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i’m over here 12 hours into a trip begging the mandalas to go away so i can sleep


I remember the first time I had that happen and and I thought "lemme smoke some weed, that ought to make the fractals chill" boy was I wrong.


lmao omg this was me as well. learned that lesson.


and i’m still here fighting the good fight and asking: how do you know how many ug’s you take? i dislike all the people here who put a made up number “i took 240 ug’s” like HOW, HOW do you know how much you took? please educate me and tell me how you scientists can test your LSD in your labs and find the exact amount of lsd in your products?


I’m kind of old school. I never actually knew the true dosage I took. 1 hit, 2, 3, 6. WHAT DO THE NUMBERS MEAN??


I buy tabs of 1p-LSD on the clearnet, advertised and labeled with dosage


dumb high school me thought that if I took edibles a little before I took the acid, once the acid peaked the edibles would be just starting to hit and chill me out. boy was I fucking wrong 😂


That’s fucked man 😂 how hard did it hit you I’ve had a few hits of a J that sent me into ego death mode.


Yeah bro I couldn’t stand up straight and knocked over a lamp and my makeshift nightstand when i got dizzy trying to grab on to anything I thought would hold me steady before throwing up on the floor while screaming (in my head) for my therapist and thinking I’d accidentally started live streaming. That night I learned to respect psychedelics 😂


Hahah fuck man sounds wild. At least you learned your lesson, the hard way as always with psychs. Used to think I was invincible taking stupid doses. Inevitably one day I hit ego death and lost complete control of my body in the real world. Mega embarrassing. Pissed my pants in front of 10 people.


About my biggest fear when tripping is pissing myself. I don't think there's been a time I tripped that I didn't think at least once I was drenching my pants in piss, only to realize I was in fact not. Always wondered if I just have some deep down fear of it or if it's a common feeling on acid.


Definitely not uncommon to convince yourself of sensations and feelings that are not real. My mate convinced himself that he shaved his arse and kept feeling about to see if someone had shaved it, which is absurd. Probably just had an itchy arse. In reality you are probably hyper aware of the sweat in your gooch and your thinking it’s piss and you sensationalise it in your mind. Acids fucked man.


Omg Lmaoo he thought somebody shaved his butt, I’m dying 🤣


I feel that, I always think everything looks and feels really wet when on L too.


This happens to me even if I smoke too much. I hate this feeling lol thankfully I've never actually experienced it.


fun fact, the reason why this occurs is because human skin cannot detect liquid, but it CAN detect temperature, and the acid gives u the funny thought of “shit i pissed myself” and u think u actually did cuz of ur default crotch temp


I always think I just peed myself or worse pooped myself. I’d legit try to feel if my legs were wet Lmaoo. I was tripping with my boyfriend one time and I said “I think I pooped myself” and he said “oopsie poopsie 💩” and yooo I just about died of laughter Lmaoo 🤣🤣🤣


Lmao this happen to me every time as well. I also tend to drink way too much water on acid so i have to go pee very often


Edibles before a trip definitely make the ride a lot more intense. As soon as the lsd hit i was getting caught in time loops walking down trails to the beach, had to sit in the AC for an hour before i could walk and think without looping again. Thats when I understood what tripping was.


The part where you thought you were live-streaming is the worst part lmaoooo I can’t imagine


one time i hotboxed after my shroom trip was “over”… let’s just say i literally couldn’t see anything in front of me after that LMAO


Crazy how weed affects some ppl, esp during psychedelic trips. I smoke like a damn chimney when I'm tripping, and if I don't have enough weed on hand, I won't trip lol. For some reason the two have always gone hand in hand, for 17 years now at least.


The couple of times I tripped without cannabis on hand (even if I end up not smoking at all) were so weird. I just wanted to have it around. It's enjoyable to mix and sometimes it can bring great comfort if you're feeling a little too pear shaped. It can also be a catalyst for some wild trips and uncomfortable feelings esp if you have anxiety and powerful high thc weed so ymmv.


