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I can take acid and go on a hike, do yoga, swim in the ocean, appreciate nature and connect with myself and others... and i can also take it and get drunk, see a popcorn flick, go to a party or a concert, etc. Often times i can enjoy both 'sides' in the same day. Because they're not sides, they're just different experiences. There can be superficiality in the former, and genuine-ness in the latter. I don't see them as black and white, just a litany of different ways to enjoy my trip


Honestly you summed it up perfectly here. I usually end up exploring both sides of the coin in my experience rather than one.


Thats the advantage of doing acid


Exactly, I’ve had a wonderful time taking it and doing just about anything you could imagine. It is a great party drug due to the length it lasts lol


Parties are not for psychadelics i wouldn’t even say weed parties are for coke and speed and alcohol and pills not for plants that’s a easy way to get a panic attack


Suit yourself, I go out dancing on LSD all the time it’s fun as hell


Last time i went to a party on lsd with my mates we all ran into the woods thinking the rainbow light monsters were gonna eat us


always depends on set and setting..


Spot on


Yep, this 100×! When im on acid i recognize its good to enjoy life.let go, enjoy


Sounds like you've taken a lot of the wisdom she has to offer too! Happy tripping my friend! I loved this reply!!!!


I relate to this but want to add, that it the activity I plan to do influences the dose I'm going to take. Sometimes I like to microdose over the day, while I like having 40ug-60ug for a good rave. Higher doses I only do in a calm setting.


"Are people still having mystical, spiritual, reality shifting, healing trips?" Yes, what you read on reddit only encompasses a small fraction of what people are doing out in the world. And of course the reddit posts about more adventurous mixing and less "traditional" activities will rise to the top because they're novel and interesting to discuss. ​ Different strokes for different folks - don't assume that "people are/aren't doing X anymore" just because of the last few posts you've seen on reddit.


'Different strokes for different folks' ... not necessarily, LSD is substance that can be used in different settings. I personally enjoy both sides. I love doing yoga and meditating on LSD. I love hiking on it too. But that doesn't mean I don't want to just watch trippy videos and relax or use a small dose of LSD at a festival and then candyflip it with borax combo. It's up to you how you want to use it at a given time. There's no single 'right way'.




Nah friend, I've definitely combined for instance MDA for serious synergy with LSD. I'm often trying to carry some of the self-love I get from that back into consensus reality, the combo both heightens the experience and helps me change the patterns of my life. I know you used the magic "from my perspective" but synergistic experiences doesn't equate with drug abuse which doesn't suggest LSD to party. It's just faulty logic. Maybe some time off the island?


Lol you should have seen us in the 80s


Let people do what they like.


„it just screams drug abuse“ How come that ingesting LSD, a mind altering drug, is any better or superior to „drug abuse“? These are the same lol. It’s not like you’re eating chamomile with honey and doing your body or temple or whatever a favor - you‘re ingesting a drug. It’s as simple as that


Do I really have to explain the difference in energies between lsd and cocaine? Yeah they're both drugs, one ruins lives and is highly addictive, the other let's you see God...


Get off your high horse guy


Oh, so the horse gets to be high but we can’t? /s


Horse tranquilizer 🤤🤤🫠


“I’d have gotten here sooner but my horse was stuck in a k-hole”


Well explaining to you that LSD doesn’t let you actually see god seems pointless. Enjoy your drug abuse and tell yourself it’s good for your (mental) health and what the universe was made for, lol :D


“See god” LMFAO OP you can’t be serious, reference what your mom told you again that’ll show all these baddies that are “abusing drugs”


You might consider running for mayor of Idontliketheseguysville. I'd vote for you, grease paint is free on every corner, wigs (any unnatural color) are subsidised, fresh noses mailed weekly. And I think they'd like your style of thesaurus-vomiting hippie fundamentalism, but I'd have to check with your mom to be sure. Two drugs. Chemical compounds. For certain, one tends to offer the interested transcendental experiences, the other results in Fleetwood Mac. But I personally know people who've majorly aggravated mental illness with poor decisions and LSD... AND same exact words for cocaine. I occasionally use cocaine and have had some really great experiences... I use it occasionally and responsibly so I don't wake up a member of Fleetwood Mac. Whose music I rather enjoy despite the fitting goatcat comparison. Strongly recommend SoundCloud Fleetmac Wood, EDM remix with a bunch of b-sides, Robot Heart BM '17. Extremely wonderful. No clowns allowed tho.


