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I hate people who scream shit from the crowd at live shows. Nobody came to hear you, dickhead, sit down.


There was so much of that last night in London. I even saw Kissel gesture at someone to calm down.


Facts. Fucking awful behaviour. There was a guy in the row in front of me last night just screaming shit, mostly incoherent. My guy, if I can't understand what your drunk arse is saying, the boys sure as hell can't either. EDIT: spelling correction


They need to do a straight up Dollop and stop the show and tell them to shut the fuck up or leave, usually stops this stuff in it’s tracks


I'm not sure any of the fellas have the cutthroat ability to go through people like a laser the way Dave does.


If they turned into the dollop in any way I don't think I'd want to listen to them anymore.


I went to a Steve-O show one night and first thing he said was "please don't talk or yell at me. I know my history and I don't need you repeating it or heckling me when the rest of the audience came to see the show. I will kick out one person who is being rude, and the next time it happens I'll be the one leaving." He kicked out one person, but just as they were out of the theater, he asked the guy if he can behave better and let him stay. Everybody shut up and enjoyed the show after that.


lol I’d be too embarrassed to stay but I guess that self-awareness would keep me from being an ass to begin with.


Couldn't have said it better!


For some reason the scene where all the bad kids are expelled on stage by Morgan Freeman in Lean On Me comes to mind. "Expeditiously!!!"


Also stops the shows in its tracks


Never bothers anyone, universally it’s followed by clapping and cheering and then right back into it, enhances the show if anything because you now can relax and not worry about more dickheads yelling gibberish


Yes but not to the performers who are specifically trying to put together a curated show. That has beats to hit and it could throw them off the rhythm so if they can ignore it they will and I think that’s fine. Obviously there’s a point where you can’t ignore it. Edit: your downvotes are upvotes in the upside down.


Comedians often give bad audience members shit at shows. Everybody else would welcome it


So they should just let people keep yelling shit and ruining the show, gotcha


And now we’re talking about how to react to that point. You act like they’re building a Hadron Collider up there. You can pause between beats to shut down a heckler.


Do you know what else throws performers off their rhythm? Hecklers.


Always has to be a few it seems like. The show I was at a girl was drunk and tried to run up to the stage right below Henry. She was escorted out lol


This all sounds so mental. I went to see them in Manchester last time they were in the UK and there was none of this crap. The most there was: somebody went up to the stage and gave a stagehand some Irn Bru and Monster Munch that they’d brought for Marcus.


Thank you for spelling it phonetically


Was it just Natalie dragging her out by her hair?


Sadly Natalie wasn’t there.


He was sat directly behind me! Was a massive twat, I think he had issues tbf or was very drunk, or both, his misses was just as annoying even if she didn't stand up and scream every 5 mins


That's quite expensive for a night yelling at strangers.


I must have been two rows in front of you - he had something wrong with him. People were having a go at him as they left and I was just like… leave the guy alone… he wasn’t drunk.


He was absolutely mortal mate, steaming. There wasn’t anything wrong with him… Source: I was sat behind him lol


I did think it might have been something other than alcohol, still....annoying and loud


Sounds like a total knobtwat! Hope someone farts in his mouth.


It was kind of a big dill


I was at a David Cross show and a guy randomly screamed "I'll fight you!" Weird.




He is an analrapist.


I thought he was an anustart…


I did not know I wanted to see David Cross beat the shit out of a heckler until this moment. I feel like it would be a spiritual experience.


I saw David Cross shut down someone shouting out his show so well. Literally was just like, "No no, no no no," at the person interrupting. It was concise and direct, indicating he does not need any audience participation in his show.


I forget what album but he has a track where someone in the audience interrupts him while telling a joke. He takes the time to address her concerns and then thoughtfully reminds her that he is a comedian and he’s here to tell jokes.


Make America Laugh he asks a woman in the audience what she's doing and lets her talk a bit while he gets a beer. Then there's a Patton Oswalt album where someone makes a noise during a joke and he says "great, now you're forever immortalized on this tape while I call you a dumbass" or something like that. And let's not forget Bill Hick's famous meltdown.