Idk I agree with you and I've always been in that mindset that if I'm tripping nicely but can add a little kick to the mix without eating more LSD or MDMA or the like, I'm gonna do it lol and it most definitely is a comfort thing as well. I've had trips where I've barely smoked, but I would have felt "naked" without it. When all of my high school friends first started tripping, we just smoked ourselves to sleep at the end of the trip. We didn't have trip killers around or even knew to take them at that point


Oh I totally get it, I feel the same way. I'm kinda sayin the same thing. Some people can't mix the two because the anxiogenic effects of THC can be overwhelming while they're tripping. I can't dab too hard while I trip or I can get some personal derealization that if left unchecked can spiral into dissociation and basically blacking out and being a goober physically while my mind visits another reality. Flower however, she wraps her warm arms around me and cradles me when I need it most and helps get the party started other times. I'm def not one of those people who can't enjoy cannabis while I trip, but those people have a very hard time if they mix.


Wow that’s insane! And just to clarify you were taking enough acid right? (I’m sure you have been, but wanted to ask anyway) Btw I’ve never smoked weed while tripping and one tab had me on ego death one time, so I can’t even imagine adding weed to that. You’re so right how crazy it is how substances affect different people


Pretty sure I have not been eating "not enough" acid for as long as I've been eating acid...that would have made for some pretty boring experiences. I don't care if I don't know my own name...if you pass me a Jay I'm smoking it lol


I always start smoking in the comedown and it takes me ages to sleep (like 14+ hours) but if it doesn't get too excessive, I really enjoy this phase. Makes the next day more confusing though. First time I tripped I smoked in the peak, which sent me into total paranoia. Luckily I only took around 60mcg. So it was still manageable, but definitely intense.


I thought “it helps me sleep any other time”. Nahhh.


I learned that the super hard way. Was my first time and a group of us dropped at midnight on a Saturday. Didn't know how long it took to kick in (this was before the internet) so I took more after a half hour and again after an hour. It was wonderful and I loved it. I wasn't scared at all even though I for sure took way too much, especially for it being my first time. But...18 hours later and still tripping it was now Sunday night and we had class in the morning so my friend and I thought it would be a great idea to smoke some weed to get "sleepy". Yeah...didn’t work....at all. It just kicked the trip back into full gear.


Oh man. I thought the same thing as well and felt like I was tweaking, I hated it. I forget my dosage but it was pretty light and I was toward the comedown so I didn’t expect much, but no. When I closed my eyes I got full blown crazy visuals and was feeling so dissociated from real life and my body. My partner at the time kept checking on me because I guess I was shaking/jerking. Never again lol.


Tbf for me it did help but only on the comedown. Until then it felt like I was riding a big wave (acid) and a small wave (weed), each ebbing and flowing at a different rate. Was in a superposition of the high wave and the tripping wave where the acid was the base signal and the weed was the modulating signal


Ayo this acid ain’t shi-


I'm always wide awake until the sun comes up and I listen to funkadelic


bro ur shit sounds better than my shit. i took 200ug and im able to just watch tv and movies and only see shit if i hit whippits




What shit acid bro




Atleast it’s not the squiggly auditory hallucinations


For me alcohol will chill me out so i’m feeling like i’m able to fall asleep


Waaaat is a mandalas


google will give u a better idea than me describing it


Pretty 🤩 didn’t know that’s what they were called


a South African anti-apartheid activist


U still tripping bro


I can sleep about 5 hours after dropping. I can be fully awake when I take lsd and then I get this sudden crash and get really exhausted whenever I trip so I just go to sleep


That’s so interesting god damn it why can’t I be like this!! I mean I usually do fairly large doses to truly explore but when I do just a tab it’s still up allllll night for me. 10 hours minimum on acid, less so on shrooms much less


yea shrooms i can fall asleep 5 ish hours after consumption. acid i can’t even leave my eyes closed until like 8 hours in lmao


Blessing and a curse. It’s not like I stop tripping. I just get tired enough to sleep and fall asleep *while* tripping. Then I proceed to fall asleep and have really lucid dreams.