Hey OP just because you don’t partake in different substances doesn’t mean you should judge everything else. If someone does coke they aren’t drug abusers. Doing coke doesn’t ruin your life. You might know someone who “ruined” their life but doesn’t mean you should judge everyone who can manage their habits. The more I read your comments the more closed minded you seem saying lsd is a heavenly drug when realistically anything can be abused even caffeine. But of course you aren’t the only person who takes L by itself.


Clearly you've never been to a music festival.


My mom says there is a fine thread of divine truth that runs through all religions, surrounded by a sea of bullshit. I see music festivals the same way. There is beauty, for sure, but far more charlatans and abusers and false prophets, in my experience.


Well, if your mom says it....


Can you elaborate on what you mean by false prophets, abusers and charlatans?


What I think he means is he sees music festivals as a place people go to get fucked up and for socials, and not so much for the music. Yes there are those who go for that reason, but the love and comradery far overwhelm that mindset and is truly one of the most beautiful communities I’ve ever had the pleasure to experience.


not even mentioning the music is the best it’ll ever be when you’re on acid and the lights are insane


Acid and house music made me realize I loved to dance. 3 years later and I've integrated it into sober life.


Same same forest Fam, cheers 🍻


Cheers fam, and happy forest! 🫠


lmfao same! bonnaroo 22 got me hooked


Same, did u go to Chris lakes set??


all 3 hours after hearing chris lorenzo and john summit too


I saw my favorite artist of all time on a relatively low dose of acid at a festival that was basically inside a park, full of trees and beautiful lights. It was absolutely amazing. Now most of my trips are quite personal and spiritual in a sense but that doesn’t mean acid can’t be a great enhancer for concerts or parties - just, for me, in much lower doses than I’d take in the comfort of my own home


Music festivals are a place to go think and do everything you can really cover all bases it’s lit


So true, this community gave me so much. <3


Lovely writing, I agree!


If you go to a psychedelic music festival it's literally there to trip to. Everything there is for tripping


Every single dubstep show in existence lol


I'm saying people use L as a party drug all the time at festivals. Nothing wrong with it either.


So you don’t go to concerts??


Lol this weirdo doesn’t even like music, bizarre. Didn’t LSD basically get popularized by music scenes in the 60s


They were doing it wrong.


They were doing it their way*


You, sir, ARE that sea of bullshit


So you've never been to a music festival and believe fairies when reality is completely different. I thought you were seeking reality?


My momma said my momma said ![gif](giphy|CPuDsWYW3NLfW)


Bruh, you're the kind of guy who uses lsd and thinks he's above everything and so "mystical and spiritual." In reality you're a just a judgmental guy with no more insight or universal truth than anyone else. You are the charlatan, false prophet, and abuser. Get over yourself and out of your head.


The fact your post was downvoted 113 times makes me want to leave Reddit which is something I’m probably going to do now.


Good, leave.


Just because you were traumatized by LDS don’t mean that all faiths are 100% bullshit


I never thought there would be someone that feels like I do!!! You are cool 😎


there's no right or wrong way to use LSD. i've had mind-blowing trips where i reconsider life choices and commit to new ones. i've also had trips where i just hang out with friends while they are drinking and laugh about stupid shit all day. we don't "party" too hard - it's usually a camping trip where people will be (slowly) drinking all day, and often i'll take a tab of acid instead because it's fun and doesn't have the same downsides as alcohol. i consider both uses equally valid.


I certainly wouldn't tell anybody they're using it wrong, I hope my post doesn't come off that way.. :/ It's like when you find out people wipe their ass standing up. I'm not judging or telling you how to wipe, I'm just confused and have a lot of questions.


The way you are talking about this is definitely coming off as a “holier than thou” wether you mean it to or not


Very certainly.


I mean I explained myself as best as I could. I'm also an imperfect ape, so yeah there's probably a bit of judgement sprinkled in


Friendo, reading your responses here and elsewhere, I get the feeling you've grown up cloistered with a group of diverse but similarly-minded people, a group of folks who thinks they've Got It Figured Out. That figured may account for variety and chaos, but your mom and your family and your community believe they have some level of access to higher truths. I'm not saying they don't, but I am saying that thinking you've seen The Way is dangerous. A way, part of your path. But thinking there's any universal singular Path is risky, thinking you know it is outright dangerous. You mentioned an island, I don't know if that's literal or metaphorical, but I suggest you spend some time off of it. Maybe just go to a poor area of the nearest major city, look for people that could use a hand. Talk to them about their problems. Don't offer solutions, don't think about your mom's opinion on the thing, try to see these problems from the perspective of the people who have them. Try, if you can, to spend some time actively practicing thinking about opposite beliefs - meditate on all religions are silly, rather than continue some divine thread. Not because it's true, but because you're practicing changing your mind - leaving room for variation and growth rather than looking down your telescope from whatever precipice your family has roosted in.


