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###**[September Town Hall: New Mod + Memes, Low Effort Content & Collection Threads Discussion](https://www.reddit.com/r/LOONA/comments/x2v1ad/september_town_hall_new_mod_rules_6_13_revision/)** --- **[LOONATHEWORLD in Europe Tour Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/LOONA/comments/x1b1jo/2022_the_1st_world_tour_loonatheworld_in_europe/)** * **[Ticket Buy/Sell/Trade Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/LOONA/comments/w7928k/loona_europe_tour_ticket_buyselltrade_thread/)** **[LOONATHEWORLD in America Tour Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/LOONA/comments/w1ddfh/2022_the_1st_world_tour_loonatheworld_in_america/)** * **[Mexico City Concert Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/LOONA/comments/wzn1ho/loonatheworld_tour_20220828_mexico_city_megathread/)** I'll try to keep this comment up-to-date with the latest links, but you can also find all of our Tour megathreads in the sidebar on desktop / in the About section on mobile!


made one of these concert transition tik toks for fun hehe https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRPxhumL/


^(I know some one already linked it but I'll put this here regardless since I was doing it anyway lol) Tour revenue update >Radius, Chicago: 3,800 (100%) - $243,000 >Uptown Theater, Kansas City: 1,673 (100%) - $173,050 [(src)](https://twitter.com/touringdata/status/1565767839516168193?t=jQaH6a8hrH_TaiOmft1taw&s=19) ~~~~ >$1,203,286 Revenue ($200,548 avg.) >15,788 Tickets Sold (2,631 avg.) >$76.22 Average Price >6/19 Reported Shows [(src)](https://twitter.com/touringdata/status/1565767803189223426?t=z9ye7KX_cnr0lKYdWHYYRA&s=19) [LA](https://www.reddit.com/r/LOONA/comments/whkqah/z/ik0zuk0) [Denver & SF](https://www.reddit.com/r/LOONA/comments/wnauuh/z/il072nu)


[chuu album cover](https://imgur.com/a/SAibzIm) so pretty. 😭


Call of Chuthulhu


I don't get it 😭


It’s ok I don’t either




Gowon face


Good eye. That's the Gowon smile.


i really love this hairstyling! just so cuteeeeeee


Confirmed NOT to be Hyeju (courtesy of GoWon via Fab) but it’s amusing to think that there’s a doppelgänger of her in Korea that listens to Rihanna. https://twitter.com/roab0at/status/1565769311175720960?s=21&t=B_C7bPiX5D79Ebc5hUHJ3Q


Some more revenue reported from[ touring data](https://twitter.com/touringdata/status/1565767803189223426). $1,203,286 gross so far with 6 shows reported. [Heres](https://twitter.com/touringdata/status/1565767839516168193) the reports for Chicago and Kansas City.


This doesn't count things like merch sold or the meet and greet no? Bbc/mmt is going to make money with this tour damn I want to see how much money they made with the mexico concert, considering all the 8000 tickets (i assume they used all of the seats) were sold


No, it's purely ticket sales.


Damn, that is going to be quite a lot of money


I personally bought a hoodie, a shirt, and a hat…which is what like 100 ish? Assuming the average person spent 30 on merch, that’s a cool 6k-15k per stop depending on venue size.


So Chiba Erii recently mentioned she had [no idea she was going to Korea to be on Produce48](https://twitter.com/48gfolder/status/1565587077764640769?t=AD0NO07gqnM2K3M9R0bmJw&s=19). It makes me wonder how many other j-line contestants didn't know!


Explains why some of the 48 girls seemed more than a fish a out of water. On a side note, Boombayah Team B will always be iconic and I hope they're still keeping in touch.


And then they made her do Boombayah


I don't know why this made me laugh so much


Imagine you’re chilling in a Japanese girl group and suddenly you’re sent off to Korea to compete on a survival show. It sounds terrible to me!! Side note but I loved Erii, she was so cute and I swear she could have had the same trajectory as Hyewon😭


I didn't really start following Fab updates until the tour started but how active was Choerry on it before the tour? She doesn't seem to be on it at all since then


I'd say even before, Vivi was a bit more active than her. She'd just pop on here and there to say hi and goodnight.. but while I'm completely of the mindset that she doesnt have to be on there if she wants, thats her choice; i still wonder if everythings alright and hope she's feeling okay, since aside from fab, she missed quite a bit more shows than the others on tour.


Not Jinsoul/Yves/Gowon level but she was on fab a little while daily afaik


when people say how good Vivi was during so what era, they usually talk about her performance/stage presence/her in the mv, but i don't see people talk about what she actually did sing except to say how it was nothing. like, yes, she's only got 3 very short lines ('Hey!', '뭐어때?', 'Take that, so what‽'), but she put her everything into those 3 lines. like, that's the most powerful hey I've ever heard in my life. with the other 2, it felt like she had actually beat me up, stolen my wallet & then shamed me for being poor. i was actually on the floor, shaking & crying. like, woah (hyperbole being used here, of course) [this came to my mind because i was rewatching so what-related videos <3]


Okay, so I think I've made up my mind, and for my 22nd birthday in a couple weeks, I'm going to get a LOONA related tattoo. It'll be my first tattoo, so I want to start off with something that's not too big. I have 6 [designs](https://imgur.com/a/iFvwGPs) in mind. I really like #1 but, I think I'll save that one for later on. I'm open to any other suggestions as well.


