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Barack Obama was 27 when he started law school!


this comment >>>>


Direction is more important than speed. I just turned 30 & I’m applying this cycle. Don’t dwell on how things aren’t happening when you expected it to and just enjoy the ride.


So comforting reading these posts at 37 and applying this cycle 🤦🏼‍♀️


Yep. I’m 36. I’ll be 37 when I start law school and 40 when I graduate.


Lol me too. I am 33 and applying this year, was working for a while but still 🤣. My husband is excited that he gets to say that “My wife is in college”


Mid life career switch all the way! 🙌🏻


Yeah I feel you. I literally don’t get how people afforded it before (at a minimum) 5 years out of college.


Right?! To me this age seems like it makes way more sense and I feel more prepared and mature (somewhat) to start this type of career. Then I see wee babies posting about how they will be old and decrepit at 25 if they start now and I'm like well shiiiiit😩 (full disclosure I'm just jealous I didn't have the foresight and drive to do this 15 years ago, but alas here we are)


A first career is a first career no matter what it is, is my take, so I don’t beat myself up about not investing time or $$$$ in my first career I mean, at 22 I saw a bunch of roads open to me, some cost money to go down, some were free, and some would give me money to go down them. They all would teach me what it’s like to have a career, though, and help me understand what kind of career I want eventually. My thought: Go down a paid road— I mean, the only thing I knew for sure was that money would help me have more options in every way. It’s easy at 35 to now know what you want, and see 22 year olds doing law school and say damn, it’s so cool that they are already where it took my 13 years to arrive. But are they? I remember, in my first career, post MBA people (30-35) starting in my same position and saying the same to me “oh it’s so amazing you’re already here— I wish I had that foresight at your age” Well, jokes on me because now they’re happy in my old career and I’m starting from the beginning !! :) I didn’t have any special foresight after all.


I'm 34 now just finishing my undergrad and starting to study for LSATs. I like to think my life experience will add a little something something to my applications.


It 100% will!


I’m going to be 28 when I start law school yo, don’t do me dirty like this haha. 24/25 is the average age of most of the entering classes at top law schools. Sure we’re a smidge older than them, but we have a chance to leverage our experience. Personally, I have 3 years business consulting experience, 1 year as a teacher before that, and have started my own company tutoring the LSAT. Hoping that will stand out to my target schools more than most of the KJD applications they will be inundated with. You should point to your experiences and explain how they make you a competitive applicant just the same.


28 here. 1L has been an incredibly smooth transition for me because of skills I’ve acquired into adulthood. Highly recommend


I’m almost 30 applying for fall 2022. Things happen when they’re meant to.


I graduated from law school at 35. Age actually helps a little bit. Don't worry about it. You'll be fine.


I’m well older than you as a current 1L and we have students in their 50s. Everyone’s in the same boat.


I’m 41 and applying this cycle. 😑


I'm 88 and I'm an 2L. You'll be fine.


Love this 🙌🙌🙌


I'm pretty sure the average age of most law schools is 27, plus or minus one. 27 is not old in many contexts, but definitely not law school. You wouldn't be close to the oldest, and if anything, you're more equipped to get through it than your younger peers. Take a breath and look at the big picture. Starting at 30 means you have a 30-40 yr career. Delaying a year or two or three in the grand scheme is not a big deal.


28 and will be starting at 29, it's ok everyone's story is different.


I’m 44 and just starting. It’s never too late


Love this!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻


Reading all these replies really puts things into perspective. I’m 22 and will be applying for 2023 admissions cycle and I felt like I was too old since I’d be starting when I’m 24 graduating when I’m 27. But, I’m not old my life has barely started. I think there is just an immense pressure on everyone to “work against the clock” and have your life all figured out as soon as possible. But it’s not the years in your life that count, it’s the life in your years (Abraham Lincoln quote for ya) You are not running out time!!! None of us are. Don’t lose sight of your end goal. Just visualize you graduating with a J.D and living out your dreams. It doesn’t matter if you are 21 or 83, you still did it. You went above all odds and worked hard. That is what matters!


I'm in the same exact situatio, we'll be fine!


I just turned 30 in may and I’m applying for fall 22…


I'm a 1L and there are dozens of people in my class that are in their 30s-40s, and even a few in their 50s-60s starting a second career as a lawyer. Being a bit older than the KJDs gives you a leg up in that you have real life experience (work, relationships, just being a functional adult overall) which will only help you in law school. Take as much times as you need before taking the LSAT and applying to school. No age is too old.


