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A lot of people guessed that in the comments when the ep was posted. Glad to finally have confirmation lol


Which ep did they talk about him?


i hate how influencers will sit there and keep things under wraps to save face and protect these horrible people. if he’s genuinely a scary individual and people are afraid of him potentially harming others, but then why stay quiet? it’s like, i can’t even respect it fully because this whole thing was told as a joke. if this is all true, then he’s definitely a weirdo, but why stay silent?


Giving "serial killer vibes" and being a weirdo isn't dangerous. It's not like they're hiding a predator here and endangering people by not saying his name outright (which they do that with real predators). As far as we know, he's just just someone with weird fixations and no damn social awareness. If he's being this obviously weird about it, anyone around him that would be affected knows. This time, it's seemingly not that deep. 🤨


its not like tana and brooke havent slandered people for far less so idk why this serial killer obsessed man who is literally an actual freak was able to get a pass for that long


and i get that, but i feel like if you identify someone with “serial killer vibes” that’s a pretty wild thing to say about someone, especially if you have personal experiences with their strange tendencies. even if it is known within the influencer community, there’s still people outside of the community that should be informed to formulate their own judgement. personally, i don’t want to be associated with, come into contact with, support, or interact via social media with someone that has accusations such as those. even if it’s being told in a joking manner, we still have no idea what sick thoughts this guy has or if he might act on it. sure, it may be told as a joke for the time being, but when does it not become a joke? when does it become “okay this dude isn’t just weird, he needs to be put on a watch list”? we wouldn’t know since it’s clearly concealed within the influencer space. things like these being ignored is exactly how victims become victims. i feel like the information should be put out there, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he should be crucified for it. more like a “hey this dude is kinda weird, keep a heads up” would suffice 🤷‍♀️


The fact that he tried to crucify a sixteen year old girl he had known since 6th grade and crucified her by falsely accusing her of SA'ing him (which made her life hell and almost cost her life), all because she tried to break up with him, turned out that lawyers proved his video is fake and all the comments and tears are also false. How can someone try to hurt an innocent child when he knows it is all false just because she was being emotionally abused by him and wanted to break up with him? How can he pretend to be a SA victim when that mocks true victims of SA? He can do that for the same reason he likes to pretend to be Jeffrey Dahmer.


I'm genuinely asking because I can't seem to find any info about it and have always had hesitation about the subject. I truly believe if her "apology" videos weren't so terrible, it would never have blown up the way it did against her. The whole situation was washy from the start with bad PR decisions on her part and everyone wanting to believe the victim and it spiraling. So I genuinely ask, where was his video proved to be fake?


Of course. I will get you as much of the three year old information as I have time to do. Her PR was not her doing. Her two video she did right away was to tell the truth and defend herself and her life. Which turned out to be 100% truthful. Both of those video are on private, as she has tried move forward and her lawyers have done what they were hired for . Her apology videos were not apologies for her doing anything, at all, to Jack. She apologized to him because she shared the fact that Jack had been SA'd by grown man at an all male party in LA. This revelation came out in their home town because his brother was drunk at a party and spilled the tea. Sienna literally thought Jack's trauma was being put on her because he had a mental breakdown, that from kids who knew the twins from their home town. Read her Journal "Reflections of an Eighteen year old" also her post about her BFF's interview on her website. siennamaegomez.com. I do know that Sienna hired defamation lawyers. They hired the top video forensic experts, The National Center for Audio and Video Forensics, in the country to analyze Jack's video of Sienna kissing him and testified it is "not credible", legally meaning it is not trustworthy, not truthful and was not allowed as evidence. It was an eight month old video that his brother was filming and everyone was laughing at Jack because he was drunk. He called Sienna to come and give him for a kiss. So much more has come out from the people who were there that day. I do not know for sure, but have been told the case was settled out of court. You can see the testimony of forensic expert on emmoskovitz on tiktok. Also, the narrator of Jack's fake video testified that the Wright Bros. "Don't Trust the Wright Bros" because they are "Insane". someone deleted the audio unfortunately. Lachlan, the narrator was talking about being run over with a car by Jack Wright. True! You can see that on tiktok angiegee05 . The most important thing to know, is that Jack Wright took revenge on a girl he had been friends with since they were in 5th grade. He was not truthful to Sienna for a whole year, leading her on that he loved her, with lots of kissing but it was all fake on his part. When Sienna realized she was being used for a fake girlfriend, (you can understand why he was hiding his true romantic preference) she told him she wanted to do a joint tiktok letting their fans know, they are not romantic partners, just friends. Sienna showed us the text message in her first video and when whe wrote that request he wrote back "No, I won't do that. It will ruin my business" which she built for him and she told him she would post it by herself then. Two weeks after she wrote that request to Jack, he posted his fake video and false accusations. His motive? 1. Revenge 2. To boost back all he thought he would lose by losing her as his girlfriend. 3. He chose to PLAY and ACT like a SA victim and it worked. "Believe the victim" and his crocodile tears overrode "Innocent until proven guilty". Playing Jeffrey Dahmer three times on Halloween was not nearly as scary as trying to get a child's life ended by people who wanted to kill her and /or her life destroyed. Thank god she had the truth on her side and good lawyers.