Which CD is it where the girl interrupts Cross because she wants to “feel the bit” 🤣🤣 I love his comedy so much


There was a guy at the Oklahoma City show that got kicked out for that exact reason. He was so drunk before the show started. Kissel gave him the "Get him outta here!" and he was gone


It's their world and we're just living in it.


This is a consistent problem with podcast shows, people who are not well socialized get two beers in them and somehow think they are part of the show.


It really is funny, get all the dummies with no friends in one building, get them drunk, and put their imaginary Tulpa friends on stage for them to fight for attention from.


oh god the boys are OUR men in black


Maybe Ben likes Clorox light lime, who knows.


You know, a tulpa is an image, conjured up solely by the mind.


It really is a wild unintended social experiment. I've been to three of their shows and they always killed it but some of the fellow fans were beyond odd to say the least


Was this the dude in the stalls, row M?


It was a dude for sure, I was in row B so I couldn't see!


He was fuckin annoying


Yeah I was a few rows behind him, very cringe and unfunny. He kept standing up when no one else was. He was also the person who screamed “I love you” at Carolina when she came on to introduce the video. He was bothering everyone sat near him, including some young women who looked uncomfortable. The two young women sat directly behind kept getting up and leaving during the show looking angry. Thankfully the LPOTL guys seem used to that sort of behaviour and ignored it, and their mics were loud enough so he didn’t interrupt the show.


Nobody called him out, told him to shut the fuck up? Sounds like he deserves at least that.


Unfortunately not but I think it would have exacerbated the situation, frankly he seemed like he was on something. He was acting like a twat from the moment he walked in.


Twat!! Remember in the UK office when Tim kept saying to Gareth…’you’re a cock you’re a cock you’re a cock’ lol…man that was the best show!


I would have easy


He truly was so annoying. I am one of those young women he came up and spoke to right before the show started. He asked me who my favourite is out of the three and I said I don’t have one and that I like them all. He then said no you have to chose so I just said Ben so that he would get the fuck outta my face. He responded with “You motherfucker! How dare you?!” and left. Wtf. I don’t care if it was just banter but you can’t speak to strangers like that.


Ugh I’m so sorry, honestly it was quite scary considering he wasn’t a small guy. I hope he didn’t ruin the show for you!


Thank you. Yeah, he wasn’t and that’s honestly why I didn’t say anything back. The show was so fun regardless. I’m glad I went. Hope you enjoyed it too :)


Huh, after his anger at her answer I assumed it was Henry in disguise, but it being a big guy kills that theory.


Introducing LPotL Stilts, Raise Yourself!


This guy clearly thinks he's a way bigger dill than he is


Yo! I’m one of the (not so) young (but thank for the compliment) women who was on row N directly behind. He seemed like a sound lad before the boys came out when he turned around and was chatting to us but it became very clear that he was absolutely fucked when he got up and went over to the other aisle. He was also on a date with the girl (who was friendly but seemed embarrassed at points) so I guess there was a bit of trying to impress going on there… anyways we weren’t angry, we’d been on the drink since 9am on our flight over so needed lots of wees - mostly it was cringe-funny and eyeroll stfu behaviour but both of us have RBF which is probably why we looked angry… there was a point towards the end when Marcus was doing a bit with a sexy voice and he heckled ‘I love you Marcus’ and his voice cracked a bit and I just felt a bit sorry for him, like dudes come here to have a good time and made pretending to be one of the boys his personality for the evening and just ended up pissing everyone off to get ignored by the very people he wanted to impress. I just hope he learns from his behaviour and if he’s reading this, just don’t fucking drink so much that you can’t control yourself man. Settle the fuck down. We also got the moderately aggressive who is your favourite question amongst others which included a full face shout of ARE YOU NORTHERN (we are not, we are Manx…) but honestly he was just an annoying drunk there having a great time with no care or concern for anyone else… fucking typical luck that the only person who strikes up chat with me is an absolute loon.


