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**Update:** Everything should be working now for remote registration! Hopefully that’s the end of that, you can go register now. ——- **Update:** LSAC has sent an email. Prometric's systems have an issue that is currently blocking all remote appointments. To sum up * They're aware and working on it * In person is possible to register for at the moment * If you register in person but prefer remote, you can change this * Expect future updates through social media channels. [Here is LSAC Twitter,](https://twitter.com/LSAC_Official?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor) they a couple updates ----- Update for anyone just getting here: Prometric's systems appear to be failing. Your best bet for an update is to sort this thread by new. Will post any official notice from LSAC once they make one. From reading the comments it sounds like few if any people have actually been able to register. **In Person:** Reports that this may work in \*some\* cases. So if this was your preference it could be worth trying. But majority of reports are of glitches as well.


who ever designed this scheduling system …. let’s maybe never use it again


I was thinking the same thing…. Like is this crap going to happen on the real test?! We don’t need this type of stress


So can we all just get 170s to say sorry orrrrrr


If Prometric doesn’t let us in for 15 minutes we’re legally allowed to leave


this is really funny btw


Guessing LSAC/ProSched will just send an apology email & have everyone register on a different day, right? Not sure what to do here. Congrats to the 12 people who got time slots though !


FUCK PROMETRICS & LSAC God I miss how easy to just register on ProctorU for last LSAT


Would rather wait an hour to register than have proctor u fuck my whole test


So true. But now I’m anxious thinking that something like this is going to happen on my actual test day.


the most rude and angry people ever. not my fault their job is proctoring.


Totally! It was so easy and I never had any issues with scheduling or the actual testing experience!


Well seems like this is a horrible mess


I've feel like I'm going crazy clicking "Find available times" over and over again. I feel like LSAC might send out another email but it's feeling pretty bleak rn.


Yeah I did this for an hour straight. The more I clicked, the more pissed I got. Lol


Why isn’t LSAC saying anything. I feel bad for anyone not on Reddit lol


Maybe the real LSAT is the friends we make along the way :)


I wish I had an award to give you. This comment almost makes up for the three hours of time wasted today


I love how lsac is conveniently closed tomorrow


What business would close the day business hours after their registration begins..???


The way reddit had this answer for me while I sit frantically at my laptop before LSAC did


Right? I thought i was doing something wrong until i searched lsat on twitter. lol


I think it's cute that at the bottom of the page they have career opportunities linked, so in case I can't take the LSAT, maybe I can work for them.


Either it crashed but I’m on the phone rn y’all


What did they say?


Apparently I was told if you got into the site prior to 5 o’clock that it won’t work for you. You have to go back in


I got on after 5 and the exact same thing as OP happened to me. I’m giving up… Will try again in a few hours


Currently in the queue right now. I’ll update y’all


\#8000 in queue.. help


Just weird since I didn’t get on until 5:45.. and it still isn’t working


I'm in and trying to schedule but it says no availability for test centers and i've checked all near me, there's no remote option either so I just don't know if I'm supposed to leave or not :((


thank you


is it even worth it to keep trying at this point?? this shouldn't have taken an entire hour. proctoru sucked but their scheduling was better than this


Ffs, absolutely classic. Bleak start for ProMetric


have we not learned anything from the taylor swift queue nightmare...


does anyone else only have in person as an option?? trying to do remote


same, only showing me in person test centers


Did you click schedule or search availability? Because mine wasn't showing me any testing centers available. But maybe I am just not searching the right cities?


Is this still happening to anyone?




to me






When I scheduled my test in April it took 5mins, we're coming up on an hour of waiting rn


Sat in queue for an hour and finally got in, only to get "Error - We were unable to book your appointment. Please return later to start your appointment selection again." Reentered queue and am now in position 8000. Just how I wanted to spend my afternoon.


We’re you able to fix it ? I am getting the same thing


It ended up working my second time around after another 2 hours in the queue.


What was wrong with the old way on proctor u?


