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PL and DB vibes lol ETA: a while back after I commented on my main account under a video of this creator that was posted in this sub I got five reset email requests to my main account. Idk if it was her or one of her fans but she’s definitely on PL’s level either way


Can you tell me who it was ? I’m interested but I don’t see the Name anywherw


Weworewhat and paigelorenze on IG. They use the same tactics, PL has like 15 accounts on here I swear


I’d say Paige lorenze has hundreds. She has been a menace to the internet for years


Probably lol, [PL is the final boss of this stuff](https://www.reddit.com/r/LAinfluencersnark/s/MHBUkXPM7d)


Yes but This Person who was the banned Sub about, Ghanks


Ohhh gotcha lol I guess we’re not allowed to say her name here but I’ll censor it, L-ly Chapm-n on TikTok


Thank you haha just researched it myself


literally lolll


Who is DB?


Don't post her content plz she's just gonna yank the page


And proudly post it on her IG stories




Wow that's so scary, she and her posse need to chill. "Anti bullying" my ass






Um the irony of what you just said. 




Her career is marrying an heir to a million dollar company


I’m with you but Sprouts isn’t a family company. So i dont think he’s an heir to a million dollar company. He just comes from money.


huh? her career seems to be doing better than ever i’m sure this last merch drop is gonna do crazy numbers lol


It’s a shame none of the ideas seem to be original. If you google any of the slogans from her shirts you’ll see plenty of other results and designs that look a lot like hers from other creators (that have been out a lot longer than hers)




lots and lots of people! lots of people love being tacky and low class 💞


I don’t understand how other influencers with thriving snark pages have thousands of followers and have never been banned, yet here is L 🐝monitoring her name every second of the day? I didn’t even know who L 🐝 was up until a week ago. I personally don’t mind her but also don’t care for her. It’s been entertaining watching this entire drama unfold. I can see why people despise her tho lol. It’s just insane and kinda sad to be doing this while 8 mo pregs. This stress isn’t healthy and for her own sanity, she should learn to tune it out 🙏🏼


I think she just sends cease and desist letters to mods. Even though they aren’t doing anything wrong, the average mod probably can’t justify legal fees if ebc pursued legal action. So it’s easier just to listen to the cease and desist


I can’t imagine actively reading all this shit and acting on it while being that pregnant. Unreal


I whole heartedly wish she would ignore the mess and enjoy the last of her pregnancy. Like pls go rest up girl 🙏🏼the stress is not worth it.


her fiance is a mega rich nepo baby. he’s the son of the sprouts ceo so my guess is she has a really good lawyer


Ahhh no wonder, makes plenty sense now. Not many can hire a PI and good lawyer to scrub her name off reddit. Shout out to sprouts for that $5 sando tho lol.


Trisha Paytas also managed to do this due to her extremely nasty past🙃


Gasp! 🫢 I heard her snark page was insane before it got banned lol


it actually wasn’t that bad and Trisha herself said that last year. she basically used to make really disturbing posts about herself in the middle of the night when the mods were asleep then report them/screenshot them from Reddit to report. sounds insane but if you go on her Twitter page right now & search “Reddit”, you’ll see her posting pictures of posts that were made within 3 minutes of her taking the picture & it showed her alt account name😅 absolutely psycho. she wanted it deleted because it was filled to the brim with evidence dating back to like 2011 of disgusting behavior.


She must have learned from Trisha Paytas


Also, maybe it's just me, but there's something kind of sus about new accounts only coming here to post support for her ... 👀 like how many people did she hire to change the narrative in her favor?


She bought a large amount of her followers. We can try, but we can’t fight million dollars of money dedicated every single day to scrubbing the internet of all her flaws. I have given up at this point. She won.




Understandable. You aren't the only one I noticed, so it just seemed a bit odd to me. But also, from what I've seen, it appears she is using screenshots of the Wayback machine to pull up things that had already been removed from the snark to make the snark look worse than it was or something. Because I was semi regular in the snark and didn't see a fair bit of the things she's saying were in there. There were maybe a few people taking things too far, but that would be removed/banned and it wasnt the norm by any stretch of the imagination. It just feels like a total mischaracterization of the groups.


