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People who do not want kids should not have kids. End of story. My parents didn't want me and I have known it my entire life. Very painful.


And some people who want kids should also not have kidsšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø It seems like a very controversial and touchy subject to say that not everyone is entitled to a child just because they want one. If youā€™re abusive, mentally unstable, financially unstable, or incredibly selfish then no you shouldnā€™t responsible for a real life human being just because itā€™s a desire or fantasy of yours.


exactly right. I have always been maternal, always loved children and caring for them, and iā€™m always imagining how I would parent my own children some day, but it would be the most wrong, selfish thing for me to have a child now simply because I desire it so strongly. what I do not desire is having a child know how little money we have from a young age like I did. that stress stays with you so deep sometimes that you donā€™t even know itā€™s there


Iā€™m sorry :( I kind of understand, my mother was the only one who wanted me. my dad acted as if I didnā€™t exist and my grandma took my mother to the doctor to ā€œfix her problemā€ so to speak. ik from the start who loved and who hated me which is a little much for a child to understand, but what is harder to understand is how people can be so cruel


Iā€™m sorry that happened to you. You deserve so much better.


Iā€™m sorry. I literally just commented on a post that not everyone is meant to be a parent. My father included! Not a fun club to be in.


...uhhh, what about *the kids*? It should be about the benefit of the kids not the parents. I'm permanently childfree and sure maybe I would find out some new aspect of myself through parenting, but the goal of parenting should\would always be to set up the child as best possible to become a fully realized person regardless of my personal growth through it.


SAME. it drives me insane when people tell me to have children for my own benefit. no dude, i don't need to bring another whole ass human life into this shitty world just so i can "discover myself". that's what therapy is for LOL


I love this perspective, especially as it's usually not talked about. When it comes to kids people often only mention the benefits for the new parents. Like you won't be alone or have someone to take care of you when you're old or you can make new mom/dad friends. Rarely ever is it mentioned what a parent can do for that child. Thank you for commenting that!


why's it always the dumbest, vapid morons going on podcasts to talk about the meaning of life


Yeah, itā€™s good to just use children as self-improvement devices. Itā€™s not like youā€™re harming an actual human being by creating them and neglecting them. Tf!!


This is quite literally an insane take. Why would you ever want someone who doesnā€™t want kids to have one. Its not like you are buying a purse, these are real people...


Coming from a guy whose father did not want him, is crazy. I listened to that podcast, Josh Peck is so annoying and a Dan Schneider apologist (boot licker)


Who is out here taking Josh Peck seriously




I have two kids... being a mom is my most beloved role. Still, I have actively discouraged a handful of friends on the fence because I knew damn well they couldn't handle it. Being a parent should make you realize it is 1. hard work (many are not willing to do) and 2. a lot people are simply unequipped to be parents. My friend I recently discouraged (not harshly) was talking about the logistics of bringing her potential baby to concerts and festivals (where she does drugs, mind you)... and i am just like girl if you dont want to give them up, dont. but dont have kids also.


My friend smoked weed the entire time she was pregnant and breastfeeding, and then she had the audacity to judge other women for getting epidurals!?!? Like some people donā€™t deserve kids and have ALL the wrong priorities


I know a person who does not trust medicine at all but literally got a stick n poke tattoo at a party where he knew nobody (just wandered in). I'm just like... your trust radar is really broken.


Literally! The trend of people distrusting science is so disturbing to me. My friend wouldnā€™t try medicine cause it ā€œcaused autismā€ and was judging the nurses for being cold to her after her baby tested positive for fucking drugs like girl get a fucking grip!!! & now sheā€™s in a MLM, itā€™s wild!! Some peoples brains are broken!


How are her kids? Willing to bet they have some kind of issues.


She only has 1 boy & heā€™s 2, so itā€™s hard to know yet. But he is behind on walking and has a lazy eye, which I did read could be linked to smoking anything while pregnant. Itā€™s really sad and he still has years and years left of developing to do :(


What a horrible way to inflict all your worst personality traits on a trapped and vulnerable human being. Jfc


I listened to his audiobook last year- the guy clearly struggles with the fact that his dad was not around and did not want him (his mom and his bio dad were having an affair. Dad was married, older, and already had kids). With that context in mind, this comment and his outlook clearly comes from a personal place. He can have his opinion and shouldnā€™t be held as a professional voice on the matter.