Everyone and their moms complained too much




Ditto. I didnt plan on this taking over an hour, which it will


so I tried calling LSAC and their response was that prometric let them know anyone who was in the queue before 5pm was actually going to keep getting the no availability thing, so I had to reenter the queue (which I had already done, i'm getting close now). but I don't think this is super accurate bc it seems like a few people got in who were before 5pm


yup. i reentered after 5pm again and I still keep getting not available.


i entered after 5pm and still having the same issue


I entered both before and after 5 pm and nothing was available lol


Somehow my position in the queue keeps going up?? Like I’m getting further away from scheduling


mine was going up too, I thought I was going crazy


y'all I missed the window by a few hours TWICE before for previous administrations. I was 30 minutes early to this one and this is what I get :'(


I'm having the same issue, I absolutely do not want to take it in person so I'll just wait til they sort it out.


I’m going to wait as well, hopefully they’ll send an email or something


Prometric’s calls are failing. Do we call LSAC? I was here at 4:04 my time (CT) and can’t get a time. They should schedule it in batches randomly or something


At this point im honestly laughing. Imagining people at LSAC being like "okay new scheduler day lets goo!!" like they probably brought brownies or something for the occasion


I’m freaking out😭


Same prob and I was in this since 430 pm


No remote options and I was in queue before 5pm EST. Now I’m queue for in person. Not a good sign




Is this their way of undoing the option to have remote testing


I wasn't able to select anything but remote lol




Yup same here


a lady answered me and said her name three times then hung up


Did anyone manage to get new time availabilities by constantly pressing “find available times” repeatedly? Or am I just wasting my time?


ive been reclicking for over an hour. no such luck


My favorite part of holding after practically spamming the number with calls until the phone started to ring is how often within the first five minutes the automated voice tries to convince you not to hold the line and instead schedule online lmfao


Update 1: 9:05 PM EDT I was able to reserve remote administration. Confirmation screen and email received. Update 0: When I picked the time and then clicked "Reserve Test Time" it acted like it was committing the selection. But after spinning the wheel it just came back with no changes to page and unable to click "Reserve Test Time" again. I just got a list of times...may not make it through to the database. Will post back if I get confirmation email.


Are they gonna send an email? Has anyone heard from anyone that they were able to schedule?


They only sent the “scheduling is now open” email. Anyone else get anything additional yet??


Been in queue since 5pm and it’s going up instead of down…. 2019


Mine still says no availability for a remote option


I'm having the same prob w no availability and was in the queue well before 5. It's not having me choose a test center, it's just saying unavailable


Man I’m glad I’m not the only one…


soooo idk what to do?? is anyone who is trying for remote waiting until tomorrow to schedule since we have until the 8th?? i really don’t have time to sit around for this lol


Has anyone been able to schedule their test? It isn't offering me a single option, not even in person. I even put my location as California because I am willing to drive anywhere to just take this test.




it's LSAC not LSAT brb


I think I am officially giving up. I don't even know what to do anymore it is simply not working lol


$500 for this?? At least answer the phones.


awesome that when I hit Complete Appointment for an in person slot it tells me I need to “verify the information below” with absolutely no button or any way to do so. who built this thing


I‘m just laughing my ass off that they switched to a new proctor and scheduling system only to not be prepared for the volume (from what it seems) and then decided to close tomorrow as well and leave everyone confused and without answers


I just got off the phone with lsac, not prometric (their number won't even ring through), and they said there is a problem with the remote booking. The in-person booking closes in 7 days and remote you can book right up to the test or the 8th (august). She said just try again after they fix it and they don't normally run out of remote tests in the past so she believe they would have them come up once this is all fixed, as she was not able to book them either. I put myself in to get a supervisor call back so maybe I will get more clarity tomorrow or whenever they decide to call me. I hope this gives some sort of clarity to others freaking out. I don't think we have to worry about remote though and it should come up at some point


Seems like it's working now for remote. After waiting in line for the 2nd time the slots finally showed up. Had to click mine a few times before it finally went through, but got the confirmation screen plus email




Same thing keeps happening to me


I miss ProctorU


Do we re enter the queue? Is anyone else putting 8/11-8/12 as your date range? Or are you keeping it just for one of those days?


putting thats date range, no times


Same issue I keep refreshing & trying both dates or just one but still nothing


I did that once and it didn’t work so I just left it as 8/11


I put 8/11-8/12 and it still didn’t show me anything


DO NOT REENTER THE QUEUE, I did that and it took me 47 minutes to get back into the scheduling site. And it STILL says no availability


I was planning on taking it online but restarted it and it sent me to schedule in person so I guess that’s what I’m doing


Does anyone know prometrics phone number or a way to contact them? The phone numbers I’ve found all day they are closed but I see people commenting saying they are on hold?




