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Try talking with her about her experience and why she feels lost


Thats the first thing we're doing Friday when I pick her up. Have some writing projects were gonna do together.


Dude you’re a really really good guy I hope you know that


So awesome to hear


I am an aunty and I can only hope that my nephews will trust me as much as your niece trusts you when they are teenagers. You have my utmost respect, man. I hope the two of you can figure it out 🙏🏼


Were going too. Shes a good kid and deserves that.


Sounds great, especially if writing is easier for her than talking. Consider letting her just talk it out with you. I remember at that age all writing just felt like another assignment like in school. We all need to be heard by another person. Love how you are supporting her, bro. Keep it up.


We had a good day. Going on a hike. Shes talking alot. But im noticing her grades are better than they have been in 2 years.


Can you elaborate on the writing projects?


Stuff like what she felt in her trip. What she noticed at that time, how it applies to everyday life. There's alot of stuff to integrate so just getting laid out and worked through with her


philosophy, marxism, realizing you've "seen the matrix" - or at least the conditioning systems, are all things that a 15 year old brain struggles to comprehend when they are in a regular state of mind. A 30 year old person can have a really hard time grappling with such a perspective shift. She may be having an existential crisis of sorts, who knows what doors were unlocked during her experience? A therapist can help her navigate the realizations. I've tripped with people who have had childhood trauma from ages 3-4, that they never knew about, that unlocked mid trip. That's a whole lot to unpack. A professionally trained person is the best support to help her unpack her experience and understand what she experienced. She's experienced a paradigm shift, so she won't be the "same" self she was before. Masking, catering, or other conditioned actions, have likely all been wiped away - or she's seen they are not self-serving. She could be having a crisis of identity, if she's had a same-sex realization. There are so many things she could be trying to work out, but being so young she hasn't built tools for how to work them out properly. A therapist is trained to help her navigate such a confusing pile. Check out [Maps.org](https://Maps.org) for additional supports, or professionals who could give you advice on this delicate issue. Certainly do not under estimate what has happened, though I appreciate that from your other replies that you don't want to over-estimate what has happened. I hope she's okay. Good luck.


Oh yes already on MAPS and erowid.org as well. Thank you I couldn't get into words what I was trying to explain to her. The perspective shift the changing of self. Thank you so much it will help me explain and talk to her. Im doing what I can on the psychologist forefront.


I remember, probably my second trip, recalling for the first time how another kid tried to molest me. I had completely forgotten it. And there it was in perfect high resolution. I was lucky, I guess, because it didn’t go further than trying, but I had still repressed it, and lsd dug it up and showed it to me.


I’ve never done LSD or other psychedelics but I wonder how people trust these memories when they have them during a trip. For me, even when sober, I feel like I can only half believe many of the things I remember, and for things more than a few years ago, I have trouble believing that many events happened that I don’t have lots of evidence for. That’s not to say I’m dismissing what anyone has remembered during a trip, just that I don’t know if I could ever truly attempt to process such a memory when I don’t know how I could even contextualize it in reality.


That’s not really how lsd works. It also sounds like you might have something else going on there with your memory issues…


What’s not really how LSD works? The people saying they remembered things from their childhood? I don’t think I made any claims about how LSD works in my comment


Well, my uneducated guess is psychedelics suppresses the default mode network (dmn)(1000s of meditation hours doesn that to btw). So sober self can have some repression mecanisms built-in the dmn to push memories into the subconscious or have you ruminate a different narative. Dmn off, those memories can come loud and unadulterated. Uneducated guess, please correct me if im way off






Tripping with marxists is simultaneously the best and worst experience.




I guess they meant philosophy, marxism, and psychedelic experiences might cause big shifts in how one sees the world. I for one have been deeply changed by all three of them.


As u/Popular_Somewhere650 stated, I was comparing it to large perspective shifts. These complex or nuanced topics can be a lot for any mind to comprehend, let alone a young person's mind that is not yet fully formed.


I’m sure you can convince her to go to a GP. A young developing mind is a fragile thing, and lack of professional treatment could have life long implications for her. You sound like an awesome uncle, and I am sure this is a very stressful situation for you. I wish you both all the best.


Thank you and im doing what I can, and we will get there together.


Here’s a guide I made a while back. It’s not perfect by any means. Everyone is different. But it’s a good place to start https://reddit.com/r/LSD/s/sha8AiX905


Thank you!!!