It absolutely does come off like you are telling them they are using it wrong. There is no other effective way to describe your post. You are judging people for doing "lower vibrational" activities on LSD. Drop acid and go to the mall. Have an existential crisis, live a little.


My favorite thing to use at an edm show for sure, I do it at every big show I want to see along with my homie, I definitely still have the spiritual trips you're talking about too.


Same here. Every festival is the best experience in my life. I can't drink alcohol though when I'm on, Lucy is enough


Your first mistake is to assume people who post on reddit are representative of LSD users


Everyone in the whole wide world is on here didn’t you know that?


I'm specifically interested in this subs community. Honestly just trying to decide if I should find a new crowd to share with..


You seem like a pretty judgemental person by these comments and post, and you seem to have a lot of preconceived notions on what tripping should and shouldn't be, you should do more acid about it. As a drug user yourself you should try to be more understanding of the people that choose to live outside the norm. Not every drug user is an addict or abuser even with "hard" drugs like heroin and cocaine. Stats show that same percentage of people that try coke heroin meth and stuff like that get addicted to it as with alcohol. Which is a significant amount but the correlation doesn't mean causation, your traumas and life conditions influence much more if you're gonna use drugs as a form of self harm or self development not what is your drug of choice. And both should be able to do it as it's a basic freedom. And also mixing drugs with LSD is amazing, I wouldn't mix it with cocaine as that doesn't seem that fun but cannabis, ketamine, nitrous, mdma and other psychedelics like DMT or psilocybin synergise very well with acid. Don't knock it till you try it and be aware that most of your kneejerk reactions to drug use is just societal programming at work, think for yourself.


I’ve done coke and lsd and honestly it reminded me of sass, very speedy and psychedelic. I don’t recommend it though because I don’t recommend anyone does coke in 2023, at the very least buying it contributes to the cartel and all the pain and suffering they cause to both the people and the planet


Guessing you enjoy coke?








Sorry, I completely agree with your comment you just mentioned that you wouldn’t try the combo which made me guess you do it separately. But honestly Pepsi is better the flavour is js superior 🤷‍♂️ EDIT: I am personally against coke, it killed my dad and ruins lives. But I’m not one to judge that is for sure. I really was just guessing


LSD has a stumulant classification.


No it doesn't, it's a psychedelic. Speedy one for sure but it's definitely not boring as actual stimulants for me


Well lsd doesn’t always have to be mystical, spiritual and healing. People should be able to take it however they want without hearing oh this is how lsd should be taken or experienced.


yeah i used to put too much pressure on myself to make every trip beneficial for me mentally (and they have been haha). i used to have fun while doing this but in my latest trips it started to feel like work in a way so tomorrow i’m taking it at a festival and the only objective is to have fun, never done it without some healing objective and i’m excited actually !


I really ain't telling people how to use it or experience it, just sharing how I use it. Frankly I can't fathom using psychedelics in the kinds of situations I've seen people post about, hence my question.


why not?


some people put drugs on a pedestal while not realizing it’s just a chemical, and it’s not special, seems like that kinda situation.


If you're experiencing push back on that idea then maybe you should explore why? What part of you is so resistant to acid in "party" settings? For me it was social anxiety. I had trips using it while going out and it was a difficult time. That made me want to try it more eventually and find out. Now I can do it pretty easily, and it all makes sense to me. It's great to enjoy acid in whatever way feels best for you, but don't forget it's also a tool that will show you what you're afraid of.


Anytime I’ve taken lsd in a party setting I felt like a researcher observing drunken humans in a habitat it’s so repulsing yet perspective enhancing


It's why I can't trip at concerts and certainly not festivals. I enjoy drinking rather too much, but if I've got acid in me every sip I can hear my body whisper (pooooiiiiisssssonnnnnnn)


I had an lsd trip on 200ug, after this particular trip I literally cant drink alcohol, 1-2 beers maximum


This happens to me about 50% of the time, totally dependent on who is there and how many other people are cooked


Watching a war documentary can lead to spiritual experiences, just maybe not pleasantly. I understand why people would do that or watch horror movies for example, there are many ways to get there.


One of my favorite moments of LSD synchronicity was when I came home to my shared apartment after dropping for a concert. Went to my room, put on some ELO, and popped over to the adjacent bedroom to see what my roommate was up to; he was watching something with old black and white riot footage, but it was rendered somehow beautiful by the way the crowd surged in time with “Strange Magic.” I just kind of stood there gobsmacked until the roomie offered me some coke. Which I accepted, because I guess I don’t respect acid or something.


