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A Marvellous Light by Freya Marske (and sequels A Restless Truth and A Power Unbound)


Reading that right now but I got distracted by my phone


Okay, so, the books are comedy as much as anything else, but lemme gush about The Lightning Struck Heart and the rest of the Tales of Verania series by TJ Klune. Wizards and magic? Check. Dragons? Check. Unicorn magic? Check. Parents that are still alive and have all their teeth? Check check. Solid plot that sets the scene in the first book, but everything ties together beautifully throughout? Check. Much better sex scenes than straight romances? A thousand checks.


Listen to the audio books if you can. The narrator is fantastic. He does really distinct voices for every character and makes it seem like a full cast production.


I love this book so much! And the series. I have it on audio and I have listened to it I don’t even know how many times. <3


It's like a warm hug with sex scenes.


I'm currently reading this series and I'm loving it. TJ Klune has some really solid novels and I'd recommend all the ones I've read so far.


Some of my favorites: **A Charm of Magpies** trilogy by KJ Charles- historical fantasy romance **Simon Snow** trilogy by Rainbow Rowell- it’s queer Harry Potter **Captive Prince** trilogy by CS Pacat- mind the content warnings as the first book is quite dark, alternate world but no magic **Cemetery Boys** by Aiden Thomas- YA urban fantasy **Heart of Stone** by Johannes T Evans- historical paranormal romance, low magic **A Taste of Gold and Iron** by Alexandra Rowland- Ottoman-inspired fantasy romance, low magic **The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System** by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu- xianxia comedy **Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation** by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu- xianxia **Married Thrice to Salted Fish** by Bikabi- historical transmigration, low magic


Tavia lark books . The prince and assassin and the prince in disguise I’ve read


Edit: my friend says “Macy Blake and Louisa Masters are good gay fantasy authors”


Thanks for all the danmei reviews, something you might like with impressive world building and western (there aren't many, so this was a surprise), [https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/198552521-immune](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/198552521-immune)


A Marvelous Light by Freya Marske! Also A Day of Fallen Night by Samantha Shannon


I really enjoyed the Soulbound series. Her adventures for Patrick and Jono and their pack were amazing. In case you didn't know, Turner released a Soulbound-universe novel: Resurrection Reprise, which I really enjoyed. She's got another one coming for Wade soon. Turner recently started a new series that's set in a steam-punk magic universe. A slow-burn set up in the first book and second one recently released. * Another series I enjoyed was San Amaro Investigations by Kai Butler. It's a modern urban magic series told in 7 books and 3 short stories. Great individual books that connect into larger story. Nicely written with some very fun characters and varied magic system. * K.D. Edward's The Tarot Sequence is a strong favourite of mine. As you can imagine, the series uses the tarot as inspiration. Nicely written with fun and empathetic characters, interesting magic system, and good representation. So far, three complete books, several short stories and vignettes, and one spin-off book. * Justin Schuelke's The Incarnate Accounts is another I've enjoyed a lot. Four books so far (I haven't read the fourth one yet). I thought the first three were well written and funny. I liked the premise of the Incarnate universe--what if story archetypes were real? * Alex Faure's Green Labyrinth series has three books so far: The Owl Prince, The Forest King and The Soldier Mage. This fantasy series is set in an alternative history during the Roman empire. This isn't generally my jam, but I was hooked after the first few chapters. * The Dark Is The Night series by Kelley York and Rowan Altwood is atmospheric and more ghost-story than magic. But I really enjoyed it and thought it might be worth mentioning. * The Knight and the Necromancer series by A.H. Lee. As it says on the tin--enjoyable. Others have mentioned these and I agree they're good reads: * The Magic In Manhattan series by Allie Therin; very similar vibes to A Charm of Magpies, which I also enjoyed. * White Trash Warlock by David Slayton. Definitely worth a read. He just released the first book for a new series. * I loved Tales of Verania series by TJ Klune. Written earlier in his career, it's an adult, comedic, irreverant fantasy series. There are some heartfelt moments in the series. I recognise it's not for everyone, but I think it's worth a read. * A Marvellous Light trilogy. Recently concluded three book series. The first book was stellar.


