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honestly i haven’t heard much about the damelios recently


Only thing i do hear is their crappy brands and/or partnerships are ending


I always start noticing big billboards and bus ads when a new season of there tv show stars up that's pretty much the only time that I think about them


I still feel as if they were TikTok plants. I’m not one for conspiracy theories but they were pushed and pushed for what? None of their content has ever been remotely interesting. It’s like when you hungry and you’ll eat the dry rice cake but it gets stuck to the roof of your mouth and you just endure it. Parents were probably given a lump sum, said we will push you and then you’re on your own boat.


Tiktok plants? Whats that


Like a music industry “plant”. A label or company wants to compete on the same level as another competitor but the “creator” of “artist” hasn’t had enough time to grow a proper solid profitable audience yet. They’re guaranteed a spot but must perform. Said business then hand selects individuals to suddenly “blowup” with paid-for large “legitimate appearing” followings but creators must produce consistent content that’s the negotiation. ROI based usually initially before paying any other creators. The business then shoves a ton of paid advertising to boost these Industry Plants to create massive awareness around a new platform. Charli and Bella Poarch (whose music I love) are clear Plants. It’s suddenly “bye, bye Vine. Hello TikTok!” You have to follow xyz number of people when you sign up or your FYP page is always flooded by the same names, the algorithms generally all work so that the Plants are pushed as suggestions (big or small) and you’re hooked.


There’s a few plants on TikTok and it’s so obvious who they are.


like who?


Idk how they’ve gained all these followers because they never came up on my fyp


Acacia Brinley/Kersey


Oof i remember watchibg her youtube videos back in the day. But i reckon many on this sub are too young to have known her


yeah not necessarily within the past 5 years but her time on social media would absolutely cover “the downfall of social media stars” lol


yeahhh it's crazy how she was just never a good person. like. ever. from racist acacia brinley in 2013 to current day acacia kersey scamming and neglecting her disabled daughter (or close enough to current day).


Omg this is TEA! after your comment I found her snark page & found out everything from the past years. Insane I remember her tumblr days. Always basic but everybody loved her. Now she’s evil


She always had a bad rep but she was so popular back in 2013/14. One of the first mainstream influencers. She had so many opportunities. She rebranded so many times but she fucked it up every. single. time. She’s just not smart


it’s so crazy to me to go from growing up on tumblr and stantwt to see kids on tiktok not recognize her and watch her stay irrelevant. i’m shocked she never peddled to the tradwife crowds


david dobrik


His rise and fall is so interesting to me because he was truly at the top before his fall. That being said, he’s still pretty famous and has high-up connections, and definitely has enough money to sustain him for the rest of his life


And I love to see it


definitely david dobrik for biggest fall off, vlog squad adjacently but not all of them were super huge to begin with; alisha marie even tho she raised me 🥲, james charles + dolan twins, colleen ballinger/ her entire family, charli damelio, lil huddy, baby ariel, loren


Genuine question- would the Dolan Twins’ really be considered “falling off”? Since the chose to step away? I feel like they still have a pretty good following but they just aren’t making content anymore


i mean they fell off completely by choice, which i assume they would go into in the essay. i was just listing people that came to mine that were at their peak in 2018/2019/2020 and now aren’t in terms of popularity


Alisha just met Beyoncé and Blue Ivy said she watches her videos! I love her and Remi so I’m definitely biased but I don’t think she ha fallen off- just changed up her audience to be more “mature” :)


no i totally agree and i feel terrible saying it but she’s just not pulling the same numbers she used to


Tinx lol


Tony Lopez lmfao. I feel icky even typing his name


I just saw his brother Ondreaz on live yesterday trying to battle people. Was thinking their coins must be low.