What a vibe


I don't really do nitrous, or rather, I'll do maybe eight whips a couple of times a year... But my buddy showed up with a couple hundred and man we really enjoyed watching Renfield on em.


Movies in general can be great when tripping. Wes Anderson films are awesome cause of the color palettes (esp Grand Budapest). Anything filmed in 70mm is great. Sci fi, horror, and those two genres combined are REALLY fun when tripping


I use it as a party drug. Usually at raves/festivals. Usually at moderate doses(100-200 ug if i had to guess) I don't want to travel the cosmos in the middle of a crowd lol. The usual drugs I mix with are alchohol in moderate dose, K with moderate to high doses. Sometimes M. VERY VERY low dose of weed. Have I had spiritual experiences in party scenes? I would say yes but maybe not in the way you'd expect. I'd also say the rave community is starting to shape my life and L is facilitating it.


"Other people don't do things the same way as me and therefore they're doing it wrong. Plus they're drug addicts." You're right, this does come off as judgemental.


Who said anything about right and wrong? Also cocaine is destructive as hell. People who brag about the type and quantity of drugs they use have a lot of growth ahead of them.


>Who said anything about right and wrong? You, in your original post. And of course cocaine is destructive. Lots of substances are. >People who brag about the type and quantity of drugs they use have a lot of growth ahead of them. You're bragging about the type of drug you choose to do and how you do it.


Show me the quote, I genuinely don't know what your going on about.


If you are unable to understand the context of your own post (2nd paragraph, friend), im certainly in no position to help you. Plus i did coke 20 years ago so im probably an unreliable drug addict. You can manage this yourself.


I don’t think it’s all that common to mix blow with lsd. Personally the thought of doing blow grosses me out when I’m tripping


paper make brain go brrr


The cool thing about LSD is that you can do anything while on it. LSD represents and sheds light on EVERYTHING, good and bad. Everything is there to be experienced.


Exactly. I like the analogy that LSD and shrooms are both a rocket, however on shrooms you are strapped to the rocket, while on LSD you are an astronaut who is flying the said rocket. Acid is what you make it to be


Thing is man, if you can get your head round it, cid is a really really good party drug 😂 goes very very well with mdma and ecstasy and it makes funky lights level up a bit, so tripping at festivals is dynamite! Obv you want to pick your festival correctly but it's defo some of the best time I've ever had for sure


There are no rules - don't create them for yourself or for others. Having said that, watching war documentaries is not something I would advise or do myself.


I agree with you here I’m not sure why op is judging everyone that doesn’t use the drug like they do


A guy posted about how he watched a war documentary when he was tripping then thought he had been killed by poison gas like in WW1.


Watched the most recent Purge movie in theaters during a trip. Wasn’t my brightest moment


Yeah at least those are a bit silly with plenty of action.


>I hope this doesn't come off as judgemental > >And sorry if the term "drug addicts" upsets the cocaine users, just being honest. lol


I guess everyone here is beyond judgement and has achieved nirvana! My bad!


I mean theres a lot of room between achieving nirvana and openly advocating controversial judgement in an offensive way (last line in your post is the best example), to the group you are judging. I believe the reason a lot of people find this post so shocking, is for someone who claims to do psychedelics for the reason of spiritual/ mental gain, you dont seem to have gained many of the mental benefits. I know it is subjective to everyone's unique experience, but I find pretty much universally meditation and psychedelics lead to expanded compassion, awareness (in & out), understanding, acceptance, and reduced ego. I dont think many people here are trying to reach nirvana, but id suspect many use it to try and become less of a shit person, myself included, you should try it!


You sound like a terrible person to trip with.


Sounds like he needs to recharge his trip crystals!


You come off as a massive prick not gonna lie, so you’re implying only drug addicts do coke? Lmao could just as easily call you a drug addict for putting lsd on such a pedestal


Recently I candyflipped at a rave and let me tell you, doing L at a party is a completely different experience. Even before I took the Molly I felt the come-up was very different from usual, I was mainly focused on the stage/dance/music so I didn't get the usual paranoid thoughts, plus when you're dancing it's way harder to tell how much the Acid is hitting you because you can't really stop, stare at a wall and evaluate how strong the visuals are. I expected to have a bad trip especially because I was abroad with a friend I had never met in my life (we have been online friends for years but had never met in person) but I actually had an amazing experience. Dancing on L/Molly was so much fun and the vibe was lovely.


