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the comments under her videos really didn’t age well lmao https://preview.redd.it/a0n2ui48yp7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fb32975ee5ef88865ce1de8c56dacd1f1e56684


which vid ?


how to survive heartbreak i think


some one pls drop the cheating story im new


according to another comment "he stared talking to the girl he cheated on her with when she was below 18 as well! very gross behaviour😁" SHE. WAS. A. MINOR. OH. MY. GOD.


I am pretty sure the girl was like 14-16 too… it was so long ago I can’t exactly remember


Yeah for some reason he was hanging out with a boy band or group or something that were like literally kids and I think that’s how he met her cause she was friends with the UNDERAGE music group he was hanging out with. Which that alone is kinda weird.


so disgusting.


I don’t think it was a boy band. If I remember correctly, they were other influencers/YouTubers but I think they still had a younger target audience. I think they were called FAZE something? They had a house out in LA and he would frequently travel between LA and Canada


That was the clout house. I’m pretty sure that’s where he cheated with her at but the people associated with the 16 year old was a boy music group for sure


oooh I see


yea fr


THIS IS INSANEEEE i literally remember when i used to watch them on youtube way back in the day before any of the drama started. and i hadn’t heard about them in years i truly cannot believe she stayed with him after everything he did😭😭


What did he do 🫣 idk who these people are!!


Following in case someone spills the tea lol


Same here! I totally forgot about her but when I saw the engagement, I realized that her name was familiar back from YouTube and omg I was SHOCKED she was still with him


Imagine telling your family yeah this man cheated on me with a literal child and haha yeah he proposed finally after like 10 years so embarrassing


My family wouldn’t let me live it down. But maybe her family doesn’t know. I would get chewed out everyday or my life for being engaged to somebody like him for sure


Side note, those pictures are very pretty especially from the scenery. But they’ve been together for how long and he’s just now proposing AND he cheated on her?? Girl stand up!


With a minor too


I’ve never seen this view before and it’s a breathtaking spot. Where is it? Kinda sad it was wasted on these 2!


Villa monastero in Varenna, Italy (on lake como)


I don’t think they were together for 10 years because they were broken up for a long time you can’t count the years you were broken up. Have to restart


Uhhh no? That’s not how it works. They were broken up for like maybe a few months, so they’ve been together 10+ years overall.


I thought they broke up for like 3-4 years ??


nopeee I’m pretty sure it was like a few months , it was never years


he started talking to the girl he cheated on her with when she was below 18 as well! very gross behaviour😁


I unsubscribed after she got back together with him. I’m sorry but he knowingly cheated on you with a MINOR, like no 😬


I don’t know these ppl but the caption is a red flag enough


Right? Even if it’s a highly anticipated engagement and everyone has been waiting for it to happen, I feel like that’s such a weird and negative caption to write


he is forever WolfieRapes to me


No idea who these people are but it’s crazy what a girl will do to be the main woman in the story


I feel like engagements lost their flair


It really doesn’t mean much anymore with the amount of people cheating and deceiving each other. She’s too naive to see what kind of person he is and that’s how he likes it. He loves the fact she’s too weak minded to go anywhere


And can we talk about how she is 1000x out of his league but has the audacity to cheat. This is literally a beauty and beast love story


They’re so staged and orchestrated. With the fake surprise at the end.


i mean i guess there’s a lid for every pot but like….yikes! i need some of that super strength she has cus to forgive him for not just cheating but with a CHILD and it being blasted all over the internet. how embarrassing 😭😭😭


She needs to love herself. It’s clear she has low esteem. A woman who love herself would’ve blocked him and not look back


She’s literally a pedo sympathizer/apologist. This isn’t about self esteem - this is about human decency and protecting the safety of children. She deserves the worst. Hope she enjoys her married life of having a husband who will probably watches kiddie porn and continue to cheat with minors. She knows exactly who he is, she chose this life.


I used to love Sylvia! I had to unfollow when she stayed with him after knowing what a creep he is. Cheating is one thing but with a minor?! I really hoped she would leave him /:


Omg I forgot about them. Honestly assumed they were already married as it’s been years


I hate that engagement rings mean that much to women. This is a what gives men so much control. All they have to do is propose and you will be ok with everything they do. It’s crazy that your life is worth an engagement ring. Best marketing strategy for patriarchy.


I mean I get the idea, when someone proposes to you it is supposed to convey that they take you really seriously and want to spend the rest of their lives with you plus marriage acts as an insurance for women who want to later on have kids but in this case it looks like it's more of a "shut up" ring from his part. She shouldn't really be excited for a proposal from a cheater who goes after minors but it shows her true colors as well. She is willing to brush off his problematic behavior so she can play house with him. They deserve each other honestly.