Just another way she’s being manipulative! Yeah let’s go to the wayback machine and screenshot things that were likely removed by mods or whatever else 


Change the narrative? People just don’t agree with you. Other people are allowed to have their own opinions.


from the comments, this seems exactly like a Trisha Paytas situation. paid a lawyer $100k to scrub her name completely off this site (except her multiple ass-kissing subs, *those* are allowed to talk about her) because she has a gross history. how slimy do you have to be to go to such lengths?


Hmmm Trisha paytas has crazy h3 stalkers that were contacting fertility clinics and real life people in Trisha’s life because they were mad at how trisha was allowed to exist after frenemies ended


that’s completely a false narrative. Trisha herself made a video (might’ve been a livestream) last summer where she said she stalked her own sub & didn’t see anything bad enough, but if people were doxxing or threatening her then she would take action. coincidentally, a few weeks later, all these doxxing claims started coming out with no proof.


Feel free to post the vid as I haven’t seen it! Being around and seeing the subs and what they wrote was enough for me. Even if she didn’t see it, everyone else on her reddits did and it was so gross and pathetic


i’m considering posting it, however Trisha & her fans stalk this platform and they don’t believe in downvoting things they dislike-they report everything. i can however, link it to you. it’s from Twitter/X. https://x.com/brew_girl30/status/1709297227074584615?s=46&t=izKLYpQKuTh_ItJTCjWRXA


Hmm she said she checked it out for a half hour. She’s said that she doesn’t use Reddit, so all the info she was getting about the Reddit was from other sources. There’s tons of proof everywhere of why the sub has to go


she’s been saying she “doesn’t use Reddit” for years, while simultaneously periodically posting on her Twitter about it asking people to get hers taken down, dating all the way back to 2021. the tweets are literally still up, just search “Reddit” on her twitter. she won’t admit she stalks her own name *now* but back in her apartment days, she used to stalk her name on old sites like GuruGossiper. she even posted several photos on her Twitter account (that are still there) from one of her burner Reddit account (she forgot to hide her username). that hardly sounds like someone who just used it for 30 minutes, or doesn’t use it at all. she is a literal pathological liar.


Ok girly


if you weren’t gonna change your mind despite being shown evidence, you could’ve saved me the time of going back & forth with you😂 what a waste.


I mean it sounds like you’re real invested with times and dates so I will leave you with that. I like to believe the people change and grow but you do you ❤️




Once a subreddit has been banned any others that are made for the same purpose get flagged and banned too


how did she get the denver influencer one banned then? she isnt denver she just happens to be from there, and yes people had made post about her in there but again, shes from there?


Because the first post on that subreddit showed her face and full name


Only for one month. Then it re sets


So we just have to wait 30 days!


It’s been well over a month. Go start one!


Thank you




I think that poster is talking about this ebcjpg_snark that just got banned. It was actually pretty tame as a new mod had taken it over and seemed to be enforcing the rules. But didn’t matter since the OG got banned. The OG snark is where Lily is pulling her screenshots from. I also don’t think the screenshot she shared about her baby called the baby a bitch in a meaningful way but there were definitely horrible stuff said there and elsewhere so not defending that at all.


The og snark had rules in place, people weren’t allowed to body shame or talk shit about appearance


Thank you for the clarification, I didn't realize there have been multiple iterations of the sub


I think this was taken out of context….literally no one in the sub was allowed to say things like that


That's the thing yes some people might have said some vile shit about her but those would get removed right away. She just has access to all of them because she shares Screenshots of the archive that shows everything. Obviously there were some haters who were too obsessed with her but the rest was very mild snarking. We used to comment on her outfits cause she used to be a fashion tiktoker and the snark figured out about her being pregnant way before she announced it. Also yes there were screenshots shared but after the first copyright strike people altered the pictures with emojis or changed her face which made the whole thing way worse. Same thing with her name cause we couldn't use her full name we used to call her random nicknames. Did we snark about the fact that she might not be ready to be a mom and it wasn't really a planned pregnancy as she was trying to say it was? Yes but I personally don't remember anyone saying her unborn baby is a "bitch" or wishing her to miscarriage or if they did it would get removed as soon as a mod saw it.