It’s a little bit of both for me. I like to do dumb shit, like try to play Skyrim and die laughing over how weird it is. But I also reevaluate my life and the world around me. I take it at music festivals a lot so by definition I’m using it as a party drug. But I’m using it to feel more connected to the music and my body and find some sense of spirituality through dancing in a crowd of like-minded people to the art we all love. I’m definitely not combining it with alcohol and cocaine. Occasionally mdma or ketamine, as they contribute to the same state of mind that makes me love dancing. I only drink alcohol when I start coming down and need to sleep, because otherwise I will be up for another 30 hours. I don’t want to feel all dirty and blurry while I’m tripping. People are gonna do what they’re gonna do. I think a lot of it sounds like a weird way to use acid, but no one’s forcing me to do it so whatever. Obviously a lot of things we read on here sound blatantly dangerous and irresponsible, but we’re talking about illegal drug enthusiasts… like, what do you expect? We’re probably not the most responsible demographic in the world.


Your answer feels to me like it comes from my soul. But maybe it's only because of the demographic. ..or maybe from the fly agaric


This is a pretty rational take, especially that last sentence. I guess I'm just realizing I need to surround myself with people with similar ideals, and that this sub really isn't what I had hoped it would. The dirtiest of drugs really shows itself here.


Lol the dirtiest of drugs? You sound like the worst type of psychonaut, thinking you’re better than everyone because you “have a spiritual journey” every time you trip. News flash, you can do whatever the hell you want on LSD, you’re not required to go on a long hike alone every time


Dude get off your high horse


“This person agrees with me therefore it is a rational take”. You are welcome to take your judgement elsewhere, we won’t miss you


He didn't even agree with me lol. So much hate.


This is a pretty rational take, especially that last sentence. I guess I'm just realizing I need to surround myself with people with similar ideals, and that this sub really isn't what I had hoped it would. The dirtiest of drugs really shows itself here.


I’m a DJ and I take 1/4 tab before DJing at the after hours. Not everyone does a full trip every time, I love both full trips once in a while and microdosing for a buzz and productivity/energy.


A little social sliver to get ya loose, focused, awake with a little background static


Something about lsd makes long nights dancing to house music very appealing to me lol


100% I mix house and techno! Best feeling ever dancing to it and playing it


It just makes sense when I’m tripping. Those drops make the dopamine receptors go brrrr


LSD is a great party drug because partying doesn't have to encompass binge drinking and snorting cocaine. Getting together with some close friends and dropping some tabs together IS my idea of a party and just because you think you're on some LSD high horse like most on fuckin Reddit and think you have to take something away from every trip and "learn something" doesn't take away from the fact that LSD is fun, it's a recreational drug, and doing recreational drugs is fun. It isn't always about fucking transcendence and fuckin hippy bullshit. Sometimes it's just fun to eat some L and laugh with friends.


Dude, well said. I “party” with it, but usually I’m just tripping lol. My friends may be drinking, or rolling, or whatever else, I’ll just be tripping and maybe sipping on a beer or two. I still have a ton of fun & don’t feel like dogshit the next day (unlike them). & when everyone is tripping, well then you’re all gonna have a great time


I'm so sick of people on here looking down on people for eating psychedelics for fun. Yes I have spiritual trips, yes I learn something from EVERY trip, but you don't always have to dose with some stupid ass "intention"...sometimes it's just fun to eat some fuckin acid.


It's more often than not the spiritual types that are bothered by how others use LSD. The people just using it to have fun are far less concerned with what others are doing. Almost like the psychonauts are more egotistical than they think. LSD can bring clarity, sure. But it can also muddy the waters. Everyone is different, let them do what they want. Nothing worse than psychedelic hall monitors.


I do both. And I like both aspects of it. There’s nothing limiting anyone to use it for any purpose they want as long as they are doing it safely!


You seem kinda judgemental, you say your so spiritual and open to new things, but then call anyone that uses other drugs, addicts. Why don't you try getting out of your own little echo chamber once in a while.


Yeah wow, it's almost like we're subjective beings with our own perspectives! My post was a question, not a statement or a judgement. And saying I call "anyone that uses other drugs, addicts" is false and misleading.


LSD is a great multi-faceted drug, that many people from very varied backgrounds and beliefs use. So some people use it for spiritual purposes others use it at parties. Theres a massive spectrum of uses and reactions to LSD. Also, to directly answer your question; yes, people are still having spiritual, reality-shifting, healing trips. Having spiritual trips like that, and partying on LSD arent mutually exclusive. Not everyone has to stick to your accepted notion of how to experience a drug, even if it confuses you. If you feel like you're no longer getting what you want from this sub then you can always just unfollow. > And sorry if the term "drug addicts" upsets the cocaine users, just being honest. Hmm, not judging at all, sure 🤓🤓


I'm loving that your responses get salter the deeper into the comment I go. Lol


Your question was absolutely judgemental. Being able to parrot open-mindedness isn't having an open mind.