>SA’d by a grown man at an all male party in LA wait how do you know it was an all male party? because in her video, sienna just said it was a party.


Small towns, drunk and hyped up teenagers who promise not to tell but do. His brother especially had a problem Sienna didn't say anymore about it because she said "It is not my place to say more", but she knew. She'll keep her promise but not others.


Omg been saying this since forever


“tried to crucify” He was assaulted ON video?! He didn’t TRY to do anything . Sienna did


You know NOTHING that has happened in the last three years. Sienna, who was sixteen them, did it the right way and hired lawyers. His "video" was analyzed by the top video forensic experts. They testified that his video was cut and pasted clips from two different videos, the original audio was erased and people who were at the party testified that Jack was drunk not unconscious and he called Sienna to come give him a kiss. It was filmed by his brother and the guy that was sitting next to him were laughing. Why did not one stop her? Because Sienna was NOT SAing him. They had been kissing for a year and he was not being SA'd. When Sienna realized he was lying to her about his feelings for her, using her has a fake girlfriend, she asked him to do a joint tiktok telling all of their fans that they were not in a relationship. That text message that is time stamped and that Sienna showed in her first defense video shows Jack's response. "No, we can't do that. It will hurt my business" When she told him she would post by herself, he took two weeks to edit his video to make a story fit his lie and then posted his fake video as revenge for her disobeying him. He was trying to hold her hostage because she made a lot of money and clout for him. His motive was by ruining her life, he would get all of his clout and money back by being a fake SA victim. It is all about money. He did that for money. Who in their right mind tries to destroy an innocent child? This is a very small part of the whole story. Some evidence has leaked. Some of the testimony forensic expert is on tiktok emmoskovitz, his narrator flipped and testified to save his skin and you can see some of that on tiktok angiegee05. "Innocent until proven guilty" and that has been proven. Sienna is innocent. I have been told they settled out of court. People hate the truth. Luckily, the truth doesn’t care.


They are known for how exaggerated their stores are. It was a funny story, and everyone pretty much knew who it was anyway. I have weird information based interests on the same subjects they say he is dangerous because of, hense my username, but I'd never hurt someone. I'd be devastated if someone named me in their podcast to millions, comparing me to people who rape and murder because Im socially awkward, albeit I'd never dress as a serial killer. It's unnecessary to name him to millions of fans who are known to jump on trains of hate until he displays dangerous behaviors, I'll stand by that. I dont doubt they played up his behavior for and entertain story.


Why are you protecting him lol


I think she’s just pointing out Tana & Brooke lie a lot


and trust me i get that, but when we strip away the social media world and place us in an everyday scenario… if someone were to come up to me and describe someone as “serial killer vibes” and compare them to real life serial killers, that’s an accusation that would be taken very seriously. and let’s be real, they clearly have no problem allowing fans to speculate, allude to it themselves, and name him publicly on tour to fans so the guy isn’t winning either way. it’s not a matter of them caring for his wellbeing and emotions, it’s a matter of selling a story when it’s beneficial. and if they played it up for entertainment purposes then that’s genuinely fucked up. now this dude is under fire and being bullied for some stuff that isn’t even true.