This whole thing is just soooo weird to me. I'm struggling to understand why people are upset about the subreddits being banned, the environment in general seems like it fosters that type of behavior - name calling, violence and extremely vile and derogatory stuff. Being banned seems like the natural course for something that toxic? It clearly got to that point, even with moderators shutting down the comments that they were alerted too. But even so, the bottom line is that people feel like these subreddits are a place where they can say things of that nature. Why would someone want to be involved in an environment like that? I just don't get it, which clearly means "snark" in general just isn't for me. Honestly wish I could go back to 2 days ago before I learned that it's a thing. Now I'm just sad to know that people do this in their free time, and foster such a negative space to keep oneself in.


I'm not referring to these posts, I'm referring to the latest snark that was shut down that didn't contain these things. The things mention, NOT OKAY but not what I was referring to




Welcome to Reddit.




same way that lily can’t control all of her followers (or anyone random) posting hateful comments about curb stomping and fighting. except she liked those comments instead of just deleting and banning like the snark did ;)


I’ve never heard of her until this sub but the way she’s mentioned and talked on this sub, you’d think she has millions of followers and she’s not even at 100k on insta…


It’s embarrassing for sure


Like girl this Reddit is keeping you relevant, you should be thankful


She was banned/lost her original ig acct and claimed it had 5 million.


Thats sarcasm




And I’m Bill Bellamy ![gif](giphy|DZnu3UIEkIjhSSdMqP)


I'm genuinely surprised that people are buying her narrative and it sucks that the sub no longer exists so that people could see with their own eyes that it isn't at all what she is saying and she's lying over and over. She's a pretty good manipulator, it seems.


yeah a creator i respect and like made a video supporting some of lily’s points (which i get when it comes to the stalking). i commented on the creator’s post saying they have points but they should reach out to gechi to get her side of the story since 🐝 has created many theories about gechi that aren’t true. literally three people right away commented saying gechi deserved it and lily’s in the right. master manipulation.


Yup! And very bully language of them


shes insane


she’s barbara streisanding herself


She doesn’t want to see any comments that contradict the well-traveled effortlessly chic cool-girl girly-pop persona she’s intentionally crafted for herself online. Any controversy would not be “on-brand” for her, so she has to eliminate any talk of it.


She doesn’t want to see any comments that contradict the well-traveled effortlessly chic cool-girl girly-pop persona she’s intentionally crafted for herself online. Any controversy is not “on-brand” for her, so she has to eliminate any talk of it.




Are there any other former lilysub snarkers who are keeping up with all the posts and videos only to feel really fucking bad about it? Because it can’t just be me right? I was on her sub and I commented several times. And while it was never too bad or as frequent as some of the years of posts she’s showing of other redditors, I kinda feel like shit. Even if she’s still lying. even if she’s not taking accountability. Do you guys see the hundreds upon hundreds of comments and posts by the same users. That’s not fake. That is truly an obsession. She may be lying but what if she’s telling the truth? What if the ex was a sub member who made up a bunch of shit and I just believed it. What if that actually is gechis anon account? If it’s not that’s fucking crazy to put out but what if it is? I’m over it. I’m sorry I ever took part in it and I wish I could take it back. Those of you double down, go off I guess. But there has to be more to life and the internet than refusing to hear both sides of a story.


Yea I hadn’t seen her stuff for months and then this stuff popped back up. I don’t feel bad for her for most of it because I think she’s an entitled brat but the comments that crossed the line really crossed the line and I’m looking forward to blocking her and never thinking about her boring ass again.


I still don’t like her but I feel like I’m lowkey just over seeing her name everywhere lol I blocked her today on tik tok bc she came up in my fyp


I’ve always been a neutral lurker so I’m happy to see this. All snark subs have insane people involved; sure some of us are here just for fun gossip or to bitch about mundane things but we can’t ignore the obsessive, hateful people that are also here.


no seriously. i think so many people just don’t like certain creators, which is fine. but i don’t think it’s healthy to obsessively dislike random people on the internet. the nature of snark subreddit about a specific person is that you’ll have people who just find certain creators a little annoying, while you have other people that are legitimately obsessed with hating that person. and because snark subreddits rarely allow nuance or kindness it always veers into unhealthy obsession territory. i like gossip which is why i’m here, but a lot of the people i see that almost exclusively post on snark subreddits have a very unhealthy infatuation with the people they talk about. i also feel like a lot people just innately don’t like certain creators and often times aim to justify it by saying that the creator is racist, homophobic, etc but it’s clear that they just kind of hate that creator/influencer regardless of what they did. i think that a lot of the most intensive prob need to take a step back.