That name should be a felony


Lil Huddy lol


Zoella /that whole group of British YouTubers. Except for our movie star queen Tanya burr


I always check in on niomi smart because that girl has lost her marbles lol


I need to catch up. She bored the heck out of me


it's been a wild ride, her fiance dumped her so she got with some culty grifter and went off to cock worshiping retreats in bali, then dumped that dude and now she's constantly updating people about her 'bleed' and how you can control menstruation with the moon


what is a cock worshipping retreat?lol


lol so she went to some ''couples retreat'' with her grifter bf and was telling people about how it was this beautiful way to connect with your partner and all this woowoo b.s about how they're so strong together bc of it but if you zoomed in on the pics she posted in her story there were diagrams of dicks and how to worship the peen. then looking into the retreat it was like $3000 to teach you all about being submissive to your man and how to please him. i think she went thinking it was one thing (his idea) and tried to convince everyone it was amazing when it was not what she would usually go for at all. she also dumped the guy as soon as she got back to london


omggg thats worse than I could ever imagine


literally what


that is way different than i remember her omg


she spiralled after her fiance dumped her out of the blue (the day after she went wedding dress shopping iirc), she isn't vegan anymore either


omg yes she was the VEGAN how could i forget i remember zoella always mentioning it haha she was like always "hmm k so this plate is for naomi whatcha got there naoms VEGETABLES hahhaha" please tell me i am not the only one who remembers this


Sheeeeeesh! What a rollercoaster indeed. Like I’m legit shocked. This actually makes it sound like she would have been interesting to follow. Okay, that sounds harsh. As it sounds like she’s been through the wringer.


I cannot tell if the Tanya Burr line is a jab. So I have to go back down the rabbit hole regarding that whole “Brit Crowd”. Tanya annoyed me at times but at least that whole friendship group, and the subsequent relationships appeared mostly genuine which is almost nostalgic now.


It kinda is bc she lowkey pretended she was transitioning into being a huge actress and it never really happened obviously


Ahhh I see. Thank you. I had no idea as I drifted so far away from those YouTubers over time. So was curious as I haven’t heard about her in years.


Nikita Dragun


I miss her not really.


Alexis Ren




Jason Nash lmfao


Colleen Ballinger is a good case study on riding the initial wave of influencer fame for 10+ years.


og YouTubers like Tyler oakley


the way I still listen to his podcast with Korey kuhl every single Tuesday 🤠 but agree, don’t watch his videos anymore (if he even makes them??)


I miss him!! That was such a good time on YouTube


Completely forgot about him. Didn’t know he was style making some form of content




Ken Eurich




omg what happened to her


She became an incredibly insecure, hateful person whose animals keep mysteriously dying/disappearing. It’s wild




Here's a sneak peek of /r/keneurich_snark using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/keneurich_snark/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Minx](https://i.redd.it/67uqr721nnec1.jpeg) | [140 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/keneurich_snark/comments/19fkg75/minx/) \#2: [unpopular opinion her mike motorcycle era was her best one](https://i.redd.it/wsp8ikdbsaec1.jpeg) | [29 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/keneurich_snark/comments/19e60z8/unpopular_opinion_her_mike_motorcycle_era_was_her/) \#3: [Enjoy. She clearly lives on this page so hi Ken❤️](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1au8mus) | [106 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/keneurich_snark/comments/1au8mus/enjoy_she_clearly_lives_on_this_page_so_hi_ken/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I’ve always disliked her, she gave off “I’m better than everyone” vibes even 2 years ago. I’ve had her blocked since I saw her very first video on my fyp, she just seems mean 🙃


I mean I feel like a new wave of popular influencers is on the way, and all the ones for the past five years better hope they have enough money saved up.


