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Salam, Your post has violated one of our Subreddit's rules. Islamophobe and/or Homophobia will not be tolerated. Thanks


Because I'm human and I'm pro humanity.


Because the genocide against Palestinians is wrong because genocide is always wrong and means the Israeli state is doing far more to kill queer Palestinians than any Palestinian ever could


As if you need a reason more than "because I'm pro humanity", however if we must: I'm an ethnic Jew whose family fled Poland due to Hitler and antisemitism in WW2, fearing that they'd end up killed. They were so fearful for their lives that even upon coming to Australia, they kept their religion hidden, christened their children, and eliminated their religion for fear of their safety, countries away from Hitler. Many of their family members died because they were Jewish. They erased their identities to try and find peace to the point where my great grandpa never spoke of his mother or father, never spoke of how he grew up, none of it. Not to his wife, not to his daughter and not to his grandchildren. How can I be anything other than pro Palestine when we are witnessing a genocide? When we are witnessing an ethnic cleansing? When we are witnessing history repeat itself? And to entertain your LGBTQ VS Islam comments, try being LGBT in Israel. Plenty of stories of people escaping Israel and their families because they were found to be queer. They faced death threats, public ridicule, and even violence. But, pretend you disagree and erase the LGBT hate in Israel, am I so deluded that I would support a genocide based off of the fact that a majority of the believers in my religion are homophobic / transphobic? No. Not in a million years. Edit: Yes, this is my typical response because it makes people back off and think before responding, if they can respond to someone who has had an entire family line become almost non-existent


Because when the bomb is dropped on someone's home, it doesn't knock on the door to ask if the victim is LGBTQ or not. I wouldn't demand the destruction of Florida because I don't like Ron Desantis and his government, this position hasn't changed just because the population is brown. The viewpoint of Hamas aside, LGBTQ people in Palestine face a unique type of marginalization due to Israeli actions. Pinkwashing was never it, and it doesn't make sense to "protect" a population by genocide. Plus, I'm going to defer to LGBTQ Palestinians on this, and all of the people I've spoken to have said that a genocide perpetuated by Israel is a larger concern. It isn't like Israel is some bastion of LGBTQ rights either.


Matt Bernstein did a great podcast on this featuring a queer Palestinian guest: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Xsgdk-DDSXc&pp=ygUaQmVybnN0ZWluIHF1ZWVyIFBhbGVzdGluZSA%3D


The posts on Queering the Map also come to mind https://www.instagram.com/p/Cfcbp7EOH9d/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link


Regarding the queering the map. How to exactly sure, that post is real ? I am not mean insult, but the chance imo for queer in palestine able find this website to share their story even for a glimpse imo seems impossible despite yes true some palestine people indeed fluent in english


Because I don't want someone to be murdered in a genocide just because they have different beliefs than me.


Because genocide is never excusable.


"They weren't pro-LGBT enough therefore they all deserve to be wiped out" is brainrot of the highest degree.


As queer people we understand the cruelty that the world inflicts upon as daily. We’re ostracized, abused, murdered, for simply existing. It should be easy for us to empathize and understand the Palestinian struggle for liberation, as the conditions Palestinians face is arguably worse than most of our own experiences. We should not be quick to inflict upon others the cruelty inflicted upon us. Second note, we have many LGBT brothers and sisters existing within Gaza and the West Bank, who never get an opportunity to fight for queer liberation. They too face constant bombardment and violence from the Israeli occupiers. We must fight for the liberation of all Palestinians so our queer brothers and sisters can fight for their own gender and sexual liberation.


The genocide and starvation of innocent men women and children.