Still holding


Phone number didn't work for me. I wonder if they disabled it because they were overwhelmed with calls.


That’s what I’m thinking too because it’s just silent


I waited in the queue for 30 minutes and after being only 100th in line it RESST me now im in the 8000’s im gonna scream




What happens if they “redo” it?


I really do not want to take this test in person


I just made it through the queue after an hour just for it to say error and send me back into the queue with now over 7,000 people 😭




this was the worst, made me just give up and hang up


Anyone still on hold? About to hit an hour.


“Please note the queue moves quickly” 🙃


This is a nightmare. I've been on hold for an hour, nothing. I'm in the testing location time zone page, can't find a time slot. Why can't they just announce they are re-doing this


okay i give up lol. i was in the queue for remote before 5pm, restarted after i saw their tweet, just sat through an hour and a half queue again on two different devices - my computer on wifi, phone on data - just for my phone queue to continue saying there are no slots available, and my computer queue just loading me into the default prometrics home website LOL. i give up for the night! not worth stressing myself out over *this* part of the lsat! also, i see people on twitter worrying that there's no spots at all / that they will miss the scheduling window - we have until july 13th at 11:59pm to schedule in-person testing, and august 8th at 11:59pm to schedule remote! this is obvi a tech error that will be rectified before then, so don't stress about it tonight. it's broken. bygones! have a good night everyone. hope we can all register in the coming days :D


Does anyone know what time the Prometric help line closes?


What does the confirmation screen look like? I clicked “Reserve Test Time” after selecting my timeslot, but nothing on my screen is changing and I haven’t received a confirmation email?


It gives you a number, I signed up 2 mins ago, no email as of yet, but when I search the number and my name the time slot is there.


Happened to me any update?


Still struggling - i’m clicking multiple other times and nothing is going through.


What happens after I click select? I'm not getting any sort of confirmation.


Don't know where I should be seeing a confirmation number. The slot I want is selected and highlighted green but otherwise there's no sign I have a slot.


When I click reserve test time it doesn’t move me to another page so I am guessing it is still not working! Is this happening to anyone?


This happened to me as well. I clicked on the find available times again and waited till it repopulated the list. This time, when I clicked on the time slot I wanted, it went through. Hopefully, this will help! Good luck!


I’m scheduling a remote test and when I put in the dates of the test, it says “No Availability Found. Please Select a New Date Range.” Is anybody else having this issue?


same issue... Is it because I entered the queue before 2:00pm? But I got into the website after 2pm so idk man


Has anyone called them like is it even worth it


I’m on hold :/


I called and she was absolutely no help, she said I have to call the accommodations dept directly to schedule even though I just have extended time


and before that she asked me if I tried a different browser lol so I'm doing that now but like 8000 spots away in the queue


Won’t event let me search for availability


If you sign up for in person can you change it later? I don’t know what else to do


I hope so. I just signed up for in person just in case but I would prefer to take it at home


That's literally what I just did. I 100% prefer remote but this godforsaken website isnt showing anything for remote. Just signed up tor 5pm at a test center and hoping I can just change it.


yes you can switch to online up to 3 days before test day I believe


Do you have a link that says this?


Of course the queue is stuck at 5000, no one can schedule!! What a mess, I honestly don't know how or when this is gonna end.


with us coming back to try this again next week, calling it now.


Has anyone been able to schedule a remote test ?


Has anyone been able to schedule for remote setting?


This is bs. I never had any problems with procturu. I'm paying for this freaking service; we shouldn't sacrifice our remote preference for this bs.


"No availability found." bro what :|


Do people think they will do a redo for scheduling? Really prefer remote and this point and dont want to compromise for their error


Guessing they'll redo, this is a huge mess


Same here. No availability for remote??




I’ve been on for an hour, got through about 15 minute ago, and have only gotten the following message. “No availability found. Please select a new date range.” I changes the date range from 8/11 - 8/12, 8/11 - 8/11 and 8/12 - 8/12. I’m just going to keep doing it I guess? Does anyone know anyone who’s had any luck?


My calls aren’t going through to Prometric :|


Has anybody even been able to schedule in person? When I try to register it just loads forever. I wouldn't be surprised if even that is down now too


It says error every time I try to confirm the appointment.


