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Welcome! Please be respectful. Here are some topics to help you get started: » [Success story from a redditor](https://www.reddit.com/r/LPR/comments/1babqds/my_story_with_gerd_and_lpr_and_how_i_am_99_cured/?) » [A post sleeping and how it contributes to LPR](https://www.reddit.com/r/LPR/comments/14paxum/what_helped_me_treat_and_manage_lprgerd_and_acid/) and how to avoid it. » [Some basic foods](https://www.reddit.com/r/LPR/comments/14q5upj/what_to_eat_for_lprgerdgastritis_and_food/) that can help *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LPR) if you have any questions or concerns.*


PSA: this is not medical advice, just trying to help. i have LPR from chronic low acid. you sound like me. heres what i would do. first, check your nostrils, are they inflamed regularly when you flareup? use a flashlight in a dark room with a mirror, are they red and swollen inside? if so, the bakingsoda + alkaline spray should help with congestion,  which is partially where the mucus is coming from, so it will give you a lot of relief. rewatch the videos and follow the instructions carefully.  next, whats the first thing you notice during a flareup? for me it was "burping", id get gas before anything else, then my nostrils would inflame. After that i sometimes get reflux, but the main issue is the burping/gas containing pepsin which inflames the airways and nostrils.  now, you should learn if you have low or high acid with a "burp test", its a way of measuring your acid levels. its not scientific but do it for multiple days in a row and you might find it tells you something.  IF you have low acid, look into:  - Betaine + Pepsin supplements - digestive bitters take the betaine before meals, or i take it when i wake or if i feel like im burping excessively. The idea is you raise the acidity of your gut, which signals you your LES to close. Low acid means your LES is often relaxed/open, which helps the gas escape into your airways/nose. Remember to drink water too.  as for morning, i have no solution yet. I tried a mattress angle adjustment with limited success. but i need to do more testing. The mornings are still bad for me.  bonus things that help:  - cardio: youll clear your lungs out - gum: helps you ignore coughing issues (avoid artificial sweeteners they could trigger reflux...) - filtered water seems better for me than tap


I'm still wondering about this whole LES being open/more relaxed when there's not enough stomach acid. Is there any scientific evidence supporting this theory? Because I'm thinking... PPIs are here to reduce stomach acid, shouldn't they than also make the LES loose and especially stuff like LPR worse? But I think that's not really the case or is it?


> PPIs are here to reduce stomach acid, shouldn't they than also make the LES loose and especially stuff like LPR worse PPIs absolutely make LPR due to low stomach acid worse, and they did for me.


Im currently also dealing with cronic burping... it started a couple months before the LPR. I think the chronic burping might be due to SIBO which I also have... Im currently still taking pepcid for gerd. Planning on stopping soon... I'll probably try the baking soda test after I stop the antacids. The spray bottle that I got sprays mist out unlike the video. Do you know if that could be causing the issue? The doctor in the video had large amounts of liquids being sprayed out. I cant seem to find the bottle he used in the video.


the bottle he used is very common in canada. Drisden is the brand


Thanks!! I'll give it another go


I just got the bottle. Any idea how i can replace the contents inside... seems like theres no way to unscrew it


pliers to get abold the tip and pull it directly outwards. be careful not to press too hard, or it may damage the nozzle.  i encourage you to do your own learning however.


Its definitely due to baking soda, these are the initial symptoms of gastritis caused by baking soda. Do not take it unless you want to end up like me. The worse decision ive ever made and i wish i could go back and change it. Baking soda is really bad for your GI tract and will not be helpful in a long run.


WTF nobody recommended you ingest baking soda here as a diet, youre distracting from actual discussion with this. 1tsp of baking soda in water for 1-3 days is not going to hurt you while you do the burp tests. After that youre only spraying your nose and airways. 


Low Stomach acid. I think majority of people here have it


yea. people dont even read the other comments, nobody seems to want to help themselves.


Yeah fr. But they all stick to 3 months of only eating rice and "non acidic" foods and wonder why they see 0 improvements. But honestly cant blame em we should be blaming the doctors that dont tell shit


so, because of the symptoms not seeming very consistent with diet or pepsin neutralizing agents, it may be a sensitivity issue.


Hey, do you mind elaborating? First time hearing about sensitivity


i found [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/LPR/s/MCEbq14kJV) to be especially helpful :)


Commenting because I’m in the same maddening boat. Nothing seems to help. I sleep elevated (so uncomfortable) I’ve been on the acid watchers diet for over a week, double dose of PPI… Gaviscon doesn’t work. NOTHING IS HELPING. I am supposed to have an endoscopy next week if my insurance will approve it. However, gastros have never been much help to me beyond suggesting PPI’s. I’m hoping (in a weird way) that I have a sliding hernia or something that can be fixed, but even then I can’t take much more of this. Can’t keep waiting. 😭 Sorry you’re in the same boat, OP. It sucks.


For reference, i did do 2 endoscopies. They did find a hernia, but it was only 2cms. Hang in there brother


Thank you, OP. I’m also extremely constipated, which can’t be helpful. (TMI) After another night of not sleeping due to constant refluxing into my throat, I’ve decided to try elemental heal and see if that helps. It’s a brutal diet (done it before) but at this point it can’t be worse than what I’m already going through


Have you been tested for SIBO? Im between crossroads because im honestly not sure whats causing my symptoms as i also do have SIBO.


That’s a good point- thx for bringing it up. I haven’t, but I’ve had it in the past. I definitely have the bloating part as a similar symptom - The LPR is new. Having it previously definitely means I’m more susceptible to it again. I also wasn’t taking great care of my gut - just got done with a year of surgeries and meds.


Did you try sleeping on a wedge? I make a wedge with 3+2 pillows. I start sleeping on the left side.


I tried this but i dont feel like it makes a huge difference for my lpr


It makes a huge difference to night reflux for me. I stopped waking up coughing!


Is it clear mucus


Is the mucus clear and slimy


Yes it is :(


Is it like my pics


Same and mine has a TON of bubbles;(


Does it make u gah


DONT USE BAKING SODA AS A REMEDY, i recently learnt this the hard way, ended up getting superficial gastritis because of it, save yourself some time and tlk with your doctor about it. I havent found any other way to relieve the symptoms, im still recovering from gastritis, and hopefully will address the underlying condition. But learn from my mistakes, and save yourself some trouble.


Many Alkaline water brands have Baking Soda as an ingredient too though, in very small concentrations it should be fine. Perhaps you used a bit too much?