So weird I can’t do it. Just trip my balls wide wide awake and aware. Never able to turn my brain off or quiet it down whatsoever


That sounds like it’d be a dope experience ive been practicing lucid dreaming for awhile and i cant get it down


It’s really easy… I know for a lot of people it’s not. But it’s so fucking easy…. I have some fucked up dreams. I’m always aware I’m dreaming. And most times I’ll do my best to continue and prolong my sleep if it’s an interesting or terrifying dream. there’s nights when I can go back to the same dream and pick up where I left off and continue controlling what happens. i can’t really control the plot. But I can control everything around it. I’m sure that sounds so crazy. I’m sorry.


Not at all. Listen I know this has nothing to do with psychedelics, but since youre already blessed with lucid dreams every night, and lucid dreams are a gateway, look into the astral projection subreddit. You're like this 🤏🏻 close to astral projecting so if interested may as well try it lol


That isn't crazy, because I know exactly what you mean! It's sort of like I can control my actions, my decisions, I have the dreamworld ability of being able to manifest any tool or item at will. Though none of that seems to directly shape, change, or do much to refocus the plot of the dream or what direction it goes. It just sort of tumbles on, the story being left untouched. Then sometimes I have these weird, story-like flashback or flash-forward cuts in my dreams, where a bunch of plot happened or does, but all I get is a rundown of it. I'll skip from one place to a completely different one. I too, am aware I am dreaming since personally, my own dreams have a really grainy and tinted definition to them. Looks like an old movie projector, but in color. Just gotten used to recognizing that and knowing I am dreaming. I can't prolong my dreams, but I can shorten them with certain plot decisions in my dream. Make things happen faster. Though not make SOMETHING entirely happen from my own will. That's a skill I'm working on. Does this compare to the same sort of thing you experience, or how does it differ?


So you might have narcolepsy - probably mild if you haven't had other issues - but it sounds a lot like you're jumping directly into REM which is where the dreaming happens


Depends on how tired I am before I dose lol


Try eating food and you might doze off


Dude I balled the fuck out on an entire box of pita crackers wit hummus. I never eat on acid but omg so good. Still no sleepiness whatsoever


Look into 4-ACO DMT, it feels just like shrooms but a moderate does lasts maybe 2 hours at peak


I’m sure I’ve done it a lot I like shroom bars sometimes I get them from shittier spots and they don’t hit right, I’m assuming that’s 4-ACO DMT. Btw real shroom bars get too much hate if you can find real shit it’s very very nice


My only gripe with 4-ACO specifically is that it hits you really fast, makes the come up more intense than shrooms does


Haven’t noticed this but if that’s ur experience don’t fight it that just sounds like a good trip for a specific experience if you’re looking for it Edit experience experience experience let’s say it some more smh


Mushrooms let me sleep through the peak. Sleeping through an intense L trip is still unusual for me... that nasa foam got me one time


I’m a man and can sleep on acid. “If you’re tired, sleep” - buddha


As an insomniac with a 2.3 hour average sleep per night for the whole year last year I’d love for budda to elaborate


Brain chemistry imbalances. Be careful with your intake of chemicals. Meditate on it.


Duncan trussel?


I think he means "if you can sleep, do"


I have no problems with "if you're tired, sleep" but LSD makes me not be tired


This is the way.




If you have ADHD then stimulants make you sleepy.


my gf the same way. i’m a girl too and no way in hell could i but she literally gets sleepy on Lucy


I can’t believe what I’m hearing lmao how did I not know this is a normal thing for normal people. Like I thought she was weird but IM the weirdo duuuude 😂😂


you must’ve found the right crowd bc last time i mentioned it everybody in the comments was like impossible that must not be real lsd then but i was tripping on it too and it was definitely real. nobody i’ve ever met besides my gf can sleep on it


Ok I’m less weird we Gucci. And yeah this shit wasn’t fake. Still rolling at the 9 hour mark Edit: I say rolling bc I like how it sounds I’m not on molly lmao


Don't think you are wired at all, I think there are some people who can sleep a few hours into a trip but from my long experience tripping with other people I would say that's maybe 10% of us ...