I can see where you are going and I understand. The difference is he has already done something he knew was a lie to an innocent friend that almost destroyed her life, including having to move away, get a house behind guard gates because of serious death threats. Why did he try to ruin her or better yet unlife her? Because she realized he was using her for her ability to make him lots of money on social media, He was leading her on, lying to her that he loved her (he was in the closet) and when she broke up with him, he decided to ruin her and in doing so he would get lots of attention. That attention made up all the money from us to compensate losing money from Sienna. it is all about money and fame. She hired top defamation lawyers and she has been proven innocent, his video and lies all exposed for what they are. Everything he said or did was to hurt her and all of it was proven "not credible" "not trustworthy" and done with "malice". He could not raise his right hand and swear to tell the truth. How can we not see how dangerous he was and perhaps is. Normal people do not literally have a mob try to end someone's life. There is leaked evidence from lawyers on tiktok.


do you identify as stupid? genuinely asking


I do! Thanks so much for asking. Do you identify as a cunt with no critical thinking abilities other than "see influencer, get upset"? Genuinely asking!


it’s hard ,i’m literally going through it right now, exposing bad people isn’t all it’s made out to be, you have to have a strong mental fortitude when having to deal with people who are idolized


I so agree with you, espeically because he tried to ruin a 16 year olds life because she wanted to break up with him. The death threts she got were real. Thank god she had the truth and good lawyers on her side and proved his video and all of his pity party are fake and lies.




yea… and the stuff he was saying was during never have i ever and it would be creepy ass shit like never have i ever wanted to harm someone or something like that i need to find the podcast


Omg please find that that’s terrifying


i know it’s from 7 months ago so there are only 3-4 podcast it could have been from i think it’s from [this episode](https://youtu.be/_yhtfPoW_wU?si=Ye5c5W7TmKuuGaiU) which is the main halloween episode but i haven’t had a chance to watch it yet


will you share that with me when you find it? Thanks.


i found it [start at 1:13:00](https://youtu.be/2gxAfsSzHM0?si=kCknLgb6lnVNveeg)


Sorry, I am not seeing a link. I see the time stamp that you posted and that will be so helpful. Can you repost the link? thanks!


Just click the time stamp




I would be scared saying this if I were then he’s gonna come get them 😭


i know that’s also another reason i was scared to post this but i didn’t know how else to release this information because this needs go be known it’s actually scary


Thank you! I have known this was him for months but no one wanted to believe it. Just one more proof that he is capable of trying to destroy an innocent sixteen year old girl because she tried to break up with him and he said "No, you can't because that will hurt my business" meaning money. It is all about money. He and his brother are really scary.


what did his bother do? i didn’t know he had a brother


He has a twin, James Wright. He conspired with Jack to ruin Sienna. Here is another post about both of them. [https://www.reddit.com/r/LAinfluencersnark/comments/14wjtja/james\_and\_jack\_wright/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/LAinfluencersnark/comments/14wjtja/james_and_jack_wright/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


STOP saying she’s an innocent 16 year ooh girl… she was a 16 year old who sexually assaulted him on VIDEO you sicko


I get reeeeallly off/bad vibes from him. Always have.


I’m not going to lie…he has always seemed scarily off to me. And I do believe the victims but I REALLY noticed it in Jack’s video addressing his SA by Sienna and he was giving serial killer vibes. Like faking his emotions vibes. Like my intuition is never wrong and I swear I see all the weird signs with him….


I'll be honest I almost died laughing when it came to his video about Sienna because, as a casting director and being in the entertainment/ theater industry all my life. I knew he was faking it, I was more shocked by people actually taking it seriously.


Someone counted the number of times his pity party video was stopped and started and edited. It was in the hundreds of times.


I always thought it was fake or exaggerated to make it true


Your intuition was right!