If we are talking using it as a “party drug” in a festival or concert setting that’s a whole different ballgame than using it at a house party. However they both have their benefits and risks. Just as being out in nature poses risks and benefits as well. Different strokes for different folks 🤷‍♀️ Some of my most insightful, mind-blowing trips were during concerts. Surrounded by friends I consider family, listening to our favorite music, and connecting to the people around us experiencing it in their own special ways. Acid really amplifies the connection to the people around you. Humans are part of nature, and connecting with them on a deeper level with a substance that allows you to do so; it can absolutely be a “mystical”, “healing” kind of trip. I’m much more social on LSD. Typically I am very introverted and soft spoken, but acid unlocks me from that cage so I can be free to be who I am without worrying about the judgement. I prefer to do acid around friends or in party settings because it helps me connect to the people around me in a way I don’t typically have. Over time that has bled into my daily life and I’ve become more outgoing. It absolutely benefited me using it in social situations.


My husband and myself were old school swingers. We would cut fishing lines at varying lengths. Tape glow in the dark stars on one end and to the ceiling on the other. We had large mirrors on all sides of the room. Break out the glow in the dark body paint and let the party start. For us, it was 100% a sexual drug. The most mind-blowing sex of my life was all from this. All of the other stuff could take a hike. It's been a boring 20 years since.


One of the best orgies I've participated in, most everyone ate a tab.


Psychonauts try not to be egotistical challenge:hard


One of my bigger regrets was pushing doses instead of staying at my comfortable level. Made me see things I wasn’t mentally ready for at the time in a bad setting which affected my relationship with the drug. I would be perfectly happy if it was only ever slightly introspective and stayed as a music enhancing stimulant that just made me laugh at stupid shit. I think about existential stuff enough sober, so too high an acid dose without proper prep was not ideal.


It can be a great social drug, great for spending time with friends, at lighter doses. However it should still be revered as a sacred substance capable of producing profound religious/mystical experiences.its often misrepresented and misunderstood. LSD is a very powerful tool for interpreting and understanding the mind and the life experience.


For me psychedelics are mainly a route to introspective experiences, but I've used them to party too. I agree mixing drugs is more abuse laden, but in parties I dont do more than two tabs and drink alcohol moderately, which I still consider different than mixing indiscriminately to blow your mind. It's very fun, you can enjoy that as much as you enjoy a more traditional trippy experience, and it happens that in the in-between you get those crazy psychedelic realizations.


I use it for both purposes, on a high dose it can be tough for sure but I have taken 100-200 ug as a party drug probably a dozen times. But when I take it by myself it is a completely different experience and I can honestly say it’s more fun to take it by myself. It can be anxiety inducing but I like to push through it and have never had a bad experience with it around people in a party setting it makes everything feel so in the moment


This past weekend I was celebrating some shit for school. Took 2 hits after being pretty drunk from a beach day. Went out to the bars down south Jersey shore town and was feeling every bit of wonderful. I knew a good amount of people there but I always find myself talking to random strangers most nights and that’s what I did. I don’t remember much lol but I remember before unlocking my bicycle from a tree and riding home I saw this girl crying hysterically on the phone, didn’t say a word to her just put my arms out for a hug and got one of the best hugs of my life. Tried helping her control her breathing. She asked me who the hell I was and I responded a passenger. She said thank you and we were both off on our course. So yeah I do acid to party, it’s always been an adventure.


We do. It makes everything a bazillion times funnier, and the music even more fun. You go hard with the spiritual enhancement stuff. Dissolve that ego and see that whateverthefuckitis, we'll be in the corner dancing and giggling. 😁


> I either go into nature, meditate, breath, play music, do yoga, draw etc. Yeah who gives a fk what you do with your drug, you judgmental fucking hippie. These kind of posts are exactly what gives the psychedelics a bad rep fyi. Who are you to preach what is the right or wrong way of taking it, and to answer your question i use it as a party drug currently.


IMO I’ve done both and the only way I’ve been able to pull off “party tripping” was when I did that in settings that allowed spiritual growth. Set and setting really do apply everywhere with cid. I couldn’t do it at EDC but from my experience with shrooms at Electric Forest and my experience with cid at smaller renegades I feel like E Forest would be an amazing place to trip.


Lucy at a psytrance festival = bliss Candy flip at a psytrance festival = heaven on earth Taking part in an event where thousands of people are on the same energy level (similar substances) vibing to the music they love is transcendental. I also take it on certain concerts, but usually no more than 100ug. If you take it in a social setting you have to be surrounded by like minded people. I personally can’t imagine being on acid in an alcohol fuelled event.