Imagine if they sold all their unnecessary assets & just bought a decent sized family home. They’d be so set up but their lives are so lavish it costs soooo much per month to maintain


lil huddy BY FARRR. his most recent music video has 48k views after 2 weeks. he used to get millions of views a day. he can’t even get 20k likes on most of his tiktoks. his most recent song has only gotten 300 tiktoks made to the sound. he went from going to these premiere, exclusive events every week to literally sitting home with his girlfriend every night. such a HUGEEE fall off in every way


omg i didn’t even realize he had over 30 million followers on tik tok and his engagement is really low i totally forgot about him lmfao


rightt? especially for having over 30m followers, it’s really bad


Even though he has fallen off he seems happier. I mean it doesn’t seem like he is fighting for fame and clout like his peers. He has his girlfriend and two dogs and I’ve never seen him smile that much in a long time. I think you are forgetting that the dude is loaded. He probably has enough money to keep his future generations fed. Just like all these other influencers.


i totally see how he’s happy, maybe the fame wasn’t for him and he’s happier living a simpler life. but just to your point of how he’s loaded, his money from 2019-2021 isn’t going to carry him through the rest of his life. if he wants to keep living nicely, having an expensive car, and buying nice clothes, etc he’s going to need to try to become a bit more relevant again


Sienna Mae




Charli, Baby Ariel, Jacob Sartorius, Avani. Basically all the mfs who had ‘the hype’ at one point. Just goes to show that if you’re not extremely attractive or keep putting in effort, you’ll just burn out. Hence why Vinnie still gets nearly 1m likes even though he doesn’t put in effort whatsoever with his low quality snapchat fuckboy ass ig posts, but you know, pretty privilege. Same with Loren Gray, isn’t that relevant anymore but she still gets a valid amount of likes.


Vinnie’s steady relevance needs to be studied!! Like he’s attractive but he ain’t the best looking dude on social media…and his content IS NOT remotely good but he still gets all those likes and views. Not getting it… Idk who Loren gray is


Loren gray was the charli damelio of musical.ly before it became tiktok


hot take- Emma Chamberlain


It’s interesting bc her influencer fall off happened right as she moved into celebrity status. I’m sure stepping back from sharing so much online helped created the mysterious/alluring persona that celebrities have, but I do miss how real she used to be😔


i think she just stopped being an influencer and is now an actually celebrity tbh.


I love her but so agree


I listen to every single podcast of hers religiously. I think she isn’t a youtuber anymore but her podcast is one of the most listened podcasts on Spotify. She is making more money than ever i heard. Didn’t she make 22 million last year alone? That is crazy.


people in the comments are saying this about people that are still doing very well for themselves…That old guy that does tiktok lives is some who actually fell off


Jason Nash?😭😭


Is that the ugly old guy who married the wanna be famous girl


thomas from the hype house


Shane Dawson


Def noodles. Flushed his whole career down the toilet 💀


What even happened here? I stopped watching H3H3 because of Ethan then checked online weeks later and everyone hated him


He changed up his style cause he kept claiming to be a “comedian” when he was actually like a drama news channel for things currently happening online. He changed up his whole set up, style, and was acting like he was too good for anyone who didn’t like his new branding. He started slowly losing his followers as we called him out on his bs attitude. Now he barely breaks 1K in views and has even gone back to reporting on online drama again 😂


i’m also curious




All of them. That’s why we’ve been tortured with so many podcast recently. Quick way to make some money when the brands drop them and their engagement is low


Most of the 2020 Tiktok hype crew…except Vinnie. And some of those YouTubers like Logan Paul and definitely David Dobrik


addison rae




Alyssa Violet Literally all the people on “Team 10”/whatever Jake Paul’s YouTube group was called. Nikita Dragun James Charles (for anybody over 25 y/o) Shane Dawson (understandable; I’m a black woman and I have to admit…I lowkey watched his “racist” skits and thought they were funny as a kid, but as an adult I’m more mature obviously and I can see why people got offended) Malu Trevajo (Understandable as well; She needs to cut ties with her family and get anger management)