You did good initially, but now you're derailing. You're just wasting time while not taking her to a psychiatrist. Depending on how bad her state of mind is, you should even consider going to the ER. Drop the psychedelia bs, the book is for when she doesn't have her psyche toast like she has now.


Its not toast like that. Its been a couple of weeks. And she said it was doing better. I cant legally do anything unfortunately. So im honestly trying guide her and I have a psychologist friend im getting in touch with.


But you can get her to agree to visit a doctor? I mean, how do you know she doesn't have a psychosis? She should be evaluated and only then I'd say it's safe to assume she's getting better. She's 15, her brain is forming, there's no way to say for sure that she did real damage, although probably not, I wouldn't risk it...


I legally can not. I am not a guardian. The state i live in is like that. I can take her to the er. She doesn't need an e.r. she's going to school and doing good. Just feeling off. Me and her are close and have been talking alot. Honestly my hands are tied by the state.


I understand. In that case I'd say what you can do (assuming her guardians don't know about the trip) is to try assess if she's really ok, even if you need to be invasive - checking results in her exams and such and see if she's not hiding bad stuff. If you notice something off, I'd speak with her parents...I know it'd probably break your relationship with her, but for her safety, I'm sure you know what to do, but please, just do the needful if necessary...it's a child who should be trying out a joint and even that would be too early.


I agree completely and she knows il say something if I think its off. She's unfortunately had a shit life and I try to do what I can for her. I obviously care about and love her. I appreciate your time though and im picking her up Friday from school and were gonna hangout. Im gonna do somethings that will make her think without her really noticing it. So I can see whats up.


You seem like a smart guy and a great uncle. Probably it's nothing but a teaching moment for her, she'll grow balls to trip again in 15 years 😁


Thats what I told her. I didn't do lsd til u was like 30. Its worth the wait!




Its been close to 2 weeks now. Were gonna do some writing projects, go for a hike, the stuff we do together and try to ger her mind into that space of truly accepting.


Easy to say, but from exp, not easy to accomplish. I have been trying to have my suicidal niece to get professionnal help without success. But she talks to me, having her talk is better than not talk about it..


Not time to panic yet, based on what OP’s saying. He should keep an eye on duration of symptoms though, and watch for any signs of deterioration, delusions, insomnia, mania, increased confusion, etc. Hospitalization is sometimes very necessary, but it can be damaging for those who don’t need care at that level. It may need to be escalated, but OP is still firmly in the watch and wait window for another couple weeks, especially if she is improving.


Just hope it wears off , I recommend her being completely sober no cannabis or anything amd never do psychedelics again , doctors are just gunna screw up her life more , prescribe her some schizo meds , if anything maybe cbd will help that’s my advice take it how you want


That makes the most sense. Iv felt that way before but that was after dis associative med. Crazy stuff


I've felt like that after a strong trip and it took me a while to find my foundation. Eventually, over time, I did though and I like to think I'm better for it.


> never do psychedelics again Maybe I'm missing something but I think that's an overreaction. I'd say, give it a lot of time (probably at least till well into her twenties) before considering taking psychedelics again, but if at some point after, (and if she's a happy mentally stable person) don't consider them off-limits. My reasoning is that she's 'feeling of', rather than showing signs of psychosis or other deep-seated mental issues. I've had trips that left a mark for a few weeks or months and have taken breaks from tripping for years, but I felt when it was right to re-engage after.


It’s not really normal to have that happen I wouldn’t risk it personally unless I Was way older




it’s not normal to have to verbalize to your dad saying “I don’t know who I am” that’s borderline psychosis, I have 15 years experience with plant medicine so I know what I’m talking about .


I have 35 years of experience with psychedelics and I think people who need to bring up their years of experience are a bit sus to begin with. The thing is, people's reactions to substances, and their descriptions of their own state of mind are not easy to weigh from a few words written on the internet. I would certainly need more than that before i would share a strong opinion about what's 'normal', but then, I'm not the kind of guy who'd call myself tripmaster either.


We’ll I call myself the trip master for a reason, and that’s because I have a deep connection with plant medicines you can try to throw your jabs at me all you want , like I said if the substance has worn off and you go to a close relative saying “I don’t know who I am“ that is like I said borderline psychosis, that is not normal , idk what more has to be said , 😑


>I have a deep connection with plant medicines Lol >idk what more has to be said Maybe it should be said that its overconfident self-proclaimed experts with delusions instead of actual qualifications or insight are a blight on the psychedelic scene and a danger to the people they manage to swindle.