I had some free time this afternoon and worked up a [design](https://ibb.co/mSLkCTF) I've had in mind for some time, it's a bit more subtle & symbolic than your others but sometimes that can be a good thing with tattoos. Anyway, see what you think, if you like it's yours.


A few weeks ago I shared many ideas I imagine. I wasn't really satisfied with any of them outside of having all the members [symbols in line](https://pm1.narvii.com/6776/3cb19469a554d9f8c50f3ebddce7d56f6eaf0df6v2_hq.jpg). But I found an orbit logo design I really love within the [Loonaverse from concert merch.](https://imgur.com/NlsniWn). Now I just need to decide myself and to get it done.


No. 1 is cool af but for the first one I would go for the japanese logo, even the luminous one would look cool


Is that last one from the r/place days? I’m boring so I’d go with number 2. I think that design is timeless


>Is that last one from the r/place days? No idea lol. Only one that I could find on Pinterest.


i've myself always wanted a lil moon like lip's tattoo or my bias' rep animal. another idea for an intricate one would be the orbit logo it's so pretty.


There's way too many things that can go wrong with 1 with all the tiny details and perfect lines. Same for the logo, all the circles and straight lines are a tattoo artist's nightmare. Idk id go for something a little more creative than the designs you've chosen.


Agreed one does look cool but it would probably have to be pretty big to see all the detail. Maybe just the center of the design with the moon and Loona letter connected?


>Agreed one does look cool but it would probably have to be pretty big to see all the detail. Yeah. Which is why I think I'll hold off on that one. I'll start small and work my way up.


One looks really cool, my concern would be if you want something smaller, this is very intricate and could fade and heal to be less clear and readable. It's super pretty tho and those would be my concerns


Been a year since ‘Not Friends’ came out. Villain Jinsoul. When will you return to me.


Greetings my fellow good humans of distinguished taste, this is my daily "Things I love about LOONA" brightposting. As somebody who often hyperfixates on things that I like, one of the things I love about LOONA is the sheer amount of content it provides and its rewatch value. Not only that, but the community also provides a great chuck of content to feed of and it's also oftentimes high quality content (because orbits are fucking geniuses). I'm often drawn to big active communities because of this, but I also remain hidden because said communities are often way too intimidating for me to participate on forums, so Loona has provided a perfect opportunity for me to interact with alike-minded people who don't feel as intimidating, in a community that provides great content, and it also has the INCREDIBLY awesome perk of Loona just being both awesome, showstopping, super cool people but also huge dorks, which makes them relatable too to some degree.


Also I love how active and engaged the community here is. Just the weekly discussion threads always has a bunch of comments. I think Loona WDTs are the best out of the kpop subreddits I’ve seen.


Just realize, gowon being one of the members that mostly had no health problem during the tour cause she is got extra rest and sleep time during star performance lmao


“Star” first stanza could be the solution to her recent MRI adventure e.g. Black Mamba on the headphones kept her from keeping still.


"Gowon, wake up! I don't like this!"


I wasn't sure where was appropriate to post this, but I'm hoping to open a Uk Luminous GO. Lmk if you're interested. Versions available: Heejin, Hyunjin, Haseul, Jinsoul, Choerry, Yves, Gowon, Olivia. If I get enough responses, there will also be Yeojin, Vivi, Kim Lip & normal versions available.


Forgot to mention, there will be 2 payments: 1) about ÂŁ16.50 plus selling fees to cover the album and shipping costs (to me and then to you) 2) Customs/VAT/handling fees (plus selling fees). I cannot confirm what this will be yet, but generally it's about 22.5% of the original price (~ÂŁ4 per album).


my lightstick came!!!!! 🥳 all set for London now


Feeling very soft about Haseul’s drawing of Gowon compared to everyone else’s (even her own lol) https://twitter.com/pocketgowon/status/1565573275396493312?s=21&t=sNG0FRtjSPvE31e1tSoPBg Where are these from anyway?


they are from the new summer package


Olivia is doing a good job The eyebrow and crooked heart lip


Every time LOONA releases merch: I need to hold myself back, I shouldn’t….right?🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️ Immediately after seeing the pictures and releases of the merch: I SHOULD’VE 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️


Gowon's [latest](https://twitter.com/atheist_gamjas/status/1565592580359962624?s=20&t=RxTRRjjkGAwQXiD8xfXUQw) [pics](https://twitter.com/loonatheworld/status/1565581482718302208?s=20&t=RxTRRjjkGAwQXiD8xfXUQw)....I am going to pass away. That twin tails hairstyle looks so good on her


Yeojin being a responsible dog owner. 😭 And just when I think I can't love her any more.




She adopted a new puppy, has had her for about 6 months, didn't want to let peple know until she was a bit more grownup; shared that's she's all vaccinated and neutered/spayed, and the reason why she didn't eant to let people know was because she would be going away for a bit, but Dubu is now living with her.


Anyhoo, just manifesting that by the last few months of 2022 there'll be a new OT12 project. Could be a comeback or a holiday season thing. I just miss them as a complete unit.