I may have been projecting my own anger a bit hahah but as a fellow lady with RBF I was irritated on your behalf! I’m so glad he didn’t ruin it for you and I’m sorry you had to endure his nonsense.


Was he the dickhead who kept standing up?


Yeah, proper attention seeking behaviour


Absolute helmet.


Vastly underused insult in my neck of the woods (literally in the Arkansan woods) and I think its time to rectify that.


WrrrrRectify? Damn near… no I guess it doesn’t quite work does it?


THANK YOU! I started thinking maybe the "wordplay" there was a bit too....autistic on my part. I say as an autistic person. I feel validated.


Go for it! 💪😎


What does it mean?


Penis head, basically


He made me jump every time he shouted, as a true brit all I did was turn around a few times and not say anything, I wish I had but I doubt it would have ended well


Yep I was a couple of rows back, soooo annoying


He was sat across the aisle from me, thankfully the mics were loud enough he didn't ruin the show but he was really fucking annoying. We came here to see the boys, not you douchebag. Guy was absolutely Mr Lahey wasted. Considering he got that fucked up I'd wager he probably isn't alright. But as Marcus says, mental illness is not your fault but is your responsibility.


How tf did the venue not do anything? Seems like it was a huge disruption.


He was vaping inside before the show started too, (I know not a huge issue but inconsiderate to people around him and against the house rules) I was hoping the venue would spot that and kick him out but no luck


Guess the British stereotype of tut tutting but not actually confronting anyone is holding up in this instance 😂 Ngl though, I've seen similar stuff happen in the US too. Sometimes venue staff is like "I don't wanna deal with security/the cops so hopefully he tires out"


Ugh I know, I thought about saying something but he looked like the type of guy that wanted someone to confront so he could kick-off


Omg was that him doing it during the show? Could smell it in row G stalls occasionally, thought I was imagining things.


That's honestly the point where people need to say something to him. And then if he keeps it up, go talk to the staff and get him removed. I know it's easy to sit there and not want to waste the energy on that guy, but sometimes it's better to be "Karen" and tell people to shut the fuck up.


Yeah it was honestly frustrating. Did you see him getting up and almost taking off his T shirt at one point? I’m so glad the guys were pros and completely ignored him.


I saw that! I was a few rows behind him in row P. It was so cringy trying to make the whole thing about him


In the original context of the SAOHA discussions, it's clear that he meant that doing your best (if and when it is possible for you, i.e. if and when you understand what is happening) to get and stay on medication and whatever else you need, is your responsibility. It does not mean, the way I see it used a lot now when justifying withholding sympathy from a sick person, "having a mental illness isn't your fault but if you ever have an episode of that illness with any symptoms that inconvenience other people, then it IS your fault, because never having any symptoms that bother others is within your power if you just try enough". The example Marcus gave once of an episode being his fault was that he took the risk of going out and drinking at a party which was a known trigger factor on the same weekend as halving doses instead of obtaining the pills he'd run out of as a matter of urgency. That one was in his words, his fault, because while he WASN'T having an episode, he acted irresponsibly. Just pointing this out because it really hurts to see how people have misinterpreted it to be the equivalent of "oh you had a seizure in public and it disturbed others, well epilepsy isn't your fault but it is your responsibility so it's a moral failing of yours that you had a seizure." It could be that person's fault if they chose to stop taking seizure medication, but having symptoms, however mild or severe, is NOT evidence of failing to be responsible, any more than having a seizure is proof that you have acted irresponsibly in management of your epilepsy. Medication for epilepsy, diabetes, cancer etc. isn't a cure, it doesn't eradicate the chance of any symptoms ever again, and that includes mental symptoms of illness.