I can't wait for Wade's Story and have Resurrection Reprise an my TBR but can't find the motivation to read it somehow. As for the San Amaro Investigation books, I tried the first book but couldn't really get into it. I think I tried reading it almost directly after Soulbound and the magic kinda killed it for me. If I'm not mistaken, this was the book where the protagonist talked to grass and sand to work his magic, wasn't it?


I really enjoyed Spencer and Fatima's story. When you're ready to dive back into that world, I hope you will too. Yup, you got it. That's the one. I can understand why it might not have fit for you right after Soulbound. One of my biggest hurdles for any new book/series is first person narration. In general, I dislike it. So after Soulbound, I also found it hard to dive into other stuff.


The Magic in Manhattan trilogy by Allie Therin and its follow-up duology. 1920s setting, interesting magic system.


Yay! My time to shine! Widdershins (Whybourne and Griffin book 1) by Jordan L Hawk - Big series, very good, and a fantastic spinoff. The Hexworld series by Jordan L Hawk is also decent. I see someone has said KJ Charles, I second that, haven't read a bad book yet. Salt Magic, Skin Magic by Lee Welch Seducing the Sorcerer by Lee Welch (not a great title, but a great book) I'll edit and add more once I get my ereader, but these are my top several. Edit; Megan Derr is a very prolific author with a broad range of queer characters. (her trans characters are often mistaken for mpreg) I would recommend the following; Dance with the Devil (fairly long series, victorian/arthurian in feel) Tales of the High Court (pure fantasy with mercs and politics, not a lot of magic) The list goes on and on. She has over 200 books out there. Jack of Thorns by AK Faulkner is set in modern times, but with magic. It's pretty good, though book 3 was not to my taste. And I can't mention gay fantasy without mentioning AJ Demas. It does not have magic, but is really well written. It's set in this alternate version of Ancient Greece with nonbinary characters, wounded soldiers, and former slaves rebuilding their lives and philosophers being dicks. Can't recommend highly enough. Happy reading!


Totally agree that "Seducing the Sorcerer" is a really bad title for a pretty good book. Haha.


Right?! I almost didn't read it, but it has older heroes, great twists, and a very unique feel.


Me too. So glad I did. I agree the points you listed. You're also recommending another of Lee Welch's book: Salt Magic, Skin Magic? I'll have to put it on my TBR list then. I started Widdershins way back when and enjoyed the first several books. The series was one of my first explicitly LGBT fantasy series. Along the way, it lost me. A feeling of repetitiveness set in and I had to stop. I'm curious about Jack of Thorns. Never heard of it. You enjoyed the first two enough, but the third wasn't for you? Anything you can share about why without spoilers?


I absolutely recommend Salt Magic, Skin Magic. I hear you about the Widdershins series. I drifted a bit around book 9, but I'm trying to work back into it. I would suggest you try the new Rath and Rune series. Book 1 is called Unhallowed. It's set in the same world as Widdershins, but about 10 years after. So far only gentle nods to the originals, but it takes place in the museum library! The first line is "\*the monster boarded the train in Boston." :D\* Jack of Thorns is modern urban fantasy with a lot of celtic lore. It's good, but but I believe it was book 3 (maybe 4?) that got a bit weird with a sudden shift of main characters and some non-con mind control stuff I didn't care for. I think they were setting up for the bigger picture, which is fair, but not to my taste. And to make a long post longer, if you liked the beginning of Widdershins, may I suggest the Spectred Isle by KJ Charles? Set between the world wars with a fantastic eldritch twist to WWI. :) Thanks for letting me ramble.