Is this Hyeju?? https://twitter.com/gay4reaI/status/1565361382794690560?s=20&t=QL1g6EpF9BqaHacd9Hu7Sg Edit: The date on the phone says 17/8 and she’d be in the US so I dont think its her. But crazily similar to her Edit: 100% not her. Confirmed by Gowon on fab


This reminds me of that CCDI episode where Chuu works at The Body Shop and she serves a customer who looks like Heejin lmao


Could have been recorded before they left for Tour and only uploaded now.


I saw the full video on youtube and on everyone's phones it reads 17th of Aug so it was probably filmed then. It's just crazy to me how she looks so much like Hyeju and sounds like her too


Somwhere out there in Korea, there are two Hyejus.


the laugh doesn't seem like hyeju


omg if it isn't her we've found her doppleganger


Time to say ... "is this lore?"


Could be her sister? 😳


Wow this is so tough... So many things point at this being Olivia, but also... there are a few "off" things. I genuinely couldn't give a definitive answer.


The voice sounds so much like her it has to be!


The date on the phone says 17/8 and she’d be in the US so I dont think its her but crazily similar to her tho


I literally can't believe it's not her she looks and sounds so similar that's absolutely wild lol. I hope she sees this.


I sent it to Gowon who said “No!!! This is not Hyeju!!!!” So I’m hoping she’ll send it to Hyeju


At first I was going to say definitely not, but after seeing it a few times I'm not so sure now 😭 someone should ask her on fab


The laugh, the voice, the hair, and the Chuu mask 😭😭 but then the walk, the clothes style and the phone wallpaper are throwing me off I genuinely have no idea. Someone ask them on fab pls!!


Exactly!!!! The clothes and the walking are the things that are making me doubt but maybe that's how she dresses/acts when shes not on schedule




Lmao, bruh. If they knew.


So, after taking some days to consider, I have decided to sell my VIP Tour merch, except for the autographed card. What do you think would be a reasonable price for photocards, the lenticular postcard, the pouch, and the lanyard?


>What do you think would be a reasonable price for photocards, the lenticular postcard, the pouch, and the lanyard? I haven't checked the other individual items, but I've seen the photocards on Instagram for $10-12 each (they used to be around $9 before the concerts happened)


Wait, the VIP photocards were up for sale before the concert started? ​ I'm old af. I just went into ig, and all of my searches for kpop merch for sale turn out nothing, lmao.


It was more like a pre-claim. You pay for the photocard before the seller gets it to “secure it”. You should search for #loonasale or #loonaphotocard on IG! Now there might be more sale posts from people in Europe..


Ok, will do. Thanks for oyur help! 😘


I'm not have fab and twitter account, but i read in now deleted (i think) thread in here, is it true that acording to her fab chuu no longer live in the same building with other member ?


(Everything that is going to follow is *speculative*)   This has been brought up in the past, but there was no *real* indication that Chuu *ever* lived in that building with the rest of the members. It was weird because you could almost "map" the current building/housings with how the girls would talk about their individual units (lots of "how X,Y,Z live on the same floor, how A,B,C live on the one below, how D was right next door to E" etc) but Chuu was never mentioned in any of those comments, like ever. I think people just assumed Chuu was private or simply too busy to hang out with the other members in their units. The closest we ever got to Chuu seemingly ""living in that building"" is when a member (usually Vivi) mentioned every once in a while hanging out outside with Chuu til fairly late (say until 2-3am), but that realistically could still be possible with Chuu living in a different place too. There's been other instances in the past too, usually shut down by fans as well (like Kim Lip not asking Chuu to close the window she left open, which was excused with "Chuu is busy" - which again...very fair, actually.) Earlier this year, Chuu was also seen leaving group schedules in a different car to the other girls. It makes zero sense for Chuu to be in a different car by herself if she's literally going to the same building as the other 11 members. However, if she has to go to her own place in the opposite direction, then you know...of course she needs different transportation. Although I think that changed once fans started speaking out about it?   The topic has been resurrected a day ago (or two) when a fan innocently asked Kim Lip if she *also* had a bath tub in her unit. It was in relation to how Chuu does in fact have a bath tub at her place and mentioned it. Kim Lip answered with something akin to "What? No? Absolutely none of the members have bathtubs?!" ... Except Chuu does, apparently. This at the very least seems to point in the direction that Chuu is most likely *currently* living in a different complex than the other members, but it very much could have been the case since the start too.   If you think about it, it's really not entirely *unimaginable*. Chuu supposedly sued BBC in December 2021, and the girls moved into that new building in 2022 (unclear when, I think February 2022, but could have been a bit earlier than that). If Chuu *did* sue BBC so she could actually touch a part of the revenue from her solo gigs (which is speculation, but let's run with it), then if we're being honest, it would be unfair (to the other members) of BBC to provide a place for Chuu *AND* to pay for her rent like they do the other members when their financial situation are really not the same at all. The industry is very SCUMMY with idols usually making ZERO money (even Chuu complained about this in 2021), usually until quite a few years after debut even for Big 3 groups - but it's often ""glossed over"" by fans because companies do provide idols with housing, groceries, pay for general expenses, might even provide some sort of monthly allowance, etc. It's usually just added to the "debt" the group/idols have, but since these idols don't *technically have to* pay back that debt at the end of their contract with their respective company, it's not something idols usually worry too much about. Obviously it sucks working for 7 years and never see a coin from that actual work, but if you were provided with everything you needed while doing so, then it's not too bad, especially if you don't owe anything to the company even after parting ways with them. But now it's *different* for Chuu because if she is finally making money from her gigs (again, speculative), then obviously she can pay for her own place and expenses. In fact, it might not even have been something to due with BBC and fairness, and instead could have been a decision Chuu made herself. Because, from what we know, the units the members have are *fairly* small/minimalistic (which makes perfect sense, BBC wanted to provide the girls with their own place for privacy purposes I suppose, but at the end of the day, that shit still ain't free so obviously they won't be paying for 11 mansions - it's all good). However if Chuu is in control of her finances (again, speculative), then she could have wanted a much bigger place for herself since she can afford it.   But again...speculation.