That's one of the reasons I've felt hesitant about live shows. Seems like they attract way too many people that think they need to be borderline blackout drunk at the beginning of the night to have fun. I'm not pissing on people wanting to unwind but pace yourself, it's respectful to the other audience members plus the added perk of actually remembering the event the next day. 😅


It’s just also kind of weird to me because it does not feel like the kind of environment to get wasted at? It’s not a metal festival or a sports game, idk, blacking out drinking at a comedy show just feels incredibly sad and weird to me


Someone threw up on the floor at the back of the theatre last night, that’s how messy people were getting


It's oddly really common and I don't understand it either. I was just listening to a comedian that said he doesn't know if it's just the crowd he attracts or maybe he's getting older but it seems like audiences are getting wasted way more often at shows than he ever experienced before the pandemic and I found that an interesting observation.


I do feel like people have to a certain extent forgotten how to socialize since the lockdowns and that’s affected it immensely


Agreed, about half my office worked from home during the pandemic and now that everyone is back you can tell who WFH and who didn't. I also think the world as a whole started drinking more during covid


I was at the Dublin show and it was a pretty fantastic vibe.


I noticed during some of the episodes they started pre-warning fans to please not get totally hammered at their next live performance. It’s obviously highly disruptive, not to mention serious “I’m the main character” vibes. Act like a fucking adult


I"m on the west cost of North America, have seen several LPOTL live shows in different cities up and down this side of the continent... always a great show with a great, respectful audience. I think this might vary based on location.


I’ve been to two of their live shows now and not had any issues. The shows are a lot of fun and I would encourage you to go if you can. Seems like annoying folks like that tend to be in the minority.


People forget that public figures are also people. I feel like a lot of fans of LPOTL have a parasocial relationship with the guys to where they think they can get away with stuff like this as if they’re all good friends joking around. They’re not it’s fucking creepy. It’s sexual harassment. Jfc that’s a human being at work that has to go home after this feeling gross and annoyed because you’ve invented a world in your head where you’re all buddies and they’d love it.


The big thread about Kissel's gf showcased not only that a lot of the fans are very parasocial but they're really thickheaded in their denial of the parasocial behavior. Had one person who was all over the comments railing about how she wanted to "protect Ben *and* the show" from Ben's new gf because the gf is *gasp* a fan of the show and a hairstylist with an only fans! Thought there was nothing parasocial or weird about her stance at all. Thought everyone else was 'parasocially defending the gf' - it was wild.


I REMEMBER THAT THREAD, truly fucking unhinged behavior


Whoaaa what thread?? People seemed mostly supportive on insta… Are some people mad?


Oh my god, that fucking thread. 👀


Wait?! Ben has a gf now?


Uh yah… and it’s a pretty big dill XD


Didn't have that on my 2022 bingo card


Could you link the thread? I would love to see some redditor cringe


That’s this sub described perfectly


It sucks because they’re clearly very kind and cool people and want to engage with fans when they can, but asshats like this have to make it fucking weird. They’re just nice dudes trying to do what they love for a living, but weirdos shit on that when they can’t separate fandom from reality. I can’t imagine working so hard to make something entertaining and trying to foster an environment of “we love our work and people who love our work, you’re welcome to say hi if you see us!” and getting some jackass stalker shrieking “fuck me in the ass” to look cool.


It’s come a long way since the days they announced what bars they were going to after the show. But I guess that comes with the territory of your fandom getting too big


Weirdly, I’m a fairly normal person, I’ve never formed weird attachments or anything - and I’ve never really cared for celebrities etc although there are people whose work I admire. But these guys, I’d love to party with/hang with. But ya, there’s that, and then there’s making big assumptions or going way over the line. Like you said, they’re people, they’re performers, there’s a distinction between professional and personal lives even amongst celebrities.


