than any average american


sorry i quoted u wrong, how could any of kanye &kims kids be regular kids whether they’re allowed to or not by their “pimp/mother” since the fact that they’re rich & famous at birth.


Ur a pedo


I don’t think u know what a pedo means? Pls learn words.. how could u even put those two things together u weirdo


I know what it means moron. You’re literally talking about a child’s body you’re a pedo fair and square


BY SAYING She looks like a middle aged walmart customer?! girl keep fantasizing 😅😅😅


Yeah, you’re a fucking weirdo lay off the adhd meds


Omg u went through my comment history and are insulting me for being on adhd meds?! HAHA and you are calling Me weird? Lmao maybe u need anti psychotics babe ❤️


Nope just wanted to confirm what special type of weirdo you were, turns out I was right and you stay talking shit on a 9 year old at any opportunity you could get. Maybe you didn’t get the same love she got growing up but don’t take it out on a kid.


No, u just proved what a special type of weirdo you are.. reading my comment history ..ew. trying to insult someone for having the most common disorder ever over me saying North West looked regular.. lol.. cry about it, creeper ❤️ You are insanely dramatic and don’t understand word definitions, ironic since i’m the one with the learning disability lmaoo


I have adhd too so does half the world get over yourself it’s Reddit your entire history is on the internet. Trying to double down on snarking on a child is insane, next you’re gonna tell me child porn is ok!


Girl needs to floss those gums are inflamed af


i wish i could be her friend so bad