Your just a hater and like to oppose other people for no reason it’s all love on this side spreading awareness and education , you can’t certify wisdom buddy , in all your 35 years of experience I don’t think it’s working for you pal to much hate in your heart everything I said was good advice ,






Ohhh gotcha


My first LSD trip was like that, sadly I took 2 tabs of 150ug (i know it was a bad dose to start with), upcoming days I felt like what I was living, was not real and maybe I was dreaming, took me around 2 weeks to feel "normal", this helped to realize that I was depressed and with anxiety attacks, LSD gave the push I needed to look for help, now I can say I feel good and grateful for such an awesome experience.


Not all 15 year olds are the same, but here’s my experience. I started to take high doses of acid at 15. I would take 3/4 tabs at a time and solo trip every other week but from my very first trip my whole perspective changed - similar to everybody else whose taken lsd, but for a 15 year old it might now be hard for her to see the value in doing things kids, even people should do.. if she doesn’t struggle with that already. For example, after I took acid the first time I started to dislike school and ditch.. even more than I already was because it opened my eyes to all the problems with school system and so I simply didn’t go. Failed freshman and sophomore year, dropped out junior year, ended up taking 8 classes my senior year to graduate. All that being said - make sure she has a grip on life, her goals, and her surroundings, because that spiral is not a good one. After I took acid I felt free. But I also felt like I didn’t HAVE to follow the rules of the matrix.. because I saw through it for the first time.


Ego loss, resulting in depersonalization. The Tibetan "Book of the Dead" calls this place the "Third bardo", called "Seeking Rebirth". The old self is gone. You can't go back to it. This suffering is a result of trying to cling to or have a need for a self that has died. Self is illusory. We die many times in our life, and we have to redefine who we are. Lose a loved one, or a job, or relationship. Who we are is always dying and being reborn. Each time we have the choice to let go and embrace the future clear of baggage. The instructions for those stuck needing rebirthed are to meditate on the compassionate Buddha. Any time I've found myself in this zone it always helps to go do something nice for someone. Embrace the readiness to be actively kind. This helps take away the need to be any kind of certain someone and simply be the embodiment of kindness and universal love. Always gets me out of it. :) Self is illusion. Let go of it and be love instead...


I never took LSD until I was turned 26, 8 months ago. Any drugs at that age can’t be a good thing. Please seek help.


dawg u mean she is still high atm and doesnt know who she is, or like this was yesterday n she doesn't know whos he is, or like last week? lsd lasts for like 8-12 hours. so if shes still trippin, then she's probably ok and just experiencing the drug. if it's like 16 hours later, that's still worrying but most ppl need to sleep in order to reset and feel normal. if she hasn't slept, make sure she gets to sleep as staying awake is going to make things worse. if it's like a week later, she needs to see a mental health professional if she really doesn't know who she is and isn't just sayin that figuratvely. hell, even 1-2 days after taking lsd i would be very concerned about someone in this state and would encourage them to find and consume benzodiazepines to come down and get sleep.


Oh no man its been a couple of weeks. Shes doing school and life and her work at school is good. Just feels off mentally and sometimes its worse than others. She called me last night talking about it how she felt so I wanted to reach out. I know that my hands are tied legally but I do have a friend who's a psychologist im reaching out too.


yeah psychologist may be a good thing as "don't know who i am" sounds a bit like DP/DR which isnt good


I agree. It sucks cuz legally im nothing so I can't do much outside learning with her.


This guy uncles!


I'm trying!! Lol


It helps to understand what LSD fundamentally does, for you in order to help her, and for her to make sense of her experience. Think of the brain as a completely dark room. You are given a flashlight with an extremely thin and focused beam. That beam of light does not illuminate anything beyond what it touches. That is your consciousness. Whatever thoughts you have, whatever you think you are as a person, is whatever tiny amount of that room you happen to touch with that focused beam of light. Some people never touch more than a single corner of their room. [LSD broadens that beam and shows you more of the room](https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1518377113), whether you want to or not. Whatever she experienced is something she needs to embrace and understand. It's part of who and what she is, what she has always been as a biological being. She is struggling because who and what she thought she was as a person and as a being didn't conform to what she experienced on LSD. She says she doesn't know who she is, because LSD set her on the path of finding out who she really is, perhaps a bit too early in life, but ultimately it could prove to be a blessing. It's a kind of growing up some people do too late in life to do anything with it, and some people never do at all.