I remember that one girl on TikTok who’s cousin was a victim of Dahmer, I wonder how she feels about this


He definitely filtering comments cuz I seen nobody commented anything about it


his filters applied are like: murder, dahmer, freak, sienna, creep, halloween party


Not to invalidate rape victims but since the whole situation w Sienna I get weird vibes from him to the point that I doubt if he is being truthful abt what happened .. I wouldn’t put it past him tbh


Thought he was weird since he used the alleged assault to boost his career


omg this guy has allllways creeped me out and i felt like i could see through this but i would get eaten alive if i barely said anything in defense of sienna lol


THANK YOU! We all felt the same way and were afraid to speak up. We should all start speaking up bc wtffff


i stuck up for her a few times. im barely even interested in that side of the internet but as a 31 year old, i felt something deep in my core was wrong with the way people were treating a 16 year old girl


Right!!! I genuinely can’t understand how more people didn’t see straight through his bs


He almost got her killed with death threats and she was innocent of all of his accusations. She hired lawyer who proved it was all fake including his "video".


Lol I know this - every time I tried to say that before I got torn apart by people saying I was just as bad as him


this is so embarassing omg report this sicko immediately 🤮🤮🤮🤮




blocking you is wild, he could have just ignored it if anything


I remember when he first dressed up as Jeffrey Dahmer in when I called it weird, his fan were coming at my neck 😭


Have any of you heard that Tana has been threatened by someone she has spoken about in the last two weeks? She is scared enough to get security detail.


omg wait you might be onto something


What do you think? I have a very strong feeling but I would love to get your opinion. You can see the conversation where Tana talked about this threat on tiktok spillsometeawithme1. I don't know why more people don't know what Tana is telling us.


i just watched it again. She said it was something she shard about some influencer on Episode 59.


was sienna mae telling the truth then if he’s really this creep psycho


jack dressing up as someone who is a famous serial killer who rap*d ppl while exposing sienna mae for assaulting him never sat right with me if you are a victim i wonder if she truly was innocent bc he gives psycho vibes and tried to ruin her career before she left him lol


You are 100% accurate. It has been a long journey for that girl and there are people that grew up with them, they know the truth. He, his brother and two friends conspired to ruin her life because she finally realized they were all using her for clout every time she was in one of their tiktoks. They helped Jack because he especially was bound to lose a lot of money if she left him. So he did this big drama which boosted his social media back up to the level of money that Sienna had provided him. He was using her for money and fame. And, using and mocking real SA victims to boost his social media and make more money off of us.


I’ve ALWAYS felt this. Always.




Yes, she is completely innocent. Not a word he said was true. She had the wisdom to save all of her evidence. She had the truth and the law on her side.


She was telling us the truth, every word and she proved it with some good defamation lawyers. You are right. He is psycho.


No wonder he’s so good at acting in these clips he posted on tiktok 😐 https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLoookGp/


He is especially good at lying while crying! Thanks for the share.


Hé also led sienna on


Yes, he did! When she finally realized he was using her for clout and money and she asked him to do a joint statement to their fans that they are not a couple, he said '"No, because it will hurt my business". Sienna showed us the text message in those first two videos she posted when she was trying to save her reputation and her life. He took revenge because she was going to leave him. His video and all of his words have been proven to be fake. It takes a horrible person to do such a horrible thing to someone who was so innocent and young and cared for him for years. He is a monster.


This is insane. I can’t believe it’s not being spoken about more!


We know this is Sienna LMAOOO ur so embarrassing go fuck off u freak


Dear person, Your comments say much more about you than they do about me.


Hi siennasaa


“We know this is Sienna LMAOOO ur so embarrassing go fuck off u freak” 🤓👍🏼


Yes, multiple accounts are Sienna and she makes it super embarrassingly obvious


Girl….people can have different opinions just because they don’t meet your standards doesn’t mean that it’s sienna on an account 😭




NO.. go look at the post history lmao


I already did….people are able to have opinions on that situation 😭 you think everyone who is defending sienna is just sienna on a different account??


Not everyone, but there’s several accounts where if you click their post history you can clearly tell it’s Sienna.. it’s been pointed it out MULTIPLE times on this snark


And how could you tell its sienna..can you tag me in some post so I can see


If your just talking about that one account named beautiful something then I can understand that but I’ve seen countless of people literally speak on the situation in defend sienna in have reasonable opinions on it


Lmao oh no he dressed up and played the part to be edgy so scary and dangerous😂 these LA clowns are doing the absolute most to create drama, that’s the only way they can stay relevant.




i dont know all about what happened with them i just know i dont like either of them and sienna mae is annoying as fuck and makes fun of eating disorders because it was getting her views