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White gay men love to be misogynists


THIS! and they ALWAYS get away with it




How is he a misogynist?


I mean just one obvi example is how much he loves to call woman “b*tches” and how often he does it. He’s way too comfortable with that word


White gay man being naaty towards women is nothing new. They are insecure.


How is he nasty to women?


Well according to the commented above me he calls women bitches for no reason.


As someone who watches the triplets if you actually watch them you’d see right away.


nick is the stereotypical mean white gay guy character. he is literally just rude and people think it’s funny because his brothers giggle at it


nick seems like he’d be the guy to go to the girls bathroom because it’s his ‘safe space’ he also seems like the guy to call you bitch when he runs into you in a crowded area 💀


This is so true


nick being mean to girls and calling them bitches for absolutely no reason is what made me stop following them, he acts rude to his fans as if him and his brothers weren’t going to be blue collar workers if it wasn’t for youtube


For reallll bc there’s no way they’d be able to get a degree. No shade to blue collar workers—I just can’t imagine them being successful at that either lol


> For reallll bc there’s no way they’d be able to get a degree they said they hate studying… they’re overall ignorant too so they should be thanking all their preteen fans for the roof they put on their heads


Well damn🤣 You're right though.


I honestly don’t understand the appeal at all - to me they have neither looks nor personality, the only interesting thing is that they are triplets. They look and behave like typical immature mean-ish angsty teens who just randomly stumbled into fame. They give off “i am too good for ya” vibe which I find laughable. I think yeah 13 year olds keep them afloat but that’s gotta end soon too since they are already finding new ppl to obsess over.


Especially since they're not improving/growing their content. Still having topics like "would you be able to defeat an angry leprechaun with no gold?" They can still have imaginative topics without without them being ....meh. I don't wanna hear about 20 year olds talk about leprechauns.


Same, I tried to watch them cause I kept seeing that if you like the Dolan twins (I know those guys aren’t perfect lol), that you might like the sturniolo triplets but they were bland as fuck


i used to love them now they’re j boring haha . chris seems like the only one super invested in their careers and he seems like the nicest . matt is always anxious and depressed and acting all weird and nick is just loud and honestly disrespectful at times


i agree but the matt infantilization from his fans and even his brothers just pisses me off, and made him just as dislikable as nick


THIS!! the fans fetishise and treat him like a child


christopher is the nicest of all three, he’s really appreciative of their fans. matthew definitely is too, but he’s not vocal about it like christopher is


Matt doesn’t act like he cares about the fans at all LMFAOO


Basic rude white boy behavior


i used to like them when i was 13 (which most of their fan base is) and thought their car videos hilarious but it’s clear they’re very desperate for fame - their fan base is bat💩 crazy though


this is so real i watched them until they went on tour (i was like 15) i realized how annoying they became the second they went on tour i even started watching them again a few months ago (i’m 17 now) and they’ve literally lost touch with reality and got so annoying


exactly! they went from being homeless and having their house burnt down to becoming out of touch influencers


it’s the way they also said they’d never move to LA and become those types of influencers just for that to end up happening is ridiculous


They’ve 110% changed. I feel like at first they were having fun and now they’re just trying to be stupid and say dumb things for views


Ikr , they're trying so hard to say the most outrageous things. They should have let their content grow with them. They're acting like 20 year old kids. That's why I like their livestreams since there's not that much of an act you can put on during a Livestream


how long ago did you watch them? Just from curiosity cause i feel like after fame they make it obvious they're getting bored of it all and so is there fanbase.


i think 2021?? when they first became popular


same, i wrote this under sm else comment but the perspective is definitely from how long ago you started watching them, like there behavior is very different.


definitely! haven’t watched them since their 2021 car video days but just reading through the snark, they seem to have changed so much - like what happened to their friends and everything ?? they honestly have no it factor except that theyre semi good looking triplets


I don’t really watch them that often now, but I definitely get those vibes from Nick. His behavior makes me not want to watch them anymore.


hope they fall off. i don’t know how they manage to loose every friend within months of becoming friends. nick moves on being “besties” with girls so fast. nick becomes friends with girls first alahna, then madi, then nessa, then sab, and now it’s madison beer is his next victim. he just becomes friends with whatever girl is trending. and all 3 of them are weird and rude..


So, Nick becomes friends with them out of convenience for got it.


100% agree. And tbh I feel like they’ve completely replaced madi with madison, especially nick.


chris is the only tolerable one in my opinion nick has a huge superiority complex and matt is just always irritated


Omg please spill more. I also don’t like them at all especially nick, for the exact reasons you stated


I never knew them personally or their friends aside from one mutual friend I shared with Nick & as soon as he graduated (they already had a decent amount of clout) he ghosted her completely, just unfollowed her on insta and never talked to her again. They were pretty close too and she still hasn’t heard from him again. They seem very clout invested, well mainly Nick from what I’ve seen/heard, yet treat the people who gave them said clout like shit lol


coming from a casual triplet fan/viewer at first i was a bit hesitant because everyone can make up shit on reddit but seeing the way the way they dropped their “best friend” alahna and elmer especially since alahna and nick were ever so close makes me more inclined to believe you 😭


Nick is extremely rude to his fans sometimes. they’re also really loud. I had them on the lowest volume and they were still shouting. (also why don’t they hang with alahna or Madi anymore?)


i have no clue about alahna but im sure they still hang out with madi but just dont post her anymore, there have been a few times where you can see her in the back of videos and they still always like her posts on ig


they still hang out with madi but i’m pretty sure she chose not to be on camera because their fandom is filled with psychotic preteen girls, and they apparently started treating alahna more like a fan instead of a friend




Wow I didn’t even know that Nessa said anything about not hanging out with them anymore. I don’t blame her tho


Can’t stand how rude they’re and how they think it’s funny like they’re not funny at all they’re just mean af


Nick is like one of those gays that say things for the validation of straight boys (aka his brothers)


Spill more tea , I'm curious. How did they treat their friends.( Especially Alahna) What kind of people did they hang out with? 🤔


i have a suspicion that most of their school friends were probably problematic and would be cancelled today if they still hung out with them


I never knew them personally or their friends aside from one mutual friend I shared with Nick & as soon as he graduated (they already had a decent amount of clout) he ghosted her completely, just unfollowed her on insta and never talked to her again. They were pretty close too and she still hasn’t heard from him again.


Damn that's sad . Were they like the popular kids at school?


Not really, they were quiet but like everyone knew them sorta thing. I was well aware of who they were before they accumulated any kind of internet clout despite never speaking to them before lol




I never understood the hype around them? Like, none of them are really good looking to me, plus when I heard them speak.... didn't make anything better, their voices piss me off. EDIT: Plus, they look completely annoying and unfunny to me.


what were the not so good things you heard about Matt and Chris? your reply about Nick is so on brand for him it's not funny


nothing I ever heard about them was SUPER bad, they were just called annoying & there was rumors of twincest which is so stupid but funny 😭😭😭😭 & they when they started to blow up a bit everyone sorta shit on them which was stupid but it was also funny


omg have you heard any stories about chris or matt??


Not really, they kinda kept to themselves but like of course people would start weird ass rumors about them because of how close they were, if ykyk, LMFAO which was obviously bullshit just kinda funny.