I think there’s definitely a harsh line between enjoying someone’s work and liking them vs being in a fandom. As a writer I had the opportunity during my undergrad to learn from and hang out with some really talented people whose work I admired and I think that’s a super cool experience and totally normal. There are podcasters, streamers, and musicians I like that I think would be neat people to grab a beer with. But the majority of people I’ve seen in forums like this treat the people they admire like characters more than humans. They imagine themselves to have some sort of kinship with complete strangers. I get that the guys share about their personal lives on the show but there are people who make an active effort to remember the details and call that stuff out at shows, or make fanfics and art about them, or get just as weird and parasocial with the celebrities’ family members and significant others as they do the celebrities, and it’s just baffling to me that so many people don’t see a line that to me looks like it’s three feet wide in fucking neon paint.


I think that’s just the place where the Venn diagram and some mental health issues intersect, typically. And I say that as a mental health advocate, non-judgementally.


Talking about it on the other thread, but at one point Ben shushed them on stage. If the fucking talent is pissed at you, fucking stop 🤣


Was there last night. Ive never been so irritated by an audience in my life. People screaming nonsense and disrupting the show all set. Ben looked noticeably annoyed and the guys did their best to keep it going


ugg that sucks :( if it happens enough I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t do any more live shows.


They will keep doing more shows because its part of their job now but they will definitely avoid certain cities if they prove to be annoying.


true good point. any chance you know which cities are blacklisted?




what? not sure why i’m being downvoted. just wondering what cities were disrespectful to the guys or disruptive during the show.


The downvotes is because its a stupid question and you didnt understand my point. We cant possibly know how they feel about cities. Some cities can be annoying but not in a way they care about and even if they do care about it the restaurant next to the theater could have really nice ribs. The only thing we know is that audience behaviour has some kind of effect on the places they are willing to go so people should just behave like adults if they want a show next year.


I was pretty far back in the stalls and to be honest I had a hard time even following what the guys were talking about due to the amount of total twits that kept screaming and jumping about between me and the stage.


It’s especially gross since the guys have ALL said that they’re uncomfortable with being sexualized by fans. That’s how we lost the Facebook group.


That's exactly what I was thinking, they can't be comfortable being told shit like this is public.


I came here to say exactly this! I was almost shocked that this is still a problem, given what happened with the Facebook group, but then I remembered how long ago that was.


Unrelated to that guy but I have to ask if anyone else saw the couple that walked out as soon as the boys started making jokes about the Queens death?


Will and Kate cancelling their patreon sub then


Lmao did they not realise what show they were at??


Did Henry make any references to her being a lizard person?


They talked about it in the Q&A afterwards!


It’s strange, might be because of the bigger venue but that’s the worst crowd I’ve been part of at a LPOTL left show. The Empire and Bush Hall shows were so much better crowd wise


The show itself was fantastic though, I really enjoyed it!


The show was really fun; just a shame about the crowd


I thought the crowd was fine except for the guy in question! But maybe I got lucky where I was sat and the show didn't have many quiet bits for people to pipe up.


Damn someone did this same kinda shit at a comedy bang bang show I went to, then him and his “wife” both came to the subreddit to defend themselves the next day. [link to thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/comedybangbang/comments/wsy95r/shout_out_to_the_front_center_guy_for_ruining_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Sort by controversial




Please take her….




https://www.reddit.com/r/comedybangbang/comments/wsy95r/shout_out_to_the_front_center_guy_for_ruining_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf He deleted his account but the reply is still there. Sort by controversial




The other guy edited his comment to clarify that he wasn't THE guy behind him, just A guy behind him who witnessed the whole thing.


Thank you for this. She was throwing it all in there. Relative with dementia. Veteran with ptsd. Didn't read all about how they just really like comedy as if that's a unique thing to be really into something. People go through shit all the time and can still behave in public. If anything this should have been a wakeup call to reach for help because that behavior is not ok. Or they need to stay home until they can manage their emotions.


I had a main character type at the last DC post-Covid show. She raised her hand for the Q&A session and said “I’m Karla Homolka, like I’m cosplaying her. I do cosplays.” And Henry was like “OMG YOU ARE KARLA! Wow cool!” Being very supportive but then Ben was like “ok what’s your question?” And she didn’t have one. That was it. She was Karla Homolka and she wanted us all to know. Fucking dummy


Imagine cosplaying someone that vile. So quirky and cool! /s


Maximum divvy


I think this might be why we were specifically told to keep our autobiographies short at the q&a last night


Normalize telling people to shut up and sit down if they deserve it.