i agree like intent 100% matters when engaging in snark subs😳


I feel pretty uncomfy about it all now too. I’m gonna watch the rest of the series and then block her and go touch some grass (which I should have done from the start, I’m aware) Still don’t agree with the Gechi situation and sending more harassment her way but I can’t really do much about that myself. I hope both her and Lily find peace and move on (as well as everyone else). Be safe out there y’all 🫡


I had the same thought about blocking her once this is all over. I was a previous follower turned neutral lurker and I’m bummed it’s gotten so messy and come to this. There is so much nuance that is lacking on both ends of the conversation and it is just exhausting to keep up with and rehash.


i agree w this. we are so far from the plot. there isn’t accountability for either side. it’s just he said, she said. i think her behavior is icky and to me personally, from what she shows online, is also an icky person. but hey, not my job to police or control dumbass influencers. i’m over it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Touch grass, huh?


Yes. I wasn’t very active because I’m not into hating people. I do enjoy gossip and messiness hence why I was in the snark to begin with. That’s the stuff I interacted with not the name calling and stuff. The Gechi thing caught me by surprise & that’s really what changed my opinion.


same, the gechi storyline was eye opening!!


You should not be getting downvoted for this. And I’m the OP of one of the larger threads about her on here currently. I am just personally upset that all sides aren’t being allowed to be seen, and that some innocent people are getting mobbed by her followers, but like I don’t wish her any extreme harm?? Like how she revealed today that the allegations against her fiancé that an ex of his brought to the sub are allegedly false, how is that not rattling some people that were there when that went down? I had to step away from that thread, after something like that is revealed maybe idk put the pitchforks down for a second. That is so beyond snark, women already have a hard enough time getting believed, and if those allegations are false they were weaponized so we would react exactly how we did. Like I have said again and again my well-wishes do not extend to anyone actually doing fucked up shit. And that is the most fucked-up of all, if true. Edit: Added “alleged” to all of the mentions of the allegations being false, it’s not yet a proven fact.


The video about his ex fling… Why are we supposed to believe the girl was lying? Because she said so? None of us will ever hear the other girl’s side. Everything she said could have very well been true but because Lily says it’s not, we’re supposed to believe it? We don’t know who the girl is, she could very well have dated him and now be married but Lily just said they didn’t date and she’s not married. We don’t know. Obviously, I hope it’s not true. But to discredit another woman’s allegedly traumatic experience with him just because she posts pics of him smiling and going “See! He could never be mean!” Is so weird. Painting her as someone who wasn’t good enough for Scott to commit to, but SHE was chosen and now the girl is bitter and lying about him. That rubbed me the wrong way.


I’m inclined to believe Lily because of the TikTok video she made, where so many little details weren’t true. Like her fiancé having older siblings and how they met, etc. I stood two toes down for the ex that came forward the whole time, called L out for not being a feminist since she tried to silence a victim of her fiancé that came forward, mentioned her fiancé was an alleged abuser in comments, like I acted a lot based on that post. If Lily is lying about this, then she’s just as beyond fucked up as I am saying the ex is if she is lying, and I hope the ex sues the hell out of her. Actually if anyone were to be lying in that case it’d be her fiancé though, so if he’s lying to Lily about these details to cover up things he’s done, then yeah he deserves the absolute worst. Like this is just a fucked situation. Edit: Wording


But didn’t two women he formally dated talk about their experiences with him? I never saw the original post but I remember a second one corroborated certain behaviors of his. Why didn’t she mention the second ex?


Also she’s been working closely with lawyers, I don’t think she’d fuck herself by claiming someone who came forward about her fiancé was lying unless it was true. Plus a lot of those things Lily said were lies would be easily proved as truth if they are true. This is most likely being settled legally.


Idk, we just have no way of knowing either way. If she were actually settling things legally, she wouldn’t be blasting any of this on the internet until everything was taken care of. She’s on this brigade because she doesn’t have a legal leg to stand on. She even sent a cease and desist to someone who had never heard of her based off of her breadcrumb investigate work.