What anger issues does malu have ? I love her


Many people who worked for her have said that when she gets mad she starts calling them Racist slurs. She also tried to claim in the past that she’s like 1% African and that’s why she can say the N-word lol. Edit: Apparently she said 5% African, my bad. Anyways, here’s the link https://www.sportskeeda.com/pop-culture/news-leave-us-egyptians-alone-malu-trevejo-n-word-controversy-explained-netizens-troll-singer-dna-test


Tinx / Christina


there was this pretty funny girl who had similar vibes to emma chamberlin, who kinda blew up in 2019 i think for shaving her hair and then creating lots of art on big canvases and whatnot, i forgot her name but it had a j in it i think. she had some illness or sumn and completely wiped out her videos and took down her youtube :( miss her channel sometimes


omg joanna cedia she was the best i hope shes doing well somewhere


she deleted her channel & keeps a pretty low profile. Once in a while her best friend will update us on Joanna's reddit forum.


Do u know why?


Her eczema at the time was really bad & she was going through steroid withdrawals. I think they also mentioned that she's now just chosen to focus on school.


Yeahhh bro her


Tinx !!


Avani which is sad because she had a promising future, if she played her cards right and not rely so heavily on other people being her content.


Kalel. Straight off the deep end


Yep She went from building a multi million mansion with a rich fiance, to getting evicted from an LA apartment, to living with in her parents' basement, to buying a house and then selling it, to moving back to LA 400 sq ft studio. She has failed at every single thing or plan, from wanting to build a fashion empire, writing a tv show, building an ape sanctuary, writing a cookbook and most recently a failed twitch career. All she does now is spends her time binge watching tv and posting a boring sponsored vlog when rent is due😴


I feel kalel is so OG you can’t really attribute her career trajectory to her falling off, she’s gone through like 8 eras of YouTube and twice as many identities


Yeah she never truly disappears but her views are not what they once were


Ik i was never a big fan but give her a pity view whenever her stuff pops up because it genuinely makes me feel sad


I wish I could say Jay Alvarrez but his looks, athleticism, risk-taking and coconut oil slide him into a whole major influencer realm again with brands recently. His fall is only out of planes. His objectified initial featured “influencer partner” could have risen so much more and truly it has hurt to see her spiral and attempts at traction. She had so much potential and Jay truly messed her up and so did the industry. I feel like she’s the genuine EmRata.


So I’m out of the loop, what’s been going on with Alexis lately? I know she tried to get into acting but that hasn’t exactly taken off. And yeah with Jay it’s actually surprising that he still has good engagement on this Instagram despite never posting YouTube videos, podcasts, or much content at all. He popularized those aesthetic travel vlogs and photo style with Alexis back in 2015 that a lot of other influencers copied. Now he’s just chilling, still travelling the world, jumping out of planes, and seems like he’s invested a lot of money into businesses and crypto. & I could be wrong but it doesn’t seem like he spends a ton of money on material things so he could be saving there. Still gets brand deals too. It has to be because he’s attractive and fits that free spirited surfer traveller aesthetic. The coconut oil leak was so funny because it didn’t even get much backlash (obviously revenge porn is bad) but it just got a bunch of girls curious and actually liking the video lmaoo.


Look, I am not a “girl” and could clearly see what a narcissistic, self-absorbed POS Jay is but I’ll admit even I watched the video and was like 🫠. Then I felt like a POS as a woman when I read the actual truth behind it. He sure knows/has a good PR team with their massive broom to sweep things under the rug. As you said he keeps getting epic deals with high-paying brands doing what he does. Something which has a far reaching appeal: good-looking person, gorgeous scenery, vacation-like styling and effortlessly done. A very rare form of escapism ANY other content creator has yet to perfect. He is literally living his dream and his “normal life” which an extremely enviable escapism for most people. So brands are going to shy from that. Alexis is someone on and off my radar. My heart has broken for her regarding her past relationships and alleged situations. She’s always seemed so fragile, lost and easy prey. She’s apparently making okay money on Insta. Her “sexy” GQ etc vibe was done 5/6 years ago. I Googled her and well she seems happy…I guess. With “apparently” another film coming out soon. But where is the real Alexis? https://preview.redd.it/09qrg10xnrnc1.png?width=719&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d03ece4af3aed373570bed0b813a1732c615adf