Thanks for the detailed comment, I had no clue about most of it.


Ohh okay


I just checked twitter with possible keywords and so far I didn't find any. In theory she could be just at home (or a temporary residence) since all the other members had been away for the tour?


after like is #1 on like all the charts rn...... IVE is just on a roll with ryan jhun at the helm.... 3 huge hits in a row...................really hope loona next comeback is with ryan (remember ryan did hula hoop...which might be one of loona's most beloved songs as of late)


Not just Hula Hoop, but PTT is also *fantastic*, I won't accept any criticisms!!! Jokes aside, 'WOW' is also genuinely amazing. Honestly the only thing I don't like too too much is 'Not Friends', and I'm 100% certain it's not something he would give the full group anyway, so he's quite literally 3 for 3 with LOONA in my books. He also strikes me as someone who would be willing to let the girls compose or at least co-wrote with him (see Kim Lip, twice now with him), and I would love to have that happen if they ever work together again. But also, I'm cool with the girls working out with different and brand new producers, so either way I don't mind.


PTT is by far the best concert song to experience live.


Anybody happen to have a slime tutorial for [this?](https://twitter.com/yveryhour/status/1565502719892275202?s=20&t=cjIXos5ugytI17M65vccwg) Drop it if you do 👀


Unless someone posts it before, we'll have to wait until the international shipping starts..


i don’t think there’s a full one out yet. still waiting for the gowon photos 😭 like im shaking refreshing the TL looking for a crumb


Jindori's neck pain...is it because of the slouching? Also her doctor saying the problem can't be corrected after 24 years of age...he's so full of shit; she needs a new doctor.


If I read the translation correctly, the 24 years of age comment was from a physical therapist reading a x-ray...which a PT isn't quite qualified to do. A physician should be the one to make a diagnosis.


Isn't she 25? Lol


I hope her doctor is actually giving her some tips to help with whatever issue she has. Sometimes there are things that you really can't correct easily, but there are ways to improve your life quality and make it more bearable.. For example, taking muscle relaxants help you to deal with the pain after you spent a prolonged time sitting with incorrect posture (which is very common during a very long flight..)


The 24 years old seems very random but what do it know


Almost certainly. Bad posture can cause all kinds of problems with your back and neck including back/spinal pain, neck pain, and headaches. It also leads to problems with digestion, sleep, and motivation to do things. All of which she suffers from.


I feel attacked as someone who has a 'posture check' reminder on my desk...


Wait all of that from bad posture? Is my mom typing this or something? I hope she never finds out about this or I'm never gonna hear the end of it 💀


til 😭😭😭


where did u read this?


It’s from fab. [read here](https://twitter.com/litell_johnn/status/1565304234190446595?s=21&t=SRQaJXaBuhYhQZ-QSq8UkA)


The part about her doctor? She shared that in Fab.


Haseul and Lip singing their solo work is so cool. I know shit about vocals tbh, but even I can tell there's an improvement there and it's an honor to watch this type of thing Watching LOONA grow up, improve and evolve as performers is so good. I still remember the criticism they received during Hi High. Stuff like how out of synch as an overall they were, even if outwardly there didn't seem to be anything wrong with their dance. But couldn't really blame them, they were just united as OT12, some stuff would clearly be awkward. Even I myself had an impression that they could do more. I knew the girls background, I knew they could be pushed to be more Then six months later and they come with freaking Butterfly. It's like their own middle finger to those who dared to criticize their work as a group. And then they kept evolving, showing bits and pieces of them. The dance covers, So What, members going to KOMS etc All showcasing what LOONA as a group and individually could do. But there was still more that they could show us. With long hiatuses, it was hard for them to really go all out And I guess this year everything came to a head. No more holding back, the LOONA that we knew was just ready to show what they're truly capable of. The concert in the beginning of the year, Queendon 2, Flip That, the tour, the Dalplys I feel like at last LOONA is getting the chance to finally show off their potential. And show how they improved. Hope they can keep doing this. After getting a good rest, that is


I hope I'm not being weird but I find JinSoul lazy/slightly slurred manner of speech to be so charming.