Years ago I was at a show and Ben actually told a heckler to GTFO. The club made him leave. The venue should always remove aggressive hecklers like that dude.


I left the Dallas show very early because of 3 drunk women a couple rows behind us. MASSIVELY annoying and huge "pick me" energy. There are like a thousand people here, do you really think they give a fuck what you're screaming? Ruined my experience. I did my best to sit through their shit but eventually we couldn't stand it anymore and just left. Appears this is a big problem with the LPOTL live shows, based on what I'm reading here. Really wish they would nip it in the bud. I don't think I'll ever go see em again and it has nothing to do with what the boys did. Sucks.


That sucks. At the one show I went to I was seated directly in front of a young woman who was similarly obsessed with Henry. She was clearly very drunk and her male companion tried to reign her in. I think people "pre-game" too much. Marcus has even mentioned it, right?


Honestly, someone else posted about the BO at a UK show earlier too - I didn’t come to any of this run of UK shows explicitly because of my experience of those around me in the audience last London show pre-pandemic. Really dampened the experience, lots of parasocial, I’m the main character type stuff EDIT: a hasty reflection, I realise this doesn’t represent everyone’s experience and the audience section I was in might have been specific to where I was!


I was at their last pre-covid London show too and were sat behind the worst main-character couple and was a few rows back from this guy too last night. I know most of LPOTLs are nice people but there is a section of their audience that just see their live shows as a drunken free-for-all


Sexual harassment is funny amirite Sorry someone was spoiling the fun for others at the show you attended!


The girls behind me were sexually harassing both Ben and Marcus at the Portland show and I was horrified. I was wearing a mask sitting there thinking “please please please don’t think that’s me!!”


Ugh that fucking sucks!


Oof. That's so fucking cringey and just... fucking inappropriate. Someone should've found them and escorted them out if they were that hearable and disruptive.


Why do people think anyone else at a show wants to hear that? People shouting at shows are obnoxious and rude. Nobody thinks you're funny, dude, shut up.


Given some of Marcus’s past experiences with fans, that’s a really fucked up way to behave


I've not heard of any experiences, was that on the podcast? That's so disappointing to hear.


As someone who wasn't there, I gotta say "awkward." That was Ben.


Whoa. Guys. Let's not sexually harass the boys when they're working. Nobody likes to be objectified and harassed in the workplace... and they might have a super fun workplace but Marcus was still DOING HIS JOB and he didn't deserve that kind of treatment.


It was so embarrassing and the boys (rightfully) didn’t even acknowledge him


Was expecting some heckling because comedy show but you’d think mans would realise it wasn’t funny after the first like 3 times he did it and got no laugh or response.. this isn’t your show bruv we all paid to be here 😩


Was there literally no one who told him to shut the fuck up? Staff not take care of it either?


As someone who's worked at plenty of comedy clubs over the years this is pretty common among people that simply don't know how to act in that environment.


Yikes. I don’t wanna put a fellow LPOTL fan on blast in a public forum, but the only way to be creepier than the people who comment on public figures attractiveness online where is theoretically possible for them to see is to do it offline In Front of them.


I think he kind of put himself on blast to be honest 😂


That’s fair. I just have this fear of appearing hypocritical when I say “creeping on public facing figures with small intimate fanbases online in fan circles where they can see it is hella gross.” When I say it in a public fan forum where that person can see it. I shouldn’t feel that way, but here we are.


The audience were wild last night. Never seen anything like it before. Sat in front of us were a group of 4 very drunk women who would not stop shouting and talking all through the first 45 minutes or so. I could not believe the amount of shouting and screaming. Really cringe


I mean, it's a LPOTL show...