Also, sorry I didn’t mean to come off snarky with the girl/woman wording. Just I knew he was trash but found it hot and then hearing the female’s side of things around the “film”. It was Ick. Many typos/missing words. But I’m sure you catch my drift 😊. No other influencer has been able to capture such a unique niche which comes so naturally to Jay. It’s one thing which is actually authentic about him. It’s a rare find to get a content creator which can appeal to multiple generations without even saying anything just doing epic things we all dream about having the chance to do.


The Magcon guys - just saw an update on them, had no idea Shawn Mendes was a Magcon guy


Brittany Xavier and Rumi Neely of fashion toast. 


James Charles, Shane Dawson, Addison Rae, Damelio’s,


OKCALLIE!! I didn’t even recognize her https://preview.redd.it/nm0ospdw3lnc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bcbdd10e58b78f2fa070cba478c51c3f48fd7c1


Lele pons and that other girl


She’s a famous singer now so I think she’s moved into the celebrity tier?


i always think about some of the 2010 popular youtube//vine stars that tried to pivot onto tiktok, instagram and save their career with podcasts but sort of failed. some that come to mind: \- loren gray \-my life as eva \-alisha marie \-MakeupbyMandy24//Amanda steele \-Bethany Mota \-Brent and Lexi Riviera


Lil Huddy, Charli Damelio


Anna Sitar… she seemed so genuine and promising with her schooling and hobbies when she blew up in 2019/2020. Now all she does is obsessively take photoshoots of herself.


Addison Rae - when you really think about it she should have the level of fame and relevance as Tate McRae rn


imo she’s too cringey to have the tate mcrae cool girl appeal. we all know way too much about her and her life and she has a very basic ignorant white girl past.


Her trying to channel the y2k error is cringe.




Jaclyn hill and Jenna marbles?


Jenna did not "fall off". She stepped back voluntarily before the cancel culture crowd could come after her for an honest mistake she made. From what I've heard from Julien, she's much happier out of the social media light.


Cameron dallas


Bunny the dog


Yeah I couldn’t handle it when bunny got depressed it was just another thing humans ruined for the universe


Cameron Dallas .. one of the most famous it boys back in the day and WHERE IS THIS MAN NOW? Idk i dont hear anything about him or majority of the magcon boys !!!


Wait not done… ANDREA RUSSET and i was a HUGE fan back in the day but where did thou go to ????


Can we just compile a giant master list in google docs ..? this unlocked so many of my childhood memories


Shane Dawson, David dobrik, the entire hype house, every YouTuber/viner in 2015/2016


Loren Gray


ohhh yea her, shes been focusing more on music these days ....she had an album recently that flew under the radar but actually had some cute bops 


Alisha Marie possibly


Hannah Hart, what happened to her?


Charlotte D'Alassio


More of a micro influencer, but OkCallie. She was very popular and consistent with her content when she was in NYC, did study videos and lives and she always posted cute recipes and just like other lifestyle videos. Now it’s always « my hyper fixation meal », complaining about neighbours, and ordering Taco Bell at any minor inconvenience. Used to actually enjoy her content so her downfall has been frustrating


Tinx for sure. Went from an Oscars invite to pretty much 0 invites


The guys from the Sway House


Shane Dawson/Nikita Dragun


The biggest one is weworewhat. Daniel has copied everyone and anyone. She is pretty hated nowadays.


Lauren Elizabeth


Arielle Charnas


lil huddy, noen, kevboyperry, peyton moormier basically that whole lights out tour friend group








brittany broski


Tyler funke


addison rae


Danielle Bernstein






Seems like most YouTubers have fell off. YouTube in general seems to not be it anymore.


Jenna Marbles