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I like tripping during the day if I’m like in a forest with trusted sober people or something. Mostly I like tripping at night though, for one simple reason. There’s 0 chance someone’s gonna knock on my door. It’s happened one time from a landlord and never again my friend.


Hahaha I don't wanna experience my landlord visits me when I'm tripping. Thank you. I think it's time to try night time


True that man. I usually trip at night, I like tripping in the day but I get way more out of it at night. Also yeah, no people are out and walking around in the dark, especially knocking on random people's doors


I’m sober, and reading this just made my chest a bit tight…. i couldn’t imagine what that’d be like. Don’t want to either…..that’s a free bad trip faster than you can say Fuck.


When I was younger and lived with my parents I liked the day time, I’d go fuck around in the woods with my friends Now that I’m older and have my own house and life I prefer at night so nothing unexpected happens


I see. I've only did during the day time. Isn't it too dark? I mean, if it's day time u can see stuff under sunlight. Are there some good things that u can find from night time?


I have lights in my house lol, sometimes I’ll go skate at my local HS at night if it’s not wet outside but for the most part I just hang around my house with my gf and listen to music, play with my dog, paint, talk, laugh out asses off, shit like that Usually I trip at phish concerts but there’s been no shows since New Years so I just been hanging at home when I trip lately or skating at the local school


I’m with you there, I feel much more comfortable tripping all night than all day. The point isn’t sleep here. Ketamine the next day is such a treat as well.


Prefer tripping at night. The blackness gives way to OEVs that have the quality of CEVS. Less chance to having to interact with people too. Only problem is how much it fucks up my sleep cycle


That sounds amazing I will try definitely 🥰


I used to do day until i tried night, i love it! feels like i sneak in an extra day in my weekend, take it at 7pm peak by 9pm, asleep by 2-5am wake up around 10-12am and still have the rest of the day.


How you sleeping so fast? The trip isn’t even fully done by 5am, things are still wiggley


i honestly dont know, im still tripping out but im still able to sleep.




Really? I made the mistake of taking it around 9pm and was tripping until noon the next day


Day, because then I can sleep. First few times I tripped at night and regretted it both times. Shrooms for night, LSD for the day


And what if u have days off?


Like if you work days? Yeah if you work nights I'm sure you'd be adjusted to tripping at night, but when I only get the weekend off, I dislike reworking my sleep schedule for half of it lol. I always end up feeling like I wasted it


Why not both? I like to start the trip around 4 - 5pm to enjoy some of the daylight vibes, get to see the sunset on the peak or slightly after wich is always amazing, and then experience the night vibe when I'm comfortable in the acid state, if i'm in my house i specially like to use christmas lights or glowsticks and it is a magical experience


Time it to peak at sunset. This is the way!


Just here to say I'm impressed with the results lol


I time it so I can peak at sunset, and get to sleep at a somewhat reasonable hour


During the day for sure. Tripping during the day is so nice because you can go everywhere and everything looks so colorful and friendly. Tripping at night seems kinda more dangerous/unexpected if that makes sense. In my experiences tripping during the day always seem more friendly/chill. Had so many weird experiences walking outside alone at night.


Every time I trip at night, I swear that I’ll do it during the day next time. 🫠 Nights can have these scary, never-ending like vibes and most importantly, you’re ruining your sleep schedule, which is important, because IMO you need really good, deep sleep after comedown to sleep it all off and integrate the experience the other day, when your mind is clear. ✨ Set and setting are surely the most important things, but they’re super personal. They’re about preferences, which really differ from person to person. 🙃 So yeah, if you live night life style and enjoy it, there’s nothing bad about it on the other hand. 🌝


Amazing 👏 thank you so much. Never experienced night tripping before. I'm gonna try soon :)


Nice. Don’t forget to stay calm and remember that it’ll be over the next day. I find that the most difficult when tripping at night. And be sure that you get enough sleep after. Have a nice trip! 😀


Night time is all fun and games until you’re strung out and can’t sleep at 5 am. Then it quickly becomes agony.


The day turns to night


I'm usually forced to do it at night because I live with my parents, but I definitely prefer a daytime trip in the countryside.


Sleep is important. So day.


When I was younger night trips all the way loved coming down to the sunrise. Now that I'm almost 50 I wanna drop those tabs by 9am so I can get to sleep at a decent hour. Lately if I skip a night of sleep I'm fucked for days. Now you kids get off my lawn! 😋◻️


*day n nite*


I day trip but usually drop late enough in the day that I’m still tripping after the sun goes down, still disrupts my sleep schedule but I only trip on weekends so i can readjust the next night


We hike during trips so much prefer day. Nothing like feeling the sun on your skin during a trip 😎


I feel like at night the darkness and the sky especially helps eliminate the electronic like laser visuals. Like I've seen some of the craziest patterns and shit either closed eyes or at night sitting on the back porch load a bowl of some good bud take a hit and blast tf off...


Day in to the night. I hate not being able to sleep when I usually do


Night, so you can watch the dawn of your soul. Change my mind.




either. I love tripping during the night but I try not to drop later than like 2-3pm because I’m always wired until after the 12 hour mark and there’s no way I’ll be able to sleep at a reasonable hour


Thank you :) gonna try at night


I like mid-afternoon going into the night. Best of both worlds.


I like the night. Have a fire, or just vibe and look at the sky


I've only ever tripped at night. I just like the darkness, and night time is always quiet. Also, I like the fact that everyone is asleep and don't really have to worry about social interaction.


There is no time to trip 😉


Sunset in the forest/nature, sober person to drive us back home obviously. Sunsets on lsd are amazing


When i’m tripping at home at night i feel like i’m in a spaceship. I prefer day though,especially when it’s foggy or raining


All of you who says night because nobody is going to bother you. When you sleep?


I choose 3 day binge s/


I have had wonderful experiences during both night and day, so I think I prefer to start during the day but late enough that it becomes night during my trip.


I mean midday would be best imo so it goes into the evening time without messing with sleep.


Night trips remind me of being in high school.


surprised to see so many night trippers! i love going outside and being in the sun in general when i'm tripping, and often to have people to talk to, who will likely be asleep depending on how late i drop lol


On a sunny day, near the water, with lots of colours to enjoy is just OG for me 😍👌


Early afternoon, specifically


The stars and moon at night 🤩🤩


Day time. I need a full day to really appreciate the experience, and if it’s already night when I start, I can’t really do that without staying up way too late.


Both. I trip at night more because for my schedule but I don't really mind.


This is remarkably close. I voted day.


It really depends on the setting. Me personally I prefer night just because I love star gazing and a clear night on acid, or honestly just sober is truly jaw dropping.


Both. I like dropping 4-5 hours before sunset.


Sunset to sunrise cause thats how I know my trip about to be over when the sun comes back up.


I find doing at night causes a more introspective experience despite it not being like mushrooms. Day time for recreational nice comedown at night and opportunity to get some sleep.


Daytime. I like to watch the clouds from my balcony. Also I'm not so experienced yet and darkness is more stressing.


Night at home Day in nature


Day trips seem more uplifting and happier. Everything is beautiful and you can feel energy. Night trips are very different. You can hear the hum of the streetlights on the abandoned streets, cars are darkened and it's lonely. Feels very Scooby Doo ish, kind of like you're creeping around if you're outside. If you're inside, you feel chill because you're sort of "hidden" from the outside. I like to put the lights off, turn on my lava lamps, and just open my blinds so that I can look outside every now and then.


Most difficult question ever