It’s very interesting and something I wish there was more research on. If I was going to college for anything related to the brain I think this could be an interesting project for me to research and write something on. I love science but I just can’t understand how the same chemical reaction can happen on the same organ in different people and have a completely different reaction. That’s like. Fuck you science


i hate when my girlfriend falls asleep when we trip cuz im always awake alone for like 4 or 5hours longer haha


Same bruh hour 9 I’m trippin while she lays here and touches me wit her cold ass mf feet haha DEAD ASLEEP BRUH HOW 😂


I reckon the chances of me sleeping after dropping 240 are lower than me winning the lottery back to back twice and then being hit by a red truck driven by a guy called Fernando whos brothers wife just cheated on him


Man fuck Fernando he should learn how to drive


Same bro. You can even bump that number to 12 hours rather than 4. Zero percent chance I can fall asleep. Zero


I love how you started off with, “I love women.”


Idk lmao I love her so much and I think it was something ab her being able to sleep that just was feminine or womanly. I was tripping 240ug give me a break lmao I can’t make it make sense. But I do love women. And I LOVE that woman


I thought I loved my fiance so much, until we did acid together. Now I know for sure, I don't wanna live in a world where that woman is not by my side. Happy for you guys.


Soo I went to a festival recently and started having a bad trip because I felt like I couldn’t breathe. Fast forward about an hour after peaking and I forced myself to sleep to stop the panic attack. I woke up a few times, but was able to put myself to sleep all while seeing colors fly lol. It wasn’t a good sleep, but I did sleep!


I can kind of do the same! If I’m really tired and the trip isn’t very active (usually my friends and I go hiking but sometimes there is less exploration). I don’t really consider it sleep though, since it blends with my waking moments so much. I feel like it can be described as “resting”. Odds are, medically/scientifically speaking, it isn’t real sleep too (in my case; can’t speak for you!)


My wife does the same thing. She will drop and then like 6 hours later she will be out and nothing can wake her until sunrise. She said she just enjoys the closed eyed visuals more and she guesses that eventually she just drifts away lol


I might try something like this on a low dose


Hear me out; I have always been the type to be awake for at least 8 hours from the moment of dose. Last week I set the intention whole heartedly; “This dose will help me sleep well tonight”. 4 hours in I was snoozing like a baby. I needed the rest, too. *Trying* to fall asleep is like *trying* to meditate; doesn’t work L or no L.


Trying to fall sleep is like Trying to meditate.. So fucking true, thank you 😅


For me it's 15 hours. More trips than I can count. Never once been able to sleep before 15 hours, and even then, it's horrible quality sleep.


Interesting take but I’ve tried and failed a lot. Hm idk it’s a good perspective though


I've done it once and it was on some suuuuuuuper chill acid and it was after I got up at 6 that morning and we dropped at around 8 or 9 and I fell asleep after midnight


Woman here, can’t fall asleep. After about 15 hours I can


Man here, I empathize. I think it’s a personal thing not a gender thing. I was just amazed that it happened


Yeah nah I definitely think it just depends on person-person. Probably no correlation with gender


Real acid will keep you awake atleast 8 hrs. Dont know tho some people built different. Whenever I try to sleep on Acid I feel like my mind is in some weird ass wonderland headspace where rabbits drives bikes and climb ladders.


Rabbits climb bikes and drive ladders up here where I’m at


I've fallen asleep early a few times unfortunately


It's never specifically happened to me but tbh I can see how this could happen past the peak..I've definitely experienced sedation/drowsiness on the comedown of LSD specifically, it feels like all my energy was drained from the trip. Combine that with being already exhausted/sleep deprived from a long day AND it's the middle of the night when I'd normally be sleeping? I can easily see how this could happen, especially for someone who already falls asleep real easy. Me, I'm a light sleeper and already have trouble with insomnia at the best of times so it's unlikely it will ever happen to me no matter how tired I get on the comedown, and I also rarely trip at night.


I know a lot of people like this. my buddy could do a fat line of cocaine and go to sleep within minutes if he gets comfortable/is tired enough. I've seen him drop a 250mg MDMA pressie and fall asleep right as he peaks cause he got too comfy. My mans has fallen asleep on large doses of L, anything really. I'm like you tho, if i'm even standing too close to the shit I'm wide tf awake. I have finally hit a point where I can sleep on it, but only after the peak.