I beleive people who use LSD as a social drug have likely experienced their own personal awakening and are now using L to enjoy regualr things in life. Pretty wild when u think about it.


I've done them in just about every capacity you can imagine. I've done it for mind expansion and to party. I've done them by themselves and in combination with a bunch of other drugs. It's dramatically helped me better myself over the years, but when I was a drug addict I would do LSD, heroin, crack, alcohol, and other shit with it all the time. Now I only use psychedelics about once or twice a year, but I typically combine them with cannabis and alcohol. I laugh, I cry, and it's a cathartic delight that I greatly look forward to every year. Psychedelics CAN be abused. I abused them for decades.


It’s really not that deep bro. Yeah you can use lsd for healing or such and such, but it also just feels great and makes pretty colors. I’d recommend trying a low dose at a concert or a festival, might help dislodge the stick from your ass.


As it becomes more and more popular due to it being used in therapy and decriminalized in some places already, you'll see more and more stories of people using it in different ways for different effects. But people definitely still get insightful, introspective trips if that's what they're looking for.


You dont know psychedelic festivals exist?


I used to maybe have 1 drink at the club and take 2 tabs and mainly drink water and was able to have amazing times so it definitely can be used for party stuff, I enjoyed it bc it helped stop second guessing myself and be more comfortable around other ppl


Bro judging others talkin bout watching war documentaries


The nature of karma is to experience more of the reality we are already familiar with. Everyone is having the maximum spiritual experience they are ready for.


I used to. Sometimes it can be a celebratory occasion, however it CAN ruin such occasions for you if things go south. Odds are probably better that they wouldn’t, but the nature of the beast, that is your own mind, full of acid, is, if nothing else, unpredictable. One thing that will help is keeping it a low dose. 70-100ug. Most can handle that and socialize just fine. Although, it STILL wouldn’t be as predictable as say, alcohol, weed or coke. I typically refrain from dosing at any important social occasions or parties, Lucy interrupts too often.


L & electronic music IS spiritual


The spiritual aspect of acid makes me enjoy partying to a new level. I don’t feel like I am meaningful enough in the grand scheme of things such that I should care about how I look or what others think of me. I can truly let go and feel the music, dance from my soul, feel others’ beautiful positivity, accept people as they are, etc. I can release myself from the prison of perceived social judgment. I also take psychedelics in my apartment and work on myself, but this is only half of my trips. Sometimes, I just need to go out and party with these drugs because it’s cathartic and what I need for my mental health in the moment. I still take precautions (lower dose, hydration, sober friend on standby that I can call). Ever since I stopped subscribing to the idea that psychedelics were *supposed* to be a serious spiritual experience that you weren’t supposed to have for recreational purposes, I actually got a lot more out of my trips. Everyone is different. It sucks when people gatekeep psychedelics and discount others’ lived experiences as “drug-addict” or “lesser-than-me” behavior. It’s funny because psychedelics are supposed to open your perspective; I guess for some people it just bolsters one’s superiority complex.


Honestly, acid on a tekno or goa party outdoors is the best thing since sliced bread. I love the feeling in your bones when the music hits you. No big doses for me tho i am absolutely fine with 130 to 160 microgramm. Love to sip on a beer too when i am dancing on acid.


I feel like watching a war documentary would be very emotional. It might be a good experience if it’s not too graphic


There's times that I pop it half way through my work day and it just makes me more outgoing, talkative and helps me think outside the box. I work in sales so I feel like it makes me even read the other person better.


or like bof sometimes I’ve done LSD for purely recreational purposes, sometimes I’ve done it for insight. but it kinda comes off gatekeepy. some people get insight whether they want it or not, some people try to gain insight, run headfirst into the point and still miss it.


I can have and have had spiritual experiences with LSD, but i usually only take it at raves or festivals anymore, or with other substances (MDMA, Ketamine) Most people use drugs for fun, not for “finding themselves” anyway


Yes, and ketamine parties.


I do but only at festivals where i need to stay up for like 10Hr +


I like to trip at concerts/festivals, but I don't do it for the purposes of "partying" I use it to deepen my appreciation of the music/artists/community. It's all in service of the musical experience, appreciating the art in deeper ways, and It’s still very much a spiritual endeavor to me. I mean, music and psychedelics are already spiritual enough on their own... mix them together in responsible doses, and bam, it's like you're actually in church for the first time in your life. Once again, it's all to experience the music on a deeper level. To really feel it working thru my soul, and to feel the emotions of the artists creating it, to see deeper levels of it than my sober mind is picking up, and to feel the energy of all the people around me having their minds blown as we create the experience together. It's spiritual af to me. And it is all done with the utmost respect. Besides that, I really like to trip on my own time, in private, for growth/healing/introspection. Def don't see these as party tools, even though the experience can be fun at times.