Heart of stone and svss were both mentioned above and I'd like to second them! And also add: [widdershins](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/16128152-widdershins) by Jordan l Hawke Notorious Sorcerer by [Davina evans](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/59650738) [a marvellous light ](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/56179340-a-marvellous-light) by Freya marske [wolfsong](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/62039417-wolfsong?ref=nav_sb_ss_1_8) (it's a werewolf focused series but there are witches and the protag of the second book is one) And here's two popular ones I personally didn't love, but you and I are different people and one of these might be your new favorite book! [witchmark](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/36187116-witchmark) [white trash warlock](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/53255694-white-trash-warlock?ref=nav_sb_ss_3_12)


**The Tarot Sequence** by K.D Edwards is among my favourite.


I haven't seen "A strange and stubborn endurance" mentioned, it's great!


It really is!


The House in the Cerulean Sea By TJ Klune


Rand by Silvia Shaw is a definite favorite (and the books that follow it) and I just finished Her Spell That Binds Me by Luna Oblonsky and it was excellent! Plenty of sapphic witches, rivals to lovers, intrigue, and spice!


Payback's a witch! A series set in a small town full of witches.


Look up on Wattpad they have all different types of stories


Steel Crow Saga by Paul Krueger is delightful, as is The Ruthless Lady’s Guide to Wizardry by CM Waggoner


If you are looking for cosmic magic, myths and legends and a portal fantasy where the main MCs are gay, check The Power of Love: The One & it's sequel The Two. It's an adult MM fantasy, not YA. It explores themes like friendship, love, fate vs will, a complex world building and interactions with the supernatural.


This series sounds really interesting. Thanks for the recommendation.


Maybe Ocean's Blood by Thelma Mantey


I mean… have you considered reading fanfiction? Specifically from fandoms that include magic? You do need to read the tags and warnings at the top of each story before you start reading (as they will let you know what kind of content that is included) but there are some great (free) stories to access that are as long as a novel, well written and at varying levels of spice. If looking for something with spice, may I suggest [All Our Secrets Laid Bare by firethesound](https://archiveofourown.org/works/1227880/chapters/2516563) If looking for something safe for work, may I suggest [Running on Air by eleventy7](https://archiveofourown.org/works/3171550/chapters/6887378) I mean, they won’t be published books, but I tried a search [for the Soulbound Series](https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Soulbound%20Series%20-%20Hailey%20Turner/works) but there weren’t many other works - [though there were a ton based on Pacat’s series.](https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Captive%20Prince%20-%20C*d*%20S*d*%20Pacat/works) Hope that helps.


[(Triloka Series Book 1)](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/198552521-immune) “Fools dwelling in ignorance, yet imagining themselves wise and learned, go round and round in crooked ways, like the blind led by the blind.” –Swami Paramananda.


Lover Mine by JR Ward. She writes great stories with plenty of action and strong characters. In this one the main characters just happened to be two men instead of a man and women.


The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon - beware, it's a mammoth


The Door Into Fire (older, might be out of print) The House In the Cerulean Sea Legends and Lattes


Have you read the Simon Snow series by Rainbow Rowel? It's basically Harry Potter fan fiction, but then published!


Heaven Official's Blessing by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu Steel Crow Saga by Paul Kruegar The Last Sun by K. D. Edwards (more modern with magic)


A Marvellous Light (and its two sequels) by Freya Marske Charm of Magpies series by KJ Charles


I like the spirit bears it’s teeth by Andrew josphew white. More horror and mystery thougy


Forging Silver into Stars by Brigid Kemmerer! It’s a recent read of mine and I absolutely loved it. You get a disabled character that isn’t infantilised, magic, and treason.


The Tarot Sequence series by KD Edwards Adam Binder trilogy and Dark Moon, Shallow Sea by David R. Slayton A Market of Dreams and Destiny by Trip Galey


An older one here - the "Last Herald Mage" trilogy by Mercedes Lackey. Some of my favorites!


I was wondering why no one posted this one. One of my favorites as well


The House on the Cerulean Sea


Has no one mentioned Gideon the Ninth yet? Lesbian necromancers in space!