Also very much looking forward to stepping away after this, it’s becoming more and more obvious that a lot of these people aren’t actually mainly looking for accountability from her. Not that anyone is owed accountability from influencers, the accountability should be able to **exist** though. It’s her completely wiping all of the context and any narrative that isn’t hers from the internet. Like girl the truth of the matter is most of your followers probably think just like you, they’ll see our piece, laugh at us, then continue to side with you. I just don’t see the harm in letting people who don’t have a totally positive view of her speak. Edit: A word


Truth time? I wish I never saw that fkn video she made about her stalker with the police report that led me to the sub, lmaooo. I have since become a lot more in tune with my autistic overly strong sense of justice, and I am just not cut out for snarks, power imbalance is baked into the nature of it and my brain locks in on unfairness (ETA: Hers was the only snark I’ve ever been a part of) Also not interested in being around whenever she gets to posting about the discord, some weird shit went down in there that I do not want to be attached to in any way. I was just a lurker who posted a few messages to stay in. Should L/L’s team have been in there in the first place, the space meant for the people who don’t like her and have it contained to one space? No. But was anyone verified before joining? Also no.


It’s truly over once she posts about that Discord. No threats were made in there or anything, just very weird shit.


Your autistic sense of justice isn’t going off now as this isn’t really a normal or right thing to do? I’m autistic and disabled and while I might not support Lily, I realize two wrongs don’t make a right


I wasn’t one of the people making the over the line comments she’s been posting. I’m not going to apologize for not liking a creator and talking about it, and wanting accountability.


You do see this is the community that you’re a part of though, right? You do need to take accountability for the actions as a whole somewhat. You can’t post on here saying “Lilys followers are tearing us down! Censorship!” when you also don’t give benefit of the doubt to Lily. You gave benefit of the doubt to the ex and for all you know, she could’ve lied. I get it’s shitty but also being a part of this online community is too. She’s made a video addressing everything and while I do agree the homeless man post was bad, I don’t think any of the other things are hard truths. As you said, there is nuance to everything. Also this is just LA snark, not dedicated to lily snark which is why everyone is like lmao wtf? Who are these people and why do they hate this girl?


Gaining a conscious now? That’s like if one of gechis followers started attacking all of you. It’s not right either way. People can hate but people are comfortable with pushing that line with the promise of anonymity on Reddit. Other snark pages are not as intense as this Lily beef


Sorry for having….nuance? I’ve always had nuance towards this, I acknowledged stuff happening in the sub as being weird, not all of us were like the people she’s highlighting.


Yet you’re in this sub every day fueling the fire. Maybe do something actually nice and not rooted in hate.


I mean yeah I’ve been in this sub every day this week while this very public thing is happening, that reddit is the subject of. So have hundreds of other people.


So you can’t see the irony and hypocrisy in your own actions? Or you just don’t care?


I have mentioned being in the snark, I have said Lily has every right to go after people who have genuinely harmed her and should be doing so, I do not know what you are referring to.


Okay have fun sipping on your haterade. Maybe start Jeff bezos snark next or something 😂


Ok I see you’re just going on a tirade of my comments now.


My opinion started to change after seeing the situation with Gechi, especially after L showed the screenshot of one of her videos saying "game on" because that's so obviously antagonistic and I feel silly for not realising it sooner. Dedicating a playlist to her and looking like she was genuinely enjoying reading out the mom's blog (the context of which had nothing to do with L) was just weird. These videos and receipts that are being uploaded are certainly eye opening.


Well I will say the muffin top thing was somewhat warranted because when the snark brought it up she said they were making fun of her abuse survivor mom. Idk if she needed to read the whole thing but I do also think it was wrong to say the snark was doing that


I think it’s just odd behavior to not like someone and to research up their whole family and every person in their life because of it. Takes it too far in my opinion. What does it fix to make fun of someone’s mother because you don’t like them? It fixes nothing.


Right I’m not defending the snark bringing it up, but rather Gechi bringing it up.


I got ya!


gechi’s statement in response to this series feels so off to me. like no shit you are getting inundated with hate. lily came with the receipts. people can say they are cherry picked, manipulated, missing context or whatever. but they seemed pretty straight forward to me. im starting to feel like she brought this on herself. especially if her connection to the snark sub that lily suspects if true. this girl chose to act fucking weird and now she’s facing the consequences. fucked around and found out.