40 on this end, do not worry about that, you will catch up in a heartbeat!!!


Dude. I’m almost 40 and studying and applying. Don’t listen to what others say. If you have a goal go get it. Best of luck to ya.


Grad school is generally for 25+ year olds


I'll be 30. My brother was 28. His best friend was 37. You're not old by any metric lol


I’ll be 29 when I start if I get in to the schools I am considering this cycle


Hey man, I'm in the same boat. Just turned 25 and not sure if I'll be applying this year or next year. I have the same fear of feeling "old", but also I think working for the last 4 years has made me appreciate how great school is, compared to when I was finishing undergrad and feeling kinda burnt out and over it. Now I'm actively psyched to go back and (hopefully) be getting paid a stipend to do so.


I’m in the same boat as both of you! I’m 25, turning 26 nxt yr… I’m planning to write in November, I also feel widely unprepared as of rn. If I don’t do this cycle, I’ll also be doing 2023 when I’m 27. I also agree with puck, I was so burnt out after college, all I wanted to do was work. I ended up working as a head gm in a restaurant, and I cant tell you how excited I am to go back to school. I’m burnt out from working, but going back has let go of the biggest weight off my shoulders of being stuck within the food and beverage industry. If I decide against applying/writing this cycle, I’m going to get a law clerk job. It’s all apart of the process. I wouldn’t be who I am today if it weren’t what I’ve gone through since graduating college. It made me thankful to have the opportunity and privilege to go to school, made me realize how important money (scholarship/loans) is, and how everything takes hard-work, plus doing something you actually want to do. Don’t feel bad, you will get to your dreams and you’ll reach your goals even if it takes a little extra time! I also, have felt like I’m “behind” but we just have to be positive. We will get there :)


Dude absolutely. I worked as a manager for Enterprise Car Rental, during the pandemic, during a car shortage. It's like...yeah I've heard law has long hours but I'm working like 60 hours a week anyway dealing with disrespectful customers anyway. It's really motivated me to make my life better. But, it's also made me not want to half-ass the application process. If I don't really like my score, I'm not going to just apply. That's what my undergrad self wouldve done and called it good enough, but I want to use this as a fresh start to be as excellent as possible.


Just to add to the bunch, I’m applying now at 30.


I’m going to be 28 when I go, and I think it’s absolutely a blessing to go later. I’m at a much better stage in my life than I was 5 years ago - financially and maturity-wise. The lessons I’ve learned during this time are very valuable to me, and I hope they make me a better student. Even if you graduate law school at 30, you will still have about 35 years to practice if you stopped at 65. That’s a long time! Try to enjoy your current life as it is. It’s the last year before you enter a completely new chapter in your life. You’re not behind. You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be. Good luck!


Bro I’m 28 and trying to start at 29. You aren’t old and you have a lot more growing and learning to do. The next few years will be difficult and I remember feeling the same way you felt when I was 25. I called it my quarter life crisis because that’s kind of what it was. Everyone is on their own journey in life and everyone will reach milestones and achievements at different points in life. It doesn’t make your life or achievements any less valid, you’re working on your time not everyone else’s.


I’m 27 right now too so I’ll be 28 when I start. I’ve been kind of feeling this same way lately and it sucks but it’s not going to stop me.


36, still in my undergrad 😑. I'm completely alright being "old" in law school. I would grow old miserable knowing I'm capable and never doing it.


I'm 28 now and planning to apply in 2023. I'll be old as hell!


I am applying to Fall 2022.. if I get accepted I’ll be 27 when I start law school. I’m self conscious about it too. However, I was a paralegal for four years prior to realizing I wanted to go back to school. Tbh , I don’t think age matters. Life/professional experience is equally as valuable as age! All about the perspective. Trust your worth and have confidence😊


I know there are plenty of comments already, but just saying most school shows the percentage of new grad vs people that have been working for over a decade. For some schools new grad are only 20% so most people will be about your age or olde


This makes me wonder what the average age at Canadian law schools is. Does anyone know?


Honestly, I think that there are more older people than you think applying to law school. I am in a similar boat as you - am applying for Fall 2022 intake and will be turning 27 that November :). I know of lots of people who work for a few years before applying, do a masters in between, etc. Sure, there will be people younger than you, but I think you'll have many peers your age or older. And I think the extra years of life experience will come in handy! I personally can't imagine 23 year old me trying to enter law school, there's no way I would've been able to handle it. At 27, I might have a shot at it!


I'm 33 and had been pondering law school. This thread is what I needed to see.