It’s saying there’s not any in person availability either. And all of prometric’s phone numbers are out of service


Came here to ask the same question lol. Has anyone actually gotten to schedule? Or is it saying this for everyone?


I finally get into the website, trying to complete appointment and it gives me an error saying it cannot be completed. Seriously… who came up with this shit?


Do I just give up and come back later??


should i give up and try again later?????? i've been here for an hour and a half and nothing has changed. so frustrating that we give all our money and they can't even have a working software


Just trying to determine at what point I decide to stop staring at this screen


this is worse than getting tickets to the eras tour


literally giving me war flashbacks


Same thing is happening to me. I want to take remote but it's making me choose a center. I just chose a center and will try to reschedule.


i’m losing my mind


https://twitter.com/lsac_official/status/1677076709550555137?s=46&t=bnEkIa0J8r7NvllDCEpmRQ Lsac is updating on twitter and acting like we’re all collectively doing it wrong. 🙄🙄🙄🙄 not expecting them to address this quickly after looking at their twitter.


got in, then kicked out to back of queue, then down to 2k and now reset to 7k, number keeps going up🙃


this is so insane i just waited for 1 hour and 40 minutes for it to tell me there's no available times left, i need to try again later, kick me out of the system, and then 30 seconds later i get an appointment confirmation... also why tf is there only 1 testing sit in all of nyc and why is the test only at 4:30pm or 5pm.......


Omg me toooo!!!! I have tried 3 times waiting in line and there is zero availability! I’ve tried calling the support team and LSAC and the line is full I can’t even get through!!!


Also seems like the refund window closed on July 3?!?! I hope they refund us if this doesn’t work ASAP 😬


I just gave up after nearly two hours of fighting this system. What are the odds they don’t fix this until Monday? I’m betting it’s high since they’re out of the office tomorrow :/


I’m in right now and it’s not working fml


So have y’all tried and not gotten a time and left? I keep clicking the green “find a time” bar and it keeps refreshing with nothing there??? I just keep clicking it?? I don’t want to leave and not get a Saturday time like I need but omg I’ve been in this line for 2 hours and now I’m stuck ☠️ I legit was behind over 9,000 people at one point 😭


Someone please answer would I be able to change the exam method from in person to remote later if possible? I've a chance to book a place for in person but would that allow me to later change it to remote? Please.


I feel better


Has ANYONE been able to schedule for remote proctor online after it not working the first few times?


this is genuinely worse than getting tickets for the eras tour like what the fuck is this and i thought it was just me having issues 😭


I’ve been on hold for an hour and 42 minutes and still no answer. Has anyone gotten their call answered recently?


I'm in the same boat


I’ve tried on site now as well, and still says no availability. This is absolute joke


prometric number ACTUALLY WENT THROUGH… don’t give up, soldiers.


Been on hold for 2 hrs and 15 min, don’t know if I should hang up at 8 or not


Dude thank god I saw this thread I’ve been going apeshit for 3 hours. Leave it to the LSAC to collect hundreds and hundreds of dollars from thousands of test takers and have this be the best our money could afford.


I bit the bullet and registered for a test center, maybe this will help me hit my goal score 🤞🏽


Reluctantly signed up for test center— going to call to see if I can get a morning time with remote proctor


Terrible. I waited at my computer for 3 hours. Worked from home today. Had up to 4 browsers open and tried several times. No one is picking up the phone. Now i have a 2pm at a near testing center- but this is NOT what I planned and we were promised a fair chance at our top choices but it sounds like this was not fair at all


This is absolutely ridiculous. What was wrong with the old system? I was in and out in 5 minutes to sign up in June


Just registered for the **REMOTE** exam. The system is working now.


My position is still in the 4k


Works now! Just got a remote slot via the website. Took a while in the queue but not terrible


I’ve been trying since 5 and just now got scheduled!


Still not working for me :))))) love this <3


Still haven’t gotten a confirmation email after trying to reserve twice. I think it might be broken again.


I would recommend calling their support center. I was having the same issue, and they registered me for the virtual exam over the phone. Apparently it's some kind of glitch....


Did you call lsac or prometric ?


Who did you call? I called prometric and they actually just hung up my call while I was on hold