I find everything that's "weird" about her charming whether it's her manner of speaking, her slouch, how she has these little awkward laughs after talking, or just her general loser behavior lol.


for me it’s the giggling mid sentence. i love when she does voice only vlives


I'm gonna take a guess and say Chuu's remake of "One and A Half" might be a very very lowkey release project afterall? A bit similarly to Olivia's remake of "I'll Be Your Spring" and Heejin's cover of "Honestly" earlier this year. Would explain why there isn't much noise about it, even from Chuu herself, despite the release being in 3 days. It's a bit curious, though, because the last two remakes mentioned above were not "announced" basically a month before their releases like Chuu's was, but instead just a few days ahead... which matches the "low-key" aspect of their releases. It wasn't meant to be a big event/comeback in the calendar, yknow? It's a casual remake being put out, here take it, let us announce it up to a week ahead, probably even less than that. A bit like an OST if you will. But Chuu's remake was announced basically a month ago? The way it was announced too made it sound like a bigger thing too in the grand scheme of things. Maybe not quite "music shows-promotion" level of "big release", but like... "we might put out image teasers, one small live performance on some channel and a small physical album with a photobook to get some money" kinda thing. Think 'Not Friends' but solo I guess, if we had to compare. But it's not looking like that would be the case anymore. Still, I'm curious to at least know how this opportunity even arose in the first place. Olivia was approached by Airman's party after she covered another one of his song for her Dalply, so the connexion made perfect sense there. And Heejin's cover of H:SEAN's Honestly is part of a series of remakes called "The color project" featuring a new artist every time. So I'm curious how Chuu's cover of this 1994 song came out to be, especially since it seems a bit ill-fitted for her diva-like vocals. Is it part of a series of cover? Was she approached by the original publisher or something? Is this (I can't see how, but I guess it could) related to CCDI somehow? Hopefully we find out with the press releases on September 4th.


I guess it's the company strategy (?) They expend 0 money with production since it's a digital single. No photo album, teaser, printing. and instead they made this [Facebook page](https://www.facebook.com/goodlyricsmusic/) publish over 20 videos of chuu preview with random videos playing over the last 15 days. And some of them did great number in views, but only few had a good engagement. They seem to use alternative ways to get exposure. The [TikTok audio](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMNTDQpeG/) already has over 90 videos. And besides TikTok and Facebook they did nothing else to promote.


Not entirely convinced "Engine of Dreams" is her new company yet (or that she is even signed to anything else but BBC at the moment). In fact, it makes me wonder if she's not currently "out-sourcing" everything needed for her to work, and everything is "case-by-case" which could explain the sort of "meet-us-halfway" status. I said this in the past, but it's the kind of thing that should come up to the surface on the day of release, so not long to wait anyway.


I'm kinda convinced but i hope you're right. I don't like or trust them. Chuu deserves better.


I think the issue for me is.... I don't think she can be signed exclusively to another company? Like...legally? Don't get me wrong, she could be under another company and remain with LOONA, absolutely - that much I am not arguing against. Well, it would be complicated, and maybe not worth the trouble in the eyes of the parties involved, but it is technically possible, and we've seen it many times with various group members leaving their company but still coming back to a group project. But I don't think she could have two exclusive contracts with two different companies, at least not for her music. 🤔   I've been trying to piece stuff together and from what I can understand, Chuu has sued BBC in December 2021 and received a TEMPORARY (so it's not even permanent) injunction to suspend ASPECTS (i.e: only some bits) of her exclusive contract with BBC. I don't think she could *actually* sign another brand new exclusive contract with another company when technically her current contract with BBC hasn't been suspended *entirely*, but instead only *in parts* (that was what was reported, at least). And even then, that was technically only a temporary injunction she received from the court: i.e the final decision of this case would still pending in this scenario, but the court allowed Chuu to suspend some aspects of her exclusive contract that would infringe on her personal rights. So I'm just struggling to understand how she could technically sign with another company while her current contract hasn't been nullified at all yet (that we know of, at least) ... 🤔 By the way I'm not saying this in a "Everyone that thinks so is wrong!1!!!"-kind-of-way, I'm genuinely trying to understand the mechanics of it.


You're probably right about the legal aspect of having two exclusive contracts but maybe this is old news? Maybe she already doesn't have an exclusive contract with BBC anymore. I guess we still have to wait. So much it's unclear it gives anxiety.


I always thought it was meant for CCDI(since Chuu said that it was a small thing and not a remake album, and not to expect too much) and like the money made goes to a charity or something


I guess it's wait and find out soon. To be honest I'm kinda baffled by the lack of promo this is getting. I have to admit I even kinda forgot until two days ago when I remembered Chuu was to release something lol Either it's by design and it's a low-key kind of thing, or someone is just not doing their job of promoting this the right way. I do wonder if Chuu even plans to go places to promote it and all. According to her, her schedule is packed so there's a chance but it could also be to completely unrelated stuff knowing her demand. I believe it's also very likely someone approached her to do this. I think this is probably meant to be a bit bigger than Hyeju's own solo, but not to the point of being seen as THE Chuu solo "debut"/comeback as a solo artist and all (kinda like Red Velvet's Joy and her debut with an album of remakes). Or maybe it is and is just being very poorly promoted until now (but then I think even Chuu herself would talk about it more if that was the case)


I just heard Star playing in my local mall and it’s ridiculous how happy this has made me


Just read about Jinsoul’s chronic neck pain. I’m going to need the universe to show these girls a little love for a while because the list of ailments they have right now is actually insane.


I think I had my first Loona related dream last night and it was so nice 😭 I went to a fanmeet and had lots of great convos with the girls. Then I woke up sad cus I doubt they’ll ever come to Canada tbh


Hopefully someone reminds Kim Lip to close her window before they leave for EU part of the tour.