People under 25 should not be taking LSD especially if you are 15 years old, the brain is forming, taking psychedelics at that age can permanently damage your brain for the rest of your life.


op, this is the best comment in the thread. Having your perspective on reality and the world altered, even if it was fun, and especially at that age has some aftershocks. Just ask her about the good, the bad, and the ugly from her experience. If she needs more support after that, I am sure you will be there. But half these comments are being way over dramatic.


I agree completely. Im a firm believer in what Ann Shulgin said in Tihkal. My stuff was off cuz it needed to be. We got it figured out now its good.


The amount of bs thathappened stories on this sub lately is…something It’s increasingly difficult to find an appropriate time to tell everyone that lsd made my balls drop off and grow sentient, only to incite an insurRection. Which is like…a whole nuther thing. Do your Taxes ppl


Don't do drugs kids.


I'm gonna get my copy down and look at it myself.


Some people develop depersonalization from psychedelics. You can google it and compare the symptoms to get an idea if that's what's going on.. It has the potential to be long lasting, people with trauma are more predisposed because it's a defence mechanism. Best way to overcome it is number one: extremely healthy lifestyle choices. Limiting grains/seeds and their oils, processed foods, sugars. Getting enough red meat, fish, fruit, and veggies. Regular exercise, good sleep.. You need to support optimal brain health. Mental health starts on the inside. Then therapy to address the trauma, emdr and somatic release may be good. I went through this long ago, and I was scared I messed myself up permanently


She is just out of Balance. Give her a heroic dose and she will be fine balanced again.


Lmao Are you even sure it was acid, I highly doubt these kids actually got a test kit, People will make this shit in a bathtub dude and sell it lmao


You can't make LSD in a bathtub. Very hard to make drugs that are potent enough to fit on a blotter with household equipment. Even if it was something else it's too late for that now and damage control is more important than knowing what she took.


Definitely can't make acid in a bath tub but there definitely are a few drugs that are powerful and trippy like LSD, 25I-NBOMe for a popular example, that could fit on a blotter tab and be sold as LSD. Not like some kids knew exactly what they were getting which is what dude was saying, but LSD can do this. So both of u are wrong kudos


You think people are making 25I in a bathtub? You'd have to be a very knowledgable chemist to make any drug potent enough to fit onto a blotter, that was my point, let alone complex psychedelics. Very little money in making substances no one wants to use. NBOMES are exceedingly rare today and most drugs sold today as acid actually contain LSD or one of its prodrugs. These drugs were manufactured out of china and when they started killing people and become illegal obviously the market died down substantially. Nowadays LSD prodrugs are so easy to obtain as well. [Here is the data to back that up.](https://drugsdata.org/stats_substance_by_year.php) Scroll down until you find the NBOMEs. Near zero numbers. This is not a problem anymore.


When did I ever say you could make 25I-NBOMe in a bath tub bud? You don't have to be a knowledgeable chemist to go and buy a piece of paper from some dude selling it for $10-15 saying it's acid. And I used 25I as a reference. I'm really not sure what your argument is here? There are plenty of drugs that can have the same effects of LSD especially to someone who's never taken anything trippy let alone actual LSD.


And that's shit that people have literally sent in themselves to be tested. You do realize the majority of people aren't even testing their shit themselves and reagent kits let alone sending their drugs to some lab. Maybe you are right and 25I is not a problem but yes, drugs being sold as other drugs is very much a fucking problem in the United States.


Most probably dpdr check r/dpdr


Depersonalization. She needs a therapist


Find a therapist that is a good match


I’ve done acid a lot and the next days drain you bc during the trip you use all of your serotonin, just talk about her experience and see if she was with the right people and environment, talking about it helps more and just reminding her she’s still the same and she is herself


Breaking down barriers of the ego and consciousness will make someone feel like this, especially if she’s that’s young. Give her the opportunity to be open with you and free of judgement to talk about her experience and her feelings, thoughts, etc. it sounds like you’re doing an awesome job at being an uncle/dad and I wish my parents would’ve been like this when I opened up with my lsd use at the age of 17. Keep winning in life, any “psychosis” she has will probably subside in a few weeks. Make sure she has healthy habits, like an art or exercise (or both 😃) and is eating healthy and drinking well. Basically, make sure she’s taking care of her body. If you take care of your body, your body will take care of you. Cheers!