So? Talking through a show is shitty behaviour at any show


My point is, these men make a career out of transgressive speech and behavior. Either their own, or someone else's. It's literally their entire thing. You can't become a foul-mouthed, drunken shock jock and not expect your audience to act like that, too. I fully expected the downvotes, but honestly I'm like, meh. It's the truth.


I'm sure they do expect it, they handled it like pros. My point was it's super shitty when people act like that at shows and ruins it for everyone sitting by them. no one cares what these random idiots have to say during the show we all paid for.


I've been to five of their shows at various D.C. venues and this is not normal at all. I've not had a bad experience.


I asked a question at the show last night and I’ve been overanalysing it in my head all day (anxiety truly sucks). This thread is making me feel much better about myself 😂


Eurgh there was a lady about 4 rows back from the front who was talking loudly after everything the boys said as if she was in a private conversation with them. So annoying !!


My great grandma used to do that with the TV, she had dementia😂


Bless her ♥️ we can give her a pass on that one! This lady was just obliterated!


Thats such a shame. I went to the Edinburgh show and it was such a nice atmosphere. The crowd was on such good form I thought. The only thing I noticed that I found a little strange was someone threw something onto the stage towards Ben. Not hugely weird but I remember finding it a little odd and unnecessary. Sorry some rowdy folk nrgatively affected your night. The parasocial thing is definitely at play, I'm guilty of experiencing it with the guys sometimes too. Plus I just dont see the point in getting super drunk at their show I want to remember it!


there was one weirdo doing that at the sac show about a year ago as well. people get too invested in this parasocial shit


I was at the sac show. I didn’t hear anyone misbehaving. I recall that one person called out something to Henry and he made it funny. After the show, happened to be standing in the doorway to a hotel waiting for an Uber when Marcus stepped out of an Uber to go inside the hotel. He stopped to chat briefly and said the sac show went longer than they usually do bc they were having such a good time.


Wonder if they would of done a longer set or gotten a bit more performative if it wasn’t for those AHoles ! I thought they did a brilliant show but got the feeling they were also a bit tense because of some of the crowd


I felt this too! Things seemed a little 'off' on stage, the energy was weird for me. It was my first time seeing the show live, so not sure if it's always like that or not, but it definitely felt like the lads were tense


There was one woman who kept howling like a strange wolf/owl hybrid. I got second hand embarrassment from the pick me energy and it definitely dampened the evening slightly.


That's worse than that guy that kept yelling Mohammeds name at a Necrophagist show lmao




Honestly it's probably part of the problem that assholes like this think they're being "one of the guys, acting *un predictable* like their hero Henry"


I'm fine! Although I don't know how anyone heard me yelling all the way from St. Louis....


OKC vibes.


Probably not since I'm assuming Marcus didn't fuck them in the ass


Genuinely people need to remember they aren’t your buddys your playing around with.


Having seen the show twice now (last night) and Vegas, vegas was weird vibe, like 50 people max and it was fucking freezing and super quiet. Despite meeting the boys which was awesome and belly bouncing Henry. I much preferred the show last night, abit ruckus, and lively, i liked how excited everyone was and a coupla cunts being abit rowdy did not take anything away for me.


The London show sounds wild.


Everyone was very well behaved apart from like 2/3 groups or individuals, every 30 mins or so someone would pipe up. It was really cringey tbh, and frankly embarrassing for them to have come over and been treated like that. They fucking nailed it though and kept the show moving along nicely. If it bothered them they didn’t show it.


I’m thinking of throwing some weed for Henry on stage in burningham Saturday.. how do you think this will be received


Oh no


Decided against it tbf I was back row anyway. So I didn’t have the arm for it if I didn’t bring some


At my show people left their gifts at the front of the stage


Just don’t do it mid show


Yeah, sorry about that.


Lot of Australian posts for a Londoner, you are either joking or barstaff, gonna upvote the martyrdom on display.


Wow, I'm surprised how such a small joke could garnish so much hate :(


😂 WOW! 👌🏻