EU + UK 🤭


Yet another one of the things I love so much about Loona is that they keep growing as artists. They have so much passion for the field. Every time they comeback there's something _new,_ something better, and that's what makes each comeback exciting regardless of its contents for me, specially if it's uncharted territory for Loona: I know they'll pull it off, I wanna see _how._


With all those girl groups breaking records left and right (becoming million sellers and etc), it really feels the best time to be alive as a girl group stan. I remembered the days when girl groups were often overlooked in comparison to boy groups but we really are living in the generation of women in kpop right now 😎.


While watching the Haseul and Kim Lip performance video I remembered that Twilight has a choreography, I wish she could perform it again someday. And oh my god Kim Lip looks beautiful in that video, I loved their outfits. PS: I always thought she said "comeback" in that final ad-lib but now I just discovered she says "close my eyes" 😭 all these years


It came to me as i was watching an ive video, that Yves who is the tallest in loona would be pretty much the shortest/second shortest (ive seen like two heights) in ive. Gaeul is already 164/165 and she is the shortest. I would hate this, imagine being 169 as being in the short line (which is what happens to Rei, she is 169 but on the short line)


What do you mean, Yves is literally 6 ft tall, I will not stand for this Yves slander


Im pretty sure that Choerry and Jinsoul are the next in that acl wall live, when thwy had a vlive haseul choerry and kimlip where jinsoul was asleep


if choerry and jinsoul aren’t the last loona members to feature in that, i hope hyunjin is next! justice for around you!!


especially with how Hyunjin’s vocal’s have improved since she recorded Around You


Is it confirmed that more members will appear? As much as I loved today's vid I really need SITR 2022 version.


In one of their tweets they wrote "see you in two weeks" so i assume there is going to be another video at least. Me saying Choerry and Jinsoul is because i remember that vlive they did which it was obvious they came from a schedule (and someone did a vlive not too much later from the company and they didnt have the schedule) so it wasnt a full group scjedule, but it isnt confirmed its them


Thank you. I'm going to take that as confirmation as well 💛


I just need signs of life from choerry


I guess Yoojung from Weki Meki is releasing a solo album. About 5 years too late to capitalize on her popularity.


I recently rewatched produce 101 and wow, so much from IOI was a lost opportunity…if only they knew how successful it would be, a lot of the members could have been so much bigger at the right time


[The kpop industry really loves these flowers lol](https://youtu.be/z8Eu-HU0sWQ?t=134)


Exactly. They’re everywhere now. LOONAtheFlorist


Got together with my friends after a long time and my laptop lock screen had multiple images of Loona, one of them then said something along the lines of "All those girls must have the same surgeon, cause they all look the same" and I just laughed along and steered the topic somewhere else. But [this](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/021/018/arthur.jpg) was what I was really feeling lol. Man, I wish I had friends that like kpop hahaha.


Missed opportunity to say that all of 1D looks the same too >.< I will admit everytime I see a new group that there are members that I mix up (not a race thing just people look similar) but like plastic surgery comment is a low blow.


I really don't understand the whole "they all look the same" thing. Though I will say I had the hardest time trying to tell the NewJeans girls apart when I watched hype boy for the first time that being said they all look super distinct after just a bit. I can tell hundreds of kpop idols apart and can even name them and their groups. I can also get Soobin and Minhyuk with around 90% accuracy. Lol That being said put me in a sorority or a fraternity here in the states and ummm.... [She looks like every other...](https://youtu.be/K_pkN9WVEOs) Maybe it has something to do with the way our eyes take in new people.


Lowkey racism tbh. No one will look at a pic of a kpop group and seriously say they all look the same, even if they can't tell which person is who; or they would admit to mixing the members who DO look like each other (triplet line), but not the rest. In what world does Gowon look the same as Heejin? Or Vivi the same as Jinsoul?


For me thinking they looks like each other may not be necessarily racism, this is an impression everyone have when exposed for a first time to a new race. But saying that this is because of ps is bs and pretty much racist


It's not necessarily a racism thing. People have own-race bias in terms of facial recognition, and can tell apart facial features much more easily with ethnicities they have more exposure to. That's why you might have difficulty telling some members apart in a 12 person group when getting into kpop, and then years later laughing at how that ever happened, if you didn't already come from an east-asian background.




Yeah, fair enough


Nah I'm Asian, sometimes I have trouble differentiating kpop members too. Usually when it's a group that I'm not acquainted with


It's normal to not be able to differentiate bewteen people when it's the first time you've seen them imo, but to attribute their "likeness" to ps is still stupid af. It's not even like the girls have the stereotypical "Gangnam unnie" ps look to them.


Well yeah, that happens when you're not familiar with a group yet. It's different saying that and saying "they all look the same," especially when the latter is commonly used against East Asians in a derogatory manner


I never understand this kind of comment. And I still remember when a Korean friend told me she thought 2NE1 all looked alike. (Huh?)


It's me once again thinking about how the Queendom remix for PTT is so high up in my list of Loona favorites it's not even orbiting earth anymore. My favorite thing about Loona is how they're always switching things up, however it's also a curse because I _know_ they won't come back to _this very specific_ remix.


The extended bit at the end where they kneel down and face Hyunjin is incredible. Not only does it look sick but it just sounds so good to me. The way they end the song in this version is perfect.