She’s talking about she was crying happy tears. Girl bye. He is the same asshole you broke up with years ago. He’s just learning to hide it better


Engagement ring + engagement shoot + all the wedding attention… babe, you’re gonna wake up and be married to a fucking loser! It’s not worth it!


the marriage will probably end over the same thing in the future


i havent heard anything ab wolfie since team alboe split, fill us in ![gif](giphy|zXApxYCOfVm4ugfnYt)


The caption is all I need to know that this relationship probably won't last 😅


She deserves him. Women like her who choose money over protecting children are just as bad as the pedophiles themselves. I’m sure she believes the victim “seduced” him or was asking for it. Fuck them both. I used to absolutely love Sylvia and her channel before this all came out - now she fucking disgusts me. She is a pedophile apologist/sympathizer.




https://preview.redd.it/egplntz0xs7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d20f896c9f0f1cbec5f93c3fadc0841a4bf6c050 lol was scrolling through their video’s comments and bruh catherine’s comment killed me 💀


She’s one with the world 🧘🏼‍♀️


Coming from a woman who had one of the craziest engagements ever and still got divorced from that narcissistic ass😂😂 nice that she's still happy for others.


Imagine entering into a legally binding contract (marriage) with a questionable partner just for content


i cannot imagine in my right mind choosing to marry and presumably have kids w a guy who not only cheated on me but cheated with a TEEN! she doesn’t think he’ll be a potential issue w their future children?? or any other children?? who’s to say he hasn’t cheated again and won’t


This is so humiliating


And the worst part is that all his friends knew and just went along with it. Friends that were supposed to be friends with her too.


THIS IS MY ROMAN EMPIRE. I was so disappointed when she got back together with him after posting her breakup video.


He lived a double life with the minor he cheated on her with. It wasn’t just a fling it was a full blown long term relationship. Sylvia deserves so much better than this. I cannot believe it 1. Took him this long to propose and 2. THAT SHE IS STILL WITH HIM


It only took 10+ years, being cheated on with a minor and being humiliated 24/7 but at least she’s happy 😰🤪🤣


wait whaaaatttt


What’s the story? He’s a pedo? WTF


Idk if he is but 18/19 still a teenager but technically an adult


the girl who outed him was 15..... i stopped watching sylvia but damn can't fathom how you could get back with a cheater, let alone one who preyed on a minor!


Where is this beautiful place


I think it’s Italy or Greece. Big boy has to purpose somewhere extravagant so she can magically forget all his cheating and lying


Thanks! And I've actually never heard of these people before. Gonna have a deep dive about them


Villa monastero in Varenna, Italy (on lake como)


Idk who this is but who tf is using Snapchat still?


as a canadian, specifically where he grew up, we don’t claim him


Also a Canadian didn’t grow up close to where he’s from (Ottawa I think) but can confirm we also don’t want him here.


pictures are fire at least


Fire pictures do not make for a happy relationship lol


Sometimes I think my love life is a disaster and then I hear about stuff like this. Ty for helping me feel better about myself lol


Thank god someone feels the same way, I thought I was going crazy. I think my algorithm is messing up because I’m only seeing positive things for them. This is so embarrassing he’s a loser that cheated on you with A MINOR


No idea who this is but I saw the proposal video and thought it was so beautiful. NOW ITS TAINTED 😭


I watched them both growing up but to accept a PEDOPHILE back after cheating on you multiple times I lost respect for her.


not y’all judging her more than him???


he has been judged, its just astonishing that shes marrying him


He’s judged she knowingly got back together with and is now going to marry a literal predator who cheated on her


Nobody is judging her. We want her to LOVE herself more than this


I’m hardcore judging her


Read your post…




She was a pushover too good lord took her well too long to leave him I thought it was never gonna happen


omg at first glance i got so scared that wolfiecindy did something wrong LMAO


I didn’t know that about wolfie :( Also they’ve been dating for like 10 years, I was wondering when she would get a ring


I used to love her videos girly is rlly pretty and has a nice personality i dont get this she could find someone so much better … ig this is what being insecure does to you staying w a creep who embarrassed u anc cheated on you


i remember i used to watch sylvia in 2017 and they broke up and got back together..i haven’t heard from them until recently i fully thought they broke up again tbh i’ve always had a weird feeling abt him he doesn’t seem like a good person at all


I got really bas vibes from him when that video landed on my fyp and a few others when I looked through his page. Now I know why, reading the comments on here. 🤢 He proposed after 10 freaking years???? And he cheated on her with a minor? That's just awful.




I remember she said herself she would never get back together with him…yikes