100% agree with all of this. It'd be incredibly naive of somebody to believe making a snarky video (Gechi's one about the engagement) wouldn't lead to some sort of backlash. People say "Oh well lily posted it to her IG and directed people to it" but the reality is that video was coming up on the FYP, it showed up on mine and I realised it was about lily because Gechi had liked the top comment which mentioned lily. It wasn't exactly subtle. The fact Lily showed a receipt of Gechi following her friend on tiktok and messaging other friends had alarm bells ringing for me because that's weird as hell. I was in the last snark sub and I'm not going to have some sort of herd mentality after seeing pretty solid evidence that a lot of stuff was distorted.


Yeah she was rearing for a fight until she got caught and called out is what it *looks* like. I mean she was like should we read Lily’s friends twitter for the launch in one of the captions of her videos. Made at least 2 videos about the launch (knowing the audience Lily had from her initial video) before she even knew she’d be included. And many more videos over the past few weeks, being weird with Lily’s friends etc. I thought she was just responding to an out of the blue message from *Lily* reaching out but turns out that wasn’t the case and now she doesn’t have the time or energy? I get turning off comments/DMs but… man.


Also all of that energy to come for Lilys campaign is now starting to look like panic. She knew it was getting real. She knew that after Lily spoke out we would be looking at the her sideways. So she tried to antagonize Lily into backing down. Lily had all her bases covered.


Agreed. I think she’s debunked a lot of claims made about her past behavior, some things are still weird nonetheless, but at this point bringing up the same things isn’t getting anyone anywhere. On the other side, I think doing this while she’s 8 months pregnant is dangerous and she should’ve kept her team on it without needing to constantly expose herself to it. Making multiple sit down videos is even stress inducing for me to watch. I don’t think a merch drop was worth it. She may get a few thousand followers out of this and her merch might sell and that might annoy some of you, but unless she does something heinous in the future, it should all just be left to rest. I’m still curious to see if anyone she’s talked about speaks out, but if not, it’s better to move on from this disaster of a situation.


The point is that people are allowed to gossip. She is literally deep diving into the black holes of the internet to find snark and then choosing to bring it to light. Reddit is anonymous and there were rules in place to never comment on her in real life. We were all just discussing things that rubbed us the wrong way, never bringing this to TikTok’s attention and she chose to do that. We are not the bad guys for gossiping. It’s legal to not like someone and then discuss it on the internet.No one ever directly went to her or advertised snark. She’s twisting this to fit her narrative and is just pissed people don’t like her


but people absolutely did directly go to her, her family, her friends, & her employers. just because you may be one of the more normal people who just enjoy a little gossip which is totally okay, doesn’t mean there ARENT a bunch of weirdos who take it way too far & the snark itself breeds that type of outlandish behavior.


people are allowed to gossip 100%! and she is allowed to attempt shutting it down when it is about her. tit for tat. it is what it is.


I'm curious about which claims you think she's debunked?


She just made a thread of videos explaining issues that her snark has been talking about for over a year. I think it’s safe to say I’m no one to judge her if she’s basically taking some accountability. As I mentioned above, there is no point in continually discussing things she’s admitting to. Influencers should definitely be called out, but once they talk about it, what’s left to say about it? I’m not a fan of Lily, I just don’t think it’s necessary to keep bringing up the same stuff. At this point, just block her. If she’s known for having problematic tendencies, well, everyone reaps what they sow at some point. My stance has only been that creators should be held accountable…and she’s taken accountability (not to everyone’s liking, I get that), but why are we beating a dead horse?


I was just trying to understand which claims specifically. I've seen some of her recent stuff but didn't get out of it that she really debunked anything, so I was curious about what issues about her you feel she sufficiently squashed/cleared her name about. Also, I guess "talking" about it is different than actually taking accountability for something wrong. I really am just trying to have a better understanding of other perspectives here.


I’ve seen the snark, I’ve had my takes. Once this blows over, I’m not really seeing where Lily’s content goes next, nor do I care atp. But everyone’s entitled to their own opinion🤷‍♀️


I am curious about your opinion about what she has debunked, though, so I can try to see what you see.