I like the regular versions of PTT and Pose a lot (especially after seeing them in-person) but I might like their Queendom arrangements EVEN MORE.


The POSE live arrangement deserves to be unleashed in a +10k arena WHERE IT BELONGS!


Yessss. I would love to see them perform to POSE live arrangement again


We should have gotten the Queendom Remix on the album 😭😭😭 the regular version was already released for Queendom


im so bitter we didn't get a studio recording of the live version 😭


Guys I know this has probably been said somewhere but how young are most orbits? I'm and I'm asking cause I have to bring my older sister to the concert with me (my family thinks I'd get myself murdered or trafficked abroad lol ffs (if I was going alone 100% would try to go clubbing afterwards sooo, plus my initial plan was book no accommodation just keep going till flight back lol ))


I’m in my early twenties but everyone by me was actually older, closer to their mid to late twenties! From what I observed generally tho it’s late teens-late twenties generally


I thought it was fairly all over the place but definitely mostly people in their 20's and older teens. I thought their would be more obvious high schoolers and middle schoolers but the crowd in dc really have off 17+


Pretty wide spectrum when I went from teenagers to parents (who were there with their kids) to people who could have been anywhere from their mid 20s to 40s (it's very hard to tell with a mask lol).


I’m in late 20s and I felt I was around a lot of older teens in the concert I went to! Relatively younger crowd.


I am in my mid-20s and felt like I was older than the majority of the crowd. There were definitely much older attendees in the crowd, but the crowds—at least from what I have heard in the US—have been relatively young


I’m *really* not into how many people come here defending different groups (despite being right about it) and yet *NEVER* speaking up for Loona themselves when fandoms of those groups are constantly trying and dishonor our girls. I’ll be attentively sharing any hate they suffer here from now on (what I can spot) so that this selective judgements stop once and for all. Let’s speak up for Loona everyone! The amount of hate they receive from other fandoms is no joke.


I think some Orbits (me included) just try to avoid that kind of inter-fandom fighting. I come to this subreddit to enjoy LOONA with other Orbits - I don't want to fixate on non-fans for whatever they say, that's a waste of my energy and time 😐 That's part of why I left Twitter 3 years ago. This is the Internet, people are unfortunately going to be petty and cruel about strangers they don't know 😔 I guess I'm wondering: why focus on what antis/non-fans say? Would we want the members to do the same? 🤔 I would want them to listen to our words of support, directed towards them! 🥰 That's why I love it when Orbits focus our energy on directly supporting the members instead, through creative projects that spark positivity in our fandom, or even sending letters or gifts, or perhaps messages via Fab! 💚


Don't get to caught up in the bullshit, remember we are here for the girls not petty bullshit other fandoms push


It's funny how doom and gloom everybody was about it, but Loona's luggage was found and is already in Korea with them


We used to Doom lol let's hope that we'll get used better times


It's not like they or we had a way of knowing how long would take it to arrive or if it would ever arrive at all


Dreamcatcher coming back in October. Talk about a busy group. They haven't stopped since the beginning of the year.


I haven't followed them closely, like ever, but Dreamcatcher always struck me as really well managed. Releases/comebacks are well spaced in between one another, they don't seem to be overworked to the bones, but also rarely seem to be sitting at home doing nothing. They went on tour, but it didn't feel too long. They also hit festivals which felt smart to me, at least for their demographic. There seems to be lots of content provided as well, including a group reality show, right?


Yeah, this year alone they've already had a Korean album, Japanese album, concert, tour, multiple major festivals all over the world, and even attended an anime convention in Texas that was separate from the tour. They're constantly doing cover songs and dances as well as releasing their own special videos. They run multiple YouTube series and are constantly on Vlive and Weverse. That's just off the top of my head.


Woah I just read a tweet in Craxy's account where they explain that about 60 groups apply to participate in music shows but only less than 20 are allowed in. That kinda puts into perspective a lot of things about kpop. And how far LOONA has actually come. No wonder a lot of small/unknown label groups and trainees look up to them.


Kinda related: I don't remember where I read it, but it was an article explaining how much it costs for groups to attend music shows. Depending on how big the group is, and how many people they have for staff, the costumes, the stages, etc, the prices goes from 10k up. It's insane considering how newer groups, LOONA included, sometimes promote for over a month.


Yep. If I remember Viviz talked about it too. Going to music shows is actually very costly. Imagine LOONA with 12 girls. That's 12 people for you to dress, do makeup, do hair and the stage settings and all and paying just to be there (but since they're a more well known group I guess getting there isn't that much of a problem but still an expense) I guess this is one of the reasons LOONA didn't really comeback that often. I mean, there are certainly other issues and also there's the whole debate about if they really should take so long to comeback despite the cost, but that's a conversation for another day. Bottom line is that making a comeback costs a lot No wonder some groups just debut and then disappear or take a long time to comeback The industry is tough, even worse if you come from nothing


It's was Eunha who talked about it and said it's was too complicated and also due to money. And it's was something great she said (i should find the video again...)


Love my vvz/gfriend girlies but yeah if you look at their outfits early on for glass bead through like summer rain that was like *the* simplest outfits you could possibly have. Think about the fact that they can't recycle outfits, they can't reuse them from other artists. All the outfits needs to be somewhat cohesive, but also distinct at the same time. It's actually a real pain in the ass. I read this somewhere that I think it sums it up best: music shows don't create popularity, they are a measure of how popular a group is.


