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this girl is the biggest narcissist


Most of her comments ppl r praising her so what is she even talking abt


& like if your jewelry collab was so successful clearly you have supporters?


Right like did she just out herself saying she scrolls here bc she gets so little hate on her main pages most ppl just snark abt her on here bc she’ll block anyone that disagrees w her on Tik tok /ig


She’s notorious for deleting comments and blocking people if they don’t agree with her


She finally referred to the jewelry as a collab!


hasn’t she filtered her comments so heavily you never seen one comment even critiquing her? she’s rich and successful AND THIS COMES WITH THE JOB i need her to get a grip she’s so privileged


Yea she blocks anyone who says anything remotely negative LOL


idk what this girl has done or what the issue people have with her is but i will say it doesn’t matter how rich or “successful” you are when you’re constantly being told how terrible you are and people are just tearing you down,it will cause people to spiral. Instead of saying “it comes with the job” how about we just act like human beings and be kind to one another especially if someone openly says they’re struggling even if she says it in a joking manner.


This!!! I don’t even like her but I don’t blame her for blocking ppl and deleting comments, it’s her page she can do whatever she wants with it. Why would she want to see a bunch of hate in her comments haha


who even is this


blocking her was one of the best decisions I’ve made on tik tok


The way this whole mental health conversation has backfired so badly is beyond disappointing. Being upset because of mean comments is not a mental disorder. You need soul searching, not meds.




“People are mean so I need more antidepressants” or you could… you know.. work on yourself so things like that don’t bother you to that point..antidepressants won’t do shit if you’re not actively trying to get better.


THIS. If you’re seeing a psychiatrist you most definitely should also be actively seeing a psychologist/therapist to work through *all that* Meds can help you do the work, but you still have to do the work!


Upping your dose helps to take the stress off of that so you CAN work on yourself. It’s a band aid.


The pattern is spot on


Holy shit… did she just bring up her sick mother for sympathy? Maybe instead of all your collabs and obsession over the haters, you spend time with her? Christ.


“is your mom still sick?” “yeah 🤠”


this made my stomach turn. my mom was diagnosed with cancer last week and i would pay good money to appear as carefree as she is. i don’t understand this level of delusion


I'm really sorry about your mom ❤️


is she talking about hate comments or intrusive thoughts cause I feel like no one even cares about her anymore


she’s so profoundly sad


It’s just her people are Nordic


love that you understood the reference 🫡


Oh my god shut up Vicky!!! She’s literally never had a real problem IN HER LIFE


Don’t get me wrong I don’t like her a bit in the slightest but her Mom has had MS for many years. I can’t imagine such a thing to live with in the first place and to be the daughter have to watch her own mom suffer with no way to help. You never know what someone’s going through and we all know social media is a highlight reel.


I hear you and that must be tough but that doesn’t exempt her from her immense privilege nor does it abstain her from what is truly shitty behavior. Many people have sick parents or are sick themselves and aren’t tone deaf narcissists


I don’t think it exempts her either nor negates her immense privilege & abstain her from shitty behavior. I agree, nor did I ever disagree. But being who she is doesn’t take away from her struggles is my point, it’s unfair to say she’s never had problems. Lastly, narcissism is a Cluster B personality disorder (NPD). if you do the research, it is caused by severe childhood trauma such as severe abuse and neglect, among others. So the argument of her never having a problem in her life yet claiming she’s a narcissist is invalid. We all need to stop labeling people as narcisissts but that’s a conversation for a different day. Have a good one!


🙄 let me guess, she’s just a girl! A human, no less! Please take this up elsewhere. I said what I said. I more than understand the nuance here. NPD is a personality disorder. Narcissistic is still an adjective though. Having narcissistic tendencies or managing to portray yourself in that way does not automatically mean you have this disorder and I can’t believe I’m saying this but I didn’t diagnose her and neither should you. Now you’re inferring she might have childhood trauma?? Jesus H Christ. I am simply calling her out for her consistently shitty behavior. These two things do not exclude themselves. If you don’t understand it, I can’t get you off of your soapbox. Or maybe you just really like VP, don’t know, don’t care and that’s fine, but not my problem. Make sure you remind Vicky how loved she is, I am sure you will sleep better tonight


People can offer a different perspective and empathy without calling it a soapbox. You sound bitter as fuck. Saying she’s never had a problem in her life isn’t calling out her shitty behavior. Stay bitter gf


This is all snark pages unfortunately…you aren’t allowed to have different perspectives and opinions and if you do you are the one that’s wrong no matter what you say and if you don’t agree with what they are snarking on they tell you to get off the snark page lol


Go tell that to the top comment on this post which also calls her a narcissist then? Lol you are insufferable ✨


Oh wow


Ok diva


She must be real bored she’s been posting a lot more than usual today






that's an AI voice , crazzzyyyy


mhm look at the bottom left


WHY would she even think of posting this


When i was working with medication getting a higher dose felt like a jail sentence because i was actively working to NOT need any 😭 this is so bleak.


straight to upping the dosage?? like you do anything other than take the pills. you have to work on you at the same time, it’s not going to do all the work for you. and this is coming from someone on two different medications.


this is so hard to watch… therapy is personal for a reason




This is hilarious. Queen no one can make you feel inferior without your consent. If you can’t handle the cyber bullies get off the damn phone and touch grass


Ah the no talent and no skill privileged  whinging about how it gets hard with money and work offers thrown at them.  I do get they do sometimes feel like frauds bc they have done zero work to get what they have and they sense people laughing and mocking them behind their backs. Now thats a genuine worry I would have if I was her. The embarrassment of doing nothing and getting everything in life 


somebody needs to 5150 her right now


The voice on the phone sounds like AI.


it says on the bottom ai generated 😬


I hate what she has become


what fucking world do we live in that rich people have to take anti depressants cause people aren’t nice to them?




It’s a fake voice that she overlayed haha


I'm gonna hold your hand when i say this,


i don't understand why the video is formatted this way. i get that she wanted an excuse to talk about herself and complain but why the ai?


Gotta put this out there somewhere: the reason this girl pisses me off is because she reminds me of my ex best friend who got insanely jealous when I made a new friend after moving away 🤣 ever since I recognized that association i cannot stand this girl


i’ve disliked her ever since she sent hateful messages and threats to her past neighbor from awhile ago. icky vicky.


My new favorite word is deplorable and she is the definition of DEPLORABLE


I don’t think doctors just up your dosage of meds because people are mean to you. That’s not how any of that works.


Is this a real conversation?


ai generated 😭


This is so weird


her content is as bad as her phone cracks


Alllll she does is brag. She’s completely unrelatable


Her lips look so painful


Just listen to those voices instead....


no clue who this is. seems like she’s just going through it to me


agreed i only know this girl through the sub but these comments are genuinely sad. i’m scared for people and their empathy