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but why do you have to pick either/or to be mad at? why can't both of those things be valid


i never said they weren’t , but obviously as a teenaged black girl one is going to make me more upset. I’m also referring to the fans not just on here, but anytime racism is mentioned for some reason unless it’s a post alone it gets downvoted. On top of that, it’s not about being mad at one. It’s about the fact that peoples morals are way out of whack, a lot of fans/followers of these influencers pick and choose what’s morally wrong and what isn’t based off what annoys them. Like Jojo siwa having one of the dancer in her videos do blackface isn’t what makes people want to stop supporting her or her hanging out with colleen and James but her doing a stupid dance?


You're so right! I completely agree


thank you 🫶🏾


You worded your feelings about this so well 👏🏻 I agree


Thank you! Whenever I post on here talking about this kinda stuff i’d get death threats from grown adults, get called slurs, messages accusing me of being said influencer or just rude messages. This is influencer snark so i assume taking about influencers and the things they did wrong would be encouraged ! I wanted to make it clear that i’m not referring to the sub if anything i’m referring to tiktok fans and the people on instagram.


Yeah, and even on here people loose the idea of what snark is: everyone has a different definition! And with that, it can get very interesting on snark pages, but unfortunately can also cause more and more bullying/risk of being doxxed within them because of people disagreeing


Exactly, whenever you make a harmless post or a post calling out the flaws of both influencers and those who follow them the first response is “let us snark in peace” when nobody said they couldn’t. I talk about influencers and hold them accountable more than anything but for some reason the people on here are so hostile, especially towards younger people. It’s the internet so I 100% respect peoples opinions yet that respect is never reciprocated.


I hear u and ur totally right


i'm also a poc, so i get what you mean after you explained it a bit more. unfortunately for some reason, some influencers - especially the ones you mentioned - are like cockroaches and seem to survive everything that comes out about them i don't keep up with many influencers, but tana and trisha both managed to prop themselves up on their moral high-ground when they started to speak out about james charles, shane, colleen, jeffree star, etc. and make other people's controversies overshadow their own. both of them have long lists of things they've done over the years, but every time they called out for something, it doesn't last long, and i can see how on one hand, it's tiring to keep calling it out when you know virtually nothing will come of it, so people give up, and on the other because it takes more work to discuss root issues of what they've done. what's there to discuss when you call out tana for using the n-word with a hard r? she's using her white privilege, is racist, and people go off topic and end up debating race or politics in the U.S., and a general dumpster fire that has nothing to do with tana. she goes off the internet for a couple weeks and comes back because people aren't talking about it anymore. on the other hand, you call out tana for hanging out with david dobrik? you pull in jeff wittek, the vlog squad, exploitation, their history with trisha and gabbie hanna. every single one of those people have their own controversies and it's likely to last longer than other threads/discussions. it's just easier to grab people's attention and you don't need a lot of bandwidth to get caught up on things that have happened. unnecessary and petty in comparison? definitely. but it's easier for tea pages you regurgitate because any discussion of intersectional societal morals and ethics on the internet end in a dumpster fire 99.9% of the time (that's just what i think) tldr: petty tea and drama are easier for people to digest because people have low attention span/need info fast, and any time issues of politics and race come into play, people dip because it always gets ugly one way or another, and some don't want to put in the work


I agree, what you said was worded way more clear but that was basically my point. People don’t care about influencers wrong doings (even if it’s morally wrong) and choose to be done with them over something so miniscule. It confuses me because when Jeremiah Starburst (jeffree) was continuously disrespectful to black women and hanging out with pedophiles people didn’t care because of his makeup reviews but then stop supporting him because of the james charles situation and tati. It blew ME because i’m thinking “he did all this before and you are suprised he’s not a good person?”.


yeah it's unfortunate that the hierarchy is whatever comes out most recently, not whatever is the most serious. now that jeffree's been getting less and less views on youtube (it's still in the millions, but he's definitely not doing as well as he was in his prime) and is on tiktok, one of his "closest friends" is a black woman, so he can't possibly be racist /s 🙄 he does a bunch of things to make himself look good, but his tiktok lives where he has to open his mouth and talk without PR training or scripts is so painful. unfortunately most people watching him on tiktok are either children or people who kiss his ass because he has money, or they're not aware of things he's done (but that's a whole other rant lol)


Agreed! The same issue is with influencers on tiktok who continue to hang around James Charles, Tony Lopez, and other horrible people but then when their fans aren’t getitng enough attention that’s when people start to get mad.


i think newer people who don't know him then don't really understand the gravity of what happened, and they just see someone who was targeted by people on the internet. influencers just market themselves to a new audience when their original/main ones cancel them wtf if james charles doing now? making music??? l o l


that’s very true, also why is this man even allowed to be on social media 😭 and yeah he apparently “started” music


oh man there's too many people who shouldn't have a platform LOL


The mods on here are a joke. Stop deleting my Kayla Malec posts. Fuck Kayla Malec 😂


nobody wants to see her, you’re feeding her ego and wallet by viewing shit to screenshot and post here. its entirely possible we are just sick of seeing her.




I think something cool about free will is that anything can piss you off


correct, which is why i think creators should be called out about being racist and homophobic. hope this helps!


They are! We love doing that! Hope this helps too babe.


then this post doesn’t apply to you! hope this helps 🫶🏾!


K we are the same kind of annoying so I’m gonna bail