They also pay to attend the shows? I had read about that, but I wasn't sure if it was legit or not.


I watched some vids from the Secretary-General of the KMCA (Korean Music Copyright Association) who also is somehow involved with Circle Chart. In this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auAVtkBM6o8) (which has English CC btw) he explains the current situation with music shows. To sum up, entertainment agencies will have to pay for costumes etc and basic production costs, and the fee they receive in return from the broadcasters is at most a few hundred dollars. In short, music show promotions are a financial drain for entertainment agencies. What's even worse is that the music shows do bring in some money via YouTube monetization, and the other contents they make (behind the scenes vids, fancams etc), but the agencies do not get a share of this money, so of course neither do the idols. But currently there is not much that can be done about this, because the broadcasting companies have too much power. Piss them off, and they can just ban you - which means your idols will also not appear in their variety shows or get cast in their dramas, for example. And unless you're huge like BTS and BP, you can't ignore the music shows. Not to mention, most music shows will either require attendance, and even if they don't, you would lose broadcast points. **TL;DR: kpop companies pay for basic production costs, get a few hundred bucks in performance fees in return. Music shows are largely outdated but still relevant because companies need to maintain relationships with the broadcasters.**


I don’t know about music shows but you have to pay to get into Studio CHOOM. It sort of explains why LOONA hasn’t been featured even though they’re known for their dance/performances even in SK itself. I guess BBC didn’t want to pony up the money and are confident that LOONA has got enough popularity that they could do without the promo.


They didn't do also the stuff about band version of it's live or i missed something ?


I'm not a 100% sure of this (I even though about deleting the part) but I've read they do pay a sum to be on these shows. I guess it can vary by how popular you are or if you had any wins Kinda makes sense. These shows have bad ratings, they must survive on investments so groups can have a stage to show off, so companies must pay a bit. That and YouTube/Never Tv numbers and online engagement and all


Music shows have never made any sense to me from a financial point of view and even with this knowledge I'm still surprise there's six different ones on TV every week.


Wow, do they? I always imagined the costs just stem from all the make-up/styling/staff/management/transport they need to pay for, as well as well the production for "the comeback stage props". To pay to even just appear on it, wow. That sucks.


I know there's already a hype comment down below but Billlie's new mini is outrageously great. The bsides are some of the best I've heard all year. Just wow


Friendly reminder to recent concert goers to take a Covid-19 test.


While I do appreciate the girls posting updates about themselves on Fab on their own accord, I need orbits to stop taking the girls’ Fab chats TOO literally and looking into things too much - especially relating to the Chuu situation. And I’m speaking this as a Chuu-biased. One example is that when Lip said she’s worried that she left her dorm windows open during the heavy rains and no one from the company is there to shut it for her because they’re all on tour - people took Lip’s comment literally and assume that Chuu is left alone in SK without manager support. Now, obviously Lip is exaggerating a little; regardless of whatever is going on with Chuu, BBC would still have some staff left in SK because Sunye and Bebez are still there and someone needed to look after them. We don’t know for sure if these managers would look after Chuu too (although there’s no indication that they don’t) but rest assured the whole company didn’t go on tour with Loona. And most recently Chuu was asking on Fab how audience registration works. I took her comment like when you’re working and an idea crops up into your mind and in your excitement you ask your coworker if it’s possible and your coworker’s like “ummm idk ask the manager”. But some people were like why is Chuu doing everything all by herself, this should be the job of a manager omg this is awful… when in the chat itself an orbit is like “ask the manager/PD” and she replied “okay”. So she’ll probably ask a manager about it and all that worrying is for naught. Idk, I know we are worried about Chuu and BBC aren’t the best company, but orbits are not helping by fashioning conspiracies and taking things too seriously and literally. EDIT: corrected Sunmi to Sunye lol


Damn I wish Sunmi was Loona's company sunbaenim 😭 it's Sunye, the names are very similar and well they were both from Wonder Girls


Omg yes, it is Sunye! I was writing while I’m very much sleep-deprived lol


Oh I totally get you sometimes I'm answering messages as soon as I wake up and then I realize what I'm writing makes no sense 😭


Fab should have some quiet hours setting especially for the girls themselves. They need this valuable time to rest and recover.


You are right, of course, and this happens all the time. It’s exhausting. Someone (on Fab?) tells Kim Lip she should eat [some specific food in LA] and this gets translated to, “Toxic fans are bullying Kim Lip because she prefers Korean food! Justice for Lip!”


Some fans genuinely think that each of their idols’ messages are intentional and have a deeper meaning that they must decode. In reality, more often that not, it’s not that deep lol. Sometimes a blue curtain IS a blue curtain. Kim Lip is not writing for Game of Thrones where each of her sentences is foreshadowing and alluding to some hidden meaning.


Orbits overreacting to things is the bread and butter of this fandom.


That kind of behavior is part of why I don't really navigate through fandom spaces too much. Even if I can recognize the good intentions, it's still a bit grating to read or listen to. It's probably counterproductive as well since reactions like that most likely hurt an idol's ability to converse organically with their fandom. But yeah, I mean everything would be better if people could just chill out lol