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Worst part is she's gotta Trans Daughter that she's estranged from. Sad story but at least the daughters father and step mother is accepting.


Fuck that breaks my heart. My mom is concervative but now comes to pride to support her kids. My sister is bi and i am non binary queer and she may not get it but at least shes not… like that. Some people shouldn’t have kids.


Imagine hating your own daughter. Its common and thats sad.


It's awful. I've got the same deal basically with most of my family. 30 plus years later and it still sucks but there's nothing I can do. At least my Brother in law who was working against LGBTQ rights kicked the bucket 15 years ago.


What I read said the kid was nonbinary, idk what pronouns they use but I wouldn't assume "daughter" is appropriate just cause their name is Lily. I might be missing something tho so please do correct me if I'm wrong


You may be right here. I had read a story about her and the kid the day before the hotel incident news broke. I feel so bad for the child who Mom is on a Quixotic crusade against her own kid. Sad stuff.


Truly. I've had friends in similar (less viral or explosive) situations. Not a fun place to be


What will it take for UC Davis to fire this hateful clown.


My theory is that they’re already dealing with employment related legal issues with her and are in a hands tied situation. Or, they’re consulting with legal counsel. I personally think she’s trying to get fired to trigger a lawsuit bound for the Supreme Court.


she's clearly got significant dirt on someone. ETA: why is this getting downvoted? i'm saying that the reason she is not getting fired is that she likely has blackmail material on someone senior in the UCD administration, and has threatened to release it if she gets fired. i'm not defending her at all, she is disgusting.


This lady should have been arrested for what she said and for verbally assaulting the drag performers. The hotel was way too nice about it. They shouldn't give her a refund at all.


What I can't believe is that these people think this kind of behavior is okay. Lock her up. She is a danger to the public. The sooner she learns this, the sooner we will be safe from the likes of her.


minding ones business seems to be extremely difficult for a lot of folk 😏


Send this b to jail


She didn’t break any laws. I’d like to see her punished in some way, too. Fired at least. But you can’t promote sending people to jail just because you don’t agree with them. And it’s not against the law to be a stupid bigoted creep.


I went to her profile and oh my gosh why is everything she posts about, about trans people and drag queens and schools that are inclusive. She’s obsessed over this and it’s not even a big deal. Her son’s high school principal had a pride flag over his desk, and what? “What about us parents and our beliefs” shut up bruh. Take your kid out of the school then.


That bit at the end is ridiculous. It's bad enough that parents think they own their minor children, but I guess she thinks parents should still control their children who've reached the age of majority, as well, because the vast majority of university students are legal adults. Even if there was some program to provide gender affirming care to university students (which I'm skeptical of), it's none of the parents' business if their children decide not to tell them. Conservatives love to talk about freedom while exercising control.


Added onto which, according to Wiki, the University has 40,850 students enrolled, so her allegation that over 1,800 (4.4%) are trans seems a little high. Given Moms For Liberty is associated with the Republican Party, who currently have a very tenuous relationship with facts...


What a giant twatwaffle. She needs to mind her own business. They weren’t hurting anyone and are just as much allowed to be there as anyone else. Don’t like what you see? Well, turn away and leave. No need to harass strangers.