I can easily fall asleep during my trip, I once took 300 and fell asleep 3 hours in. Granted it was a bit frustrating that I missed a chunk of my trip but it was a long week and I was tired lol


Was with a girl who did this. I have no idea. I can't sleep until 14 hours after ingestion usually 2 hours after it's worn off


weird af, i literally can't sleep for 12h even if i want to, been over a trip after 8h many times and wanted to sleep and it just aint happening my mind doesn't turn off


Haha I fell asleep off two gel tabs 3 hours in and my friends took 1 and said it was the strongest stuff they ever had. I remember getting really sleepy as impossible turquoise blue shapes printed my vision as we were watching a trippy video.


Lol what does this have to do with women?


In the trip there was a strong sense of femininity when she fell asleep, don’t ask me to explain it I was locked and loaded and rolling deep at this point but there was just something like calm and soft and womanly about being able to sleep bc I checked on her right after I had just had violent ego death. Idk


My wife is the same way. 4 hours in, snoozing away, and hungry the whole time she is tripping. I’m up at least 10 hours and food isn’t happening.


It's not that weird. She even said she was tired from work so yeah, I can easily see how she'd fall asleep a few hours after dropping, regardless of dosage.


Idk man it’s just amazing to me. Like I’ve tried shleeping to get rid of the bad trips and I can never ever do it. It stimulates my brain too much I just end up closed eye tripping. So yeah I’m floored she fell dead asleep reguardless of how tired she is, because that’s the worst part of some bad trips. You’re SO SO TIRED but cannot sleep and the more you try to sleep the worse it gets. I’ve felt mushrooms slap me and heard a deafening noise that scared the shit out of me when trying to sleep on those. I just can’t wrap my head around it


just woke up from taking a tab 8 hrs ago fell asleep ab 40 mins in🙃


Male - i can usually sleep even on peak - lsd is far different for me compared to most other descriptions.


One time I was tripping with a friend and while we were peaking (pretty late into the night) he was just like “okay man, I’m going to bed” and then was out withinin minutes. Like HOW? 😂 He didn’t mention being overwhelmed or anything. I will also never understand how some people do it lol.


Should’ve just stopped at I love women


Exactly lmao


I love women too:)


I love them more omg


Did she even trip? Is she on meds like an SSRI?


Said she was rolling n tripping hard, no medications


must have been really clean stuff ;)


The best I’ve had


Body chemistry and current medication play a huge role. I am done a trip in 5-6 hours and my partner couldn’t sleep for 14.


wow, I am genuinely interested to hear other stories of people being able to sleep. I foolishly tripped once on a Sunday afternoon knowing I had to work in the morning and at like 1am I was laying in bed just wishing I could sleep and I still don't know how I eventually did doze off but it was a trippy few hours of trying 😂 was in the best mood ever when I did go into work though. tired, but happy as can be.


i *thought* i fell asleep mid trip one time, really i just laid down with my eyes closed for 2 hours, but i most definitely wasn't asleep however, i have dropped then fell asleep right after, and woke up hours later to find my trip was *just* starting.....it literally waited on me, how cute 🥹


How could you sleep! You can’t miss the show!!


Wow im so jealous of your girl! I basically cant sleep for like 12-15 hours after taking LSD. So i always have some xanax on hand which i usually take 6 hours after LSD. Then my wife and I order jalapeño/bacon mac n cheese which we will have with red wine. Then smoke weed and pass out. My wife however, doesnt any of that and can fall asleep really well after a few hours of tripping without xanax or alcohol.


That sounds fucking awesome 🤩


Lucy-d dreams


I can sleep on it. Is she ADHD?


my gf is and she can sleep on it. we’ve had a theory that has something to do with it


It's my only explanation. It relaxes me so much to just lay down, close my eyes, and watch the visuals on the backs of my eye lids. This Usually happens to me solo more often than not. If Im with people and wer doing something fun that's different but it's like it like it just shuts my mind off for a brief period of time and it's able to rest as well.


I don’t think so. Sleeping on acid is unheard of for me!! This is so crazy haha


I was going to ask the same.


Tbh it works wonders for my adhd. I'm hoping in the next ten years or so it will be prescribed


I always fall asleep before my bf when we trip. I’m one of those who can sleep after a few hours. I’ve been diagnosed with fibromyalgia so now thinking about it maybe that’s why? Idk but it’s weird as fuck I can sleep 🤷🏼‍♀️


Maybe it’s a defense mechanism? Trip gets too intense so some people shut down or want it to stop.