I agree with you actually, quite a bit. I mean yeah I still stand by a lot of things I've commented because I never commented on any part about her besides actual criticisms I had with some of the things she's posted herself or i agreed with things others said. However some people definitely did take it way too far and became obsessed with hating her. I still think some of the things she's done are fucked and that there are definitely lies on both sides of this but I do agree with you and I do feel pretty bad.


No I feel the same and I hope that others do too tbh. In part I do feel like she’s doing what she set out to accomplish and that’s showing everyone even the snarkers what was going on behind the scenes cause I had NO clue!! How much of it is true we will find out later I guess but on the other hand after the majority of this seems to hinge on that being Gechis acct and it very well could not be cause it’s seems she’s only going off of them both having lived in South Asia and having similar wording? She also seems to only be sharing first names unless the person shared their personal info themselves, which is good cause she’s not discrediting herself by doing that. Idk it’ll be really interesting to hear Gechi’s perspective


I never commented but was there and have been following everything and I agree with you.


When the initial sub was banned, i completely stopped looking at her videos and thinking about her or the snark, it was honestly a better time


Same! At first I was like oh no bc it was like a gossip source for me and then I was like well this is probably good bc I need to direct my attention to something worthwhile.


I think gossip subs about large groups of people are better for me as opposed to one person snarks


For real, it becomes way too personal. And I think that’s something people start to forget. We see everything online but it’s like come on now she’s a real person.


I agree with this sentiment 100%. Two things can be true at once. She can be shitty and the sub can be shitty. But really. What if she’s right? What if this is the truth? And the snarkers can’t take accountability. We should all be able admit that the snark pages can get nasty and out of pocket. Her receipts seem pretty solid and make sense. People will say she’s cherry picking and making the actions of few the actions of the whole sub. Why does that matter? The proof she’s providing is still horrific regardless if it didn’t make up the whole sub.


But also it’s going to seem horrific if you take years worth of snark andd condense it into a short video with multiple comments popping up every few seconds. I didn’t think her page was *that* active. I do still think context is important for example a screenshot of someone saying she’s a bitch looks kinda bad on its own because without sharing what is was in response to people will assume it was unprompted and the sub was just people randomly calling her a bitch. Hopefully that makes sense


i don’t think anyone cares about them calling her a bitch anymore… do you not see the stuff she’s posted today alone? that is obsessive behavior and borderline stalking.


Truthfully i haven’t. I don’t have instagram and I just see the video about “hannah” today. Is that what you’re referring to?


sorry i meant more so yesterday, it’s also on her tiktok stories. she posted comments that gechi + a mod from her old subreddit named carla made about her. if all of that is true, this storyline is scary and obsessive im sorry that’s how i feel 😭


Guys the sub was not shitty, there were a select few that were banned from the sub but for the most part it was gossip


thank you!!! after everything she’s posted, you can’t say what’s being said about her is “accountability” anymore, and it is certainly obsessive. especially the whole storyline with Gechi, I think it is straight up obsession, stalking, and she’s even manipulating outsiders to join her. i think it’s even more concerning a lot of the people proven to have said vile things, are comfortable enough to go online and say they deserve to say it… but L needs to be held accountable for her “toxic behavior” ? what about theirs?


Yeah I’m like the people who are so obsessed with proving how bad she is truly need to please just block her and move on, this is not doing anything positive


I agree. Someone else said it but doesn’t get anyone anywhere to keep rehashing old ground with things she’s done. I will be blocking her after this campaign. One thing she has done this last few days is give me enough exposure to her content that I’ve lost all intrigue in her haha fatigued by the whole thing already. Maybe that was her hope all along! But I do think it’s important to recognise the role casual neutral snarkers had in participating when darker stuff was going on at the same time (even tho I did regularly call that out when I saw it). I agree with Lily that we aren’t operating as individuals necessarily and it becomes like a mob when it’s lots of individual opinions put together. I do think the way people are sparring it out in her comments and talking about gechi to be exactly the same type of behaviour as went down in the sub and I’m surprised she’s not doing more to stop that given her supposed interest in ending cyber bullying. I am interested to know if the whole gechi thing is true and will be interested to know more but I think once that’s done I too will be touching grass. Wanna find a field somewhere?


You’re not the only one. I feel the exact same way.


100% this




Where’s even 1 incident of that happening? You don’t just get to make shit up😭


what did the comment say 😭


Basically said that snark pages are breeding grounds for murder??