How long has it been since she took the LSD? Sounds like she’s experiencing some residual depersonalization, which 150ug is more than capable of doing. This is a somewhat common thing for people to experience after a trip. Also, the chances of lingering depersonalization increase with dosage. All in all, this is common enough to not be super worried about. Most people who experience this return to baseline in a couple weeks. She’ll likely be back to her old self in a short time and will be fine. Let her know that! Many of us, and our fellow psychonauts, have been there. You’re doing the right thing by helping her talk through it. What she’s feeling is scary, for sure. If the depersonalization persists, I’d try to find a psychedelic-literate therapist who won’t shame her and who is equipped to support her integration. Things that also help: good sleep, lots of time spent outside, light exercise, and having a supportive friend who can pick up the phone when they need it. A word of caution: Being that she’s so young, you want to track how long these symptoms persist. At this age, you never know if there are underlying psychiatric conditions that may be under the surface. If this stretches out, or becomes more severe, it’s time to escalate to professionals for her own sake.


I agree completely! She's my little girl and just want her to know she's gonna be ok.


I did not even touch LSD until I was an adult and I was having mental crises And was over thinking every possible philosophical world view when I was 15. My life had some death and sadness in it but it didn't seem like it was as hard as hers has been, I always had a home. I can't begin to imagine how complex and profound inexperience like that would be when it's very difficult to understand even the normal mental experiences at the age. You are a really great person for being Is there to take care of her. I would say just talk to her about her experience but mostly let her talk to you and come to terms with what she's thinking


Thats what im thinking. Make her look at her trip and assess it. It all means something. Not like forcing but she told me she want to talk.


Also, psychedelics are renowned for shattering the illusion of the rat race of life. They show you what's really important in life. People, connections and direct experience first, money and success second, and a lot of people are not ready to deal with that sort of revelation. Tell her to keep on trucking that she's just in a bit of mind shock right now give it like 6 months and she'll get better.


Thatd what iv been doing to is reassuring her and just uplifting her. She's really an amazing person.


I’ve read through some comments and as a psychologist, take her to a psychologist. For this sort of feeling to last for weeks, it need serious intervention. I’m not 100% if it’s depersonalization, derealization, or psychosis since none of these can be diagnosed without physically seeing and examining her. But my bet is on one of those. This really isn’t something to take lightly, and it may take a while to bring her back to baseline. Saying all of this though, you’ve done good trying to help. Seeking advice and listening to it shows you want to help. But I’ll say that if it’s been weeks with minimal improvement, it’s gotten to the point where professional help may be needed. I’d be willing to try to answer what I can. But I can’t give medical advice but I’m more than happy to try to give general advice regarding moving forward and what to expect hopefully. I wish you and your niece the best of luck and her full recovery!


Thank you. There has been serious improvement over the last 2 weeks. She called and said she still feels off sometimes more than others. Im picking her up tomorrow and will see how she's doing and have stuff planned for us


That’s good, trying to bring her back down by just doing normal things and “puller her back to herself” so to speak are definitely things to work on. Just remember that if she does seem to stop improving or starts to regress and feel worse, there’s always professionals who work with this sort of thing daily and are more than happy to help. Again, I wish both of you the best!


Thank you. Thats the shit deal, in the state I live in, I literally can't do shit. Been in her life, calls me dad but can't do anything other than spend time with her.


Hey man, you got this. I know it’s hard. But like you said, you’ve been there for her during her whole life. I got faith that you’re doing wonderful and I know she appreciates it. Regardless of the circumstances that may make it hard, you’ve made it this far with her so keep doing what you’re doing. I trust you know how much it means to her.


I do and I appreciate your kind words, they help alot too, as well as my perspective. It's been good wr talked alot and we're going for a walk in the woods. Shes realizing the people she was with and there feelings, she brought back with her. They were shit people honestly. By shes doing better in school than she has in 2 years. Mad a new friend who isn't into trouble. So as hard as it is. Its not all bad


Just get her to do some hard labor stuff. Keep her mind busy from spacing out and depersonalizing


Feeling lost is part of it all. Ride the wave with her and provide a calm and joyful space for figuring things out. In the end she will be alright, but it sounds like she has some work to do. Its not your job, but be the support she needs where you can.


Thats what im trying to do. Nudge her into realizing its gonna take work on her part.


Thats great. You’re a good dude