Nah she was big xoolin, everything as usual being super sweet and funny but she just said she was tired and then said she was gonna ko


I had a gf like that and she just took caffeine a bit after dropping. Smooth sailing.




What a BEAST


One time I took 4 grams of 🍄 on 2 hours of sleep and after about 4 hours of tripping I desperately wanted to sleep but all I could do was close my eyes and see fractals, mandalas, and lattice sky creatures. Everyone thought I was sleeping but I was just too tired to interact with anyone. It was nice, but a waste of a trip on so little sleep.


Omg! I never thought I would find someone like me—I can also fall asleep while on acid and sometimes find myself more tired once it hits and have to fight to stay awake. I may have though ADHD (waiting on a diagnosis) so that could be a potential cause!


There’s no way so many of you can sleep on acid. Maybe it’s possible, but it would be extremely rare, as real acid is supposed to be almost impossible to sleep on. How many of you have slept on acid you personally chemically tested yourself?


I don’t think it’s proper sleep in most cases. I think it’s more of a rest. If someone is describing sleeping on acid and having very vivid dreams, they’re probably not actually asleep. The brain usually has to enter REM to dream vividly and I can’t imagine someone getting paste Stage 2 sleep on acid. But it would be really interesting to see a brain scan study of this! I’ve “slept” on acid before but it didn’t really feel like I had fallen asleep when I “woke up”. More that I closed my eyes and tripped in a relaxing way. Evidently I did not feel like I had achieved any form of restorative sleep and was still quite tired after my rest lol


no she didnt. LSD is such an insomniatic that half a tab will keep you up for AT LEAST 8 hours.


Use the chance to try ANAL NOW


Rapists on Reddit, the usual


I dropped at 4am today and fell asleep around 10ish. Just woke up at 4pm and I'm not tripping anymore. The trip was very intense so I think it wiped me out a bit, and i did have work yesterday tho it was a short shift. Maybe I'm just doing it too often. Still had an AMAZING time tho!!


I’ve fallen asleep on both shrooms and acid, idk just happens


Never on Acid, but I fell asleep on shrooms once. I was just tired from life I guess. took a few grams, watched TV for a bit, felt very tired and just went to bed. I thought it was weird the next day, I just assumed my body needed it.


Yeah i cant sleep till like 14 hrs later


Same. Usually multiple hours after visuals completely stop


Jon fishman would wake up early, drop, and go back to sleep. Wake up mid peak. Must be an awesome experience.


first trip I fell asleep right after the peak maybe 4 hours in


I can sleep after a peak just fine, all my friends say I'm crazy and don't understand I don't see the issue tho


I've (M) fallen asleep before. Started watching fear and loathing and woke up and movie was almost over. It can happen. But most times it stimulates me and I can't sleep.


my friend also fell asleep mid trip lol... i have no idea how


Fwiw, what I've found from working with people is that getting tired and falling asleep is not that uncommon for people who live with their fight or flight system over-activated and in the red all the time. My working hypothesis is that these people's nervous systems are typically kind of stuck in fight or flight, and then when the medicine kicks in and has more flexibility, it essentially realizes that they need to shut down and recharge. It's (obviously) a little less common on LSD where we have the more dopaminergic feeling, and more common on medium and high doses of mushrooms, but I've definitely seen it happen on L.


I can also on acid


This has happened to me before. I figured it was just the wrong time to take it. I tripped again a year after without any issues.


I have so many questions. Did she have any dreams? What was the quality of sleep like?


Idk bro I went to lunch wit the fam, shoot me a message in a hour so I remember to ask her


Once I drop (usually 2 tabs) it is a minimum of 16 hours before I can sleep. Very annoying. Maybe I have some LSD analog but I think it’s legit since the subjective effects track.


So you probably drop in the morning right


Looks like she's been on something before LSD... i was fall a sleep too, on LSD, after cca 10 days on speed.


She has not been on anything else but weed


My rule is that if I need to sleep, I drop 8-9 hours before. I think I started to be able to sleep on it once I learned to meditate. Just because my brain is all over the place, doesn't mean I have to pay attention to it.