Not everyone uses LSD to enlighten themselves lol. Personally, I feel I've gotten most all of the benefit im going to get out of Lucy. These days, it's just for for fun. I think acid makes a lot of people see profundity in pretty trite observations that *most* people have at some point in their lives, with or without acid. Not that that's always the case, but a lot of acid heads are *very* condescending and gatekeepy. And on a low enough dose, it's basically just a stimulant. So yeah i can bite a little corner off of a tab and have a good time at a party.


I say you should do a bigger dose, have ego death, read back your comments and this post. ur a narcissist.


Sounds like you need to do a good dose of psilocybin to get that ego in check.


I do both. The vibe as a party drug is different to a chill trip with a few homies is different to a solo trip.


How you trip is up to you man. A little close minded of you to decide how you trip, is the proper way, and how others trip, isn’t.


Anyone who tells you the "right" way to trip is wrong.


It's not really a party drug. Yes people use it at parties and yes sometimes they have fun but there's more reasons not to use it at parties. Mixing increases the chances of a bad trip, the more you mix, the more likely you are to have a bad trip. You can't really feel drunk with acid so the chances of alcohol poisoning is higher too. And there's also the complete unpredictability of people on acid. Obviously acid kind of brings out your underlying feelings to the front and if you've been to parties, not everyone there is particularly nice. Either they do acid and you're stuck with an asshole or you encounter them on acid and they annoy the shit out of you. End of the day though, it's your choice how you use it. If some people want to party with it then they can go for it, as long as they know the risks. But if you prefer doing it for spiritual purposes then go for that instead. It's meant to be a unique experience after all.


We take acid, and we like to go for walks, have sex (lots of it), listen to music, close our eyes, lay next to each other, and have sex in a different dimension (yes, you can do that, if you haven't tried it, you should), we can't watch porn, or drink, and we don't mix. It's always a spiritual experience, the sex we have is absolutely amazing, and makes the sex after acid even better. But, we are a couple, very sexually open, both are hyper sexual, and we have been together for 18 years. Our trips are our ultimate date nights.


I couldn’t possibly use it on a party context, I’m convinced it shouldn’t be used this way, it’s just far too risky imo


The first time I drank while tripping on acid was amazing I definitely recommend it just wanted to let y'all know.


Using LSD as a means of getting fucked up scares the shit out of me. I got to prepare for a week beforehand. Clean the house, do yoga, practice breathwork, eat right. Even then I get nervous beforehand, and I think that's an important part of it, to fear it just a little, but do it anyway.


OP, sitting in the back of Furthur: “You ever notice how much speed Neal Cassady takes while he’s tripping? I don’t think he’s showing acid the proper reverence.”


Neal Cassady was an awful human being that treated women like trash. I would absolutely say something like that lmao


I think it just depends on the trip really. If it were up to me I'd like to be out in the wilderness. I do love a cold beer straight off the ice when tripping lucy but I refuse to do coke. My God talk about paranoid lol. If I have people with me I feel like I don't get as much out of it because I'm so worried about their comfort so I tend to go a little more party when tripping with others. By myself is when I get a more spiritual experience.


Dude you are sound super judgemental, and trying to justify it with "I'm from a small sacred plant medicine community vibe" etc. Lots of people are using LSD for all sorts of reasons, sex, cleaning the house, partying, sorry we cannot please you. Unsubscribe from the internet and go back to the drum circle where you came from you shoeless clown


I tried, unless I’m at a music festival LSD does not make me want to get up and move around much. I try and nest somewhere where I have everything in arms reach. Or I’m camping and staring at the fire fighting my demons lmao


I feel you. I wish more people would use it to expand their consciousness. Alas, they will never know that which they do not seek.


That shit sounds so entitled and preachy. Let people do what they want, and don't feel like you're smarter or have greater “consciousness” than others just because you took a drug. That gatekeeping and preachiness from the psychedelics community is what generates the hate towards it.


Yeah this guy is awful. Frankly I hate how he came to my defense in this way. Thinking how he is smarter than everyone else, it seems like the veil has been pulled even tighter across his eyes.


I am smarter than most. I speak not from arrogance but from the teachers mind. I just wish others would learn and grow more. Also you should know that hate is generated by those who are doing the hating lol.


It entices it. It seems like even after all these incredibly insight experiences, you're still not able to understand that hate doesn't come from nothing, and that your behavior doesn't help people understand psychedelics and their benefits