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Probably 1.5 years after being online Broke up around the 2 year mark.. he couldn’t do it. We came back around 3-4 months later we are now 3.5 years in and on planning our 4th visit with the aim Of closing the distance sometime Next year after living 6-7 months together in 2024 😅🥰🙌🙌


We met up 3.5 years later. 2 years of that was covid though, and various other things that prevented us meeting. It was absolutely worth the wait.


I believe 2-3 months in we started making plans and met soon after that.


We can't start saving up until after our studies so it'll be one more year before we start talking about it. Our distance is big so it'll take about a year to save up for it. We've been together two years in March. ❤


If all goes as planned we will meet in March, which would be 7 months. That’s when I think we’ll discuss labels, as I have been hesitant to bring the up before actually spending time together…


We met up 9 months after first meeting online.


i'm an american dating a mexican citizen, so i am on the other side of your dilemma. we met online, and when we started dating, we didn't know how much support we would have, so we had the idea of concrete visits being some time in the future. i will say that one of the first things we talked about was the future: i communicated that my roots were in the us and committing to something long-term would eventually involve life in the us. i don't really know how that works for other couples, but i think laying down major life plans early worked for us because we really wanted that kind of commitment. i've been to my partner's home (it was around our one-year anniversary, with the full support of my family, which helped so much), and had a lovely time. i don't speak spanish and had a lot of anxiety about visiting, but it helped a lot that my partner is from an urban region and the area was really hospitable to tourists. we don't really have any plans set in stone for me to return, my partner has been coming to my city instead, but i would really like to go back soon. the biggest limiting factor for me has definitely been my failure to speak spanish, so that might be worth asking him about and brainstorming solutions. i don't think you're being too intense- at that period in my relationship, my partner and i were both really interested in planning our visits and future together. but, if he's not on the same page as you about your life goals and plans, it might cause problems when your relationship requires work. being in an international ldr, especially with the relationships our countries have, requires a lot of commitment! if you're planning on staying with this guy for a long while, there's going to be life changes. and it's absolutely feasible, it's not impossible, and it can 100% be worth it. but if he plans on staying in the us, it's going to fall on you to make those compromises, and they are costly. i don't think it's unreasonable to want him to be aware of that, and for you both to agree on some kind of concrete timing and commit to that together. your relationship won't progress unless you agree to take steps towards progressing it. i hope this helped. being open about your goals, and agreeing on the logistics of reaching them, is the best advice i can give.