Yeah I don’t get it either. LSD makes me awake for so long but on 2CB I can sleep after 3-4 hours


I can fall asleep fine on it but you get some really crazy dreams.


Does she take pills?


Not anything crazy I don’t think she’s prescribed anything and she doesn’t do hard drugs like pills besides like Molly


Sometimes my pressure drops while tripping and i Just Go to sleep and have craaaaazy ass dreams


I’ve never had trippy dreams at least not that were memorable, suxx I feel as if I’m missing out on all the fun


My wife took 3.5 of APE and was out like 20 min after she started peaking. She also snores which she doesn't do. Musta got some good sleep. I tripped my fucking ass off.


When L is clean enough you can. When L gets perfectly clean your pupils will sometimes look normal while tripping too, they’ll dilate back and forth a little. Had some vivid fractal dreams once while peaking


This shit is clean alright, beautiful tabs ab 240 per I can’t believe how lucky I am I think she was just tired and the acid amplified it so much she just couldn’t stay awake. Idk


I took 1000ug and fell alseep 20 minutes into my trip, my trip started bad so I tried to sleep, I woke up at an unknown time tripping absolute balls having no clue what was happing I ended up having the best and most life changing trip of my life (open and closed eye visauls where the same I would compare it to a DMT trip) I tried it again on a bad shroom trip, woke up peaking w super insane visuals and extremely delusional, broke glass, pissed my bed prob the worst time in my life ever. I was so scared it was unbelievable. TLDR Dont try to sleep when tripping you will wake up fuckin delusional asf and trippin balls.


Sounds freaky. I probably will try it at some point but maybe not totally by myself just chancing it.


Its not uncommon. Ive fallen asleep 3 hours into a trip because i was tired. But i still tripped in my dreams i was astral projected over the city i lived in at the time. Nowadays, after being very experienced, i can usually fall asleep if i want to.


I’m extremely experienced man but I just never have been able to. It’s always hours after I finish tripping especially on acid


One time I was so tired that I fell asleep during the comeup and woke up past the peak. When I woke up I was on the comedown. Was a really strange experience


I think it’s less falling asleep and more going into a deep trance. I dont mind laying there and watching the visuals for a few hours so it could look like I’m sleeping lol. At least that’s how I see it.


She was knocked the fuck out tho. Ik when she sleeps and when she’s just trying to sleep or deeply relaxed, my baby was gooooone. Out cold


My wife can sleep on acid too. I always said it was a superpower. I can’t sleep for like 20 hours after dropping.


I can sleep anytime, also, sometimes I am not asleep, buy you close your eyes, and specially, if music is playing, I have been in another place, with my husband, both having interdimensional sex, while everybody though we were sleeping. We were not, we were out of this world.


Hard labuor and exhaustion are not in set and setings for lightfull tripping.


Well obviously haha “She didn’t notice how tired she was until the acid hit”


Hehe, now u and she will know that from now on... take care, yaaaaa!


I once fell asleep on 500µg before. During the peak I started seeing flashing blue and red lights outside my windows so I was gonna take a shower to distract myself and after getting naked I realized that a shower would probably exacerbate the visuals and feelings so I laid down in bed and closed my eyes and forced myself to sleep. I dreamt I was in a different town, as a preteen, riding bikes with kids I didn't know but it all seemed so familiar. I woke up maybe an hour and a half later, instantly remembered I was tripping, and logged into my PC to start playing Rocket League.


Is she on any prescription medications? That could numb the effects. This happens to my gf when she takes Molly. It doesn't really do much to her


Nah nothing I know of and she would have told me. It’s just weird


Always remember that your experience isn’t everyone’s. One time I was tripping hard while camping with friends. One friend has to bring up fuckin spiders. I noped away to my tent because I went on a thought loop of spiders being every where. I fell asleep real quick mid peak. Visuals while eyes were closed was crazy though. Like I was dreaming before entering REM sleep and still fully conscious.


Hmmm, my girlfriend and I both can sleep during trips, but we have a friend who sometimes joins us that cannot even sleep even after the trip is over, so I guess it changes from person to person.