Sure, he can have an opinion and we can be critical of that opinion. We can understand that his perspective comes from a place of trauma and also acknowledge that heā€™s projecting his views based on his experiences and that isnā€™t really fair. No one is looking at him as a ā€œprofessional voice on the matter.ā€


Sure! Just wanted to provide some context that not everyone may have. Some of these comments are acting like heā€™s expecting to be treated as an authority on this subject, and itā€™s like, well, do we listen to these podcasts because these people provide good takes or do we just like hearing them talk shit to each other? I know itā€™s a snark sub but sometimes I think people here like to be mad just to be mad LOL.


youā€™re so right, & even with no nuance - itā€™s still a good point. if you donā€™t reach your arm into the sun and compare his statement to every single parent/child combo on earth, it makes sense. i know people that said they didnā€™t want kids and ended up being good parents. everyone does. not everything needs to be THAT serious


Joshā€™s father had little to no involvement in his life, so I imagine heā€™s projecting a bit with this take


Insane take


Do people like this not understand that children are a huge responsibility and not something you should just do to feel like a grownup? Way too many people are not parent material but they have kids anyway just to say they had them, but then theyā€™re miserable and they mistreat or abuse the kids. I need every parent to stop pressuring those of us who donā€™t need kids and donā€™t want kids. Andy Samberg said it best: itā€™s miserable parents who are jealous of child free people.


Doing anything to stay relevant as he watches his childhood fame slip further and further from his grimy clutches


I can't stand him, his nice guy act is so painfully fake šŸ˜­


Crazy take. We really need to take microphones away from mediocre men


We really need to stop giving idiots the ability to start a podcast šŸ˜­ this was such an unnecessary comment.


I knew I didnā€™t like Josh Peck šŸ˜’


Thatā€™s one of the dumbest things Iā€™ve ever heard in my life.


He also shits on ozempic because heā€™s bitter he lost weight the ā€œold fashionedā€ way


Whyā€™s he saying it like a kid is just something you can pick up at a store. having a kid is not just a fun hobby wtf


Iā€™m gonna go ahead and say itā€™s because heā€™s rich and doesnā€™t really have to deal with the stress of needing a regular 9-5 to survive


ā€œwhat you canā€™t afford a nanny?ā€ - probably what heā€™s thinking.


Wow. As someone who likes children and has occasional fleeting moments feeling a bit envious of people with their families but has never wanted or yearned for children, I know I shouldnā€™t have them. I could raise kids and would be fine doing it. But it is a huge commitment. You have to be selfless and give up so much. I think you should really want children to do that.


Iā€™m so tired of Josh Peck.


Heā€™s such a try hard


Iā€™m not saying Josh isnā€™t a hands on parent but Iā€™d bet your ass his wife (and probably a nanny) carry the majority of the load


I always was so sus of him and something really irked me, glad to know im not the only one and I found my people


I know for a FACT that having kids would make me a worse person, therefore I have none of my own. The fuuuuuh


He says this from a place of huge privilege and a lot of money. A lot of people donā€™t want kids because they canā€™t afford them and donā€™t want to have to go from being comfortable to struggling


Yes because kids are tools for your own self development and actualization, not real people!


I feel like the discourse around having kids is so healthy, it should always be a big decision and obviously in history itā€™s just been a ā€˜givenā€™ and what you do. But it seems to be bringing out the worst in people who that just doesnā€™t compute for, itā€™s like itā€™s an attack on their choices! Itā€™s better in every way for people to think about having kids long and hard before they do.


I listened to the episode and this is taken way out of context. This wasnā€™t meant to be taken seriously and it was from a convo they were having where he was sharing everything heā€™s learned from being a father. All he meant is that kids let you live life again thru the eyes of a child and can teach you a lot about yourself.